Structure and standards for classes

Class definitions, whether for concrete/instantiable classes or any of the ABC variants, have a similar structure defined, and will be arranged in sorted groups as follows:

  • Class attributes and constants
  • Property getter methods
  • Property setter methods
  • Property deleter methods
  • Instance property definitions
  • Object initialization (__init__)
  • Object deletion (__del__)
  • Instance methods (concrete or abstract)
  • Overrides of standard built-in methods (__str__)
  • Class methods
  • Static methods

The property getter, setter, and deleter methods approach was selected, rather than using method decoration, in order to make it easier to keep property documentation in a single location in the class definition. The use of properties (technically, they are managed attributes, but properties is a shorter name, and has the same meaning across several languages) as opposed to general attributes is a concession to unit testing requirements, and to a policy of raising errors as close to their cause as possible. Both will be discussed shortly, in the unit testing part of the Process standards section.

The concrete class template then contains the following:

# Blank line in the template, helps with PEP-8's space-before-and-after rule
class ClassName:
    """TODO: Document the class.
Represents a WHATEVER
    # Class attributes/constants      #

    # Property-getter methods         #

#     def _get_property_name(self) -> str:
#         return self._property_name

    # Property-setter methods         #

#     def _set_property_name(self, value:str) -> None:
#         # TODO: Type- and/or value-check the value argument of the 
#         #       setter-method, unless it's deemed unnecessary.
#         self._property_name = value

    # Property-deleter methods        #

#     def _del_property_name(self) -> None:
#         self._property_name = None

    # Instance property definitions   #

#     property_name = property(
#         # TODO: Remove setter and deleter if access is not needed
#         _get_property_name, _set_property_name, _del_property_name, 
#         'Gets, sets or deletes the property_name (str) of the instance'
#     )

    # Object initialization           #

    # TODO: Add and document arguments if/as needed
    def __init__(self):
Object initialization.

self .............. (ClassName instance, required) The instance to 
                    execute against
        # - Call parent initializers if needed
        # - Set default instance property-values using _del_... methods
        # - Set instance property-values from arguments using 
        #   _set_... methods
        # - Perform any other initialization needed
        pass # Remove this line 

    # Object deletion                 #

    # Instance methods                #

#     def instance_method(self, arg:str, *args, **kwargs):
#         """TODO: Document method
# self .............. (ClassName instance, required) The instance to 
#                     execute against
# arg ............... (str, required) The string argument
# *args ............. (object*, optional) The arglist
# **kwargs .......... (dict, optional) keyword-args, accepts:
#  - kwd_arg ........ (type, optional, defaults to SOMETHING) The SOMETHING 
#                     to apply
# """
#         pass

    # Overrides of built-in methods   #

    # Class methods                   #

    # Static methods                  #
# Blank line in the template, helps with PEP-8's space-before-and-after rule

Apart from the __init__ method, which will almost always be implemented, the actual functional elements, the properties and methods, are commented out. This allows the standards expected to be present in the template, and developers can, if they so choose, simply copy and paste whichever code stub(s) they need, uncomment the whole pasted block, rename what needs to be renamed, and start writing code.

The template file for abstract classes is very similar to the concrete class template, with the addition of a few items to accommodate code elements that are not present in a concrete class:

# Remember to import abc!
# Blank line in the template, helps with PEP-8's space-before-and-after rule
class AbstractClassName(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """TODO: Document the class.
Provides baseline functionality, interface requirements, and 
type-identity for objects that can REPRESENT_SOMETHING
    # Class attributes/constants      #

    # ... Identical to above ...

    # Instance property definitions   #

#     abstract_property = abc.abstractproperty()

#     property_name = property(

    # ... Identical to above ...

    # Abstract methods                #

#     @abc.abstractmethod
#     def instance_method(self, arg:str, *args, **kwargs):
#         """TODO: Document method
# self .............. (AbstractClassName instance, required) The 
#                     instance to execute against
# arg ............... (str, required) The string argument
# *args ............. (object*, optional) The arglist
# **kwargs .......... (dict, optional) keyword-args, accepts:
#  - kwd_arg ........ (type, optional, defaults to SOMETHING) The SOMETHING 
#                     to apply
# """
#         pass

    # Instance methods                #

    # ... Identical to above ...

    # Static methods                  #
# Blank line in the template, helps with PEP-8's space-before-and-after rule

A similar template is also available for class definitions that are intended to serve as formal interfaces; classes that define functional requirements for an instance of a class, but that don't provide any implementation of those requirements. It looks very much like the abstract class template, barring some name changes and the removal of anything that is or implies a concrete implementation:

# Remember to import abc!
# Blank line in the template, helps with PEP-8's space-before-and-after rule
class InterfaceName(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    """TODO: Document the class.
Provides interface requirements, and type-identity for objects that 
    # Class attributes/constants      #

    # Instance property definitions   #

#     abstract_property = abc.abstractproperty()

    # Object initialization           #

    # TODO: Add and document arguments if/as needed
    def __init__(self):
Object initialization.

self .............. (InterfaceName instance, required) The instance to 
                    execute against
        # - Call parent initializers if needed
        # - Perform any other initialization needed
        pass # Remove this line 

    # Object deletion                 #

    # Abstract methods                #

#     @abc.abstractmethod
#     def instance_method(self, arg:str, *args, **kwargs):
#         """TODO: Document method
# self .............. (InterfaceName instance, required) The 
#                     instance to execute against
# arg ............... (str, required) The string argument
# *args ............. (object*, optional) The arglist
# **kwargs .......... (dict, optional) keyword-args, accepts:
#  - kwd_arg ........ (type, optional, defaults to SOMETHING) The SOMETHING 
#                     to apply
# """
#         pass

    # Class methods                   #

    # Static methods                  #
# Blank line in the template, helps with PEP-8's space-before-and-after rule

Taken together, these five templates should provide solid starting points for writing code for any of the more commonly expected element types expected in most projects.

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