Chapter 8

Comparison of Different Multicriteria Decision-Making Methodologies for Sustainability Decision Making

Hanwei Liang1, Jingzheng Ren2, Suzhao Gao3, Liang Dong1,4 and Zhiqiu Gao5,    1Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, China,    2The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China,    3Chongqing University, Chongqing, China,    4Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands,    5Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China


The objective of this chapter is to compare different weighting methodologies and different multicriteria decision-making methodologies for sustainability decision making. Four weighting methodologies and four multicriteria decision-making methodologies have been compared in this chapter; the weighting methodologies comprise two objective methodologies (entropy method and ideal point method) and two subjective methodologies (analytic hierarchy process and Delphi method), the multicriteria decision-making methodologies consist of four options, including technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution, data envelopment analysis, preference ranking organization method for enrichment evaluation, and principal component analysis. The proposed weighting methodologies and multicriteria decision-making methodologies have been compared by applying them on sustainability decision making among five energy scenarios.


Sustainability; energy scenarios; MCDM; weighting methodology; efficiency

1 Introduction

One of the greatest challenges facing humanity during the twenty-first century is to provide safe and sustainable energy supplies (Abouelnaga et al., 2009). The march from the primitive human, through the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, and the industrial revolution to the technological age has been characterized by decreasing dependence on muscle power and increasing use of energy (Garg et al., 2006). Thus, the decrease of nonrenewable energy is becoming more and more serious, and the lack of energy in adequate quantities will be the most serious obstacle of the entire economic activity of a country.

Energy is an indispensable factor for the social and economic development of societies (Kahraman and Kaya, 2010). The usage of energy concerns economic, environmental, and social aspects of a nation, adjust the energy structure of a nation suitably is instrumental for the social and economic development in sustainable way, consequently, energy planning is the process of developing long-range policies to help guide the future of a local, national, regional, or even the global energy (Kaya and Kahraman, 2011). Making an energy planning decision involves a process of balancing diverse ecological, social, technological, and economic aspects over space and time (Heo et al., 2012).

The selection of various energy scenarios is a laborious task due to multiple of criteria would affect the superiority of the energy scenarios, decision making has to consider several conflicting objectives because of the increasingly complex social, economic, technological, and environmental criteria that are present (San Cristóbal, 2011; Demirci and Miele, 2013). Various different and conflicting attributes are involved in energy scenarios; thus, the selection of energy scenario is a complex problem. Due to the increase of complexity in the planning and decision making among different energy scenarios with different multiple attributes, the corresponding techniques are prerequisite (Bolat and Thiel, 2014a; Bolat and Thiel, 2014b).

Traditional single-criterion decision-making is not able to handle the conflicting objectives. The comparative assessment of alternative scenarios with respect to multiple conflicting evaluation aspects can be achieved through multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methodologies, which is increasingly used to resolve the emerging conflicts, by aggregating each performance or individual preferences in each single criterion by taking into account their relative weights of importance (Diakoulaki and Karangelis, 2007). It is an operational evaluation and decision support approach suitable for complex problems featuring high uncertainty, conflicting objectives, multiinterests, and perspectives (Kaya and Kahraman, 2011; Chang et al., 2012). However, there are various different MCDM methods for sustainability decision making on the selection of energy scenarios and also weighting methods that can be used to determine the weights of the attributes/criteria, and it is difficult for the users to know the difference and the pros & cons of them. Thus, different weighting methodologies and different multicriteria decision-making methodologies for sustainability decision making are compared in this chapter.

Hydrogen is considered as the most potential energy carrier due to its renewable and pollution-free characteristics. But sometimes, it is more complex to design, build and utilize hydrogen energy than those fossil energy, and its efficiency and key mechanisms in many countries and regions are still unclear. Many researches applied MCDM and many other analytical methods to evaluate the performance of hydrogen energy during production (Chang et al., 2011; Ren et al., 2013a; Ramazankhani et al., 2016), transportation (Streimikiene et al., 2013), storage (Gim and Kim, 2014; Walker et al., 2016), and conversion stages (Chiuta et al., 2014). For instance, Chang et al. (2011) used fuzzy Delphi methodology to select two optimized hydrogen production technologies among seven for achieving further development. Chang et al. (2012) assessed the performance of hydrogen fuel cell applications based on MCDM. Gim and Kim (2014) evaluated the selection of five hydrogen storage systems for automobiles in Korea using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. The researchers also evaluated the project performance, supply chain, and dissemination program of hydrogen energy based on MCDM. For instance, Büyüközkan and Karabulut (2017) applied MCDM to prioritize the best energy project among many alternatives by considering economic feasibility, environmental and social circumstances. Chun et al. (2016) decomposed the driving factors on those completed hydrogen energy R&D projects and evaluated their performance using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Heo et al. (2010) evaluated the dissemination program of hydrogen using the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method with respect of five criteria (i.e., technological, market-related, economic, environmental, and policy-related criteria). Ren et al. (2013b) afforded the stakeholders/decision-makers a method for prioritizing the sustainability of hydrogen supply chains. From nationality face, Ren et al. (2015) also proposed the best strategies for promoting the development of hydrogen economy in China based on strengths–weaknesses–opportunities–threats (SWOT) analytical method.

2 Data Processing

Suppose the set of options for selection can be denoted by Eq. (8.1), the set of attributes/indicators can be denoted by Eq. (8.2), and the set of weighting coefficients for each attribute can be denoted by Eq. (8.3):

A={A1,A2,,Am}, (8.1)

image (8.1)

X={X1,X2,,Xn}, (8.2)

image (8.2)

W={ω1,ω2,,ωn}, (8.3)

image (8.3)

where m is the number of the options or alternatives, n represents the number of the attributes.

The values of the attributes can be gathered, as shown in Eq. (8.4):

X=[x11x12x1nx21x22x2nxm1xn2xmn], (8.4)

image (8.4)

where xijimage is the value of attribute j of option i.

