This chapter describes the links in the IBM z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) navigation tree and includes the following topics:
8.1 Links and their purpose
Links is a category in the z/OSMF navigation tree that can help effectively store and share information with your team. It is similar to the “Favorites” or “Bookmarks” sections in web browsers. Links can contain start points or links to outside websites, and to any subcategory in the navigation tree.
z/OSMF includes several predefined links, and you can use the z/OSMF web interface to add, modify, and delete links. Figure 8-1 shows the Links category in the left navigation pane with the IBM supplied links under it.
Figure 8-1 Links in z/OSMF navigation tree
The following links are supplied by IBM:
Shopz, which opens the ShopzSeries website
Support for z/OS, which opens the z/OS support website
WSC Flashes & Techdocs, which opens the Techdocs website
z Systems, which opens the IBM System z Redbooks website
z/OS Basics Information Center, which opens the z/OS Basic skills information center
z/OS Home Page, which opens the z/OS operating system home page
z/OS Internet Library, which opens the z/OS internet library website
8.2 Adding links
To add new links, complete the following steps:
1. Log on to z/OSMF with a user ID that is connected to the z/OSMF administration role RACF group IZUADMIN.
2. In the left pane, click z/OS Administration → Links. A listing of links displays in the right pane, as shown in Figure 8-2.
Figure 8-2 List of links
3. In the right pane, click Actions → New, as shown in Figure 8-3.
Figure 8-3 Selecting New from the Actions drop-down menu
The New Link window opens, as shown in Figure 8-4.
Figure 8-4 New link window
In our example, we show how to create a “New function APAR link that starts the FTP website with all new function APARs when the link is clicked. This link is available to anyone that uses this z/OSMF instance.
For more information, see the New function APAR FTP website.
4. Enter a name, SAF resource name suffix, and URL. Select a category, and then, select all the options under the Authorizations section, as shown in Figure 8-5. Click OK.
Figure 8-5 Completed New Link window
A SAF resource name suffix helps control access user authorization to links by using the ZMFAPLA resource class. A new link can be placed under any category in the navigation tree by selecting the appropriate category.
After a successful update, New function APAR is displayed under the Links category in the navigation view and in the link table, as shown in Figure 8-6.
Figure 8-6 IBM New Function APAR is added to z/OSMF
8.3 Modifying links
All links, including the predefined links, can be modified. Except for the name of the link, all of the settings can be modified. In our example, we modify the New function APAR link that we added earlier by completing the following steps:
1. From the left pane, click z/OS Administration → Links.
2. In the window with the table of links, select New Function APAR and click Actions → Properties, as shown in Figure 8-7.
Figure 8-7 Modifying links
In our example, we want to modify the New Function APAR link that we added. The properties of New Function APAR are similar to the ones shown in Figure 8-6 on page 187.
3. The modification that we want to make is to make New Function APAR available to a SAF authorized user only. To accomplish this task, under the Authorizations section, clear all the z/OSMF Authenticated Guest option and click OK.
8.4 Deleting links
All links, including the predefined ones, can be deleted. In our example, we delete the IBM Resource Link® link that we added earlier by completing the following steps:
1. From the left pane, click z/OS Administration → Links.
2. In the window with the table of links, select New Function APAR and then, click Actions → Delete, as shown in Figure 8-8.
Figure 8-8 Deleting links
3. A window opens that prompts you to confirm the deletion, as shown in Figure 8-9. Click OK to confirm the deletion of the link.
Figure 8-9 Confirmation window
8.5 Adding links to z/OSMF by using the Import Manager
In this section, we describe how to create a link with the Import Manager. First, you must create a property file in your UNIX System Services environment. The file is similar to the file that is shown in Example 8-1.
Example 8-1 Property file sample
To create a link with the Import Manager, complete the following steps:
1. Specify a name for the link that is easily understood by users.
2. Specify the location for the link (a URL).
3. Specify the z/OSMF roles for which users are authorized to use the link.
4. Specify a unique SAF resource name suffix.
5. Specify where the link is to be displayed in the z/OSMF navigation area:
 – 1: z/OSMF Administration
 – 2: Problem Determination
 – 3: Links
 – 4: Configuration
 – 5: Software
 – 7: z/OS Classic Interfaces
 – 9: Performance
 – 10: z/OSMF Settings
 – 11: Uncategorized
 – 12: Commands and Logs
 – 13: Jobs and Resources
6. Set the LinkLaunchWorkArea value to False so that the link opens in a separate browser tab or window. Set this value to True to have the link open as a tab in the z/OSMF work area, such as a z/OSMF task.
In our example, we created a file in /u/tobias/ Next, we edited this file, as shown in Example 8-2.
Example 8-2 New Function APAR link
LinkName=New Function APAR
LinkAuthmlizedRoles=z/OSMF Authenticated Guest, z/OSMF Guest
Next, save the file return to the Links category in z/OSMF.
Select Import from the Actions menu in the Links table. The newly created file can now be imported, as shown in Figure 8-10. Click View to see the input of this file. Click Import when you want to add this link to z/OSMF.
Figure 8-10 Import Manager
The newly created link in z/OSMF is shown in Figure 8-11.
Figure 8-11 New Function APAR
8.6 Security
This section describes how to authorize control and access to links. Links are protected by ZMFAPLA class resources (IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.LINK.**), which control access. The SAF suffix that is specified when you add a link can make access to links more granular and specific. For example, we add NWFCAPAR as a SAF suffix for the IBM Resource LInk link to control access to the IBM Resource Link link with the ZMFAPLA class profile IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.LINK.NWFCAPAR.
Consider a user ID named TOBIAS, which has access to all the links, as shown in Figure 8-12 on page 194. To remove all access to the links except for the New Function APAR link, complete the following steps:
1. Remove all access to all links for user ID TOBIAS by running the following command:
2. Add a profile that is named IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.LINK.NWFCAPAR to ZMFAPLA class by running the following command with UACC(NONE):
3. Permit user ID TOBIAS read access to the ZMFAPLA class profile IZUDFLT.ZOSMF.LINK.NWFCAPAR by running the following command:
4. Refresh RACF tables by running the following command:
Figure 8-12 Access available to all links
After you finish these steps, the TOBIAS user ID cannot access any other links other than the New Function APAR link, as shown in Figure 8-13.
Figure 8-13 Access to New Function APAR only
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