IBM PowerVC installation
This chapter explains the IBM Power Virtualization Center (IBM PowerVC) Standard Edition and IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager installation. It covers the following topics:
4.1 Setting up the IBM PowerVC environment
IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 can be installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Version 7.1 or later, either on the ppc64, ppc64le, or x86_64 platform.
Note: Unlike the Hardware Management Console (HMC), IBM PowerVC is not a stand-alone appliance. It must be installed on an operating system. On Power Systems hardware, there is the option of RHEL 7.1 Little Endian or RHEL 7.1 Big Endian; both are supported. The general trend is moving toward Little Endian. You must have a valid Linux license to use the operating system and a valid license to use IBM PowerVC.
Before you install IBM PowerVC, install RHEL on the management virtual machine (VM) or management host. IBM PowerVC requires several additional packages to be installed. These packages are automatically installed if you have a valid Linux repository. If you must manually install these packages, see “Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux on the management server or host” in the IBM PowerVC Standard Edition section of the IBM Knowledge Center:
Important: The management VM must be dedicated to IBM PowerVC and the operating system on which it runs. Do not install other software on it.
To set up the management hosts, complete the following tasks:
1. Create the VM (only if you plan to install IBM PowerVC in a virtualized server).
2. Install RHEL Server 7.1or later on the management hosts.
3. Customize RHEL Server to meet the IBM PowerVC requirements.
4.1.1 Creating the virtual machine to host IBM PowerVC
IBM PowerVC can be installed on a VM running on an IBM Power Systems or on x86_64 platform. To install the management VM on a platform that matches your needs, select one of the following methods:
Install the management VM on the IBM Power Systems platform by completing the following steps:
a. Create the VM by using the HMC:
i. In the navigation pane, open Systems Management and click Servers.
ii. In the work pane, select the managed system, click Tasks, and click Configuration  Create Partition.
iii. Follow the steps in the Create Partition wizard to create a logical partition (LPAR) and partition profile.
After the VM is created, you must install the operating system into the management VM.
b. Create the VM by using PowerKVM:
To create the management VM on a PowerKVM host, you can use one of the following options:
 • A command-line utility that is called virsh.
 • An HTML-based management tool that is called Kimchi.
Both tools are provided with PowerKVM.
Important: IBM PowerVC does not support dual management by both IBM PowerVC and Kimchi after IBM PowerVC is installed.
After the VM is created, you must install the operating system into the management VM.
Create the management VM on an x86_64 machine:
To create the management VM on an x86_64 server, follow the instructions for your server.
After the VM is created, you must install the operating system into the management VM.
4.1.2 Downloading and installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux
As part of the IBM PowerVC setup, you must download and install RHEL, so you need a valid license and a valid copy of the software. IBM PowerVC is not a stand-alone appliance. It is installed on top of the operating system, but it does not include the license to use RHEL.
You can get the software and a valid license from the Red Hat website:
Install RHEL by using your preferred method. For more information, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Installation Guide, found at:
Note: After the installation finishes, do not add any other packages to the server. If any other packages are needed by IBM PowerVC, the additional packages are obtained by the IBM PowerVC installer automatically.
Important: IBM Installation Toolkit for Linux must not be installed on the IBM PowerVC management host.
4.1.3 Customizing Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Before you install IBM PowerVC, customize RHEL to meet the following IBM PowerVC requirements (described in the following sections):
Network, domain name server (DNS), and host name configuration
Creation of a repository for the RHEL packages or manual installation
Configuring the network
The first task before you install IBM PowerVC is to configure the network. IBM PowerVC uses the default network interface eth0. To use a different network interface, such as eth1, set the HOST_INTERFACE environment variable before you run the installation script. The following example shows the setting:
export HOST_INTERFACE=eth1
Setting the Domain Name Server and host name
Two options exist for managing name resolution: Either use DNS or use the /etc/hosts file. You must pay attention to the correct setting of the name resolution of all components that are managed by IBM PowerVC.
If you do not plan to use DNS for host name resolution, ensure that all hardware components (including virtualized components) are correctly defined in the /etc/hosts file.
If you plan to use DNS for host name resolution, all hardware components must be defined correctly in your DNS. In addition, you must enable forward and reverse resolution. Host names must be consistent within the whole IBM PowerVC domain.
Important: Regardless of the host name resolution method that you use, the IBM PowerVC management host must be configured with a valid, fully qualified domain name.
Configuring the YUM repository for the IBM PowerVC installation
Before you install IBM PowerVC, you need a valid repository for the RHEL software.