In order to calculate more conveniently, all the attribute values should be transformed into the value between 0 and 1, if the bigger the value of the attribute is, the more superior the option will be, then the attribute (indicator) can be recognized as positive attribute, in that case, Eq. (8.5) can be used to achieve the transformation; otherwise, the indicator can be recognized as negative attribute, then Eq. (8.6) can be used to achieve the transformation. After the transformation, all the attributes have been transformed into positive ones.

yij=xijmjMjmj, (8.5)

image (8.5)

yij=MjxijMjmj, (8.6)

image (8.6)

where Mj=max(xij),i=1,2,,m,mj=min(xij),i=1,2,,m.image

3 Weighting Methodology

Weighting coefficients that reflect the relative importance of the criteria/indicators are usually used in many MCDM methodologies. The methodologies for determining the weights of the criteria/indictors can be divided into two groups: Objective weighting method and subjective weighting method. In this chapter, two popular objective weighting methods (entropy weighting method and ideal point weighting method) and two subjective weighting methods (analytic hierarchy process and Delphi method) have been studied.

3.1 Entropy Weighting Methodology

Entropy is a concept introduced by thermodynamic, which had been used to measure the unavailability of a system’s energy to do work and also a measure of the disorder, namely, the confusion degree of the system; the higher the entropy the greater the disorder and vice versa.

Claude E. Shannon developed the concept of information entropy which is a measure of the uncertainty associated with a random variable (Zhang et al., 2011). The way to calculate entropy coefficient can avoid the deviation caused by some subjective reasons (Lotfi and Fallahnejad, 2010).

The entropy of indicator j can be calculated in Eq. (8.7):

Sj=ki=1mfijlnfij(j=1,2,,n), (8.7)

image (8.7)

where fijimage and k can be calculated in Eqs. (8.8) and (8.9):

fij=yiji=1myij, (8.8)

image (8.8)

where yijimage is the value of indicator j in alternative i, m represents the number of the alternatives, fijimage indicates the ratio of indicator value of indicator j in sample i.

k=1lnm, (8.9)

image (8.9)

where k represents entropy constant.

Eq. (8.8) can also normalize the raw data to eliminate anomalies with different measurement and scales because the process transform different scales and units among various indicators into common measurable units to allow for comparison of different indicator (Lotfi and Fallahnejad, 2010).

And assume fijlnfij=0image, when fij=0image;

Then, the diversification of indicator j can be calculated in Eq. (8.10):

Dj=1Sj. (8.10)

image (8.10)

The smaller the value of the entropy of indicator j, the bigger the effect of the indicator j is. Finally, the entropy weighting of indicator j can be computed by Eq. (8.11):

Wentropy={ωjentropy}={Dj/j=1nDj}(j=1,2,,n). (8.11)

image (8.11)

3.2 Ideal Point Weighting Method

The principle of Ideal Point (IP) method is that the selected best alternative should have the shortest distance from the ideal point in geometrical sense (Ye et al., 2006; Hwang, 2013). The ideal point set and antiideal point set can be acquired by Eqs. (8.12) and (8.13):

R+=(y1+,y2+,,yn+), (8.12)

image (8.12)

R=(y1,y2,,yn), (8.13)

image (8.13)

where yj+=max(yij),yj=min(yij),i=1,2,,mimage.

The sum of Euclidean distance to the ideal point by weighting method can be calculated in Eq. (8.14):

hi+=j=1n[wj+(yijyj+)]2=j=1n(wj+)2(yijyj+)2i=1,2,,m. (8.14)

image (8.14)

It can be supposed that the best weighting coefficient can minimize the sum of Euclidean distance to the ideal point, as shown in Eq. (8.15). The programming problem comprised by Eqs. (8.15)(8.17) trends to make all the alternatives close to the ideal point, then the weighting coefficients can be obtained by Lagrange function, as shown in Eq. (8.18). The weighting coefficient vector can also be acquired as shown in Eq. (8.19).

mini=1mhi+=i=1mj=1n(wj*)2(yijyj+)2, (8.15)

image (8.15)

j=1nwj*=1, (8.16)

image (8.16)

wj*>0, (8.17)

image (8.17)

where wj*image is the weighting coefficient for indicator j determined by the first and second programming problem, respectively.

wj*=1i=1m(yijyj+)2j=1n1i=1m(yijyj+)2, (8.18)

image (8.18)

W*=(w1*,w2*,,wn*)T. (8.19)

image (8.19)

3.3 Delphi Methodology

Delphi method is a famous weighting methodology which has the characteristic of anonymity, feedback and convergence. The characteristic of anonymity means that the experts who participate in the forecast do not meet mutually, they fill the questionnaire (as shown in Table 8.1) of forecast by back to back, which makes the forecast be not interfered by the psychological factor, so as to reduce the one-sided views toward the authority and experts personally stubborn “the meeting syndrome.” It is advantageous to draw on the wisdom of the masses. The characteristic of Feedback means that it emphasizes on the communication and feedback of information. Each round of forecast would collect and collate every sort of opinions and materials of the preceding round. These opinions and materials would be delivered to experts along with the questionnaire in consultation time, which helps experts fully understand every kind of objective situation and points of view of other experts, so as to improve the comprehensiveness and reliability of forecast. And in these several rounds of the forecast consultation, various opinions of experts are compared, affect mutually and convince mutually, which helps each scattered opinions gradually centralize to the correct aspect to show convergence (Bin, 1998; Keeney et al., 2001; Van Zolingen and Klaassen, 2003) (Table 8.2).

