SNA 2008 – Contents

FURTHER TO THE AFOREMENTIONED REFERENCES to the 700-page 2008 SNA document, and a brief introduction to the chapters therein, the following provides a strong indication as to the related details by listing the associated contents, as are extensive.

  • List of tables
  • List of figures
  • Preface
  • List of abbreviations and acronyms
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • What is the System of National Accounts?
    • The conceptual elements of the SNA
      • Activities and transactions
      • The institutional sectors of the economy
      • Accounts and their corresponding economic activities
        • The goods and services account
        • The sequence of accounts
          • Current accounts
          • Accumulation accounts
          • Balance sheets
        • Other accounts of the SNA
          • Supply and use tables
          • Accounts in volume terms
    • Uses of the SNA
      • Monitoring the behaviour of the economy
      • Macroeconomic analysis
      • International comparisons
    • The boundaries of the SNA
      • Non-monetary transactions
      • The production boundary
        • Household production
        • Other production boundary problems
      • The consumption boundary
      • The asset boundary
      • National boundaries
      • Final consumption, intermediate consumption and gross fixed capital formation
        • Human capital
        • Repairs, maintenance and gross fixed capital formation
    • The SNA as a coordinating framework for statistics
      • Harmonization between different statistical systems
      • The use of microdata for macroeconomic accounting
    • Links with business accounting
      • International accounting standards
    • Expanding the scope of the SNA
    • The SNA and measures of welfare
      • Qualifications to treating expenditure as a welfare measure
      • Unpaid services and welfare
      • The impact of external events on welfare
      • The impact of externalities on welfare
      • Non-economic impacts on welfare
      • Welfare indicators and macroeconomic aggregates
  • Chapter 2: Overview
    • Introduction
      • Analysing flows and stocks
      • Recording flows and stocks
    • The conceptual elements of the SNA
      • Institutional units and sectors
        • Institutional sectors
        • Delimitation of the total economy and the rest of the world
      • Transactions and other flows
        • Main types of transactions and other flows
        • Characteristics of transactions in the SNA
      • Assets and liabilities
      • Products and producing units
        • Products
        • Producing units
      • Purposes
    • Rules of accounting
      • Introduction
        • Terminology for the two sides of the accounts
        • Change of ownership and the recording of transactions in goods and services
        • Double entry or quadruple entry accounting
      • Time of recording
        • Valuation
        • General principles
        • Methods of valuation
        • Volume measures and measures in real terms
      • Consolidation and netting
        • Consolidation
        • Netting
          • The use of ‘net'
    • The accounts
      • Introduction
      • The full sequence of accounts
        • The three sections of the sequence of accounts
        • The production account
        • The distribution of income accounts
          • The primary distribution of income account
          • The secondary distribution of income account
          • The redistribution of income in kind account
          • The use of income accounts
        • The accumulation accounts
          • The capital account
          • The financial account
          • The other changes in the volume of assets account
          • The revaluation account
        • Balance sheets
    • An integrated presentation of the accounts
      • The rest of the world accounts
      • The goods and services account
      • The aggregates
        • Gross domestic product (GDP)
        • Net and gross measures
        • Gross national income (GNI)
        • National disposable income
        • Accounts in volume terms
    • The other parts of the accounting structure
      • The central supply and use table and other input-output tables
      • The tables of financial transactions and financial assets and liabilities
      • Complete balance sheets and assets and liabilities accounts
      • Functional analysis
      • Population and labour inputs tables
    • The integrated central framework and flexibility
      • Applying the central framework in a flexible way
      • Introducing social accounting matrices
      • Introducing satellite accounts
  • Chapter 3: Stocks, flows and accounting rules
    • Introduction
      • Stocks and flows
      • Balancing items
      • Grouping stocks and flows into accounts
      • Accounting rules
    • Stocks
      • Benefits
      • Ownership
      • The definition of an asset
      • Financial assets and liabilities
      • The asset boundary and the first-level classification of assets
        • Contingent liabilities and provisions
      • Entry and exit of assets from the balance sheet
      • Exclusions from the asset boundary
    • Flows
      • Transactions
        • Monetary transactions
          • Transactions with and without a recompense
          • Rearrangements of transactions
          • Rerouting transactions
          • Partitioning transactions
          • Units facilitating a transaction on behalf of other parties
        • Non-monetary transactions
          • Barter transactions
          • Remuneration in kind
          • Payments in kind other than remuneration in kind
          • Transfers in kind
          • Internal transactions
        • Externalities and illegal actions
          • Externalities
          • Illegal actions
      • Other flows
        • Other changes in the volume of assets
        • Holding gains and losses
    • Balancing items
      • Balancing items in the flow accounts
      • Balancing items in the balance sheets
    • Accounting rules
      • Quadruple-entry accounting
      • Valuation
        • General rules
        • Valuation of transactions
          • Agricultural products sold from the farm
          • Barter
          • Quotation prices
          • Valuation of transfers in-kind
          • Transfer pricing
          • Concessional pricing
          • Valuation at cost
          • Valuation of assets
          • Business accounting valuation
        • Valuation of partitioned flows
        • Special valuations concerning products
        • Valuation of other flows
          • Other changes in the volumes of assets
          • Holding gains and losses
        • Valuation of positions of financial assets and liabilities
      • Time of recording
        • Choice of time of recording
        • Choice for recording on an accrual basis
        • Time of recording of acquisitions of goods and services
        • Time of recording of redistributive transactions
        • Time of recording of transactions in financial assets and liabilities
        • Time of recording of output and intermediate consumption
        • Time of recording of changes in inventories and consumption of fixed capital
        • Time of recording of composite transactions and balancing items
        • Time of recording of other flows
        • Time of recording of holding gains and losses
        • Timing adjustments for international transactions
        • Balance sheet items
      • Aggregation, netting, consolidation
        • Aggregation
        • Netting
        • Consolidation
  • Chapter 4: Institutional units and sectors
    • Introduction
      • Institutional units
      • Residence
      • Sectoring and economic behaviour
      • The total economy
      • An overview of institutional sectors
      • Subsectors
        • Public and foreign control
        • Non-profit institutions
        • Other subsectoring
      • The rest of the world
    • Corporations in the SNA
      • Types of corporations
        • Legally constituted corporations
        • Cooperatives, limited liability partnerships, etc.
