Input report for the management review to be conducted on 12 July 2018 by the top management of Eco-Friendly Inc (EFI).

Extent to which EMS objectives and targets were met

EFI had established two EMS objectives at the beginning of 2018. These were:

The water consumption in the factory shall be reduced from 15,000 gallons per month to 12,000 gallons per month by December 2018

Status: this objective has been fully achieved and our current monthly water consumption has been reduced to 11,000 gallons per month.

Reduction of carbon emissions by 2% by December 2019

Status: six targets were identified for achievement of this objective: three for 2018 and three for 2019. The three targets for 2018 (carbon emission study, procurement of carbon reduction equipment and optimising the combustion process of the two boilers) have been achieved.

Compliance with regulatory and other applicable requirements

EFI complies with all applicable regulatory requirements relating to emissions, effluents, solid waste and permit renewals. This was reconfirmed in the six-monthly compliance audit conducted in June 2018. Test results showing EFI performance (emissions, effluents, hazardous waste and permits) against applicable regulatory requirements are attached with this report.

Results of internal EMS audits

Two EMS audits were carried out in 2018: a complete system audit in February and an EMS audit of the production department in May.

Complete system audit – February 2018

It was a four man-day audit carried out by trained internal auditors. The audit confirmed that EFI was in complete compliance with all regulatory requirements. The system was well implemented, and the objectives and targets were being met. The audit also identified one nonconformity. Details are given below:

Nonconformity: scrubber used for reducing emission of sulphur oxide in Chimney No. 2 was inoperative for the past five weeks.

Root cause: ineffective maintenance programme and lack of awareness among the scrubber maintenance personnel.

Corrective actions taken:

image Scrubber repaired and reinstalled.

image All other scrubbers’ performance checked.

image The maintenance system was reviewed; it was ensured that all pollution prevention equipment would be identified and a maintenance plan made to ensure ongoing preventive maintenance (Procedure EFI-07, Rev. 2 was revised to include the new requirements).

image Training need identification was revisited and the training requirements for pollution prevention equipment were identified for all maintenance personnel (the new training requirements were included in the 2018–2019 training calendar).

Production department audit – May 2018

It was a two man-day audit carried out by trained internal auditors for the production department only. The audit confirmed that EMS operational controls were well in place. The audit also identified one nonconformity. Details are provided below:

Nonconformity: no operational controls deployed for potential spillage or leak from oil drums kept in store.

Root causes:

image Inadequate assessment of significant impacts in case of emergency situations.

image Inadequate measuring and monitoring.

image Lack of awareness of operational controls.

Corrective actions taken:

image Tiled surface prepared for areas where drums are kept to cater for drainage of potential spillage and leakage.

image Inspection of incoming drums introduced to separate any damaged or leaking drums.

image Purchase process modified (EFI-05, Rev. 4).

image Training need identification was revisited and the training requirements for EMS operational controls were identified for all concerned persons (new training requirements were included in the 2018–2019 training calendar).

image Other lube oil storage locations were inspected to ensure that similar controls are also implemented in those locations.

image Spill kits placed in each lube oil storage location to be used for containment in case of spills (personnel also trained in the use of spill kits).

Communication from external interested parties, including complaints

Since the last management review meeting there was one complaint and one query received from interested parties. The communication received and actions taken were as follows:

Communication: complaint received from local road-traffic control department on 10 June 2018. The complaint related to spillage and leaks from EFI’s vehicles while travelling between EFI and the customers’ premises.

Action: EFI raised a nonconformity report. Lack of vehicle maintenance and inadequate inspection of vehicles before departure from the factory were identified as the root causes. Corrective actions were taken to introduce regular vehicle inspections as well as pre-departure vehicle checks. A response was sent to the traffic control department explaining all the corrective actions taken by EFI.

Communication: 12 April 2018, ‘The Green Initiatives’, an NGO working towards environmental protection, sent a query asking if the effluent discharged by EFI met the biological oxygen demand (BOD) limits of 30 mg/litre.

Action: as it is the policy of EFI to disclose its environmental performance (if specifically asked for by an interested party), a response was sent stating that the BOD value of EFI effluent is 25 mg/litre, which is well within the stated limits.

Environmental performance

The environmental performance as judged from lagging environmental performance indicators.

Table 8: Lagging EMS Performance Indicators

Lagging parameters
(based on 50,000 tonnes of production from July 2017 to June 2018)


Amount of hazardous waste generated

2,000 kg

Quantity of toxic chemicals released


Number of notices of violation


Amount of fuel used

5,000 gallons

Amount of water used

11,000 gallons per month

Ozone-depleting substances in use (relate to old versions of air-conditioning units)


Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) released to air

20 pounds

Spills of oil or hazardous substances (notified to regulatory bodies and corrective actions taken)


Energy usage/unit of product

0.23 kilowatt hour

Table 9: Leading EMS Performance Parameters

Leading parameter


Number of purchase reviews completed for environmental aspects


Number of voluntary initiatives participated in


Number of community outreach activities

2 half-day sessions

Number of internal self-assessments completed


Number of environmental management reviews completed


Regulatory issues identified proactively and resolved


Number of EMS training courses completed


Status of corrective and preventive actions

Corrective actions initiated: 3

Current status: all closed out. Results verified for effectiveness.

Preventive actions initiated: 1

Current status: action pending because of delay in budget approval.

Follow-up actions from previous reviews

Previous review decisions included two items:

Revision of contractor management procedure to include extending EMS controls to those contractors working for EFI outside company premises. Completed through EFI-09, Rev. 3.

Building a wall to contain generator noise from disturbing the neighbourhood residents. This has been accomplished and the neighbouring community is fully satisfied with the new arrangement.

Any changes in EMS or circumstances that could relate to environmental aspects

Two changes have been introduced that have a potential for new or changed environmental aspects in the organisation. These are:

Constructing a new warehouse for storage of paints and epoxies; and

Introducing 50 new printers that could generate hazardous solid waste (toners and cartridges) in the weeks to come.

EMS policy

The EMS policy of EFI was last revised in June 2017. The policy is enclosed for review and possible changes by top management.

Recommendations for improvement

Three recommendations are being made for consideration by top management for continual improvement of the EMS. These are:

Making a new EMS objective for reducing the carbon footprint of the organisation;

Providing training on the corrective and preventive action process to all managers; and

Purchasing BOD/COD testing equipment so that the testing of outgoing effluent can be carried out more frequently to exercise ongoing control over these parameters.


Management representative (EMS)

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