Table 8.1

The Questionnaire for the Importance of the Index

Index Lowly Important Medium Important Highly Important
Score 1 2 3 4 5


Table 8.2

Comparison Scale in T.L. Saaty Method

Scale Definition Note
1 Equal importance i is equally important to j
3 Moderate importance i is moderately important to j
5 Essential importance i is essentially important to j
7 Very strong importance i is very strongly important to j
9 Absolute importance i is very absolutely important to j
2, 4, 6, 8 Intermediate value The relative importance of i to j is between two adjacent judgment
Reciprocal Reciprocals of above The value had been assigned to i when compared to j, then j has the reciprocal value compared to i

The entire forecast procedures of Delphi method is shown in Fig. 8.1, the questionnaire about the importance of the indicator can be used to determine the score of each indicator, a fixed number of experts will be invited to fill in the questionnaire, there are five grades of importance, namely, lowly important (1 score), medium important (2 score, 3 score, and 4 score), and highly important (5 score), the importance of each indicator can be determined by the symbol (√) at the corresponding place by the expert, then the weighting coefficients of various indicators can be calculated in Eqs. (8.20) and (8.21):

S¯j=p=1MSpjM, (8.20)

image (8.20)

Wdelphi={ωjdelphi}={S¯ji=1NS¯j}, (8.21)

image (8.21)

where M represents the number of experts, N denotes the number of the indicators, Spjimage is the score given by the expert p for indicator j, Wdelphiimage is the weighting coefficient vector, and ωjdelphiimage is the weighting coefficient calculated by Delphi methodology.

Figure 8.1 The procedure of Delphi methodology.

3.4 Analytical Hierarchy Process

The AHP is a decision analysis method that considers both qualitative and quantitative information. The use of the AHP approach provided by Saaty (Saaty, 1980) to assess the criteria weightings in MCDM recently has become popular in different areas of system engineering (Su et al., 2010).

Suppose there are n criteria in some hierarchy, the pairwise comparison method proposed by Saaty (Saaty, 1980) can be used to establish the comparison matrix (denoted by matrix A), as shown in Eq. (8.22):

A=[1a12a1na211a2nan1an21], (8.22)

image (8.22)

where aijimage denotes the relative importance of criteria i comparing with j.

The relative importance of criteria j comparing to i can calculated by Eq. (8.23):

aji=1aij,aij>0,i,j=1,2,,n. (8.23)

image (8.23)

As for different systems and different implementers, the result of comparison matrix A is not absolutely the same with each other. With the comparison matrix, the weighting coefficients of each indicator can be acquired by calculating the principal eigenvector of the comparison matrix, as shown in Eq. (8.24):

[1a12a1na211a2nan1an21]|w1w1wn|=λmax|w1w1wn|, (8.24)

image (8.24)

where (w1,w2,,wn)Timage is the maximal eigenvector of matrix A and λmaximage is the maximal eigenvalue of matrix A. The maximal eigenvector and maximal eigenvalue can be calculated in the form as shown in Eq. (8.25) by the tool box of MATLAB when the comparison matrix A have been determined.

[Wmax,λmax]=eig(A), (8.25)

image (8.25)

where λmaximage and Wmaximage are the maximal eigenvalue and maximal eigenvector of the comparison matrix, respectively.

Then weighting coefficient vector can be calculated by normalization of the maximal eigenvector, as shown in Eq. (8.26):

W=(w1i=1nwi,w2i=1nwi,,wni=1nwi)T, (8.26)

image (8.26)

where Wimage is the weight coefficient vector, wiimage represents the weight of indicator i, n represents the total number of the indicators.

If aik=aijajk,i,j,k=1,2,,nimage, then the comparison matrix A can be recognized as consistent matrix. Theory proves that if n-dimensional comparison matrix is a consistent matrix, its maximal eigenvalue must be n. But, it is difficult to establish a comparison matrix which is consistent matrix absolutely. In actual cases, some comparison matrix that meets the condition of consistency check can be recognized as consistent matrix. Consistency ratio is the common method to judge whether a comparison matrix is consistent or not, as shown in Eq. (8.27):

CR=CIRI, (8.27)

image (8.27)

where CR is consistency ratio, CI is consistency index, RI is the average random index with the same dimension with A.

The value of average random index can be acquired in Table 8.3, the consistency index can be computed in Eq. (8.28):

CI=λmaxnn1, (8.28)

image (8.28)

where λmaximage represents the maximal eigenvalue of the comparison matrix A and n represents the dimension of the matrix.

Table 8.3

The Value of the Average Random Consistency Index RI

n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
RI 0 0 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45


When CR < 0.1, the matrix can be acceptable as consistent matrix, contrarily CR ≥ 0.1, the matrix should be modified until an acceptable one.

4 Multicriteria Decision-making Methodology

MCDM is a class of decision-making methodologies based on the premise of assisting the decision-makers through the decision process via explicit formalized models (Zhang et al., 2009). Gumus et al. (2013) proposed the most appropriate hydrogen energy storage method for Turkey based on MCDM. Wang et al. (2009) presented a review of the weighting methods and the different MCDM methodologies for energy scenarios decision making. The weighting methods include objective weighting methods [entropy method, technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution method (TOPSIS), and vertical and horizontal method] and subjective weighting methods (simple multiattribute rating technique, pairwise comparison and AHP, etc.), and the MCDM methods include AHP, TOPSIS, Grey Relation Analysis (GRA) method, elimination et choice translating reality (ELECTRE) method, principal component analysis (PCA), and preference ranking organization reality (PROMETHEE) method.

TOPSIS, DEA, PROMETHEE, and PCA have been studied in the selection of energy scenarios, the reasons why the four MCDM methods have been chosen in this paper is that the fours methods can represent different categories of MCDM, TOPSIS is an unique synthesizing criteria method (Lozano-Minguez et al., 2011), PROMETHEE is the outranking method (De Keyser and Peeters, 1996), DEA is a nonparametric technique for measuring of decision-making units with common input and output terms (Wu et al., 2009; Jahanshahloo et al., 2011), PCA is the a statistical technique (Lu et al., 2011).

4.1 TOSPIS Ranking Method

TOPSIS which had been developed by Hwang and Yoon in 1980s holds the view that the best alternative should have the shortest distance from the ideal point and the longest distance from the antiideal point (Ching-Lai and Yoon, 1981). The optimal solution is the one near the ideal point and distant from the antiideal point (Chu and Su, 2012). But it has been found that sometime there is a solution that has the minimum Euclidean distance from the ideal solution may also has a shortest distance from the antiideal solution as compared to other alternatives, TOPSIS tries to find the solutions that are simultaneously close to the ideal point and far from the antiideal point (Shanian and Savadogo, 2006).