        • Quasi-corporations
          • Branches
        • Notional resident units
      • Special cases
        • Groups of corporations
        • Head offices and holding companies
        • Special purpose entities
          • Captive financial institutions
          • Artificial subsidiaries of corporations
          • Special purpose units of general government
      • Ownership and control of corporations
        • Subsidiary and associate corporations
          • Subsidiary corporations
          • Associate corporations
        • Government control of corporations
        • Control by a non-resident unit
    • Non-profit institutions
      • The characteristics of NPIs
      • NPIs engaged in market production
        • Market NPIs serving enterprises
      • NPIs engaged in non-market production
        • Government control of non-profit institutions
        • NPIs serving households (NPISHs)
    • The non-financial corporations sector and its subsectors
    • The financial corporations sector and its subsectors
      • Central bank
      • Deposit-taking corporations except the central bank
      • Money market funds (MMFs)
      • Non-MMF investment funds
      • Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds (ICPFs)
      • Financial auxiliaries
      • Captive financial institutions and money lenders
      • Insurance corporations (ICs)
      • Pension funds (PFs)
    • The general government sector and its subsectors
      • Government units as institutional units
        • Government units as producers
        • Social security schemes and social security funds
      • The general government sector
      • Subsectors of the general government sector
        • Central government
        • State government
        • Local government
        • Social security funds
      • The alternative method of subsectoring
    • The households sector and its subsectors
      • Households as institutional units
      • Unincorporated enterprises within households
      • The household sector and its subsectors
        • Subsectoring according to income
        • Subsectoring according to characteristics of a reference person
        • Subsectoring according to household size and location
    • The non-profit institutions serving households sector
    • The rest of the world
      • International organizations
      • Central banks of currency unions
  • Chapter 5: Enterprises, establishments and industries
    • Introduction
    • Productive activities
      • The classification of activities in the SNA
      • Principal and secondary activities
        • Principal activities
        • Secondary activities
      • Ancillary activities
    • Partitioning enterprises into more homogeneous units
      • Types of production units
        • Kind-of-activity units
        • Local units
        • Establishments
      • Data and accounts for establishments
      • Application of the principles in specific situations
        • Establishments within integrated enterprises
        • Establishments owned by general government
    • Ancillary activities
      • Recording (or not) the output of ancillary activities
      • The role of ancillary activities in the SNA
    • Industries
      • Market, own account and non-market producers
      • Industries and products
    • Units of homogeneous production
  • Chapter 6: The production account
    • Introduction
    • The concept of production
      • Production as an economic activity
        • Goods
        • Services
        • Knowledge-capturing products
      • The production boundary
        • The general production boundary
        • The production boundary in the SNA
        • The production boundary within households
          • The exclusion of most services produced for own use by households
          • Own-account production of goods
          • Services of owner-occupied dwellings
          • Production of domestic and personal services by employing paid domestic staff
          • ‘Do-it-yourself' decoration, maintenance and small repairs
          • The use of consumption goods
          • The ‘non-observed' economy
    • Basic, producers' and purchasers' prices
      • Basic and producers' prices
        • VAT and similar deductible taxes
        • Gross and net recording of VAT
      • Purchasers' prices
      • Basic, producers' and purchasers' prices – a summary
    • Value added and GDP
      • Gross and net value added
      • Alternative measures of value added
        • Gross value added at basic prices
        • Gross value added at producers' prices
        • Gross value added at factor cost
      • Gross domestic product (GDP)
      • Domestic production
    • The measurement of output
      • Production versus output
      • Time of recording
      • Valuation of output
      • Market output, output for own final use and non-market output
        • Market output
          • Recording of sales
          • Recording of barter
          • Recording of compensation in kind or other payments in kind
          • Recording of intra-enterprise deliveries
          • Changes in inventories of finished goods
          • Changes in inventories of work-in-progress
        • Output for own final use
          • Goods produced by households
          • Services of domestic staff
          • Services of owner-occupied dwellings
          • Own gross fixed capital formation
          • Changes in inventories
          • Own intermediate consumption
          • Valuation of output for own final use
        • Non-market output
        • Market and non-market producers
    • The output of particular industries
      • Introduction
      • Agriculture, forestry and fishing
      • Machinery, equipment and construction
      • Transportation and storage
        • Transportation
        • Storage
      • Wholesale and retail distribution
      • Output of the central bank
        • Borderline cases such as supervisory services
        • Provision of non-market output
        • Provision of market output
      • Financial services other than those associated with insurance and pension funds
        • Financial services provided in return for explicit charges
        • Financial services provided in association with interest charges on loans and deposits
        • Financial services associated with the acquisition and disposal of financial assets and liabilities in financial markets
      • Financial services associated with insurance and pension schemes.
        • Non-life insurance
        • Life insurance
        • Reinsurance
        • Social insurance schemes
        • Standardized guarantee schemes
      • Research and development
      • The production of originals and copies
    • Intermediate consumption
      • Coverage of intermediate consumption
      • The timing and valuation of intermediate consumption
      • The boundary between intermediate consumption and compensation of employees
      • The boundary between intermediate consumption and gross fixed capital formation
        • Small tools
        • Maintenance and repairs
        • Research and development
        • Mineral exploration and evaluation
        • Military equipment
      • Services provided by government to producers
      • Social transfers in kind
      • Services of business associations
      • Outsourcing
      • Leasing fixed assets
    • Consumption of fixed capital
      • The coverage of consumption of fixed capital
      • Consumption of fixed capital and rentals on fixed assets
      • The calculation of consumption of fixed capital
      • The perpetual inventory method
        • Calculation of the gross capital stock
        • Relative efficiencies
        • Rates of consumption of fixed capital
        • Values of consumption of fixed capital
  • Annex to chapter 6: Separating output due to storage from holding gains and losses
    • Introduction
      • Storage costs and holding gains and losses
    • Goods whose real value changes over time
      • Goods with a long production period
      • Goods whose physical characteristics change
      • Goods with seasonal patterns of supply and demand
      • Who benefits from the increase in value of goods in storage?
      • When is output due to storage recorded?