This section provides an example that illustrates how to configure the local YUM repository by using an RHEL International Organization for Standardization (ISO) file so that the IBM PowerVC installation finds the packages that it requires. Complete the following steps:
1. Configure the YUM repository by selecting and adding the new channel for Optional Software.
2. Verify that YUM is seeing the new optional repository file by running the following command:
yum repolist
Important: A list of packages that must not be installed on the server before you start the IBM PowerVC installation is available in the IBM Knowledge Center. For information about the packages’ requirements and restrictions, see “Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux on the management server or host” in the IBM Knowledge Center:
3. The RHEL 7.1 OS media does not contain all the packages that are required by IBM PowerVC. You can download the packages that are required by IBM PowerVC from the Optional Software channel by using the RHN subscription. On RHEL 7.1, some base installation packages must be upgraded during the installation. These updated packages are available in the Base channel. RHEL 7.2 contains the packages that are needed for IBM PowerVC. Table 4-1 lists the package prerequisites for the IBM PowerVC installation.
Table 4-1 RHEL packages that relate to IBM PowerVC
RHEL for IBM Power (ppc64 and ppc64le)
RHEL x86_64
For information about how to add the optional repositories, see this website:
4.2 Installing IBM PowerVC
This section describes how to install IBM PowerVC on your management host by using .tar files that are obtained from the download site.
Before you install IBM PowerVC, ensure that all of the hardware and software prerequisites are met and that your environment is configured correctly. If you need further information, see 3.1.1, “Hardware and software requirements” on page 22. Also, ensure that you prepared the management host and installed the supported version of RHEL Server on it.
Important: The management VM is dedicated for IBM PowerVC and the operating system on which it runs. Do not install other software onto it.
Tip: If you already have IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 installed, navigate to /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/images/cloud and run the install-cloud script. 
To download and install IBM PowerVC, complete the following steps:
1. To begin the installation, open a web browser and go to the Entitled Software Support website:
2. Sign in with your IBM ID.
3. Click Software downloads.
4. Select the Power (AIX) brand.
5. Select the customer number that you want to work with, and click Continue.
6. Select the edition of IBM PowerVC that you purchased under 5692-A6P, and click Continue.
7. Download either the PPC64, PPC64LE, or the x86_64 .tar file.
Note: If your web ID is not yet registered with a customer number, click Register Customer ID number. If you are the first web ID to register your customer number, you become the primary ID. However, if you are not the first web ID, you are forwarded to the primary contact, who must approve your web ID.
8. After you download the .tar file, extract it to the location from which you want to run the installation script.
9. Change your current directory to the directory where the files were extracted.
10. Run the prerequisite check and confirm that all prerequisites are met for installation, as shown in Example 4-1. Correct any errors before proceeding with the installation.
Example 4-1 Install prerequisites verification
# ./install -t
Starting the IBM PowerVC Installation on:
Checking disk space
Output truncated
All the required ports are available
11. Start the installation by running the installation script. Table 4-2 shows options to use with the IBM PowerVC install command.
Table 4-2 Options for the IBM PowerVC install command
-c firewall
The firewall configuration is performed during installation. Unless this option is specified, admin must manually configure the firewall per the documentation. This option is used with silent installations to tell the installer to configure the firewall automatically during the installation. If this option is not defined with the silent install option -s, the firewall is not configured during the installation.
-s <offering>
Runs a silent installation. This option requires that the offering value is set to 'standard', powerkvm' or 'cloud_powervm'.
Runs the prerequisite checks and exits.
Uninstalls to attempt to clean up after a failed installation, and then exits.
Forces the installation to override or bypass certain checks. This option is used with the uninstall option to bypass failures during the uninstallation.
The following values are valid:
preferipv4 (default). This option is the default for the IBM PowerVC installation. Select this option to install IBM PowerVC by using the IPv4 IP address. If the IPv4 address is unavailable, the installation uses the IPv6 IP address.
preferipv6. Select this option to install IBM PowerVC by using the IPv6 IP address. If the IPv6 address is unavailable, the installation uses the IPv4 IP address.
requireipv4. Select this option to install IBM PowerVC by using the IPv4 IP address only. If the IPv4 IP address is unavailable, the installation fails.
requireipv6. Select this option to install IBM PowerVC by using the IPv6 IP address only. If the IPv6 IP address is unavailable, the installation fails.
Displays the help messages and exits.