The ideal point comprises all the best values attainable from the criteria, whereas the antiideal point consists of all worst values attainable from the criteria (Salmeron et al., 2012). The ideal point and antiideal point can be acquired by Eqs. (8.6) and (8.7), and if the sample approaches the ideal point and is far away from antiideal point, the sample will be more superior; Minkowski distance methodology can be used to measure the distance from sample i to the ideal point and antiideal point, as shown in Eqs. (8.29) and (8.30):

Di+={j=1nωj(yijYj+)p}1/p, (8.29)

image (8.29)

Di={j=1nωj(yijYj)p}1/p, (8.30)

image (8.30)

where Di+image represents the distance from sample i to the ideal point, Diimage represents the distance from sample i to the antiideal point, ωjimage represents the weighting coefficient of index j, p represents exponential coefficient taking value 2 in this paper.

The closeness coefficient is defined in Eq. (8.31). It indicates the closeness level of the sample to the ideal point and the farness level of the sample to the antiideal point; so, the bigger the first coefficient is, the more superior the sample will be.

Ci=DiDi++Di, (8.31)

image (8.31)

where Ciimage represents the closeness coefficient of the i-th option.

In other words, the higher the closeness coefficient means the better the option. Thus, the closeness coefficients can be used to measure the superiority of the alternatives (Fig. 8.2).

Figure 8.2 The procedure of TOPSIS methodology.

The procedure of TOPSIS methodology can be found in Fig. 8.3, after the closeness coefficients have been calculated, the superiority of the scenarios can be determined.

Figure 8.3 Structure of DEA assessment system.

4.2 Data Envelopment Analysis

The DEA was developed by Charnes and Cooper in 1978 (Charnes et al., 1978), which had been widely used to assessment alternatives with the inputs and outputs of these systems. This method is to define the efficiency measure by assign to each unit the most favorable weights, and it has two significant advantages, the first is that the weighting sets in different units are different, the second is that if a unit turns out to be inefficient compared to the other ones when the most favorable weights are chosen, it proves that it does not depend on the choice of the weights (Basso and Funari, 2001).

DEA can be used to measure the relative efficiencies of different decision-making units that use similar inputs to produce similar outputs where the multiple inputs and outputs are incommensurate in nature (Li and Reeves, 1999). Each alternative can be considered as a system which also has been called decision-making unit(DMU), as shown in Fig. 8.4.

Figure 8.4 The hierarchy for AHP study.

The meaning of the symbols in Fig. 8.4 have been defined as follows:

r = 1, 2, …, m inputs; i = 1,2,……, p outputs;

j = 1, 2, …, t system j; xrj: The amount of input r for unit j;

yij: The amount of input i for unit j; ur: The weighting of input r;

vi: The weighting of output i.

The efficiency of a DMU j can be formulated by the ratio of weighted sum of outputs to weighted sum of inputs (Basso and Funari, 2001), as shown in Eq. (8.32):

hj=i=1pviyijr=1murxrj (8.32)

image (8.32)

The DEA efficiency of the target system j0 can be calculated by solving the programming problem comprised by Eqs. (8.33)(8.36):

maxh0=i=1pviyij0r=1murxrj0, (8.33)

image (8.33)

Subject to

i=1pviyijr=1murxrj1(j=1,2,,t) (8.34)

image (8.34)

urεr=1,2,,m (8.35)

image (8.35)

viεi=1,2,,p (8.36)

image (8.36)

where εimage is a nonarchimedean construct.

The constraints [inequality (8.34)] indicate that the upper bound of the efficiency of the DMU is 100%, namely, the efficiency cannot exceed 1.

The model can be transformed into matrix form, as shown in Eqs. (8.37)(8.40):

maxh0=vTy0uTx0, (8.37)

image (8.37)

vTyjuTxj1, (8.38)

image (8.38)

uε, (8.39)

image (8.39)

vε, (8.40)

image (8.40)




with Charnes–Cooper transformation, as shown in Eq. (8.41):

{t=1/uTx0μ=tuω=tv. (8.41)

image (8.41)

Then, the equivalent linear programming can be acquired, as shown in Eqs. (8.42)(8.46):

maxωTy0, (8.42)

image (8.42)

Subject to

r=1mμrxrj0=1 (8.43)

image (8.43)

i=1pωiyijr=1mμrxrj0(j=1,2,,t) (8.44)

image (8.44)

uε (8.45)

image (8.45)

vε (8.46)

image (8.46)

Subsequently, the linear programming problem can be transformed into the following form, as shown in Eqs. (8.47)(8.51):

max(μT,ωT)(0y0) (8.47)

image (8.47)

ωTyjμTxj0(j=1,2,,t) (8.48)

image (8.48)

uε (8.49)

image (8.49)

vε (8.50)

image (8.50)

μTxj0=1 (8.51)

image (8.51)

According to the duality theory of linear programming, it can be transformed into the following form comprised by Eqs. (8.52)(8.57):

minθε(r=1msr++i=1psi) (8.52)

image (8.52)

Subject to

j=1txrjλj+srθxrjo=0 (8.53)

image (8.53)

j=1tyijλjsi+yijo=0 (8.54)

image (8.54)

λj0(j=1,2,,t) (8.55)

image (8.55)

sr0(r=1,2,,m) (8.56)

image (8.56)

si+0(i=1,2,,p) (8.57)

image (8.57)

The assessment systems can be judged based on the following two definitions (Ye et al., 2006):

Definition 1

If the optimal value θ = 1, then the DMU can be identified as weak DEA effective and vice versa.

Definition 2

If the optimal value θ = 1, and the solution satisfy sr=0(r=1,2,,m)image, si+=0(i=1,2,,p)image then the DMU can be identified as DEA effective and vice versa.