      • Some examples
        • Example 1
        • Example 2
        • Example 3
  • Chapter 7: The distribution of income accounts
    • Introduction
      • The generation of income account
        • Operating surplus and mixed income
      • The allocation of primary income account
        • The balancing items and national income
        • Net national income and gross national income
      • The entrepreneurial income account
      • The allocation of other primary income account
    • Compensation of employees
      • Identifying employees
        • The employment relationship
          • Employers and own-account workers
          • Outworkers
      • The components of compensation of employees
        • Wages and salaries
          • Wages and salaries in cash
          • Wages and salaries in kind
          • Stock options
        • Employers' social contributions
          • Employers' actual contributions to social insurance schemes
          • Employers' imputed contribution to social insurance schemes
            • Employers' imputed pension contributions
            • Employers' imputed non-pension contributions
    • Taxes on production and on imports
      • Recording of taxes on production and on imports
        • The recording of taxes on production and on imports in the accounts
        • Taxes versus fees
          • Links with the IMF and OECD tax classifications
        • The accrual basis of recording
        • Interest, fines or other penalties
        • Taxes and subsidies within the primary distribution of income accounts
      • Taxes on products
        • Value added type taxes
        • Taxes and duties on imports, excluding VAT
          • Import duties
          • Taxes on imports, excluding VAT and duties
        • Export taxes
        • Taxes on products, excluding VAT, import and export taxes
      • Other taxes on production
    • Subsidies
      • Subsidies on products
        • Import subsidies
        • Export subsidies
          • Exclusions from export subsidies
        • Other subsidies on products
      • Other subsidies on production
    • Property incomes
      • Defining property income
      • Interest
        • The accrual basis of recording
        • Interest payable and receivable on loans and deposits
        • Interest payable on debt securities
        • Further elaboration
        • Nominal and real interest
        • The special case of interest rates set by the central bank
          • Below market rates on reserve deposits
          • Above market rates for currency support
          • Below market rates to priority industries
      • Distributed income of corporations
        • Dividends
          • Time of recording
          • Super-dividends
        • Withdrawals of income from quasi-corporations
        • Reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment
          • Retained earnings of domestic enterprises
      • Investment income disbursements
        • Investment income attributed to insurance policyholders
        • Investment income payable on pension entitlements
        • Investment income attributed to investment fund shareholders
      • Rent
        • Rent distinguished from rentals
        • Rent on natural resources
        • Rent on land
        • Rent on subsoil assets
  • Chapter 8: The redistribution of income accounts
    • Introduction
      • The secondary distribution of income account
        • Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
        • Social contributions and benefits
        • Other current transfers
      • Disposable income
        • Links with economic theoretical concepts of income
        • National disposable income
      • The redistribution of income in kind account
      • Adjusted disposable income
    • Current transfers
      • The distinction between current and capital transfers
      • The recording of transfers
        • Transfers in cash
        • Provisions of goods and services by enterprises
        • Social transfers in kind
    • Current taxes on income, wealth, etc.
      • Taxes in general
        • Taxes versus fees
        • Links with the IMF and OECD tax classifications
        • The accrual basis of recording
        • Interest, fines or other penalties
      • Taxes on income
      • Other current taxes
        • Current taxes on capital
        • Miscellaneous current taxes
    • Social insurance schemes
      • The extent of social benefits
      • The organization of social insurance schemes
        • Social security schemes
        • Other employment-related social insurance schemes
    • Net social contributions
      • Components of social contributions
      • Employers' actual social contributions
      • Employers' imputed social contributions
      • Households' actual social contributions
      • Households' social contribution supplements
    • Social benefits other than social transfers in kind
      • Institutional arrangements
        • Social insurance schemes or social assistance
        • Social security and social assistance
      • Types of social benefits
        • Pensions
        • Non-pension benefits payable in cash
          • Receivables by households that are not social benefits
        • Non-pension benefits payable in kind
        • Benefits provided in kind by government
      • Social benefits recorded in the secondary distribution of income account
    • Other current transfers
      • Insurance-related transactions
        • Net non-life insurance premiums
        • Non-life insurance claims
        • Net reinsurance premiums and claims
        • Fees and calls under standardized guarantees
      • Current transfers within general government
      • Current international cooperation
      • Miscellaneous current transfers
        • Current transfers between the central bank and general government
        • Current transfers to NPISHs
        • Current transfers between households
        • Fines and penalties
        • Lotteries and gambling
        • Payments of compensation
    • Social transfers in kind
      • The redistribution of income in kind account
      • Social transfers in kind paid to non-residents
  • Chapter 9: The use of income accounts
    • Introduction
      • The use of disposable income account
      • The use of adjusted disposable income account
      • The relationship between the two versions of the use of income account
      • Adjustment for the change in pension entitlements
      • Saving
      • Calculating savings ratios
    • Expenditures, acquisitions and consumption of goods and services
      • Expenditures
        • The timing of expenditures on goods and services
      • Acquisitions
      • Consumption of goods and services
        • Durable versus non-durable goods
        • Consumption as the using up of goods and services
    • Measuring the value of non-monetary transactions indirectly
      • Barter transactions
      • Expenditures on goods and services received as income in kind
      • Expenditure on goods and services produced on own account
    • Household final consumption expenditure
      • Introduction
      • Expenditures by households owning unincorporated enterprises
      • Expenditures on particular types of goods and services
        • Expenditures on financial services
          • Financial services, except insurance and pension fund services
          • Insurance and pension fund services
        • Services of dwellings, repairs and improvements
          • Services of owner-occupied dwellings
          • Decoration, minor repairs and maintenance
          • Major improvements
        • The repair and maintenance of durables
        • Licences and fees
      • Classification of household final consumption expenditure
      • Timing and valuation of household final consumption expenditure
        • Timing
        • Valuation
          • Valuation of purchases on credit
      • Expenditures by resident and non-resident households
    • Household actual final consumption
    • Consumption expenditures incurred by general government
      • Expenditures on the outputs of market and non-market producers
        • Expenditures on the outputs of non-market producers
        • Expenditures on consumption goods and services produced by market producers
        • Government output and final consumption expenditure
      • Expenditures on individual and collective goods and services
        • Individual goods and services
          • Individual consumption by type of producer
        • Collective services
        • The borderline between individual and collective services
        • The classification of individual and collective government expenditures
        • Non-market services to enterprises
    • Actual final consumption of general government
    • Consumption expenditures incurred by NPISHs
      • Individual consumption by type of producer
    • Actual final consumption of NPISHs
    • Final consumption expenditure and actual final consumption: summary
      • Final consumption expenditure
      • Actual final consumption
      • Total final consumption in the economy
  • Chapter 10: The capital account
    • Introduction
      • The definitions of ownership and assets
      • Non-financial assets
        • Produced assets
        • Non-produced assets
      • The structure of the capital account
        • Saving
        • Capital transfers
        • Changes in net worth due to saving and capital transfers
        • Acquisitions less disposals of non-financial assets
        • Net lending
    • Gross capital formation
      • Gross fixed capital formation
        • The asset boundary
          • Existing fixed assets
          • Improvements to existing assets
          • Costs incurred on acquisition and disposal of assets
        • Time of recording
        • Ownership of assets
        • Valuation
        • Transactions in fixed assets
          • Dwellings
          • Other buildings and structures
            • Buildings other than dwellings
            • Other structures
            • Land improvements
          • Machinery and equipment
            • Transport equipment
            • ICT equipment
            • Other machinery and equipment
          • Weapons systems
          • Cultivated biological resources
            • Animal resources yielding repeat products