12. Select the IBM PowerVC offering to install from the following two options:
 – 1 - IBM PowerVC Standard
 – 2 - IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager
13. Select the edition to install from the following two options (this selection is shown only if IBM PowerVC Standard is being installed because IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager does not support PowerKVM):
 – 1 - Standard managing PowerVM
 – 2 - Standard managing PowerKVM
14. Select whether the IBM PowerVC installer should configure the IBM PowerVC host fire wall during the installation.
Note: If the fire wall is not automatically configured during the installation of IBM PowerVC, it must be configured manually after the installation. For required inbound and outbound ports, see the IBM PowerVC IBM Knowledge Center:
15. IBM PowerVC installs, as shown in Example 4-2. An installation log file that is named /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log/ is created.
Example 4-2 Install IBM PowerVC
Starting the IBM PowerVC Installation on:
LOG file is /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log/IBM PowerVC_install_2016-05-18-210132.log
16. After the installation completes, you see a message similar to Example 4-3. Ensure that you download and install any fix packs that are available from Fix Central, as described in 4.5, “Updating IBM PowerVC” on page 88.
Example 4-3 Installation completed
IBM PowerVC installation successfully completed at 2016-05-18T21:18:30-04:00.
Refer to
/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log/IBM PowerVC_install_2016-05-18-210132.log
for more details.
Use a web browser to access IBM PowerVC at
If the installation does not complete successfully, run the following command to remove the files that were created during the failed installation before you reinstall IBM PowerVC:
[IBM PowerVC_install_file_folder]/install -u -f
Note: Use this command only to remove files from a failed installation. If you must uninstall a working instance of IBM PowerVC, run the uninstall command. For more information, see 4.3, “Uninstalling IBM PowerVC” on page 82.
4.3 Uninstalling IBM PowerVC
The procedure to remove IBM PowerVC from the management host is described in this chapter. The uninstallation of IBM PowerVC does not remove or change anything in the environment that is managed by IBM PowerVC. Objects that were created with IBM PowerVC (VM, volumes, and so on) are unchanged by this process. Any RHEL prerequisite packages that are installed during the IBM PowerVC installation remain installed.
To uninstall IBM PowerVC, run the following command:
/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/bin/IBM PowerVC-uninstall
Example 4-4 shows the last few output lines of the uninstallation process.
Example 4-4 Uninstallation successful
NOTE: The IBM PowerVC iptables settings have not been removed
during uninstallation. The administrator should perform the necessary steps
to modify the firewall to the desired settings.
Refer to the Knowledge Center topic for firewall ports for necessary settings to remove.
Uninstallation of IBM PowerVC completed.
Ending the IBM PowerVC Uninstallation on:
Uninstallation was logged in /var/log/IBM PowerVC-uninstall.log
The uninstallation process writes its log to this file:
/var/log/IBM PowerVC-uninstall.log
If you encounter issues when you run the IBM PowerVC-uninstall command, you can clean up the environment by using the following command:
[IBM PowerVC_install_file_folder]/IBM PowerVC-uninstall -f
This command forces the uninstallation of all components of IBM PowerVC. For the complete list of available options with the IBM PowerVC-uninstall command, see Table 4-3.
Table 4-3 Available options for the IBM PowerVC-uninstall command
Forcefully removes IBM PowerVC.
Disables uninstallation logging. Logging is enabled by default.
Uninstalls without prompting.
Saves configuration files to an archive.
Displays the help message and exits.
4.4 Upgrading IBM PowerVC
You can perform an in-place upgrade to IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 on RHEL 7.1 from IBM PowerVC V1.2.3.1 or V1.3.0.1 and later versions. Upgrades to IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 from earlier versions or from different host systems are described in more detail in 4.4.3, “Upgrading or migrating from earlier versions” on page 86.
The currently installed version and offering can be verified either from the web interface or from the IBM PowerVC host command line.
To check the version from the IBM PowerVC management web interface, click Help → About, as shown in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1 IBM PowerVC version check
Figure 4-2 shows the IBM PowerVC version and offering version that are installed.
Figure 4-2 IBM PowerVC version
The installed IBM PowerVC version and offering type can be checked by the command line on the IBM PowerVC host, as shown in Example 4-5.
Example 4-5 Check the IBM PowerVC version from the command-line interface
# cat /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/
[ Install]
name = IBM PowerVC
version =
build = 201605-0041
install-date = 2016-05-19
offering = standard
cloud_enabled = yes
4.4.1 Before you begin
Before you begin your software upgrade, complete the following tasks:
Review the hardware and software requirements for IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1.
Ensure that all compute and storage hosts are running before you start the upgrade.
Verify your environment before you start the upgrade to ensure that the upgrade process does not fail because of environmental issues.
Ensure that no tasks, such as resizing, migrating, or deploying, are running on the VM when you start the upgrade. Any tasks that are running on the VM during the upgrade cause the VM to enter an error state after the upgrade is complete.