4.3 Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation

PROMETHEE that had been developed in 1980s, can use the outranking principle to rank the alternatives (Brans and Vincke, 1985). The PROMETHEE method has been extended to PROMETHEE family including PROMETHEE I (partial ranking), PROMETHEE II (complete ranking), PROMETHEE III (ranking based on intervals), PROMETHEE IV (continuous case), PROMETHEE V (PROMETHEE II and integer linear programming), PROMETHEE VI (weights of criteria are intervals) and PROMETHEE GAIA (graphical representation of PROMETHEE) (Zhang et al., 2009). The PROMETHEE method can handle data that are known with a reasonable degree of accuracy and have fixed numerical values, and it is a ranking method quite simple in conception and application compared to other multicriteria making methods (Goumas and Lygerou, 2000; Li and Li, 2010). Consequently, PROMETHEE methods have taken an important place among the existing outranking multiple criteria methods (De Keyser and Peeters, 1996).

In PROMETHEE II a complete pre-order (complete ranking) of alternatives is obtained from the net flow that calculated from each alternative. One of the advantages of PROMETHEE over other outranking methods, such as ELECTRE methods, is related to the fact that the decision-makers find it easy to understand the concepts and parameters inherent in the method, which makes the preference modeling simpler and, consequently, increases the effectiveness of applying the methods (Silva et al., 2010). The analysis procedures using the PROMETHEE includes: (a) Establish an alternatives and criterion matrix; (b) selecting a preference function; and (c) calculating the preference index (Chou et al., 2007).

A preference function, as defined in PROMETHEE methods, is turning a difference between two alternatives on a criterion into a value between 0 and 1. The accuracy of the evaluation depends much on the selection of the preference; there are six main types of preference function, which cover most of the practical situations (Ye et al., 2006; Chou et al., 2007). The proposed six types of generalized criteria have been shown in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4

The Shape of the Six Possible Types of Generalized Criteria

Generalized Criterion Type Preference Function P(d)
Type I: Usual Criteria Pj(dj)={0dj=01|dj|>0image image
Type II: U Shape Criterion Pj(dj)={0|dj|q1|dj|>qimage image
Type III: V Shape Criterion Pj(dj)={|dj|t|dj|t1|dj|>timage image
Type IV: Level Criterion Pj(dj)={0|dj|q12q<|dj|t1|dj|>timage image
Type V: V-shape Criterion with Indifference Criteria Pj(dj)={0|dj|q|dj|qtqq<|dj|t1|dj|>timage image
Type VI: Gaussian-criterion Pj(dj)={0dj01edj22δ2dj>0image image


Gaussian type has the advantage of the sensitive to small variations of the PROMETHEE II input parameters (Parreiras and Vasconcelos, 2007), and it also contains continuity (Chou et al., 2007). Consequently, Gaussian type has been chosen for evaluation in this paper.

Multicriteria preference index for a pair of alternatives Aiimage and Akimage has been defined as follows:

H(Ai,Ak)=j=1nwjPj(Ai,Ak), (8.58)

image (8.58)

where Pj(Ai,Ak)image represents the preference function; wjimage represents the weighting coefficient of the indicator j.

The positive flow can be calculated with Eq. (8.59):

ϕ+(Ai)=k=1mH(Ai,Ak)(i=1,2,,m). (8.59)

image (8.59)

The negative flow can be calculated with Eq. (8.60):

ϕ(Ai)=k=1mH(Ak,Ai)(i=1,2,,m). (8.60)

image (8.60)

Then the net flow can be calculated with Eq. (8.61):

ϕ(Ai)=ϕ+(Ai)ϕ(Ai)(i=1,2,,m). (8.61)

image (8.61)

In PROMETHEE II, the net flow can be obtained from the difference between the positive and negative flow and it give an idea of how much each alternative is preferred to the others. Hence, its value can be used to rank all alternatives, in such way that higher values of the net flow correspond to better solutions (Albadvi et al., 2007; Parreiras and Vasconcelos, 2007). The standards have been shown in Eqs. (8.62) and (8.63):

ifϕ(Ai)ϕ(Ak)thenAiAK, (8.62)

image (8.62)

ifϕ(Ai)~ϕ(Ak)thenAi~AK, (8.63)

image (8.63)

where image represents superior to, ~image represents no difference.

4.4 Principal Component Analysis

PCA is a mathematical tool which performs a reduction in data dimensionality and allows the visualization of underlying structure in experiment data and relationships between data and samples, it is a multivariate statistical techniques used to identify important components or factors that explain most of the variances of a system. The technique has the ability to reduce the number of variables to a small number of indices (i.e., principal components or factors) while attempting to preserve the relationships present in the original data (Patras et al., 2011).

Mathematically, PCA normally involves the following five major steps: (1) Start by coding the variables to have zero means and unit variance, i.e., standardization of the measurement to ensure that they all have equal weights in the analysis; (2) calculate the covariance matrix; (3) find the eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvectors; and (4) discard any components that only account for a small proportion of the variation in data sets. The factor correlation coefficient that is greater than 0.75 (or 75%) was considered significant (Ouyang, 2005). The procedure of principal component analysis evaluation has been described as follows:

Step 1: Collect the data about the characteristics (criteria) of the samples, let the original decision-making matrix.

X=|x11x12x1nx21x22x2nxm1xm2xmn|=(X1,X2,,Xn), (8.64)

image (8.64)

where m is the number of the sample and n is the number of the characteristic; xij represents the value of the j(th) characteristic of the i(th) sample.

Step 2: Transform all the criteria in the original decision-making matrix to benefit type, the transformation can be carried out according to the type of the characteristic (criteria).

tij={xijmini=1,2,,m{xij}maxi=1,2,,m{xij}mini=1,2,,m{xij},thej(th)characteristicisthebenefittypemaxi=1,2,,m{xij}xijmaxi=1,2,,m{xij}mini=1,2,,m{xij},thej(th)characteristicisthecosttype, (8.65)

image (8.65)

where benefit criteria is the-larger-the-better type and cost-criteria is the-smaller-the better.

Step 3: Standard transformation.

yij=tijimtij/mi=1m(tijimtij/m)2/m1 (8.66)

image (8.66)

Step 4: Calculate the correlation coefficient matrix. The element of correlation coefficient matrix can be calculated by Eq. (8.67):

rij=(Cov(ysi,ysj)σ(ysi)×σ(ysj)),i=1,2,,n;j=1,2,,n (8.67)

image (8.67)

R={rij}m×n,i=1,2,,n;j=1,2,,n (8.68)

image (8.68)

where Cov(ysi,ysj)image is the covariance of sequences ysiimage and ysjimage;σ(ysi)image is the standard deviation of sequences ysiimage,σ(ysj)image is the standard deviation of sequences ysjimage.

