
Recently, while scrolling through social media, an advertisement for a shirt stood out. It noted, “If you're not angry, you're not paying attention.” In education, we know the outcomes of our learners and we know we can do better. Teachers are working way too hard not to have a greater impact on the outcomes of all students, especially those learners who have been historically underserved. Educators around the country are burnt out, overworked, and overwhelmed. These realities are maddening. Despite this, we believe at our core that all students and all educators can experience success when schools and systems get the conditions right for them to be successful. And this requires a systems overhaul. A big one.

Federal education law requires the adoption of multi‐tiered systems of support to ensure that every student has equitable access to grade‐level classrooms, equitable opportunities to learn at high levels, and equitable feelings of belonging and hope. Numerous texts offer theories and conceptual frames for creating these systems, but don't offer the tools to actually put them into practice. We both understand conceptually how ships sail and love the idea of a cruise down to the island of Nevis but we sure as heck don't know how to build a yacht. Understanding a theory and understanding how to put that theory into practice are not the same. Any attempts to build a boat without concrete tools would result in the edu‐version of Gilligan's Island (note: lost at sea).

Similarly, leaders and school boards love the idea of inclusive and equitable systems and are committed to the mission of meeting the needs of all learners. What is missing is the guidance on how to accomplish this. We have to provide tools and guidance so that people know how to build the ship, and more importantly, can sail it on both calm waters and choppy seas.

As the authors of this text, we are in a unique position as practitioners, lead authors of state MTSS guidance, and consultants with hundreds of districts worldwide to support district and school leaders in creating inclusive, equitable systems using a conversational style, concrete planning tools, numerous analogies, and just the right amount of sass. Thank you for joining us.

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