            • Tree, crop and plant resources yielding repeat products
          • Costs of ownership transfer on non-produced assets
          • Intellectual property products
            • Research and development
            • Mineral exploration and evaluation
            • Computer software and databases
              • Computer software
              • Databases
            • Entertainment, literary and artistic originals
            • Other intellectual property products
      • Changes in inventories
        • Storage and stocks of inventories
        • Valuation
          • Valuation of work-in-progress
        • Transactions in inventories
          • Materials and supplies
          • Work-in-progress
            • Work-in-progress on cultivated biological resources
            • Other work-in-progress
        • Finished goods
        • Military inventories
        • Goods for resale
      • Acquisitions less disposals of valuables
        • The asset boundary
        • Valuation
        • Transactions in valuables
          • Precious metals and stones
          • Antiques and other art objects
          • Other valuables
    • Consumption of fixed capital
      • Costs of ownership transfer
      • Terminal costs
    • Acquisitions less disposals of non-produced non-financial assets
      • Natural resources
        • The asset boundary
        • Ownership
        • Valuation
          • Transactions in natural resources
            • Land
            • Mineral and energy resources
            • Non-cultivated biological resources
            • Water resources
            • Other natural resources
      • Contracts, leases and licences
        • The asset boundary
        • Types of assets included in contracts, leases and licences
          • Marketable operating leases
          • Permits to use natural resources
          • Permits to undertake specific activities
          • Entitlement to future goods and services on an exclusive basis
      • Goodwill and marketing assets
    • Capital transfers
      • Capital versus current transfers
      • Transfers in cash and in kind
        • Valuation
      • Capital taxes
      • Investment grants
      • Other capital transfers
  • Chapter 11: The financial account
    • Introduction
      • Financial assets and liabilities
      • Quadruple-entry accounting
      • Counterparts of non-financial transactions
      • Exchanges of financial assets and liabilities
      • Net lending
      • Contingencies
    • Transactions in financial assets and liabilities
      • The classification of financial assets and liabilities
      • Negotiability
      • Valuation of transactions
      • Time of recording
      • Netting and consolidation
        • Netting
        • Consolidation
    • Recording of individual financial instruments
      • Monetary gold and SDRs
        • Monetary gold
        • SDRs
      • Currency and deposits
        • Currency
        • Transferable deposits
          • Inter-bank positions
          • Other transferable deposits
        • Other deposits
      • Debt securities
        • Supplementary classifications of debt securities
      • Loans
        • Supplementary classifications of loans
      • Equity and investment fund shares
        • Equity
        • Investment fund shares or units
          • Money market fund shares or units
          • Other investment fund shares or units
        • Supplementary classifications of investment fund shares
      • Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes
        • Non-life insurance technical reserves
        • Life insurance and annuities entitlements
        • Pension entitlements
        • Claims of pension funds on pension manager
        • Provisions for calls under standardized guarantees
      • Financial derivatives and employee stock options
        • Financial derivatives
          • Options
          • Forwards
          • Credit derivatives
          • Margins
        • Employee stock options (ESOs)
      • Other accounts receivable or payable
        • Trade credit and advances
        • Other
      • Memorandum items
        • Foreign direct investment
        • Non-performing loans
  • Chapter 12: The other changes in assets accounts
    • Introduction
    • The other changes in the volume of assets account
      • Functions of the other changes in the volume of assets account
      • Appearance and disappearance of assets other than by transactions
        • Economic recognition of produced assets
          • Public monuments
          • Valuables
        • Entry of natural resources into the asset boundary
          • Discoveries and upwards reappraisals of subsoil resources
          • Natural growth of uncultivated biological resources
          • Transfers of other natural resources to economic activity
          • Quality changes in natural resources due to changes in economic uses
        • Exit of natural resources from the asset boundary
          • Extractions and downwards reappraisals of subsoil resources
          • Harvesting of uncultivated biological resources
          • Transfers of other natural resources out of economic activity
          • Quality changes in natural resources due to changes in economic uses
        • Initiation and cancellation of contracts, leases and licences
        • Changes in the value of goodwill and marketing assets
        • Appearance and disappearance of financial assets and liabilities
          • Debt operations
          • Creation and exhaustion of financial derivatives
      • The effect of external events on the value of assets
        • Catastrophic losses
        • Uncompensated seizures
        • Other changes in volume n.e.c.
          • Fixed assets
          • Exceptional losses in inventories
          • Life insurance and annuities entitlements
          • Pension entitlements
          • Provisions for calls under standardized guarantee schemes
      • Changes in classifications
        • Changes in sector classification and structure
        • Changes in classification of assets and liabilities
          • Sale and reclassification of land and buildings
          • Changes of classification involving inventories
      • Summarizing other volume changes
    • The revaluation account
      • Different holding gains and losses concepts
        • Nominal holding gains
        • Neutral holding gains
        • Real holding gains
      • Holding gains and losses on specific assets
        • Fixed assets
        • Inventories
        • Valuables
        • Financial assets and liabilities
          • Monetary gold and SDRs
          • Currency
          • Deposits and loans
          • Debt securities
          • Equity and investment fund shares
          • Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes
          • Financial derivatives and employee stock options
          • Other accounts receivable or payable
          • Assets denominated in foreign currency
  • Chapter 13: The balance sheet
    • Introduction
      • Balance sheets
      • Asset accounts
      • Structure of the balance sheet
      • Structure of asset accounts
    • General principles of valuation
      • Value observed in markets
      • Values obtained by accumulating and revaluing transactions
      • Present value of future returns
      • Assets denominated in foreign currencies
    • The entries in the balance sheet
      • Produced assets
        • Fixed assets
        • Inventories
        • Valuables
      • Non-produced assets
        • Natural resources
          • Land
          • Mineral and energy resources
          • Non-cultivated biological resources, water resources and other natural resources
        • Contracts, leases and licences
        • Goodwill and marketing assets
      • Financial assets and liabilities
        • Monetary gold and SDRs
        • Currency and deposits
        • Debt securities
        • Loans
          • Non-performing loans
        • Equity and investment funds
          • Equity
          • Investment fund shares or units
        • Insurance, annuities, pension and standardized guarantee schemes
          • Non-life insurance technical reserves
          • Life insurance and annuities entitlements
          • Pension entitlements
          • Provisions for calls under standardized guarantees
        • Financial derivatives
          • Options
          • Forwards
          • Employee stock options
        • Other accounts receivable or payable
      • Net worth
      • Memorandum items
        • Consumer durables
        • Foreign direct investment
  • Chapter 14: The supply and use tables and goods and services account
    • Introduction
      • Product balances
      • The goods and services account
      • Supply and use tables
      • The industry dimension
      • A numerical example
    • The supply table
      • Products and producing units
      • Accounting rules
      • Production
      • Imports
        • Classification
        • Goods for processing
      • Valuation
        • Trade margins
        • Transport margins
          • Domestic transport charges
          • International transport charges
            • Products not included in customs documentation
            • Products covered by customs documentation
            • Transport on merchanted goods
            • Transport on goods sent abroad for processing
          • Recording transport margins in the supply and use tables
        • Taxes and subsidies on products
    • The use table
      • The use of products by producing units
      • The use of products for final consumption
      • The use of products for capital formation
        • Gross fixed capital formation
          • Resale of existing goods
        • Changes in inventories
        • Valuables
      • Exports
      • Introducing value added
      • Expanding value added
      • Adding other variables
    • Further elaboration of the use table
      • Cross-classification by industry and institutional sectors
      • A use table at basic prices
        • Trade margins
        • Transport margins
        • Taxes on products
        • Subsidies on products
        • Separating imports from domestic production
      • Expressing the use table in volume terms
        • Deflating which tables?
