
4P model, 97

5S Red Tag, 384

80:20 rule, 100-102


AAA (Area Activity Analysis), 349-357

abuse, 53

ACC (adult critical care), 208

access, linkage between diversion and, 208

accounts, commercial, 204-208

accuracy in managed care operating room carve-outs (Virtua Health) case study, 215-219

acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 168, 182

adaptability, 290


change management, 293-295

Phase III, 261-262

Six Sigma Team (SST) members, 276-285

adult critical care (ACC), 208

adverse drug reactions, 4

advocates (Six Sigma), finding and developing, 244

Affinity Diagram, 94-95

Allied Signal

leadership teams, 445

Six Sigma, 42

alpha risk, 133

alternate hypothesis, 131

ambulances, reducing diversions case study (PAMC), 208, 211

American College of Healthcare Executives, 171

American Customer Satisfaction Index, 415

American Society for Quality (ASQ), 42, 47

AMI (acute myocardial infarction), 168, 182


Area Activity Analysis (AAA), 349-357

basic statistical, 105-106

cause and effect, 113-114

efficiency, 352

Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA), 118-120

Force Field, 102-103

measurement system analysis (MSA), 109

multi-vary, 112-113

Pareto, 100-102

regression, 116-117

Six Sigma strategic plans, 245-250

Analysis of Variance. See ANOVA

Analyze phase, 83, 112

cardiac medication administration case study, 183-185

cause and effect analysis, 113-114

central venous catheter (CVC) infections, reducing, 189

Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA), 118-120

Ishikawa diagrams, 115

Lean Six Sigma, 383

multi-vary analysis, 112-113

regression analysis, 116-117

tools, 112

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), 139-140

applying Six Sigma, 33-40

determining need for, 40-41

pilot projects, 45-47

to healthcare, 42-45

approving Phase III, 261-262

Area Activity Analysis (AAA), 349-357

Arthur Andersen Consulting, 246

ASQ (American Society for Quality), 42, 47

assignable versus random variation, 107

assumed requirements (unspoken), 93

AT&T Network Systems, 358

development of control charts, 146


control charts, 147

data, 105

Average Outgoing Quality Level (AOQL), 406

awards, 366, 417-418


Bachman, Brian, 53

basic statistical analysis, 105-106

bed management (Nebraska Medical Center) case study, 220-228

bell-shaped distribution, 106

benchmarks, 28-29

Berwick, Donald M., 403

best-of-breed processes, 339

beta blockers, 403

beta risk, 133

better patient charge capture (YNHH) case study, 211-215

between variation, 113

billing, Commonwealth Health Corporation case study, 167

Black Belts, 37, 305-307, 437-443

certified as Green Belts, 341


of exams, 341

of Six Sigma systems, 421

Master Black Belt (MBB), 305, 314-319

with no Six Sigma training, 341

training, 273-275, 319-324

bloodstream infection (BSI), 188

Bloom’s Taxonomy, 326

Bloom, Benjamin, 326

Blue Belts, 309, 326

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee, 47

Body of Knowledge (Six Sigma), 437-443

Bossidy, Lawrence A., 42

BPIn (Business Performance Index), 65

Braden Scale, 194

Brailer, David, 16, 260

Brown, Tawnya, 52

building Six Sigma cases, 260

BUS (Business Unit Sponsor), 304

Bush, George W., 405

business drivers, 247

business errors, 23

Business Non-Value Added (BNVA), 389

business opportunity awareness, 70-73

Business Performance Index (BPIn), 65

Business Process Improvement, 339

business processes, evaluating importance of, 256

business reviews, control phase, 151-152

Business Unit Sponsor (BUS), 304


CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft), 168

cafeterias in hospitals, quality of, 29


Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO), 84

t-tests, 140

test statistics, 133-138

Call Handling datasets, 105

CAMC (Charleston Area Medical Center), 32, 411

reducing surgical site infection (SSI) rates, 185-187

Canada, 404

CAP (Change Acceleration Process), 176

cardiac medication administration (Virtua Health), 182-185

care cycles, patient journeys, 253

caring, 68

Cascading Customer/Supplier Model, 349

case studies. See also clinical case studies

accuracy in managed care operating room carve-outs (Virtua Health), 215-219

ambulance diversions (Providence Alaska Medical Center), 208-211

bed management (Nebraska Medical Center), 220-228

better patient charge capture (YNHH), 211-215

cath lab utilization (Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular Institute-Southwest), 231-232