Ensure that you manually copy any customized IBM PowerVC.crt and IBM PowerVC.key files from the previous version of IBM PowerVC on RHEL 6.0 to IBM PowerVC
Version 1.3.1 on RHEL 7.1.
Any operating system users from the Admin, Deployer, or Viewer groups on the previous version must be added again to the groups on the RHEL 7.1 system.
If you are using PowerVM Novalink, upgrade the pvm-novalink packages on the PowerVM Novalink hosts to Version
4.4.2 Performing in-place upgrade
A IBM PowerVC host running IBM PowerVC Version or or later can be upgraded to IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 in-place.
During the upgrade process to IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1, the existing Standard installation can be upgraded to IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager offering or kept as the IBM PowerVC standard offering.
During an in-place upgrade, the IBM DB2® database that is used by previous versions is removed and data is migrated to the MariaDB database that is used by IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1. To perform an in-place upgrade, complete the following steps:
1. Obtain the IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 installation package for the current architecture.
2. Extract the installation package to the local file system of the IBM PowerVC host.
3. Go to directory that contains the extracted installation script:
[location_path]/IBM PowerVC-
4. Start the upgrade process, as shown in Example 4-6.
Example 4-6 IBM PowerVC upgrade to Version
[root@c566-IBM PowerVC2 IBM PowerVC-]# ./install
Starting the IBM PowerVC Installation on:
IBM PowerVC version is installed.
Do you want to upgrade to version 1-Yes or 2-No?
Would you like to enable IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager
for IBM PowerVC 1-Yes or 2-No?
LOG file is /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log/IBM PowerVC_install_2016-05-18-234843.log
Checking disk space
Checking file size limit of the file system.
Current maximum file size : unlimited
Extracting license content
International License Agreement for Early Release of
Part 1 - General Terms
Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or
enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, "4" to read non-IBM terms, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.
Do you want the IBM PowerVC setup to configure the firewall? 1-Yes or 2-No?
NOTE: The following list of system configurations will be modified as part of
Continue with the installation: 1-Yes or 2-No?
The validation of IBM PowerVC Services post installation was successful.
IBM PowerVC installation successfully completed at 2016-05-19T00:30:07-04:00.
Refer to
/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log/IBM PowerVC_install_2016-05-18-234843.log
for more details.
Use a web browser to access IBM PowerVC at
5. During the upgrade to Version 1.3.1, the existing IBM PowerVC configuration data is preserved. If a selection was made during the upgrade to enable IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager, the offering is changed from IBM PowerVC Standard Edition to IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager. This option is available only for IBM PowerVC editions managing PowerVM environments.
4.4.3 Upgrading or migrating from earlier versions
This section provides methods to upgrade or migrate from earlier versions of IBM PowerVC.
Upgrading from earlier versions
To upgrade IBM PowerVC to Version 1.3.1 from versions earlier than Version or Version, the following steps are required:
1. Review the hardware and software requirements for IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1.
2. Obtain the IBM PowerVC Version 1.2.3.x or Version 1.3.0.x (where x is 1 or later) installation package for current architecture.
3. Upgrade the current IBM PowerVC installation to Version 1.2.3.x or 1.3.0.x (where x is 1 or later) on the current system.
4. Perform an in-place upgrade of IBM PowerVC to Version 1.3.1, as described in 4.4.2, “Performing in-place upgrade” on page 84.
Migrating from earlier versions
To upgrade IBM PowerVC and migrate the existing data on to a new host system, the following steps are required:
1. Go to the previous version of IBM PowerVC host system and run the following command:
/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/bin/IBM PowerVC-backup
2. Install a new IBM PowerVC host system OS and the prerequisite packages for the current IBM PowerVC version.
3. Install the same version of IBM PowerVC with the same architecture as the source system on to a new IBM PowerVC host system.
4. Shut down IBM PowerVC services on the existing IBM PowerVC host by running the following command:
/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/bin/IBM PowerVC-services stop
5. Move the backup file from the old host system to the new IBM PowerVC host system.
6. Restore the original system data that was backed up in step 1 on to the new host system by running the following command:
/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/bin/IBM PowerVC-restore --targetdir [localtion of backup file from step 1]
7. Perform an in-place upgrade of IBM PowerVC, as described in 4.4.2, “Performing in-place upgrade” on page 84.
If you upgrade IBM PowerVC while the user interface is active, it prompts you that it is set to maintenance mode and you cannot use it. After you run the IBM PowerVC-restore command successfully, you can access the IBM PowerVC user interface again.
If an error occurs while you run the IBM PowerVC-restore command, check for errors in the IBM PowerVC-restore logs in the /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log file. After you correct or resolve the issues, run the IBM PowerVC-restore command again.