        • Homogeneity
        • The applicability of CPIs
        • Imports and exports
        • Trade and transport margins
        • Taxes less subsidies on products
        • Value added
    • Numerical example
      • The full supply and use table
      • Margins and taxes
      • A use table at basic prices
      • The imports matrix
  • Chapter 15: Price and volume measures
    • Introduction
      • Index number theory
      • Inter-temporal price and volume series
      • International price comparisons
      • Further information
    • An overview of index number theory
      • Quantities, prices and values
        • Additivity of quantities, prices and values
        • Volume, quantity, price and unit value indices
      • Inter-temporal index numbers of prices and volumes
        • Laspeyres and Paasche indices
          • Deflation and volume series using Laspeyres and Paasche formulae
          • The relationship between Laspeyres and Paasche indices
        • Other index number formulae
        • Desirable index number characteristics
        • Index numbers in practice
      • Chain indices
        • The rebasing and linking of indices
        • Chaining each period
          • Chain Laspeyres and Paasche indices
          • Annually chained quarterly Laspeyres-type indices
          • Chain Laspeyres or chain superlative indices?
          • Annually chained quarterly Fisher-type indices
          • System of National Accounts
          • Chaining and data coverage
          • Additivity and chaining
        • Variables that change sign
        • Contributions to growth
      • Causes of price variation
        • Price variation due to quality differences
        • Price variation without quality differences
        • Price discrimination
        • The existence of parallel markets
      • The measurement of changes in quality over time
        • Direct methods
          • Hedonics
        • Indirect methods
        • Rapidly changing differentiated product markets
        • Further elaboration
      • Practical advantages of compiling chain indices
    • Derivation of volume measures in the national accounts
      • Introduction
        • Terminology for volume estimates
      • Price deflation vs. quantity revaluation
      • Available price indices
      • The supply and use tables as the basis for volume measures of GDP
      • Volume measures of the output estimate of GDP
        • Market output
        • Non-market output of government and NPISHs
        • Output for own final use
        • Intermediate consumption
        • Gross domestic product and gross value added
      • Volume measures of the expenditure estimate of GDP
        • Household final consumption expenditure
        • Final consumption expenditure by government and NPISHs
        • Gross fixed capital formation
        • Changes in inventories
        • Acquisition less disposal of valuables
        • Exports and imports
      • Volumes and prices for stocks of fixed assets and consumption of fixed capital
      • Components of value added
        • Compensation of employees
        • Taxes and subsidies on products
        • Net operating surplus and net mixed income
      • Quarterly and annual estimates
      • Summary recommendations
    • Measures of real income for the total economy
      • The concept of real income
      • Trading gains and losses from changes in the terms of trade
      • The interrelationship between volume measures of GDP and real income aggregates
    • International price and volume comparisons.
      • Introduction
      • Index number issues
        • Representativity versus comparability
        • Aggregation
        • Binary comparisons
        • Multilateral comparisons
          • Transitivity
          • The block approach
          • The binary approach
          • Ring comparisons
      • Practical considerations for national accountants
        • PPPs and the national accounts
        • Why ICP growth rates differ from national growth rates
        • Non-market services
        • Conclusion
  • Chapter 16: Summarizing and integrating the accounts
    • Introduction
    • Integrating the accounts
      • Summarizing the current accounts
        • The production account
        • The generation of income account
        • The allocation of primary income account
        • The secondary distribution of income account
        • The use of income accounts
      • Summarizing the accumulation accounts
        • The capital account
        • The financial account
      • The goods and services account
      • The accounts for the rest of the world
      • Integration of stock and flow data
        • Linking the opening and closing balance sheets
        • Net worth
        • Asset accounts
      • Consolidating the accounts
        • Consolidating the current accounts
        • Consolidating the accumulation accounts
        • Consolidating the rest of the world account
    • The macroeconomic aggregates in the SNA
      • The GDP identities
      • A note on the valuation of output
      • Gross and net domestic product
      • Gross and net national income
      • National disposable income
    • An example set of integrated economic accounts
      • Institutional sector accounts
        • Current accounts
        • The use of income account
        • The accumulation accounts
        • The balance sheets
      • The rest of the world account
      • The goods and services account
      • The total economy column
  • Chapter 17: Cross-cutting and other special issues
  • Part 1: The treatment of insurance
    • Introduction
      • Direct insurance
      • Reinsurance
      • The units involved
    • Output of direct insurance
      • Premiums earned
      • Premium supplements
      • Claims and benefits
        • Non-life insurance claims
        • Life insurance benefits
      • Reserves
      • Defining insurance output
        • Non-life insurance
        • Life insurance
        • Reinsurance
    • All the transactions associated with non-life insurance
      • Net premiums and consumption of insurance services
      • Recording non-life insurance claims
      • Insurance services provided to and from the rest of the world
      • The accounting entries
    • All the transactions associated with life insurance
      • Annuities
    • All transactions associated with reinsurance
    • Annuities
      • How an annuity works
      • The output associated with an annuity
      • All the transactions associated with annuities
  • Part 2: Social insurance schemes
    • Introduction
    • Basic definitions
      • Social benefits
      • Social benefits provided by general government
      • Social benefits provided by other institutional units
      • Social insurance schemes
        • Multiemployer schemes
      • Individual insurance policies qualifying as social insurance
      • Benefits payable under social insurance schemes
    • Accounting for non-pension contributions and benefits
      • Non-pension benefits payable under social security
      • Unfunded non-pension benefits other than from social security
      • Funded social insurance other than pensions
    • Accounting for pension contributions and pensions
      • Social security pensions
      • Employment-related pension schemes other than social security
        • Defined contribution pension schemes
          • Transactions recorded for a defined contribution pension scheme
        • Defined benefit pension schemes