corporate advance directive (VBMC-H), 229-231

optimizing respiratory care services (VBHS), 233-237

reducing ambulance diversions (PAMC), 208-211

Six Sigma

Commonwealth Health Corporation (CHC), 166-168, 204-208

Decatur Memorial Hospital, 177-178

Nebraska Medical Center, 178-179, 220-228

New York-Presbyterian Hospital (NYP), 175-177

North Shore-LIJ Health System, 172-173

North Shore University Hospital, 388-390, 395, 399

St. John Health, 381-384, 388

Thibodaux Regional Medical Center (TRMC), 174-175

Valley Baptist Health, 171, 229-236

Virtua Health, 168-171, 215-220

timeliness on self-pay collections (CHC), 204-208

cases, building Six Sigma, 260

cath lab utilization (Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular Institute-Southwest) case study, 231-232

cause and effect

analysis, 113-114

matrix, 194-195

Cavanaugh, Barry, 55

CDC (Centers for Disease Control), 191

Center for Learning and Innovation (CLI), 172

center points, setting new, 268

Centers for Disease Control. See CDC

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 185

central venous catheter (CVC) infections, reducing, 188-190

Champions (Six Sigma), 302

training, 311-314

Change Acceleration Process (CAP), 176

change management, 293-295

cultures, 358-360

Charleston Area Medical Center (CAMC), 32, 411

reducing surgical site infection (SSI) rates, 185-187


projects, 103

SSTs, 276


control, 146-149

Pareto, 100-102, 204

Chassin, Mark, 164

CHC (Commonwealth Health Corporation), 32

case studies, 166-168, 204, 208

reducing post-operative infections, 191-193

CHF (congestive heart failure), 170, 182


Six Sigma 20 Question, 445-446

Six Sigma Student, 447

Cherry, Jean, 168

Christus Schumpert Health System (CSHS), 411

claims, validating, 133-139

Clarkson Hospital, 178

clinical case studies

cardiac medication administration (Virtua Health), 182-185

central venous catheter (CVC) infections, reducing, 188-190

glucose control in adult ICU (Valley Baptist Health System), 199-202

nosocomial pressure ulcers, reducing (TRMC), 193-199

post-operative infections, reducing (CHC), 191-193

preventing infections (Decatur Memorial Hospital), 190-191

surgical site infection (SSI) rates (CAMC), reducing, 185-187

clinical research, 67

collections, timeliness on self-pay collections (CHC), 204-208

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 175

commercial accounts, timeliness on self-pay collections (CHC), 204-208

commitment, 69

Committee on the Quality of Healthcare in America (QHCA), 403

common regions, 135

common variation, 107

Commonwealth Fund, 368

Commonwealth Health Corporation (CHC), 32

case studies, 166-168, 204, 208

reducing post-operative infections, 191-193

communications, 357

control phase, 151

outcomes and errors, 74

community service, 67

comparative experiments, 140-142

compensation, 366

conclusions (Six Sigma), 48-50

error rates, 52-56

potential in healthcare, 50-52

conducting testing of hypothesis, 133-139

congestive heart failure (CHF), 170, 182

Considine, Jill M., 409

constructing controls charts, 147

consultants, selecting, 263-265

Consumer Reports, 54

consumer-centric healthcare, 13

consumerism in healthcare, 54

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), 42, 193

Control phase, 83, 146

business review, 151-152

communication, 151

control charts, 146-149

documentation, 149-150

training, 150-151

Cooper, Alan, 174

Cooper, Mary R., 175

Cooper-Standard Automotive Global Fluid Systems division, 409

COQ (cost of quality), 107, 109

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG), 168

corporate advance directive (VBMC-H) case study, 229-231

cost of quality (COQ), 107-109

costs, 14

healthcare, 16

of errors to society, 55-56

IT, failure to invest in, 27

poor-quality, 406-407

quality, 24-25

Six Sigma, 80

courses that propagated the Six Sigma philosophy, 78

CPIs (Critical Performance Indicators), 249

CQI (Continuous Quality Improvement), 42, 193

critical processes, selecting, 256

critical regions, 135

CRM (customer relationship management), 93

Crosby, Phil, 33

Cruz, Ramon, 54

CSHS (Christus Schumpert Health System), 411

CT scans, North Shore University Hospital case study, 388-399

cultures, internalizing, 344-353, 355-368

curve distribution, 106

Customer Critical to Quality Requirements (CTQs), 319


customer/supplier relationships, 345-349

external requirements, understanding, 255

focus, 421

Kano’s model of requirements, 93-94

listening to, 90, 92

loyalty, 407-410

Pareto analysis, 100-102

relationships, developing, 352

service, comparing hospitals to hotels, 29

vision statements, 247

Cyclical variation, 83, 113


Decatur Memorial Hospital, 413

case study, 177-178

preventing infections, 190-191

dedication to perfection, 53-54

defects, 379

defects per million opportunities (DPMO), 80, 84, 182

defects/errors per unit (DPU), 80, 84

Defense System Electronics Group (DSEG), 48

defensive medicine, 27