If you want to install IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 on a system with RHEL 6.0 installed, complete the following steps:
a. Copy the backup archive to another system.
b. Uninstall RHEL 6.0.
c. Install RHEL 7.1 and then install the same IBM PowerVC version that the backup was made with on the new system.
d. Copy the backup archive to this system and restore the archive, as described in steps 5 on page 86 and 6 on page 86.
e. Perform an in-place upgrade of IBM PowerVC, as described in 4.4.2, “Performing in-place upgrade” on page 84.
Upgrading from the Standard to IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager offering
IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 introduces a new offering called IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager. This offering is available only for installations managing PowerVM environments running IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 or later.
The IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager offering can be directly enabled during a new installation of IBM PowerVC or during an upgrade from previous versions of IBM PowerVC.
The IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager offering can be enabled after the system is installed or upgraded to the IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 Standard offering.
To enable the IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager offering on a system running IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 or later, complete the following steps:
1. Log in to the IBM PowerVC host as the root user.
2. Extract the IBM PowerVC Version 1.3.1 or later installation package and go to the cloud folder:
/IBM PowerVC-
3. Start the IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager installation by running the following command. Example 4-7 shows the output of the command.
Example 4-7 Enable the IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager offering
# ./install-cloud
Starting the IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager Installation on:
LOG file is /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log/IBM PowerVC_cloudmanager_install_2016-05-19-4819.log
Output truncated
Stopping IBM PowerVC services...
Shut down LIM on <c566-IBM> ...... done
Starting IBM PowerVC services...
IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager installation successfully completed at 2016-05-19T:50:24-04:00.
Refer to
/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log/IBM PowerVC_cloudmanager_install_2016-05-19-4819.log
for more details.
4.5 Updating IBM PowerVC
IBM PowerVC updates are published on the IBM Fix Central repository. Log in with your IBM ID at the following website to get the update package:
Complete the following steps:
1. Before you update IBM PowerVC, check that enough disk space is available.
Important: If /opt, /var, or /home are separate mount points, 2500 MB of installation space is required in /opt, 187 MB of free space is required in /var, and 3000 MB of free space is required in /home.
2. Download the package to a directory, extract the file, and run the update command. To extract the file, run this command:
tar -zxvf [location_path]/IBM PowerVC-update-ppc-rhel-version.tgz
This command extracts the package in the current directory and creates a directory that is named IBM PowerVC-version.
3. Run the update script by running the following command:
/[location_path]/IBM PowerVC-[version]/update
When the update process is finished, it displays the message that is shown in Example 4-8.
Example 4-8 Update successfully completed
IBM PowerVC installation successfully completed at 2016-05-19T01:12:34-04:00.
Refer to
/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log/IBM PowerVC_update_2016-05-19-012048.log
for more details.
4.6 IBM PowerVC backup and recovery
Consider backing up your IBM PowerVC data regularly as part of a broader system backup and recovery strategy. You can use the operating system scheduling tool to perform regular backups or any other automation tool.
Backup and recovery tasks can be performed only by using the command-line interface (CLI). No window is available to open in the graphical user interface (GUI) for backup and recovery.
4.6.1 Backing up IBM PowerVC
Use the IBM PowerVC-backup command to back up your essential IBM PowerVC data. You can then restore it to a working state in case of a data corruption situation or disaster.
The IBM PowerVC-backup command is in the /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/bin/ directory. Here is the command syntax:
IBM PowerVC-backup [-h] [--noprompt] [--targetdir LOCATION]
Table 4-4 lists the command options.
Table 4-4 Options for the IBM PowerVC-backup command
-h, --help
Displays help information about the command.
If specified, no user intervention is required during the running of the backup process.
--targetdir LOCATION
The target location in which to save the backup archive. The default value is /var/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/backups.
The following data is backed up:
IBM PowerVC databases, such as the Nova database where information about your registered hosts is stored
IBM PowerVC configuration data, such as /etc/nova
Secure Shell (SSH) private keys that are provided by the administrator
Glance image repositories
Note: Glance is the OpenStack database name for the image repository.
Important: During a backup, most IBM PowerVC services are stopped, and all other users are logged off from IBM PowerVC until the operation completes.
Backing up your IBM PowerVC data
To back up IBM PowerVC data, complete the following steps:
1. Ensure that the pwrvcdb user has, at a minimum, read and execute permissions to the file structure for the target directory.
2. Open a CLI to the operating system on the VM on which IBM PowerVC is installed.
3. Navigate to the /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/bin/ directory.
4. Run the IBM PowerVC-backup command with any necessary options. If prompts are not suppressed, respond to them as needed.