Step 5: Solve the eigenvalue and eigenvector, then calculate the contribution rate H and the cumulative contribution rate TH. The eigenvalues can be determined by Eq. (8.69), the contribution rate and cumulative contribution rate can be calculated by Eqs. (8.70) and (8.71), respectively.

(RλkIn)Vk=0, (8.69)

image (8.69)

where λk represents the eigenvalue, In represents the unit matrix of n-order, Vk is the corresponding eigenvector of λk.

Hk=λkK=1nλk (8.70)

image (8.70)

THl=k=1lλkk=1nλk (8.71)

image (8.71)

Step 6: Express the principal component. Select the first t principal component to make the cumulative contribution rate is greater than 85%, then it can be recognized as significant, it means that the original n characteristics can be expressed by the new t principal components. Then the first t principal component can be determined by Eq. (8.72):

|P1P2Pt|=|V1V2Vt||C1C2Cn|, (8.72)

image (8.72)

where Ps represents the s(th) principal component, and Vk is the k(th) eigenvector which has n elements, as shown in Eq. (8.73):

Vk=(vk1,vk1,,vkn) (8.73)

image (8.73)

Step 7: Calculate the weight of the principal component.

ωk=Hkk=1tHk,k=1,2,,t (8.74)

image (8.74)

where ωk is the weight of the k(th) principal, Hk represents the contribution of the k(th) eigenvale.

Step 8: Determine the evaluation function of each sample:

|F1F2Fm|=(ω1,ω2,,ωt)|P1P2Pt|. (8.75)

image (8.75)

Step 9: Rank the sequence of the samples according to the rule that the larger the score of the evaluation function the better the sample.

5 Application

Five different scenarios that proposed by Afgan and Carvalho (2004) have been studied in this chapter, namely, phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC), solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), natural gas turbine system (gas turbine), photovoltaic system(photovoltaic), and wind energy system (wind); the specific information can be seen in the original research (Afgan and Carvalho, 2004).

The selected indicators and corresponding values for the evaluation of the five energy scenarios have been shown in Table 8.5 and Table 8.6

Table 8.5

Selected Indicators for the Evaluation of the Five Energy Scenarios

Aspect Indicator Description
Performance Ef Carnot efficiency
EC Electric energy cost per unit
CC Capital cost per unit
Li Lifetime of the plant
Market EM Number of GW per next 10 years in European market
WM Number of GW per next 10 years in world market
Environment NOx CO2 concentration in ppm
CO2 NOx concentration in ppm
KI Contribution to Kyoto limits
Society A Needed area per KW
NJ Number of paid hours per KWh produced in lifetime


Table 8.6

The Values of Indicators for the Evaluation of the Five Energy Scenarios

Aspect Performance Market Environment Society
Indicators Ef EC CC Li EM WM NOx CO2 KI A NJ
Unit % Euro/KWh Euro/KWh Year GW/10 years GW/10 years ppm ppm / m2/kW 104
PAFC 40 0.41 1500 5 2 40 1 4 0.1 3 4
SOFC 46 0.35 4500 7 0.5 15 0.5 3.5 0.3 5 1.5
Gas Turbine 35 0.035 750 20 100 2000 3.5 1.5 20 2 300
Photovoltaic 25 0.03 5000 15 1.8 11 0 0 0.3 9 15
Wind 45 0.06 1000 15 60 160 0 0 0.32 2.5 3


5.1 Weighting Coefficient Calculation

The hierarchy for AHP study has been shown in Fig. 8.5. AHP has been used to calculate the weighting coefficients of the evaluation indicators; the comparison matrix of the four aspects (performance, market, environment, and society) has been show in Eq. (8.76). The principal eigenvalue and the consistency have been calculated, as shown in Eqs. (8.77) and (8.78). It can be seen that if the comparison matrix satisfies the consistency check, then the weighting coefficients can be calculated, as shown in Table 8.7. The comparison matrixes of the indicators in each aspect have been shown in Eqs. (8.79)(8.82); likewise, with the consistency check, the corresponding weighting coefficients of the indicators in each aspect and the final indicator of each criteria can be calculated, as shown in Table 8.8.

|PerformanceMarketEnvironmentSocietyPerformance1312Market1/311/51Environment2413Society1/411/31| (8.76)

image (8.76)

λmax=4.0365 (8.77)

image (8.77)

CR=0.0135<0.1 (8.78)

image (8.78)

|EfECCCLiEf1415EC1/411/22CC1212Li1/51/31/21| (8.79)

image (8.79)

|NOxCO2KINOx11/21/3CO2211/2KI321| (8.80)

image (8.80)

|EMWMEM11WM11| (8.81)

image (8.81)

|ANJA11NJ11| (8.82)

image (8.82)
Figure 8.5 Ranks of the energy scenarios by TOPSIS with different weighting coefficients.

Table 8.7

The Weighting Coefficients of the Four Aspects



Table 8.8

The Final Weighting Coefficients of the Indicators by AHP

AspectWeightingIndicatorWeightingFinal Weighting


Ten experts had been invited to fill the questionnaire, all of them are researchers on sustainable energy and sustainability, the result of the survey has been shown in Table 8.9, then the weighting coefficients of the indicators can be calculated by Delphi methodology, as shown in Table 8.10.

