Processing bond response messages

This message is generated in response to BondsRequestMessage, where someone is theoretically asking to price a bond. In our examples, everything is theoretical, but there's no reason you can't hook it up to a Bloomberg service license and get the information in real time. Regardless of how you do it, this shows the process of request-response and how to do it. As a microservice manager, we don't care about the work going on, as long as it goes on. What we do care about are the completions and results, which, in production, we would store or report upon:

bool ProcessBondMessage([NotNull] BondsResponseMessage msg)
Console.WriteLine("Received Bonds Response Message");
RILogManager.Default?.SendInformation("Received Bonds Response Message");
Console.WriteLine(msg.message + ":n"
+ " issue: " + msg.issue + "n"
+ " maturity: " + msg.maturity + "n"
+ " coupon: " + + "n"
+ " frequency: " + msg.frequency + "nn"
+ " yield: " + msg.yield + " "
+ msg.compounding + "n"
+ " price: " + msg.price + "n"
+ " yield': " + msg.calcYield + "n"
+ " price': " + msg.price2);
return true;
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