The following example shows the command with a non-default mounted file system target directory:
IBM PowerVC-backup --targetDir=/IBM PowerVCbkp
This command displays a prompt to confirm that you want to stop all the services. Type y to accept and continue, as shown in Example 4-9.
Example 4-9 Example of IBM PowerVC backup
# IBM PowerVC-backup
Continuing with this operation will stop all IBM PowerVC services. Do you want to continue? (y/N):y
Stopping IBM PowerVC services...
Backing up the databases and data files...
Database and file backup completed. Backup data is in archive /IBM PowerVCbkp/20160519150019505570/IBM PowerVC_backup.tar.gz
Starting IBM PowerVC services...
IBM PowerVC backup completed successfully.
When the backup operation completes, a new time-stamped subdirectory is created in the target directory and a backup file is created in that subdirectory, for example:
/IBM PowerVCbkp/20160519150019505570/IBM PowerVC_backup.tar.gz
As a preferred practice, copy this file outside of the management host according to your organization’s backup and recovery guidelines.
Note: If an error occurs while you run the IBM PowerVC-backup command, you can check the IBM PowerVC-backup logs file in /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/log.
4.6.2 Recovering IBM PowerVC data
Use the IBM PowerVC-restore command to recover IBM PowerVC data that was previously backed up so that you can restore a working state after a data corruption situation or disaster.
You can restore a backup archive only to a system that is running the same level of IBM PowerVC and operating system (and hardware if the OS is running on a dedicated host rather than a VM) as the system from which the backup was taken. Ensure that the target system meets those requirements before you restore the data. IBM PowerVC checks this compatibility of the source platform and the target platform, as shown in Example 4-10.
Example 4-10 Mismatch between backup and recovery environments
Continuing with this operation will stop all IBM PowerVC services and overwrite critical IBM PowerVC data in both the database and the file system. Do you want to continue? (y/N):y
The backup archive is not compatible with either the restore system's architecture, operating system or IBM PowerVC Version. Exiting.
The backup process does not back up Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates and associated configuration information. When you restore a IBM PowerVC environment, the SSL certificate and configuration remain the same SSL certificate and configuration that existed within the IBM PowerVC environment before the restore operation, not the SSL configuration of the environment from which the backup was taken.
The IBM PowerVC-restore command is in the /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/bin/ directory and has the following syntax and options:
IBM PowerVC-restore [-h] [--noprompt] [--targetdir LOCATION]
Table 4-5 shows the IBM PowerVC-uninstall command options.
Table 4-5 Options for the IBM PowerVC-restore command
-h, --help
Shows the help message and exits.
If specified, no user intervention is required during the execution of the restore process.
--targetdir LOCATION
The target location where the backup archive is. The default value is /var/opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/backups/<most recent>.
To recover IBM PowerVC data, complete the following steps:
1. Ensure that the pwrvcdb user has, at a minimum, the read and execute permissions to the file structure for the target directory.
2. Open a CLI to the operating system on the VM on which IBM PowerVC is installed.
3. Go to the /opt/ibm/IBM PowerVC/bin/ directory.
4. Run the IBM PowerVC-restore command with any necessary options. If prompts are not suppressed, respond to them as needed.
Important: During the recovery, most IBM PowerVC services are stopped and all other users are logged off from IBM PowerVC until the operation completes.
The following example shows the command with a non-default target directory:
IBM PowerVC-restore --targetDir=/IBM PowerVCbkp
This command displays a prompt to confirm that you want to stop all of the services. Type y to accept and continue (see Example 4-11).
Example 4-11 Example of IBM PowerVC recovery
# IBM PowerVC-restore --targetdir /IBM PowerVCbkp/20160519150019505570/IBM PowerVC_backup.tar.gz
Continuing with this operation will stop all IBM PowerVC services and overwrite critical IBM PowerVC data in both the database and the file system. Do you want to continue? (y/N):y
Using archive /IBM PowerVCbkp/20160519150019505570/IBM PowerVC_backup.tar.gz for the restore.
Stopping IBM PowerVC services...
Restoring the databases and data files...
Starting IBM PowerVC services...
IBM PowerVC restore completed successfully.
When the restore operation completes, IBM PowerVC runs with all of the data from the targeted backup file.
4.6.3 Status messages during backup and recovery
During the backup and recovery tasks, all IBM PowerVC processes and databases are shut down. Any user that is working with IBM PowerVC receives the maintenance message that is shown in Figure 4-3 and is logged out.