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC), 66, 269, 343

Define phase, 90


Area Activity Analysis (AAA), 352

measurements, 288-290

quality, 21-24

scope of opportunities, 266-267, 270

Six Sigma, 78-79

improvement opportunities, 250-260

roles, 302-307

SST members, 270-272

Deming, Dr. W. Edwards, 107

demographics, 8-16

Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTC), 409

descriptive statistics, 104

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), 409

Design of Experiments (DOE), 77, 142-144, 383

Design phase, 90

Force Field analysis, 102-103

Pareto analysis, 100-102

project charters, 103

SIPOC, 98, 100

tools, 90, 92-98

Desmarais, John, 166


of advocates, 244

customer relationships, 352

of Six Sigma, 87-88

supplier partnerships, 353

Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs), 71, 171

comparing, 189


Affinity Diagram, 94-95

fishbone, 114

Ishikawa, 114-115

distribution, 106, 146

diversion, linkage between access and, 208

DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control), 66, 269, 343

documentation, Control phase, 149-150

DOE (Design of Experiments), 77, 142-144, 383

Dominican Hospital, 412

Donabedian model, 45

Dowling, Michael, 173

DPMO (defects per million opportunities), 80, 84, 182

DPU (defects/errors per unit), 80, 84

DRGs (Diagnosis Related Groups), 71, 171

comparing, 189

drugs, adverse reactions, 4


Economic and Social Research Institute, 405

effectiveness, 289

efficiency, 289

analyzing, 352

healthcare, 8

elements of Six Sigma, 79

business scorecards, 65


of defects, 21

of errors, 53-54

EMC Corp, 409

English, John R., 48

Enterostomal Therapy Registered Nurse (ETRN), 194

EPU (errors per unit), 84


communicating, 74

error-free processes, 336

medical, 4

Medication-Administration Records (MAR), 260

rates, 52-56

reduction of, 18-19

types in healthcare, 22-24

errors per unit (EPU), 84

Eschete, Sheri, 198

evaluation. See also testing

importance of business processes, 256

improvement opportunities, 256

multiple treatments using ANOVA, 139-140

weighted-selection approach, 257-259

exams, failure of Black Belt, 341

excellence, 69

attaining, 25-29

recognizing, 75

executing projects, 342-343

Executive Sponsors, 262

Executive Teams

approving and organizing Phase III, 261-262

cultures, 357-358

role of, 302

training, 310-311

executives, values, 361

expecting improvements, Six Sigma, 73

expenditures, 14. See also costs


comparative, 140-142

Design of Experiments. See DOE

full factorials, 142-146

External Consultants, selecting, 263-265

external customers, 90-92

requirements, understanding, 255

extra processing steps, 379


F-tests, 138

facilities, vision statements, 247

Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA), 83, 118-120


of Black Belt exams, 341

of Six Sigma systems, 419-421

Fairfax Hospital, 52

Fairview University Medical Center, 53

Federal Office of Personnel Management, 72, 405

females, demographics, 11

fertility rates, demographics, 11

financial demographics, 8-16

finding Six Sigma advocates, 244

Fishbone diagram, 83, 114

Fisher, Sir Ronald, 139

Florida Hospital, 188-190

FMEA (Failure Modes and Effect Analysis), 83, 118-120


customers, 421

processes, 422

Food Safety Management Systems, 405

Foothill Medical Centre, 55

Force Field analysis, 102-103

Ford Motor Company, 409

Ford, Sr., Henry, 424

forming Six Sigma Teams (SSTs), 340-342

Forming Stage (SST team development), 281

formulas, Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO), 84

Fosdick, Glenn, 178

fraud, 53

Froedtert Memorial, 32

full factorials experiments, 142-146

future states, 294


Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility (R&R), 109

gaining process knowledge, 96-97

Gallo, Kathleen, 164, 174

GE (General Electric), 79

Six Sigma, 32, 41

General Motors, 404

glucose control in adult ICU (Valley Baptist Health System, 199-202

goals, Six Sigma Teams (SSTs), 278

Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, 54

government problem with healthcare, 404-405

Green Belts, 82, 307, 437-443

Black Belts certified as, 341

training, 273-275, 324

Gregg, Vicky, 47

grids, Process Maturity Grid, 330-340

ground rules (SSTs), 278

Guidance on the Application of ISO 22000:2005, 405

“Guidelines for Process Improvements in Health Services Organizations,” 405


Harrington’s Wheel of Fortune, 421-423

Harrington, H. James, 5, 421

Harvard Medical School, 403

Harvard School of Public Health, 172, 414

Hawkins, Jeff, 97

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), 5, 54


consumer-centric, 13

costs, 16

efficient, 8

error types in, 22-24

government problem with, 404-405


crisis in, 4-7

error reduction, 18-19

views of, 48

scorecards, 65-66

Six Sigma. See Six Sigma

Healthcare Excellence project forms, 121-128, 153-160

Heart Surgery Protocol Flow Committee, 263

HEDIS (Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set), 405

Heparin, 53