          • Differences between a defined benefit and a defined contribution pension scheme
          • Transactions recorded for a defined benefit pension scheme
          • Defined benefit pension schemes operated by other than employers
          • The relationship between the employer and the pension fund
        • A numerical example
          • Transactions for a defined benefit schemes
          • Defined contribution pension schemes
          • Other flows for a defined benefit pension scheme
          • The issue of promotions
      • Transferring pension entitlements
      • A note on the tables
    • The special case of government providing pensions via social security
  • Part 3: The treatment of standardized guarantees in the SNA
    • Types of guarantees
      • Standardized guarantee schemes
      • Guarantees provided by government
      • Balance sheet implications
  • Part 4: The recording of flows associated with financial assets and liabilities
    • Introduction
      • The characteristics of financial institutions
      • Charging for financial services
      • Investment income associated with financial instruments
      • Holding gains and losses on financial instruments
    • Recording flows in financial instruments
      • Monetary gold
      • SDRs
      • Currency
      • Deposits and loans
      • Debt securities
        • Service charges associated with securities
        • Interest on discounted securities
        • Determining interest flows on bills and bonds
          • Interest on bills and similar instruments
          • Interest on bonds and debentures
          • Zero-coupon bonds
          • Other bonds, including deep-discounted bonds
        • Index-linked securities
      • Equity and investment fund shares
      • Financial derivatives
      • Employee stock options
      • Other accounts receivable or payable
  • Part 5: Contracts, leases and licences
    • Introduction
    • Leases
      • Operating leases
      • Financial leases
      • Resource leases
    • Licences and permits to use a natural resource
      • The “mobile phone” treatment of licences or permits to use a natural resource
      • Radio spectra
      • Land
      • Timber
      • Fish
      • Water
      • Mineral resources
    • Sharing assets
    • Permits to undertake a specific activity
      • Permits issued by government
        • An example
          • Case 1: Government does not offer a refund and A keeps the permit for 3 years
          • Case 2: Government does not offer a refund and A sells the permit to B after one year
          • Case 3: Government does offer a refund and A keeps the permit for 3 years
          • Case 4: Government does offer a refund and A sells the permit to B after one year
        • Government permits as assets
      • Permits issued by other units
        • Non-government permits as assets
      • Permits to use natural resources as sinks
    • Contracts for future production
    • Leases as assets
      • Marketable operating leases as assets
    • Other considerations
      • Time-share arrangements
      • Lost deposits
  • Part 6: Employee stock options
    • Introduction
      • Terminology
      • Valuation
      • ESOs as a financial asset
      • Recording ESOs in the account of the SNA
      • Variations in the use of ESOs
  • Chapter 18: Elaborating and presenting the accounts
    • Introduction
    • Time series, revisions and discrepancies
      • Time series
      • Revisions
      • Discrepancies
        • Discrepancy in net lending or net borrowing
    • Accounts in volume terms
      • The expenditure components of GDP
      • The production components of GDP
      • Supply and use tables in volume terms
      • Capital stock
    • Quarterly and other high frequency accounts
      • Conceptual issues
        • Time of recording
        • Definitions involving a year or more
        • Seasonality
      • Data quality
        • Inventories
      • Quarterly accounts in volume terms
      • Coverage of quarterly accounts
    • Regional accounts
    • Presentational issues
      • Production measures of GDP
        • Key industries
      • Expenditure measures of GDP
      • Income aggregates
      • Accounts in volume terms
      • Quarterly accounts
      • Sector accounts
      • Integrated accumulation accounts
  • Chapter 19: Population and labour inputs
    • Introduction
      • International standards on labour force statistics
      • The structure of the chapter
    • Population
      • Per capita estimates of volume growth
      • Absolute levels of GDP per capita
    • Measuring the labour force
      • Employees
      • Self-employed persons
      • Unemployment
      • Boundary problems
        • Jobs and employees
        • Residence
      • The non-observed economy
      • Labour in NPISHs
      • Volunteer labour
    • Standardized measures of labour inputs
      • Employment measured on a full-time equivalent basis
      • Hours worked
        • Defining hours actually worked
      • Quality-adjusted labour input
      • Employee labour input at constant compensation
    • Estimating labour productivity
      • Labour productivity and MFP
      • Employment estimates for productivity estimation
      • Data consistency
      • International comparisons
    • A note on source data
  • Chapter 20: Capital services and the national accounts
    • Introduction
      • The basic ideas of capital services
    • Valuing capital stock
      • Knowing the contribution to production
      • Knowing the value at any time
      • Age-efficiency and age-price profiles
      • The special case of geometrically declining profiles
      • Practical considerations
    • Interpreting the flows
      • Capital services and gross operating surplus
      • Prices and volumes
    • Applying the capital service model
      • Land
      • Valuing natural resources
      • Mixed income
      • Assets with a residual value
      • Costs of ownership transfer on acquisition
      • Terminal costs
      • Major repairs and renovations
      • Work-in-progress for long term projects
      • Owner-occupied dwellings
      • A financial lease
    • A supplementary table on capital services
  • Chapter 21: Measuring corporate activity
    • Introduction
      • A note on terminology
    • The demography of corporations
      • The creation of corporations
      • The dissolution of corporations
      • Nationalization and privatization
      • Mergers and acquisitions
    • Subsectors
    • Relations between corporations in different economies
      • Foreign direct investment
      • FDI and globalization
      • The role of ‘pass through funds'
      • Ultimate investing country
      • Multinational enterprises
      • Outsourcing
    • The contribution of assets to production
    • The consequences of financial distress
      • Bad debts
      • Concessional lending and debt rescheduling
    • Links to commercial accounting
  • Chapter 22: The general government and public sectors
    • Introduction
      • Data sources
      • Consolidation
    • Defining the general government and public sectors
      • Government units
      • NPIs controlled by government
      • Corporations controlled by government
      • Economically significant prices
        • Suppliers of goods and services to government
        • Definition of sales and costs
      • A decision tree for public units
      • Subsectors of the general government sector