Figure 4-3 Maintenance message for logged-in users
Accessing IBM PowerVC during the backup and recovery tasks is not allowed. Any user that attempts to log on to IBM PowerVC receives the maintenance message that is shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4 Maintenance message for web users
4.6.4 Consideration about backup and recovery
The IBM PowerVC backup and recovery task must be part of a backup plan for your infrastructure. The IBM PowerVC backup and recovery commands save only information that relates to IBM PowerVC. As a preferred practice, save the management station operating systems by using the tool that you prefer at the same time that you back up IBM PowerVC.
4.7 IBM PowerVC command-line interface
IBM PowerVC offers a CLI to perform tasks outside of the GUI. The CLI is used mainly for maintenance and for troubleshooting problems.
Table 4-6 shows the IBM PowerVC commands that are available for the following versions:
IBM PowerVC Standard Edition for managing PowerVM
IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager
IBM PowerVC Standard Edition for managing PowerKVM
Table 4-6 IBM PowerVC available commands
Link to IBM Knowledge
IBM PowerVC-audit-export
Exports audit records to a specified file.
IBM PowerVC-backup
Backs up essential IBM PowerVC data so that you can restore to a working state in case of a data corruption situation or disaster.
IBM PowerVC-cloud-config1
Allows an administrator to work with projects, policies, and VMs.
IBM PowerVC-config
Facilitates IBM PowerVC management node configuration changes.
IBM PowerVC-dbsync
The IBM PowerVC-dbsync command is used to update the component's database tables
to the latest version.
IBM PowerVC-diag
Collects diagnostic data from your IBM PowerVC installation.
IBM PowerVC-domainname
The IBM PowerVC-domainname command displays or sets the default domain name. This command is deprecated and is not supported for future releases.
IBM PowerVC-encrypt
Prompts the user for a string, then encrypts the string and returns it. Use the command to encrypt passwords, tokens, and strings that are stored by IBM PowerVC.
IBM PowerVC-get-token
Authenticates and retrieves an identity token.
IBM PowerVC-keystone
Avoids Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) user group conflicts. You can also use this command to list users, user groups, and roles. This command is deprecated and is not supported for future releases.
IBM PowerVC-ldap-config
Configures IBM PowerVC to work with an existing LDAP server. This command is deprecated and is not supported for future releases.
IBM PowerVC-log-management
Provides a utility to view/modify the settings for log management.
IBM PowerVC-manage
The IBM PowerVC-manage command is used to configure OpenStack on a compute node to be managed by a given management system.
IBM PowerVC-register
Registers an OpenStack supported storage provider or fabric.
IBM PowerVC-restore
Recovers IBM PowerVC data that was previously backed up.
IBM PowerVC-services
Starts, stops, restarts, and views the status of IBM PowerVC services.
IBM PowerVC-uninstall
Uninstalls IBM PowerVC from your management server or host.
IBM PowerVC-validate
Validates that your environment meets certain hardware and software requirements.
IBM PowerVC-volume-image-import
Creates a deployable image by using one or more volumes.

1 This command is available only on IBM Cloud PowerVC Manager offering installations.
Table 4-7 shows the IBM PowerVC commands that are available for IBM PowerVC Standard for managing PowerKVM.
Table 4-7 Commands for IBM PowerVC Standard for managing PowerKVM
Link to IBM Knowledge Center
IBM PowerVC-iso-import
Imports ISO images into IBM PowerVC.
IBM PowerVC-log-management
Views and modifies the settings for log management for IBM PowerVC. The default action is to view the current settings.
IBM PowerVC-register
Registers a storage provider that is supported by OpenStack.
4.7.1 Exporting audit data
IBM PowerVC provides auditing support for the OpenStack services. Use the IBM PowerVC-audit-export command to export audit data to a specified file.
An audit record is a recording of characteristics, including user ID, time stamp, activity, and location, of each request that is made by IBM PowerVC.
Reviewing audit records is helpful when you are trying to solve problems or resolve errors. For example, if a host was deleted and you must determine the user who deleted it, the audit records show that information.
The IBM PowerVC-audit-export command is in the /usr/bin directory. The syntax and options are shown in Example 4-12.
Example 4-12 The powervc-audit command use
IBM PowerVC-audit-export [-h] [-u <user name>] [-n <number of records>] [-o <output file>] [-f <filter file>] [-x {json,csv}]
Table 4-8 explains the IBM PowerVC-audit-export command options.
Table 4-8 Options for the IBM PowerVC-audit-export command
-h, --help
Displays help information about the command.
-u <user name>, --user_name <user name>
Sets the user that requests audit data. This flag is optional. The default is the logged-in user.
-p <project name>, --project_name <project name>
Sets the name of the project for which to authenticate and request audit data. This is an optional flag. The default is ibm-default.