Hewlett-Packard, 424

HHRG (Home Health Resource Group), 170

hospital performance, 413-415

Hospital Quality Alliance, 414

hotels, comparing hospitals to, 29

Hottois, Patricia Ann, 55

HSAs (Health Savings Accounts), 5, 54

Hurricane Katrina, 174

Hurricane Rita, 174

hypotheses, testing, 83, 131-139


IBM, Six Sigma, 34, 48

ideas, 363

implantable devices, 231-232

Implementation phase (Six Sigma), 299-307

implementation processes, 243

mobilization phase, 244-265

Piloting Phase, 296-298

planning phase, 266-295

implementers, 263

Improve phase, 83, 130

cardiac medication administration case study, 183-185

comparative experiments, 140-142

full factorials experiments, 142-146

systems thinking, 130-131

testing of hypothesis, 131-139

improvement opportunities, defining, 250-260

The Improvement Process, 42


errors by, 23

for inefficiency, 28

income, equality, 13

indexes, process capability, 110

India, 404

inefficiency, incentives for, 28

inequality errors, 23


central venous catheter (CVC) infections, reducing, 188-190

post-operative, reducing, 191-193

preventing (Decatur Memorial Hospital), 190-191

sepsis, 4

surgical site infection (SSI) rates, reducing, 185, 187

inferential statistics, 104

influence on SSTs, 285

information technology. See IT

Ingraham, David, 208

Institute for Healthcare Improvement, 403

Institute of Health, 33

Institute on Medicine (IOM), 403

instructors, 263

insurance, pluralistic healthcare insurance system, 14

integrity, 68

intent of Six Sigma, 79

internal customers, 90, 92

internalizing Six Sigma culture, 344-368

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 405

International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 5

interpreting control charts, 148-149

inventory, 379

investments, failure to invest in IT, 27

“Is Health Care Ready for Six Sigma?,” 164

Ishikawa diagrams, 83, 114-115

Ishikawa, Kaoru, 113

IT (information technology), failure to invest in, 27


JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations), 70, 182, 402

J.D. Power and Associates’ Distinguished Hospital Program, 179

Jarvis, William, 54

Jha, Ashish, 414

Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 175

John Hopkins University, 412

Johnston, Bob, 55

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), 70, 182, 402

Jones, Pam, 204

Journal of the American Medical Association, 4

Juran, Joseph M., 358


Kaiser Permanent, 417

Kaizen events, North Shore University Hospital case study, 389-395

Kanban, 380

Kano’s model of customer requirements, 93-94

Kano, Noriaki, 93

knowledge, gaining process, 96-97

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), 248, 328


launching the Six Sigma initiatives, 64

healthcare scorecards, 65-66

leadership for Six Sigma, 73-75

Lean Six Sigma, 375

case studies

North Shore University Hospital, 388-399

St. John Health, 381-388

principles of, 376-377

tools, 378-380

Leapfrog Group, 368, 413

Lebsack, Jason, 179

Legacy Emanuel Hospital and Health Center, 410

legal errors, 22

lessons learned, Six Sigma, 416

life cycles, teams, 283

listening to customers, 90-92

Loeb, Jefod, M., 402

Lonmin PLC, 409

Louisiana Performance Excellence Award for Quality Leadership, 198

love-to-hate requirements (unspoken), 93-94

loyalty, customers, 407-410


maintenance, 380

Malcolm Baldrige Award (1988), 32, 35

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program, 417

managed care, 17

accuracy in managed care operating room carve-outs (Virtua Health), 215-219

analyzing, 247


change, 293-295

CRM (customer relationship management), 93

cultures, 358-360

excellence, attaining, 25-29

Force Field analysis, 102-103

pain, 294

Phase III, 261-262

Project Management tools, 433, 436

Six Sigma, 73-75

Six Sigma Team (SST) members, 276-285

Total Quality Management (TQM), 78

TQM, 42

training (Commonwealth Health Corporation case study), 166

Manam, Bob, 71

mapping processes, 97-98

MAR (Medication-Administration Records) errors, 260

Maricopa Medical Center, 55

marketplace requirements (spoken), 93

markets, vision statements, 247

Master belts, 437-443

maturity, Process Maturity Grid, 330-340

MBB (Master Black Belt), 305

training, 314-319

McDougal, Linda, 4

McGraw, Steven, 388

McLeod Regional Medical Center, 32, 412

MD Anderson Cancer Center, 32

mean value, 105

means, testing, 137

Measure phase, 82, 104

basic statistical analysis, 105-106

cost of quality (COQ), 107, 109

distribution, 106

measurement system analysis (MSA), 109

process performance measures, 110-111

random versus assignable variation, 107

measurement system analysis (MSA), 109


defining, 288-290

Six Sigma, 65, 80-86

median, 105

Medicaid, 14, 405

medical errors, 4

medical objects accidentally left in patients, 4

Medicare, 14, 405

Medication-Administration Records (MAR) errors, 260

Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular Institute-Southwest, cath lab utilization case study, 231-232