      • Subsectors of the public sector
      • Borderline cases
        • Quasi-corporations
        • The case of restructuring agencies
        • Special purpose entities
        • Joint ventures
        • Supranational authorities
    • The government finance presentation of statistics
      • Introduction
      • Revenue
      • Expense
      • Outlays
      • Net operating balance
      • Net lending or net borrowing
      • Consolidation
      • Classification of the functions of government
    • Accounting issues particular to the general government and public sectors
      • Clarification of the recording of taxes
        • Government issued permits
        • Accrual recording of taxes
        • Tax credits
      • Transactions with other national, international and supranational organizations
        • International membership dues
        • International assistance
      • Debt and related operations
        • Debt
        • Debt reorganization
          • Debt forgiveness (or debt cancellation)
          • Debt rescheduling and refinancing
          • Debt conversion
          • Debt assumption
        • Other issues related to debt re-organization
        • Government guarantees
        • Securitization
        • Government assumption of pension liabilities
      • Relations of general government with corporations
        • Earnings from equity investment
        • Dividends versus withdrawal of equity
        • Disposal of assets
        • Acquisition of equity, capital transfers and subsidies
        • Privatization
        • Nationalization
        • Bailouts
        • Restructuring, mergers and reclassifications
        • Transactions with the central bank
        • Public-private partnerships
    • The public sector presentation of statistics
  • Chapter 23: Non-profit institutions
    • Introduction
      • Non-profit institutions in the SNA
      • The accounting rules for NPIs in the SNA
      • A satellite account for NPIs
    • The units included in the NPI satellite account
      • Determining characteristics of units for the satellite account
      • Examples of units included
      • Borderline cases
      • Classification of NPIs
    • Accounts for non-profit institutions in the satellite account
    • Other SNA considerations concerning NPIs
      • NPISHs and government
      • Informal and temporary NPISHs
      • The output of NPISHs
  • Chapter 24: The households sector
    • Introduction
      • Unincorporated enterprises
      • The problems associated with subsectoring households
      • Structure of the chapter
    • Household composition and sectoring
      • Definition of a household
      • Residence
      • Determining subsectors
      • Household surveys
    • Subsectoring households
      • The production perspective
      • The consumption perspective
      • The income perspective
      • Using a reference person
      • The consequences of demographic change
      • Other considerations
    • Households as producers
      • Households and the informal sector
      • Agriculture
      • Housing
      • Domestic staff
    • Households as consumers
      • Consumption goods and services provided in kind
      • Expenditure by tourists
      • Consumption expenditure by type of product
    • Household income
    • Household wealth and associated income flows
      • Household balance sheets
      • Family trusts
      • The distribution of wealth
      • Pension considerations
      • Consumer durables
  • Chapter 25: Informal aspects of the economy
    • Introduction
      • The policy interest in measuring activity undertaken by informal enterprises
      • Structure of the chapter
    • Characteristics of units acting informally
    • The non-observed economy
    • The informal sector as defined by the ILO
      • The ILO concept of the informal sector
      • Defining the sector
        • Exclusion of units producing purely for own final use
        • Exclusion of units with formal characteristics
        • Two categories of informal enterprises
        • Exclusions on grounds of activity
      • Clarifying the use of familiar terminology
        • Sector
        • Enterprise
        • Subsectoring production
        • Formal sector, informal sector and households
    • Informal employment
      • Informal employment
      • Employment in the informal sector
    • Work of the Delhi Group
    • Deriving data on activities of informal enterprises from the SNA accounts
      • Candidate households
      • Adjustments for national practices
      • Disaggregation by type of activity
      • Presenting the data on the informal sector and informal employment
        • Production
        • Employment
    • Approaches to measuring activities undertaken in the informal economy
      • Household surveys
      • Establishment surveys
      • Mixed household-enterprise surveys
    • Guidelines, studies and handbooks on the informal economy
  • Chapter 26: The rest of the world accounts and links to the balance of payments
    • Introduction
      • The rest of the world account in the SNA
        • Current accounts
        • Accumulation accounts
      • The international accounts in BPM6
      • The structure of the chapter
    • Accounting principles
      • Comparison with SNA accounting principles
        • Valuation
        • Time of recording and change of ownership
        • Netting
      • Units
        • Economic territory
        • Institutional units
          • Branches
          • Notional resident units
          • Multiterritory enterprises
      • Residence
        • Residence of households
        • Residence of enterprises
        • Residence of other entities
    • A comparison between the international accounts and the SNA rest of the world accounts
      • Goods and services account
      • The primary income account
        • Income of direct investment enterprises
      • Secondary income account
      • Balancing items in the current accounts of the international accounts
      • The capital account
      • The financial account and IIP
      • The other changes in assets accounts
    • International accounts functional categories
      • Direct investment
      • Portfolio investment
      • Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options
      • Other investment
      • Reserve assets
    • Special international accounts considerations
      • Global imbalances
      • Exceptional financing
      • Debt instruments
      • Debt reorganization
      • Regional arrangements, including currency unions
      • Currency conversion, including multiple exchange rates
  • Chapter 27: Links to monetary statistics and the flow of funds
    • Introduction
      • Monetary statistics
      • Financial statistics
      • Flow of Funds
    • Monetary statistics
      • Defining depository corporations
      • Presentation of monetary statistics
    • Financial statistics
    • Flow of funds
      • Flow accounts
        • The format of the account
        • Analytical uses
      • Stock accounts
  • Chapter 28: Input-output and other matrix-based analyses
    • Introduction
      • Input-output tables
      • Social accounting matrices
      • The structure of the chapter
    • Flexibility in the supply and use tables
      • The treatment of margins on imports
      • Goods processed by a unit not assuming economic ownership
      • Supply and use tables and sector accounts
    • Deriving an input-output table
      • What is an input-output table?
