Subscribing to email requests

Here's our code that we use to subscribe to our EmailSendRequest messages. Once we receive one we will immediately process this via the ProcessEmailSendRequestMessage function:

public void Subscribe()
Bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus("host=localhost",
x => x.Register<IConventions, AttributeBasedConventions>());
IExchange exchange = Bus.Advanced.ExchangeDeclare("EvolvedAI", ExchangeType.Topic);
IQueue queue = Bus.Advanced.QueueDeclare("Email");
Bus.Advanced.Bind(exchange, queue, Environment.MachineName);
Bus.Subscribe<EmailSendRequest>(Environment.MachineName, msg => { ProcessEmailSendRequestMessage(msg); },
config => config?.WithTopic("Email"))

This in turn, calls our internal SendEmail function, passes the message with all the required parameters, and then sends the message:

bool ProcessEmailSendRequestMessage(EmailSendRequest msg)
Console.WriteLine("Received Email Send Request Message");
RILogManager.Default?.SendInformation("Received Email Send Request Message");
return true;

Did you notice that when we subscribe to a message this time, we are specifically looking for an exact topic, in this case, EmailWithTopic extensions will be a great help moving forward in subscribing to our intended messages.

Once this is complete, our message will have been sent and received.

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