Memorial Hospital and Health, 32

Mercy Health Center, 412

methodologies (Six Sigma), 82-83

defined, 78-79

development of, 87-88

measurement, 84-86

quality systems, 87

readiness, 80

metrics, performance, 54

Miles, Ben, 384

Miller, Don, 177

Miller, Kurt, 246

Miller, Richard, 169

mission statements

Area Activity Analysis, 351

Six Sigma initiatives, 66-68

leadership, 73-75

Virtua Health, 68-73

Mobilization phase (Six Sigma), 244-265

models, 4P, 97

modes, 105

Kano’s model of customer requirements, 93-94

monitoring performance, 72

motion, 379

Motorola, 32, 34

Mount Carmel Health for Central Ohio, 411

Mount Carmel Health Providers, 72

Mount Carmel Health System, 32

MSA (measurement system analysis), 109

muda, 379

Mullin, Carol, 169

multi-vary analysis, 112-113

multiple treatments using ANOVA, evaluating, 139-140

Multivari analysis, 83


National Cash Register Company, 362

National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), 248

National Health IT, 260

National Nosocomial Infections

Surveillance (NNIS) System, 188

national quality awards, Six Sigma, 417-418

Natural Work Team (NWT), 344-345

Nebraska Medical Center

bed management case study, 220-228

case study, 178-179

need for Six Sigma, 40-41, 402-410

New England Journal of Medicine, 55

New York Presbyterian (NYP), 32

case study, 175-177

Nicholls State University, 174

Non-Value Added (NVA), 389

nonparametric output, 141

nonparametric tests, 134

normal distribution, 106

control charts, 146

Norming Stage (SST team development), 282

North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, 32

North Shore-LIJ Health System case study, 172-173

North Shore University Hospital case study, 388-399

North Shore-Long Island Jewish Hospital System, 412

not invented here phenomenon, 26

null hypothesis, 131

NWT (Natural Work Team), 344-345

NYP (New York Presbyterian), 32

case study, 175-177


objectives, setting preliminary, 262

On Intelligence, 97

operating rooms (Virtua Health), 215-219

operational measurements, 65


defining improvement, 250-260

Pareto analysis, 100-102

scope of, defining, 266-270

selecting, 255-257

optimizing respiratory care services (VBHS)

case study, 233-237

order of trials, 144

organizational structures (Six Sigma), 299-301


Phase III, 261-262

Six Sigma Team (SST) members, 276-285

outcomes, communicating, 74

output, nonparametric, 141

outstanding patient experiences, 69-70

overproduction, 379


pain management, 294

PAMC (Providence Alaska Medical Center)