      • Analytical potential of an input-output matrix
      • Secondary products
      • Reallocating secondary products
        • Product by product tables
          • Industry technology assumption
          • Product technology assumptions
        • Industry by industry tables
          • Fixed product sales structure
          • Fixed industry sales structures
        • The choice of approach to be used
          • Hybrid approaches
        • The database required for the transformation
    • Social accounting matrices
      • Expressing the sequence of accounts in matrix form
      • Expanding the matrix
      • Disaggregating households
      • A SAM for labour accounts
  • Chapter 29: Satellite accounts and other extensions
    • Introduction
      • Functional classifications
      • Key sector accounts
      • Satellite accounts
    • Functional classifications
      • COICOP
      • COFOG
      • COPNI
      • COPP
    • Satellite accounts for key sector and other special sector accounts
    • Satellite accounts; options for conceptual variations
      • Production and products
      • Income
        • Primary incomes
        • Transfers and disposable income
      • Uses of goods and services
      • Assets and liabilities
      • Purposes
      • Aggregates
    • Possible tables for a satellite account
      • Scoping a functionally orientated account
      • Determining the products of interest
      • Measuring production
      • Components of uses/national expenditure
        • Consumption
        • Capital formation
        • Transfers
        • Total uses and national expenditure
      • Users or beneficiaries
      • Financing
      • Production and products
      • Physical data
    • Examples of satellite accounts
      • Tourism satellite accounts
        • Defining visitors and tourists
        • Definition and scope of tourism expenditure
        • Definition and scope of tourism consumption
        • Characteristic products
        • Tourism industries
        • Main aggregates
      • Environmental accounting
        • The different parts of the SEEA
        • Physical and hybrid supply and use tables
        • Identifying environmental aspects of the central framework
          • Environmental taxes, property income and property rights
          • A set of accounts for environmental protection expenditure
        • Asset accounts
        • Integrating environmental adjustments in the flow accounts
          • Depletion
          • Defensive expenditure
          • Accounting for environmental degradation
      • Health satellite accounts
        • Functional classification of health care
        • Health care provider units
        • Expenditure on health care
        • Funding of health care
        • Converting the SHA to health satellite accounts
      • Unpaid household activity
        • Unpaid household services
        • Consumer durables
        • Volunteer labour
  • Annex 1:The classification hierarchies of the SNA and associated codes
    • Introduction
    • The classification hierarchies of the SNA
      • Sectors (S codes)
      • Classifications of transactions
        • Transactions in products (P codes)
        • Transactions in non-produced assets (NP codes)
        • Distributive transactions (D codes)
        • Transactions in financial assets and liabilities (F codes)
      • Other flows
        • Entries in the other changes in assets account (K codes)
        • Balancing and net worth items (B codes)
      • Entries related to stocks of assets and liabilities
        • Balance sheet entries (L codes)
        • Non-financial assets (AN codes)
        • Financial assets (AF codes)
    • Supplementary items
      • Non-performing loans
      • Capital services
      • Pensions table
        • Columns
        • Rows
      • Consumer durables
      • Foreign direct investment
      • Contingent positions
      • Currency and deposits
      • Classification of debt securities according to outstanding maturity
      • Listed and unlisted debt securities
      • Long-term loans with outstanding maturity of less than one year and long-term loans secured by a mortgage
      • Listed and unlisted investment shares
      • Arrears in interest and repayments
      • Personal and total remittances
  • Annex 2: The sequence of accounts
  • Annex 3: Changes from the 1993 System of National Accounts
    • Introduction
    • Further specifications of statistical units and revisions in institutional sectoring
      • Producer unit undertaking ancillary activities to be recognized as a separate establishment in certain cases
      • Artificial subsidiaries not regarded as institutional units unless resident in an economy different from that of their parents
      • Branch of a non-resident unit recognized as an institutional unit
      • Residence of multiterritory enterprises clarified
      • Special purpose entities recognized
      • Holding company allocated to the financial corporations sector
      • Head office to be allocated to the institutional sector of the majority of its subsidiaries
      • Subsector for non-profit institutions introduced
      • Definition of financial services enlarged
      • Subsectoring of the financial corporation sector revised to reflect new developments in financial services, markets and instruments
    • Further specifications of the scope of transactions including the production boundary
      • Research and development is not an ancillary activity
      • Method for calculating financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM) refined
      • Output of central bank clarified
      • Recording of the output of non-life insurance services improved
      • Reinsurance similarly treated as direct insurance
      • Valuation of output for own final use by households and corporations to include a return to capital
    • Extension and further specification of the concepts of assets, capital formation and consumption of fixed capital
      • Change of economic ownership introduced
      • Asset boundary extended to include research and development
      • Revised classification of assets introduced
      • Extension of the assets boundary and government gross capital formation to include expenditure on weapons systems
      • The asset category ‘computer software' modified to include databases
      • Originals and copies recognized as distinct products
      • The concept of capital services introduced
      • Treatment of costs of ownership transfer elaborated
      • Mineral exploration and evaluation
      • Land improvements
      • Goodwill and marketing assets
      • Water resources treated as an asset in some cases
      • Consumption of fixed capital to be measured at the average prices of the period with respect to a constant-quality price index of the asset concerned
      • Definition of cultivated biological resources made symmetric to uncultivated resources
      • Intellectual property products introduced
      • Concept of resource lease for natural resources introduced
      • Changes in the items appearing in the other changes in the volume of assets account introduced
    • Further refinement of the treatment and definition of financial instruments and assets
      • Treatment of securities repurchase agreement clarified
      • Treatment of employee stock options described
      • Treatment of non-performing loans elaborated
      • Treatment of guarantees elaborated
      • Treatment of index-linked debt securities elaborated
      • Treatment of debt instruments indexed to a foreign currency revised
      • Flexibility on valuation of unlisted equity
      • Unallocated gold accounts treated as financial assets and liabilities
      • Definition of monetary gold and gold bullion revised
      • Liability in special drawing rights recognized
      • Distinction made between deposits and loans
      • Fees payable on securities lending and gold loans
      • Financial asset classification
      • Distinction between financial leasing and operating leasing based on economic ownership
      • Changes in recommendations for recording pension entitlements
    • Further specifications of the scope of transactions concerning government and public sector
      • The boundary between private/public/government sectors clarified
      • Treatment of restructuring agencies elaborated
      • Treatment of government issued permits clarified
      • Exceptional payments from public corporations should be recorded as withdrawals from equity
      • Exceptional payments from government to public quasi-corporations should be treated as capital transfers
      • Accrual recording of taxes
      • Tax credits
      • Treatment of ownership of fixed assets created through public-private partnerships clarified
      • Taxes on holding gains continue to be shown as current taxes on income and wealth
    • Harmonization between concepts and classifications of the SNA and BPM6
      • Centre of predominant economic interest as the basic criterion for determining the residence of the unit
      • Individuals changing residence
      • Goods sent abroad for processing are recorded on change of ownership basis
      • Merchanting
    • A check-list of changes in each chapter
    • Annexes and other items
  • Annex 4: Research Agenda
    • Introduction
    • Basic accounting rules
      • The relationship of SNA and IASB
      • Consolidation of enterprise groups
      • Trusts
      • Final consumption of corporations
      • Measuring the output of government services
      • The treatment of social transfers in kind to the rest of the world
      • Output of central banks: taxes and subsidies on interest rates applied by central banks
      • The treatment of establishments in the SNA
      • The inclusion of international organizations in the SNA
    • The concept of income
      • Clarification of income concept in the SNA
      • GDP at basic prices
      • The role of taxes in the SNA
      • Life insurance
      • Reinvested earnings
      • Accruing interest in the SNA
      • Calculation of FISIM
      • High inflation
      • The measurement of neutral and real holding gains and losses
      • Income arising from assets
      • Income from activities undertaken on an informal basis
    • Issues involving financial instruments
      • Issues arising from a financial crisis
      • Recognition of social security entitlements as liabilities
      • Wider use of fair value for loans
      • Provisions
      • Debt concessionality
      • Equity valuation and its implications
      • Reverse transactions
    • Issues involving non-financial assets
      • Tradable emission permits
      • Leases to use or exploit natural resources
      • Broadening the fixed asset boundary to include other intellectual property assets
        • Innovation
        • Marketing assets
        • Human capital
      • Costs of ownership transfer of valuables and non-produced assets
      • Distinction between current maintenance and capital repairs
      • Treatment of Private-Public Partnerships
      • Transfer of ownership of an asset during its life
  • References
  • Glossary
  • Index

Note that more information on the detailed text of SNA 2008 is available at

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