
Absolute return, 16, 121

Accredited investors, 34, 11

Active investment management, 17, 62

abandoning, 127128

Active Portfolio Management. See Fundamental Law of Active Portfolio Management

Alpha stocks, 17, 55, 68

buying, 56

seeking, 56

Apple company, 95

Arbitrage, 1112, 2122, 31, 113

convertible, 115

equity, 115, 116

fixed-income, 114, 115, 116

statistical, 22

Ask price, in stock trading, 25, 28

Asset-based valuations, 3637, 4243

Assets under management (AUM), 4, 10

fee, 122

Back end load funds, 13

Backtesting trading strategy, 93, 105106

cautions about, 106107

components of, 105

cross validation of, 107

Bankruptcy, 37


defined, 17

versus return, 1618

Berkshire Hathaway, 6566, 95

The Bet, 138

Beta stocks, 55

balanced portfolio of, 5859

buying, 56

Bid price, 25, 28

The Big Short, 5

Biggs, Barton, 103104

Black, Fisher, 114

Black–Scholes formula, 114

Bogle, John, 17, 51, 127

Book value, of firm, 3637, 42

Breadth, of portfolio strategy, 6667, 71

as diversification, 6768

as trading, 6870

Brokerage firms, 25, 2829, 127

Buffett, Howard, 32

Buffett, Warren, 22, 31, 65, 6667, 129

education of, 3233

Buy orders, 26

Buy to close orders, 27

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 19, 51

alphas, betas, and correlations of, 5356

hedge fund strategies in, 5659

implications of, 51, 56

overview of, 5253

Capital, defined, 9

Capitalism, defined, 98

Cash flow–based valuations, 4243

Charting. See Technical analysis

Cigar butt approach, 32, 33

Circle of competence, 72

Cohen, Steven, 2324

Company valuation

asset-based, 3637, 4243

cash flow–based, 4243

dividend-based, 3740

dividend discount model, 40

growth-based, 42

introduction to, 3544

long-term ownership of asset, 4142

used by hedge funds, 4748

Compound annual growth rate (CAGR), 1516

Constraints, for portfolio optimization, 81

Contingent orders, 27

Convertible arbitrage, 115

Correlation coefficients, 5356

Cost–benefit analysis, 19

Creative destruction, 98

Cumulative returns, 15, 18, 105

Dalio, Ray, 8586

Dark pools, 29, 127

Data mining, 107

Data sources, of stock price data, 99102

datafeeds, characteristics of, 99

information feeds

InsiderInsights, 100101

StarMine, 100

Thomson Reuters Machine Readable News, 100

Datafeeds, characteristics of, 99

Derivatives, 115, 116, 125

Discount rate, defined, 39

Discounting, defined, 3738

Diversification, breadth as, 6768

Dividend-based company valuation, 3740

Dividend discount model, 40

Dividends of stock, 39, 40, 9596

Dodd-Frank financial reform, 125

Dow Jones Industrial Average, 18

Drawdown, 19

ratios of, 20

Economic moat, 33

Efficient frontier, 78

and portfolio optimization, 8283

Efficient markets hypothesis (EMH), 51, 87, 88, 107

debates over, 63

three versions of, 6263

Ehrlich, Paul, 129

Einhorn, David, 22, 4950

Equity strategy, for hedge funds, 11, 12

Event-driven strategies, of hedge funds, 12

Event studies, on stock prices

affecting stock price, 4748

assessing and using, 9091

conducting, 8990

overview of, 8789

Exchange traded funds (ETFs), 4, 6

Fama, Eugene, 62

Fill backward missing values, 97

Fill forward missing values, 97

Finance, 11, 51, 69

quantitative, 12

Financial markets, 35, 106, 126, 130

Fixed-income arbitrage, 114, 115, 116

Flash Boys, 5, 29, 126

Forward testing trading strategy, 105

Free ride stocks, 27

Front end load funds, 13

Front running trades, 29, 125127

Frontier markets, 26, 62

Fundamental analysis, 36

Fundamental Law of Active Portfolio Management, 6572

breadth, 6667, 71

as diversification, 6768

as trading, 6870

implications of, 72

information coefficient, 71

information ratio, 7071

performance of, 6667

skill, 6667

Funds of hedge funds, 13

Gate Capital, 122

Going long, in stock market, 2627

Graham, Benjamin, 3132, 35, 43, 44

Grinold, Richard, 66

Growth-based firm valuations, 42

Hedge Fund Research, Inc., 17

Hedge funds, 31, 51

active management, abandoning, 127128

benchmark (relative return)