case study, 208-211

parametric tests, 133

Pareto analysis, 100-102

Pareto charts, 204

partnerships, developing supplier, 353


better patient charge capture case study (YNHH), 211-215

journeys, 253

for life concept, 407-410

patient care, 67

patient-to-patient errors, 22

patterns, practice, 26

Paul Revere Insurance Company, 362

PCDA (Process Control, Process Redesign, Problem Solving), 42

Pearson, James O., 409

Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council, 18

Pennsylvania, improving healthcare, 405

people, vision statements, 248

Perfect stage (4P model), 97

Perform stage (4P model), 97


hospital, 413-415

metrics, 54

monitoring, 72

process measures, 110-111

reviewing, 75

Six Sigma initiative, 64

healthcare scorecards, 65-66

mission statements, 66-75

Performing Stage SST team development, 283

peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC), 189

Perry, Rick, 405

Pharmacists Association of Alberta, 55


Analyze, 112

cause and effect analysis, 113-114

Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA), 118-120

Ishikawa diagrams, 115

multi-vary analysis, 112-113

regression analysis, 116-117

tools, 112

Commonwealth Health Corporation case study, 166

control, 146

business review, 151-152

communication, 151

control charts, 146-149

documentation, 149-150

training, 150-151

Design, 90

Force Field analysis, 102-103

Pareto analysis, 100-102

project charters, 103

SIPOC, 98-100

tools, 90-98

Implementation, 299-309

improve, 130

comparative experiments, 140-142

full factorials experiments, 142-146

systems thinking, 130-131

testing of hypothesis, 131-139

Measure, 104

basic statistical analysis, 105-106

cost of quality (COQ), 107-109

distribution, 106

measurement system analysis (MSA), 109

process performance measures, 110-111

random versus assignable variation, 107

Mobilization, 244-265

Piloting, 296-298

planning, 266-295

PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter), 189

Picture Archive and Communication Systems (PACS) implementation, 168

pilot projects (Six Sigma), 45-47

Piloting Phase (Six Sigma), 296-298

planning, 422

change management, 293-295

project plans, preparing, 291-292

Six Sigma, 73, 266-295

pluralistic healthcare insurance system, 14

PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), 291

PMBOK tools and techniques, 433

policy errors, 23

Poling, Harold A., 424

political demographics, 8-16

poor-quality cost, 406-407

Positional variation, 83

potential in healthcare, Six Sigma, 50-52

PPI (project prioritization index), 82

PPOs (preferred provider organizations), 15, 72

practice patterns, 26

Pre-Control, 77

preferred provider organizations (PPOs), 15, 72

Prejeant, Darcy, 175

preliminary objectives, setting, 262

Preparation stage (4P model), 97


Area Activity Analysis (AAA), 350

project plans, 291-292

Presbyterian Hospital (New York), 411

Press Ganey, 174

preventing infections (Decatur Memorial Hospital), 190-191

problem solving

control phase, 146

business review, 151-152

communication, 151

control charts, 146-149

documentation, 149-150

training, 150-151

improve phase

comparative experiments, 140-142

full factorials experiments, 142-146

systems thinking, 130-131

testing of hypothesis, 131-139

Pareto analysis, 100-102

Process Control, Process Redesign, Problem Solving (PDCA), 42

Process Improvement Initiative Business Plan, 252

Process Maturity Grids, 330-340

Process Owners, 307

“Process Qualification-Manufacturing Insurance Policy,” 34


best-of-breed, 339

capability indexes, 110

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC), 269

error-free, 336

experts, 263

focus, 422

gaining knowledge, 96-97

inadequacy, 22

mapping, 97-98

Pareto charts, 101

performance measures, 110-111

standardized, 422

world-class, 337

professional judgment errors, 22

Progress stage (4P model), 97

Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), 291

Project Management tools, 433, 436

project prioritization index (PPI), 82

projected national health expenditures, 404


charters, 103

executing, 342-343

plans, preparing, 291-292

selecting, 327-329

Providence Alaska Medical Center (PAMC) case study, 208-211



cost of quality (COQ), 24-25, 107-109

CQI programs, 42

crisis in healthcare, 4-7

defining, 21-24

excellence, attaining, 25-29

healthcare, views, 48

Lean Six Sigma, 375

principles of, 376-377

tools, 378-380

national awards, 417-418

poor-quality cost, 406-407

reduction of, 18-19

Six Sigma, 41

Allied Signal, 42

GE, 41

systems, 87

TQM, 42

quality review analysts (QRAs), 182


R&R (Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility), 109

racial diversity, demographics, 11

radiology, Commonwealth Health Corporation case study, 166

random versus assignable variation, 107

randomized order of trials, 144

range, 106

readiness, Six Sigma, 80

recognition, 364-368

Red Cross Hospital, 413


ambulance diversions case study (PAMC), 208-211

central venous catheter (CVC) infections, 188-190

nosocomial pressure ulcers, 193-199

post-operative infections, 191-193

surgical site infection (SSI) rates, 185-187

variations, 268

regions of significance, 135

relative income, 13

regression analysis, 116-117

regulatory imposed errors, 22


customer relationship management (CRM), 93


developing, 352

suppliers, 345-349

requirements, Kano’s model of customer, 93-94

research, 67

resources, 259

Force Field analysis, 102-103

respect, 68

respiratory care services (VBHS) case study, 233-237

results, Six Sigma, 408-413

returns, 259


businesses, 151-152

performance, 75

rewards, 259, 364-368, 423

Riddle Memorial Hospital’s 2006 Process Improvement Initiative Business Plan, 252