Table 8.9

Ticket Number of Each Grade of Importance for Each Indicator

Index Lowly Important Medium Important Highly Important
Score 1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Number of Each Grade of Importance for Each Indicator
Ef 0 0 1 3 6
EC 1 3 5 1 0
CC 0 1 2 4 3
Li 5 4 1 0 0
EM 0 2 7 1 0
WM 0 3 6 1 0
NOx 0 0 1 4 5
CO2 0 0 0 4 6
KI 0 0 0 2 8
A 3 3 2 2 0
NJ 4 2 3 1 0


Table 8.10

The Weighting Coefficients Calculated by Entropy, IP, AHP, Delphi and Average Methods

Indicators Ef Li EM WM NJ EC CC NOx CO2 KI A
Entropy 0.0406 0.0633 0.1429 0.2134 0.2269 0.0610 0.0649 0.0388 0.0663 0.0373 0.0407
IP 0.1137 0.0782 0.0497 0.0404 0.0397 0.0900 0.0852 0.1401 0.0810 0.1543 0.1277
AHP 0.1467 0.0311 0.0514 0.0514 0.0556 0.0485 0.0998 0.0752 0.1366 0.2482 0.0556
Delphi 0.1233 0.0438 0.0795 0.0767 0.0575 0.0712 0.1068 0.1205 0.1260 0.1315 0.0630
Average 0.1061 0.0541 0.0809 0.0955 0.0949 0.0677 0.0892 0.0936 0.1025 0.1428 0.0717


The weighting coefficients of the indicators calculated by the objective methodologies (entropy and ideal point), and the average of the weighting coefficients calculated by the four methodologies have also been shown in Table 8.10. It can be seen that the weighting coefficients of the indicators that have been calculated by different methodologies are different, even the results calculated by the two objective are also different. The objective methodology for the calculation of weighting coefficients can reflect the essence of the things and the subjective can reflect the preference of the decision-makers.

5.2 The Results of MCDM

The closeness indexes of the five energy scenarios by TOPSIS under different weighting coefficients have been show in Table 8.11, and the ranks of the energy scenarios by TOPSIS with different weighting coefficients has been show in Fig. 8.6.

Table 8.11

The Results of TOPSIS Under Different Weighting Coefficients

Scenario PAFC SOFC Gas Turbine Photovoltaic Wind
Closeness Index (Entropy) 0.2810 0.2604 0.8092 0.3483 0.6162
Closeness Index (IP) 0.4491 0.4338 0.6747 0.4771 0.7983
Closeness Index (AHP) 0.4549 0.4389 0.6476 0.4706 0.7879
Closeness Index (Delphi) 0.4149 0.3991 0.6848 0.4534 0.7684
Closeness Index (Average) 0.3999 0.3838 0.7028 0.4355 0.7383


Figure 8.6 Ranks of the energy scenarios by PROMETHEE with different weighting coefficients.

It is obvious that different weighting coefficients using in TOPSIS may cause different ranks, but the results are relatively stable in this case, wind and gas turbine has been recognized as the most sustainable, and follows by Photovoltaic, PAFC and SOFC (from the best to the worst).

Wind and gas turbine have been recognized as the most excellent energy scenarios, the result is consistent with the original research, in study proposed by Afgan and Carvalho (2004), different weighting sets have been used in the synthesizing function, and wind and gas turbine are also obtained high priority.

The implementation of PROMETHEE requires two additional types of information, namely: (a) Information on the relative importance that is the weights of the criteria considered and (b) information on the decision-makers preference function, which he/she uses when comparing the contribution of the alternatives in terms of each separate criterion (Dağdeviren, 2008).

The weighting coefficients were determined by Entropy, IP, AHP, and Delphi; average has been used in PROTHEE II to evaluate the five energy scenarios. The outgoing flow using PROTHEE II under different weighting coefficients has been shown in Table 8.12, and the ranks of the scenarios with different weighting coefficients have been shown in Fig. 8.6.

Table 8.12

The Results Using PROTHEE II for the Evaluation of the Five Energy Scenarios

Scenario PAFC SOFC Gas Turbine Photovoltaic Wind
Outgoing Flow (Entropy) −0.9503 −1.1179 2.3149 −0.6993 0.4526
Outgoing Flow (IP) −0.3056 −0.5018 0.0294 −0.4768 1.2592
Outgoing Flow (AHP) −0.2035 −0.3616 −0.2627 −0.3996 1.2273
Outgoing Flow (Delphi) −0.4394 −0.6284 0.3215 −0.4584 1.2048
Outgoing Flow (Average) −0.4749 −0.6526 0.6000 −0.5085 1.0361


The results are very similar with that determined by TOPSIS, and also fit well with original research. Wind and gas turbine has also been recognized as the most sustainable energy scenarios; SOFC has been recognized as the worst in most of the situations, but the ranks are also not all the same. It can also be concluded that different weighting weightings may also cause different ranks in PROTHEE methodology.

In the DEA, five decision-making units (DMUs) have been considered, EC, CC, NOx, CO2, KI, A that are negative indicators have been used as the inputs, and Ef, Li, EM, WM and NJ that are positive indicators have been used as the outputs in the DMU.

The DEA efficiencies and rank of the five energy scenarios have been shown in Table 8.13, the energy scenarios except SOFC have all been recognized as efficient unit, consequently, SOFC has been recognized as the worst energy scenario whereas the superiority of the other four scenarios cannot be differed. In the original research, SOFC has also obtained a very low rating in most of situations that have been carried. It proves that DEA has the ability to find out the relative efficient and inefficient scenarios, but it cannot identify the best scenarios from the efficient ones.

Table 8.13

DEA Efficiencies and Ranking of the Five Energy Scenarios

Option s1image s2image s3image s4image s5image s6image s1+image s2+image s3+image s4+image s5+image θimage Ranking
PAFC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
SOFC 0.0818 2475.92 0 1.2510 0 1.2900 0 4.8584 39.4275 105.9292 2.1227 0.8339 2
Gas Turbine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Photovoltaic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Wind 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


This study applied principal component analysis to evaluate the integrated performance of the energy scenarios; Table 8.14 shows a summary of the coefficients of the three principal components and the relevant statistics from the PCA. The eigenvalue is a measure of the variance accounted for by the corresponding principal component. The first and largest eigenvalue accounts for most of the variance, and the second the second largest amounts of variance, and so on. Principal component can be ranked according to their ability to explain variance in the original data set (Lam et al., 2008).