-n <number of records>, --top_n <number of records>
Sets the upper limit for the number of audit records to return. The request and response audit records are returned in pairs. This flag is optional.
-o <output file>, --output <output file>
Sets the file that contains the exported audit data. This flag is optional. The default file is export_audit.json or export_audit.csv, depending on the specified output format.
-f <filter file>, --filter <filter file>
Sets the file that contains the filter records. The format of the records is JSON. For examples of filter records, see the IBM PowerVC IBM Knowledge Center. This flag is optional.
-x {text,csv}, --output_format {text,csv}
The format of the exported audit data. This flag is optional. The formats are text (JSON format) and csv. If not specified, the default is json.
To export IBM PowerVC audit data, complete the following steps:
1. Open a CLI to the operating system of the VM on which IBM PowerVC is installed.
2. Go to the /usr/bin directory.
3. Run the IBM PowerVC-audit-export command with any necessary options.
Export audit records in JSON format to the /user's_home_directory/myexport_file file by running this command:
/usr/bin/IBM PowerVC-audit-export -o myexport_file
Export audit records in CSV format to the /user's_home_directory/myexport_file.csv file by running this command:
/usr/bin/IBM PowerVC-audit-export -o myexport_file.csv -x csv
For more information, see this website:
4.8 Virtual machines that are managed by IBM PowerVC
This section provides preferred practices for the operating system on the managed VMs.
4.8.1 Linux on Power virtual machines
If you plan to use Logical Partition Mobility (LPM) or Dynamic Logical Partitioning with your Linux VM, you must install the IBM Installation Toolkit, especially the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) utilities and RSCT core tools. Run the following command to start the IBM Installation Toolkit installation process:
[IBM Installation Toolkit directory]/
Follow the instructions. Example 4-13 shows the common installation output.
Example 4-13 IBM Installation Toolkit sample output
[root@linux01 mnt1]# ./install
Do you want to copy the repository of IBM packages to your machine? [y/n]
Do you want to configure your machine to receive updates of IBM packages? [y/n]
IBMIT needs the ports 4234 and 8080 to be accessed remotely. Would you like to open those ports? [y/n]
The licenses BSD, GPL, ILAN and MIT must be accepted. You can read their text using the options below and then accept or decline them.
1) Read license: BSD
2) Read license: GPL
3) Read license: ILAN
4) Read license: MIT
5) I have read and accept all the licenses
6) I do not accept any of the licenses
#? 5
Configuring an installation repository for your Linux distribution
Where is the installation media to be used?
1) DVD
2) Network (HTTP or FTP)
3) Directory
4) I already have a repository configured. Skip.
5) I don't know
#? 1
Insert the DVD in the drive
Press Enter to continue
Verifying if there is a repository on DVD
Available DVD devices: /dev/sr1 /dev/sr0
Checking /dev/sr1
Adding repository configuration to repository manager
Repository successfully configured
Package ibmit4linux was successfully installed
After you install the Installation Toolkit, install ibm-power-managed-rhel.ppc64 by running the following command:
yum install -y ibm-power-managed-rhel7.ppc64
After the installation completes, check the Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) status by running the following command:
lssrc -a
The output appears as shown in Example 4-14.
Example 4-14 Resource Monitoring and Control status
Subsystem Group PID Status
ctrmc rsct 3916 active
IBM.DRM rsct_rm 3966 active
IBM.ServiceRM rsct_rm 4059 active
IBM.HostRM rsct_rm 4096 active
ctcas rsct inoperative
IBM.ERRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.AuditRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.SensorRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.MgmtDomainRM rsct_rm inoperative
For more information about the toolkit, including installation information, see the IBM Installation Toolkit for Linux on Power website:
4.8.2 IBM AIX virtual machines
To install VMs when your system runs on the IBM AIX operating system, no additional setup is necessary. After the IP address is configured, an RMC connection is automatically created.
Note: IBM PowerVC, PowerVM, and the HMC rely on the RMC services. When these services are down, most of the concurrent and dynamic tasks cannot be run. Check the RMC status every time that you must change the VM dynamically. For more information about RMC, see these IBM Redbooks publications:
IBM PowerVM Virtualization Introduction and Configuration, SG24-7940
IBM Power Systems HMC Implementation and Usage Guide, SG24-7491
Tip: By default, AIX does not contain SSH or SSL tools. As a preferred practice, install them if you want to access a managed machine with commands other than telnet.
4.8.3 IBM i virtual machines
IBM PowerVC can also manage the IBM i VMs. After you add the Power Systems hosts, import the IBM i VMs. No unique requirements exist for IBM i, AIX, or Linux on Power VMs.
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