Riebling, Nancy, 174

right-sizing, 376

risks, 259

alpha and beta, 133

Robert S. Hudgens Memorial Award for Young Healthcare Executive of the Year, 171

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 368

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH), 410

Rockefeller, John D., 361

roles (Six Sigma), defining, 302-307

rules, 80:20, 100-102

Rush Copely Medical Center, 67

Russia, 404


salaries, 27

Santa Barbara County Health Data Exchange, 260

Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, 410

scope of opportunities, defining, 266-267, 270

scorecards, healthcare, 65-66

Scottsdale Healthcare, 411


consultants, 263

critical processes, 256

External Consultants, 263-265

opportunities, 255-257

projects, 327-329

sepsis infections, 4

Sertz, Mike, 53

service policies, 351

setting preliminary objectives, 262

sharing ideas, 363

Shewhart, Walter, 44, 107, 146

significance, regions of, 135

SIPOC (Supplier, Input, Process, Output, and Customer), 79, 98, 100

Six Sigma, 33-40, 78-80

20 Question Checklist, 445-446

Analyze phase, 112

cause and effect analysis, 113-114

Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA), 118-120

Ishikawa diagrams, 115

multi-vary analysis, 112-113

regression analysis, 116-117

tools, 112

applied to healthcare, 42-45

Body of Knowledge, 437-443

case studies

accuracy in managed care operating room carve-outs (Virtua Health), 215-219

bed management (Nebraska Medical Center), 220-228

better patient charge capture (YNHH), 211-215

cath lab utilization (Memorial Hermann Heart & Vascular Institute-Southwest), 231-232

Commonwealth Health Corporation (CHC), 166-168

corporate advance directive (VBMC-H), 229-231

Decatur Memorial Hospital, 177-178

Nebraska Medical Center, 178-179

New York-Presbyterian Hospital (NYP), 175-177

North Shore-LIJ Health System, 172-173

North Shore University Hospital, 388-399

optimizing respiratory care services (VBHS), 233-237

reducing ambulance diversions (PAMC), 208-211

St. John Health, 381-388

Thibodaux Regional Medical Center (TRMC), 174-175

timeliness on self-pay collections (CHC), 204-208

Valley Baptist Health, 172

Virtua Health, 168-171

Champions, 261, 302

training, 311-314

communications, 357

conclusions, 48, 50

error rates, 52-56

potential in healthcare, 50-52

Control phase, 146

business review, 151-152

communication, 151

control charts, 146-149

documentation, 149-150

training, 150-151

cost of healthcare and, 16

culture, internalizing, 344-368

Design phase, 90

Force Field analysis, 102-103

Pareto analysis, 100-102

project charters, 103

SIPOC, 98, 100

tools, 90-98

determining need for, 40-41, 402-409

development of, 87-88

elimination of defects, 21

failure of, 419-421

Harrington’s Wheel of Fortune, 421-423

healthcare, views of quality, 48

hospital performance, 413-415

implementation processes, 243

Implementation Phase, 299-309

Mobilization phase, 244-265

Piloting Phase, 296-298

Planning phase, 266-295

Improve phase, 130

comparative experiments, 140-142

full factorials experiments, 142-146

systems thinking, 130-131

testing of hypothesis, 131-139


estimated costs, 80

healthcare scorecards, 65-66

launching, 64

mission statements, 66-73

Lean, 375

principles of, 376-377

tools, 378-380

lessons learned, 416

Measure phase, 104

basic statistical analysis, 105-106

cost of quality (COQ), 107-109

distribution, 106

measurement system analysis (MSA), 109

process performance measures, 110-111

random versus assignable variation, 107

measurements, 84-86

methodologies, 82-83

defining, 78-79

national quality awards, 417-418

need for, 402-410

organizational structures, 299-301

overview of, 33-40

pilot projects, 45-47


executing, 342-343

selecting, 327-329

quality, 41

Allied Signal, 42

GE, 41

systems, 87

readiness, 80

results, 408-413

rewards and recognition, 364-368

roles, defining, 302-307

Sponsors, 267, 302, 311-314

strategies, 164-166

Student Checklist, 447

suggestion systems, 361-363

Six Sigma Team. See SST

Smith, Bill, 78

social demographics, 8-16


Lean Six Sigma, 384

Six Sigma as part of, 406

Sonnenberg, Frank K., 362

South Africa, 409

SPC (Statistical Process Control), 77

special variation, 107

Sponsors (Six Sigma), 302

training, 311-314

Springfield, Jim, 171

SST (Six Sigma Team)

