Merge sort

Merge sort algorithms are based on the divide and conquer rule. Given a list of unsorted elements, we split the list into two approximate halves. We continue to divide the list into two halves recursively.

After a while, the sublists created as a result of the recursive call will contain only one element. At that point, we begin to merge the solutions in the conquer or merge step:

    def merge_sort(unsorted_list): 
if len(unsorted_list) == 1:
return unsorted_list

mid_point = int((len(unsorted_list))//2)

first_half = unsorted_list[:mid_point]
second_half = unsorted_list[mid_point:]

half_a = merge_sort(first_half)
half_b = merge_sort(second_half)

return merge(half_a, half_b)

Our implementation starts by accepting the list of unsorted elements into the merge_sort function. The if statement is used to establish the base case, where, if there is only one element in the unsorted_list, we simply return that list again. If there is more than one element in the list, we find the approximate middle using mid_point = int((len(unsorted_list)) // 2).

Using this mid_point, we divide the list into two sublists, namely, first_half and second_half:

    first_half = unsorted_list[:mid_point] 
second_half = unsorted_list[mid_point:]

A recursive call is made by passing the two sublists to the merge_sort function again:

    half_a = merge_sort(first_half)  
half_b = merge_sort(second_half)

Now for the merge step. When half_a and half_b have been passed their values, we call the merge function, which will merge or combine the two solutions stored in half_a and half_b, which are lists:

 def merge(first_sublist, second_sublist): 
i = j = 0
merged_list = []

while i < len(first_sublist) and j < len(second_sublist):
if first_sublist[i] < second_sublist[j]:
i += 1
j += 1

while i < len(first_sublist):
i += 1

while j < len(second_sublist):
j += 1

return merged_list

The merge function takes the two lists we want to merge together, first_sublist and second_sublist. The i and j variables are initialized to 0, and are used as pointers to tell us where we are in the two lists with respect to the merging process.

The final merged_list will contain the merged list:

    while i < len(first_sublist) and j < len(second_sublist): 
if first_sublist[i] < second_sublist[j]:
i += 1
j += 1

The while loop starts comparing the elements in first_sublist and second_sublist. The if statement selects the smaller of the two, first_sublist[i] or second_sublist[j], and appends it to merged_list. The i or j index is incremented to reflect where we are with the merging step. The while loop stops when either sublist is empty.

There may be elements left behind in either first_sublist or second_sublist. The last two while loops make sure that those elements are added to merged_list before it is returned.

The last call to merge(half_a, half_b) will return the sorted list.

Let's give the algorithm a dry run by merging the two sublists [4, 6, 8] and [5, 7, 11, 40]:





Step 0

[4 6 8]

[5 7 11 40]


Step 1

[ 6 8]

[5 7 11 40]


Step 2

[ 6 8]

[ 7 11 40]

[4 5]

Step 3

[ 8]

[ 7 11 40]

[4 5 6]

Step 4

[ 8]

[ 11 40]

[4 5 6 7]

Step 5

[ ]

[ 11 40]

[4 5 6 7 8]

Step 6


[ ]

[4 5 6 7 8 11 40]


Note that the text in bold represents the current item referenced in the loops first_sublist (which uses the i index) and second_sublist (which uses the j index).

At this point in the execution, the third while loop in the merge function kicks in to move 11 and 40 into merged_list. The returned merged_list will contain the fully sorted list.

Note that while the merge algorithm takes O(n) time, the merge sort algorithm has a running time complexity of O(log n) T(n) = O(n)*O(log n) = O(n log n).

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