versus return, 1618

betting, 129

case study, 113117

company valuation, using, 4748

conclusion, 130

evaluating, 1419

event studies, assessing and using, 9091

fee structure of, 1314, 122123

front-running, 125127

funds of, 13

history of, 10

insider trading, 124

institutions retreat from, 128129

introduction of, 36

macro, 48

managers, 12

momentum or direction of, 12

versus mutual funds, 11

opportunities and challenges for, 121130

performance of, 121122

private exchanges and dark pools, 127

registration and marketing of, 123124

returns, 1416

versus benchmark (relative return), 1618

risk, 1819

Sharpe ratio, 1920

strategies of, 1112

in CAPM framework, 5659

explanation of, 2122

systemic importance of, 125

Hedging, 56, 71

HFRI index, 121122, 128

HFRX index, 17

High frequency trading (HFT), 29, 126127

How The Eggheads Cracked, 113

Human ingenuity, versus resource depletion, 129

IBM, actual and split-adjusted stock price, 25, 26, 9495, 96

Information coefficient (IC), 71

Information feeds, illustration of, 100101

Information ratio (IR), 7071, 106

Insider trading, 61, 124

InsiderInsights, 100101

Institutions, retreat from hedge funds, 128129

Intangible assets, 36

Intellectual property, 11

The Intelligent Investor, 31, 35

Intrinsic value, of firm, 22, 31, 32, 36

dividend-based valuation, 3740


economic role of, 910

framework for, 5159

short, 22

value, 22, 3133, 3536

Investment Company Act of 1940, 10, 123

Investment management, 62

Investment managers, 17, 62

Jones, Albert Winslow, 10, 56, 121

Journal of Economic Literature, 87

Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act, 123

Kahn, Ronald, 66

Liabilities, 36

Limit order, 26

Liquid markets, 26, 63

Load funds, 13

Long-term capital management (LTCM), 3, 113

aftermath of, 116117

fall of, 115116

rise of, 114115

MacKinlay, A.C., 87, 90

Malkiel, Burton, 51, 63, 127

Margin of safety, 35, 43, 44


capitalization, 36

conditions, changing, 107

defined, 25

efficiency of, 47, 48, 6162, 99

impact costs, 105

liquidity, 26

makers, 25, 26

making mechanics, 2529

milliseconds, advantage of, 2829

neutral strategy, 121

order, 26

book, for XYZ stock, 2728

types of, 2627

spreads, 2526, 28

value, of firm, 36

Markowitz, Harry, 77

Mean reversion, 89

Meriwether, John, 3, 113114

Merton, Robert, 114

Miller, Merton, 51

Modern portfolio theory (MPT)

dynamic process of, 83

efficient frontier, 8283

limitations of, 8384

low correlation, 7981

optimization basics, 8182

overview of, 77

portfolio optimization, 8283

risk and return trade-off, 7779

Modigliani, Franco, 51

Money, time value of, 3740

More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and The Making of the New Elite, 5

Mortgage-backed securities (MBS), 125

Mullins, David, 114

Munger, Charles, 33

Mutual funds, 4, 10, 123, 124

expenses, 13

versus hedge funds, 11

NASDAQ stock price, 25

three-hour break in, 9697

New York Federal Reserve Bank, 115116

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 25, 62, 96

Niche markets, 26, 62

Opportunity cost, 38, 39

Optimization. See Portfolio optimization

Orders, in market

book, for XYZ stock, 2728

types of, 2627

Ownership, of asset, 4142

Paired trade, 114

Paper trades, 105

Payout ratio, of stock, 96

Perpetuity payments, 41

Portfolio construction, 78, 8384

Portfolio management. See Fundamental Law of Active Portfolio Management

Portfolio optimization, 78

algorithm for, 82

basics, 8182

constraints for, 81

decision variables for, 81

objective function of, 81

search procedure for, 82

dynamic process of, 83

and efficient frontier, 8283

goals of, 81

limitations of, 8384

Portfolio’s return, 16, 5658

Present value cash flows, 3839, 41, 47

Price-to-book ratio, 37

Private exchanges, 127

Quant arbitrage, 113, 130

Quant hedge funds, 6, 65

Quant strategies, 6, 113

Quantitative finance, 12

The Quants, 5

Quantum Capital, 3

A Random Walk Down Wall Street, 51, 63, 127

Rebate fees, 26

Regression to the mean, 22

Relative return. See Benchmark

Renaissance Technologies (RenTec), 6566, 67

Resource depletion, versus human ingenuity, 129

Returns, in hedge funds, 1416

versus benchmark (relative return), 1618

risk-adjusted, 69, 72, 77, 80, 91, 106

and risk, combining, 1920

Risk, in hedge funds, 1819

adjusted returns, 69, 72, 77, 80, 91, 106

and return trade-off, 7779, 80

and returns, combining, 1920

Robertson, Julian, 3

Rule of 72, 1516

SAC Capital, 124

Savings, defined, 9

Scholes, Myron, 114

Securities Analysis, 31

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations, 10, 11, 123

Seides, Ted, 129

Sell orders, 26

Sell to open orders, 27

Selling short, in stock market, 2627

Semi-strong form of EMH, 6263

Shareholders, 9596

Sharpe ratio, 1920, 70, 8081, 82, 91, 106

Sharpe, William, 19, 51

Short investing, 22

Simon, Julian, 129

Simons, Jim, 7374

Soros, George, 3, 119120

Sortino ratio, 19, 20, 84

Specific risk, of asset, 67

Standard deviation, 1819, 67, 69, 79, 84

StarMine, 100

Statistical arbitrage, 22

Steinhardt, Michael, 109110

Stock market index, 17, 51, 121, 127128

Stock price data

actual versus adjusted, 93

breaks in, 9697

data sources of, 99102

dividends of, 9596

events affecting, 4748

splitting of, 9395

reverse, 95

ticker symbols, missing, 9798

Stop loss orders, 27

Stop orders, 27

Strong form of EMH, 6263

Summers, Larry, 125

Sun Microsystems, 97

Survivor bias, 98, 99

Systematic risk, of asset, 67

Tangible assets, 36

Technical analysis, 36, 63

Thomson Reuters Machine Readable News, 100

Ticker symbols, missing, 9798

Tiger Fund, 3

Time value of money, 3740


breadth as, 6870


actual versus adjusted stock price data, 93

backtesting, 105107

breaks in series and missing data, 9697

conclusion, 98

dividends of, 9596

forward testing, 105

stock splits, 9395

ticker symbols, missing, 9798

systems, automated, 91

Trailing stop orders, 27

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 125

Unit investment trusts. See Mutual funds

Value investing, 22, 3133, 3536

Vanguard Balanced Index Fund, 51, 122

Variance. See Standard deviation

Volatility, 18, 67, 126

Wall Street, 3, 6, 13, 16, 44, 83, 113, 114, 115, 117

Weak form of EMH, 6263

When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management, 5, 113

XYZ stock, order book for, 2728

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