defining, 270-272

development, 280-283

forming, 340-342

organizing, 276-285

training, 273-275

St Joseph’s Hospital, Carondelet Healthcare Services, 410

St. Charles Medical Center, 411

St. John Health case study, 381-388

staffing shortages, 55

stages of team development, 280. See also SST

standard deviation, 106

standard operating procedures (SOPs), 182

standardized processes, 422

Stanford University Medical Center, 410

STAR Initiative (Virtua Health), 69

“State of Healthcare Quality, The,” 248

starting points, training, 326-327

Statistical Process Control (SPC), 77

statistics, 5-7, 104

basic analysis, 105-106

distribution, 106

healthcare quality crisis, 5-7

significance, 131

statistical thinking, 423

t-tests, 140

testing, 133-138

status, Six Sigma 20 Question Checklist, 445-446

steering committees, 302

Stock, Greg, 174

Storming Stage (SST team development), 282

strategic plans, analyzing, 245-250


errors, 23

Six Sigma, 79, 164-166

Stratton, Donald, 358


organizational (Six Sigma), 299-301

vision statements, 247

suggestion systems, 361-363

Supplier, Input, Process, Output, and Customer. See SIPOC


customer/supplier relationships, 345-349

Pareto analysis, 100-102

partnerships, developing with, 353

supply of workers, demographics, 12

Surgical Infection Prevention Project (SIPP), 185

surgical site infection (SSI) rates, reducing, 185-187

surgical wounds, 4

systems thinking, 130-131


t-tests, 140

Taylor, G. Don, 48

TCS (Total Customer Satisfaction), 75

TD Bank Financial Group, 409

teaching, 67


Black Belts, training, 319-324

Blue Belts, training, 326

development, 280. See also SST

Executive Teams

cultures, 357-358

role of, 302

training, 310-311

Green Belts, training, 324

Master Black Belt (MBB), training, 314-319

Natural Work Team (NWT), 344-345

Six Sigma Sponsors/Champions, training, 311-314

starting points, training, 326-327

training, 309

types of, 284

Yellow Belts, training, 325

teamwork, 69

technical demographics, 8-16

technologies, vision statements, 247

Temporal variation, 83, 113


F-tests, 138

of hypothesis, 83, 131-139

means, 137

statistics, calculating, 133-138

t-tests, 140

of variance, 137

Texas Instruments, 48

Thibodaux Regional Medical Center (TRMC), 32

case study, 174-175

reducing nosocomial pressure ulcers, 193-199

Threat/Opportunity Matrix, 193

time requirements, SST membership, 272

timeliness on self-pay collections case study, 204-208


Analyze phase (Six Sigma), 112

Design phase (Six Sigma), 90-98

Lean Six Sigma, 378-380

Project Management, 433-436

Six Sigma, 40, 79

Total Customer Satisfaction (TCS), 75

Total Improvement Management (TIM), 424

total participation, 423

Total Quality Control (TQC), 424

Toyota Production System (TPS), 376

TQM (Total Quality Management), 42, 78, 424

traditional healthcare system, 246

training, 423

Black Belts with no, 341

control phase, 150-151

management (Commonwealth Health Corporation case study), 166

Six Sigma Team (SST) members, 273-275

teams, 309

Black Belts, 319-324

Blue Belts, 326

Executive Teams, 310-311

Green Belts, 324

Master Black Belt (MBB), 314-319

Six Sigma Sponsors/Champions, 311-314

starting points, 326-327

Yellow Belts, 325

transition states, 294

transportation, 379

treatments, validating, 133-139

trends, 113

demographics, 8-16

healthcare, 18-19

outsourcing, 13

quality crisis in healthcare, 4-7

trials, randomized order of, 144

Trusko, Brett, 5

trust, 422

Tufts New England Medical Center, 417


of consultants, 263

of control charts, 146

of teams, 284

of vision statements, 247


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, contracts awarded (in 2005), 260

U.S. News and World Report, 248

U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 15

“Us” relationships, 423

University of Michigan, 415

University of New Hampshire, 32

Upper Specification Limit, 383


validating claims, 133-139

Valley Baptist Health case studies, 171

Valley Baptist Health System. See VBHS

Valley Baptist Medical Center-Headquarters. See VBMC-H

Value Stream Mapping. See VSM, 378

Value-Added (VA) activities, 389


executives, 361

in mission statements, 68-69

Van Kooy, mark, 170

Variability Reduction Methods, 77

variable control charts, 147

variable data, 104

variance, 106


testing of, 139


random versus assignable, 107

reducing, 268

VBHS (Valley Baptist Health System) case study, 233-237

VBMC-H (Valley Baptist Medical Center-Headquarters), corporate advance directive, 229-231

views of healthcare quality, 48

Virtua Health, 32, 67-73

accuracy in managed care operating room carve-outs, 215-219

cardiac medication administration case study, 182-185

case studies, 168-171

vision of Six Sigma initiative, 66-68

leadership, 73-75

Virtua Health, 68-73

vision statements, 247, types of, 247

Voice of Management, 289

Voice of Supplier, 289

Voice of the Customer (VOC), 199, 288, 383, 389

Voice of the Employee, 289

Voice of the Process, 289

VSM (Value Stream Mapping), 378-380

Vytra Health Plans, 32


waiting, 379

waste-free production, 376. See also Lean Six Sigma

weighted-selection approach, 257-259

Welch, Jack, 79, 166. See also GE

worker shortages, demographics, 12

world-class processes, 337


Yellow Belts, 307

training, 325

Yingling, Lois, 188

YNHH (Yale-New Haven Hospital), better patient charge capture case study, 67, 211-215

Young, John A., 424

zero defects, 33

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