Table 8.14

Main Results of PCA Analysis of all the Energy Scenarios for the Criteria

 PC1 PC2 PC3
Ef −0.0713 −0.4362 −0.4049
Li 0.3282 0.3094 −0.1436
EM 0.3815 −0.0350 −0.2506
WM 0.3880 −0.0581 0.1915
NJ 0.3808 −0.0335 0.2600
EC 0.2432 0.4215 −0.2449
CC 0.2538 −0.2936 −0.3742
NOx −0.3431 0.1828 −0.3470
CO2 0.1294 0.4643 −0.4101
KI −0.3814 0.0504 −0.2457
A 0.2063 −0.4392 −0.3152
Eigenvalue 6.2105 3.0875 1.3709
Variance (%) 56.4595 28.061 12.4629
Cumulative Variance (%) 56.4595 84.5205 96.9834


It can be seen that the first three PCs explain 96.9834% of the original data variance for the systems analysis. In the first PC, (PC1) is contributed mainly by the criteria lifetime, European market, world market, number of jobs, and Tokyo index; the second PC2 is heavily loaded by the contribution from efficiency, electricity cost, CO2, and area; and the main constitution of PC3 is nearly the same with PC2.

The three principal components can be calculated as linear combinations of the original 11 indicators, the formulas for calculated the three PCs have been show in Eq. (8.83).

|PC1PC2PC3|=|0.07130.32820.38150.38800.38080.24320.25380.34310.12940.38140.20630.43620.30940.03500.05810.03350.42150.29360.18280.46430.05040.43920.40490.14360.25060.19150.26000.24490.37420.34700.41010.24570.3152|×|EfLiEMWMNJECCCNOXCO2KIA| (8.83)

image (8.83)

According to the corresponding variances of the three PCs, the value function of each energy scenario can be acquired by weighting the three PCs, as shown in Eq. (8.84).

Score=0.5822PC1+0.2893PC2+0.1285PC3 (8.84)

image (8.84)

Then, the energy scenarios can be expressed by the three principal components as shown in Table 8.15, and the final score of each energy scenario can be acquired, as shown in Table 8.16, the ranks of the energy scenarios has been shown in Fig. 8.7.

Table 8.15

The Principal Components of the Energy Scenarios

PAFC −1.4273 −1.7861 −0.3795
SOFC −1.9186 −0.9287 −0.5198
Gas Turbine 4.2319 −0.2975 −0.6099
Photovoltaic −1.0842 2.8611 −0.5793
Wind 0.1982 0.1511 2.0885


Table 8.16

The Score and the Superiority Ranking of the Energy Scenarios

Scenario PAFC SOFC Gas Turbine Photovoltaic Wind
Score −1.3965 −1.4524 2.2994 0.1221 0.4275


Figure 8.7 Relative priorities of the five energy scenarios.

In the PCA, gas turbine has been recognized as the best scenario; wind has been recognized as the second best scenario; photovoltaic, PAFC, and SOFC have been assign at the third, fourth and fifth place, respectively. The result calculated by PCA is basically in accordance with that calculated by TOPSIS, PROTHEE, and DEA; gas turbine and wind have been recognized as the most excellent, whereas SOFC has been recognized as the worst. The result is also consistent with the original research.

6 Conclusion and Discussion

Different MCDM methodologies for the selection of energy scenarios have been compared in this paper, two objective and two subjective methodologies for the calculation of weighting coefficients of the criteria have also been studied. In general, the results calculated by different MCDM methodologies combined different weighting coefficient set are consistent with the original research that carried out by the synthesizing function under different weighting coefficient sets.

The weighting coefficients determined by different methodologies are different. The weighting coefficients calculated by the two subjective methodologies, namely, AHP and Delphi, are different because the objective methodologies can reflect the preference of the decision-makers, whereas the preference of different decision-makers are different, and the allowed participants in AHP and Delphi are also different. The comparison matrix is only for the indicators in AHP; to some extent, it can only reflect the preference of one participant. Though the comparison matrix can be determined by the discussion of multiperson, multiperson are allowed to participate in the decision-making process when Delphi methodology has been used, their preferences can be addressed by the questionnaires.

Meanwhile, the weighting coefficients calculated by the two objective methodologies, namely, entropy methodology and TOPSIS methodology, are also different. It indicates that entropy and TOPSIS methodologies are relative objective comparing to the subjective methodologies that concerns the preference of the decision-makers, and different objective may also result in different weighting coefficients.

According to the comparison of the different methodologies for weighting coefficient calculation, it is also impossible to decide which one is the best. In order to verify the reliability, decision making should consider the weighting coefficient determined by different methodologies.

Four different MCDM methodologies have been used to study five energy scenarios. Results concluded that using different weighting coefficients in the same MCDM methodology may lead to different evaluation results, and using the same weighting coefficients in different MCDM methodologies may also lead to different evaluation results.

TOPSIS methodology, PROMETHEE methodology, and PCA methodology can determine the sequence of the energy scenarios from best to worst, and different weighting sets are allowed to be used in TOPSIS methodology and PROMETHEE methodology. It is a pity that PCA methodology does not permit to set the weighting coefficients of the evaluation criteria, and it is default that all the criteria have equal weighting coefficient. With DEA methodology, the efficient and inefficient energy scenarios can be differed from all the energy scenarios, but it cannot determine the priority sequence of the energy scenarios, because multiple scenario may be recognized as efficient simultaneously.

In the evaluation of the five energy scenarios, although the sequence of the energy scenarios determined by different MCDM methodologies may be different, the scenarios that are better under the same weighting set determined by TOPSIS and PROTHEE are the same. Wind and gas turbine have been recognized as the better scenarios, and this is consistent with the results calculated by DEA and PCA. Wind and gas turbine have been evaluated as efficient by DEA; wind and gas turbine have also been recognized as the better scenarios by PCA, but it is difficult to determine the best scenario because the best scenario will be affected largely by the weighting coefficients and MCDM methodologies.

Consequently, in order to select the best scenario, different weighting methodologies and different MCDM methodologies should be used; then with the comparison of the sequence determined by different MCDM methodologies under different weighting coefficients, the better scenarios can be determined.


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