Once in a great while a book comes along that speaks directly and practically to the issues of the day. Impact: Great Leadership Changes Everything is one of those books.

The world is in desperate need of leadership. We need great leaders to find our way through the myriad of today’s complex business and geopolitical challenges.

The problem is that many leaders are not having the impact they intend. They get in their own way and blunt the impact they could have. Often, it is not because they are not smart enough or knowledgeable enough of a particular issue. Instead they have drifted from the core principles that initially guided them as they moved through increasing levels of responsibility, authority, and power. They may have become arrogant or dismissive of the people doing the work of their organization and, at times, even their customers. They may sometimes exercise bad judgment about moral decisions. Inevitably, those leaders are marginalized to the point of irrelevance.

Dr. Tim Irwin’s solution is simple but not easy. He offers practical tips to leaders to better understand and manage their internal decisionmaking process and judgments. This book is entertaining and profound at the same time. It is a fast read that calls out to be revisited and studied over and over again. One minute I was laughing out loud and the next I was reflecting deeply about my own life.

If it is your intention to exercise influence and make a difference with your life, then this book needs to move to the top of the reading stack on your bedside table. Irwin’s principles provide a firm foundation for the weight of responsibility all leaders will bear, including future leaders. May it help you make the difference you intend.

Mark W. Albers                
Senior Vice President      
Exxon Mobil Corporation

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