Chapter 20: The 12-Step Landing Page Rehab Program

Editor's Note: The premise that you can increase your conversion rates by improving your landing pages still holds water almost three years after Oli Gardner shared his process for doing just that in this blog post (originally published on the The Moz Blog on July 26, 2010).

As with that other program, the first and most critical step is admitting you actually have a problem. So go ahead. Shout it out loud so your coworkers can hear:

“My name is Earl. My conversion rate sucks, and I can't stop sending expensive PPC traffic to my homepage.”

Feel better? You should.

You just passed the “unofficial” first test of landing page rehab, and now you're ready to take those 12 steps—with the help of your very own rehab sponsor—that'll lift you from that river in Egypt (denial?!?) to a higher place on the conversion charts. This is the intervention your landing pages have been crying out for, so take a deep breath … and let's get started.

Study the 12-step infographic to see where each step in the program should be applied to your conversion funnel. You can see a full-size version of the infographic at


Establishing a Conversion Baseline—The Conversion Scorecard

Before we begin, we need a quick breathalyzer test to get some baseline metrics in place and measure how effective your treatment program is. The conversion scorecard ( can be used whether you're using a standalone landing page for your marketing campaigns, or sending traffic directly to a page on your website (home page, shopping cart or registration page)—although it is geared slightly more towards the standalone variety.


Scoring Your Page

Answer each of the 20 questions as honestly as you can and tally the number of “Yes” responses to arrive at your score. The goal is simply to get a ballpark sense of how good your page is. Then take all of the “No” responses and create a “To Do List” of things to improve on your page. You'll find some guidance and tips for making these improvements as you follow the 12-step program outlined in this chapter.

Remember that after you leave the rehab clinic and have made some positive changes to your conversion funnel, you should revisit the scorecard to measure your improvements.

Step 1: Use a Separate Landing Page for Each Inbound Traffic Source

The principles of inbound marketing are founded on facilitating multiple streams of traffic. Examples include pay-per-click (PPC), email, banner ads, and social media. There are two key reasons why you should be using a separate landing page for each source:

With measurement comes accountability. With separate funnel flows, you can measure the effectiveness of each inbound stream and focus your efforts on the one(s) that convert the best—and potentially stop spending time and money on channels that aren't working for a specific campaign or audience.

Each inbound medium has it's only unique style and limitations. Using separate pages allows you to sync up the visual and tonal qualities with the source. Email for instance can contain a lot more information that a tweet, so the amount of extra information your landing page needs to communicate is inherently different. Imagine also that one of your inbound streams suddenly requires a different offer (perhaps a 20% discount for an affiliate). With only one landing page you would have to show this change to all sources. This is especially critical for PPC. Once you've established a good quality score and conversion rate, you don't want to change the page and risk an increase in cost-per-click or a drop in your quality score.

Sponsor's Advice

This is where A/B testing becomes really useful. Set up multiple versions of your form and test them to find where the balance lies. Is it acceptable to remove a few questions in order to get more leads? Does your conversion rate even get affected by the addition of extra questions? Only testing with your target audience can answer these questions.

Start thinking of each inbound source as its own mini campaign. You want to have multiple rivers bringing boats to your port (rather than many tributaries feeding one river). Print out the ads for each inbound source (PPC, email, banners, social media) and spend time observing their differences—size, tone, language, and visual weight. This will help you design appropriate landing pages.

Step 2: A/B Test Your Landing Pages

A/B testing is the process of splitting your traffic between a series of pages to see which performs the best. Anne Holland's is a fun site that shows examples of A/B tests and lets you pick which version you think would produce the highest conversion rate.

On a corporate level, testing helps to remove conjecture and subjective argument from the boardroom and is a great way of understanding your customers (i.e., which messaging and design they respond to best). It should be done as an iterative process—think evolution versus revolution.

Fact: Your landing page can always be better. Just like a plant, it needs ongoing attention for best results.

Sponsor's Advice

Take the plunge and get a tool set up so you are at least able to start testing your landing pages. Then the fun part of trying new ideas and experimenting can come.

Tip: You can start a free trial Unbounce account at and start creating and A/B testing pages in minutes.

Step 3: Match Your Landing Page Message to the Upstream Ad

If the primary headline of your landing page doesn't match the copy on your ad, you'll be getting a lot of action on your browser's back button.

Bad message match:

Ad: Get 20% off a MacBook ProLanding page message: Welcome to Bobby's Computer Store

Good message match:

Ad: Get 20% off a MacBook ProLanding page message: Get 20% off a MacBook Pro at Bobby's Computer Store

Seems obvious, right? The problem is that most inbound traffic gets sent to company home pages, where the messaging is necessarily generic. Using a targeted standalone landing page is key to reinforcing the customer's belief that they made a “good click.” You will also get a better quality score and thus a lower cost-per-click from Google AdWords if your message match is strong. (This extends to the entire content on the page, which should be congruent with the headline's message.)

Bonus tip: If you are driving social media traffic, you can enhance the “social message match” by including an appropriate social icon on your landing page to further reinforce the connection between the source and destination.

Sponsor's Advice

Learning to construct your campaigns in the right order can help you ensure good message match.

• Start with a concept based on communicating your product/service/offer to your target market.

• Come up with your promotional headline and landing page content.

• Work on a series of ads that closely match the headline.

If you do it the other way round (ad first), you are forced into building from what might be the wrong foundation.

Step 4: Context of Use

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. A better picture is one where your product or service is shown being used in context. Salespeople will tell you to sell the fire, not the fire extinguisher—the point being that you need to illustrate the need in order to develop desire for the solution. Effective landing pages use photography and video to provide evidence of how your product or service solves a real problem.

A statement like “Our vacuum cleaner is so powerful it can suck up a bag of nails” beside a stock photo of the product against a white background is far less likely to convert than a video that allows customers to see and hear the vacuum cleaner actually doing its job.

An example using photography could show a fold-up ladder in two states: 1) being tucked into a small cupboard by its owner, and 2) extended to show the owner reaching onto high shelves to retrieve something. Simply showing it in its intended context of use will improve your sales.

Would you really have bought a ShamWow or Slap Chop without seeing it in action?

Sponsor's Advice

Take your product or service and use it yourself. (You'd be surprised how many people haven't even used the item they're selling.) This will help you understand and visualize how it should be presented in your photography and videos. If it's an online tool, try observing someone else using it.

Step 5: Use Videos to Increase Engagement and Conversions

According to a study by, the use of video can increase your conversion rates by as much as 80 percent. By providing users with a passive engagement mechanism you can keep them on your page longer, allowing your brand message to seep into their subconscious.

If you're peddling a physical product, show people using it, as mentioned in Step 4. If it's an online tool, provide a demo of the primary features while narrating the benefits of its use. (Don't show every step, make it a highlight reel.)

If you offer a service, put yourself front and center. Communicate directly with your viewers.

Make eye contact for maximum engagement and make use of directional cues to guide visitors to your intended conversion goal. Great videos do this by having the host look and point outside the frame towards other elements on the page—bringing the whole page into the experience.

Bonus Tip: Usability best practices say to never auto-play a video, as the audio shock can make people hit the back button immediately, especially if they are in a sound sensitive environment—like most offices. However, this is something you should test on your visitors. If you really want the video to start automatically, my advice is to at least allow a short delay before it starts, and make the controls very obvious so that the user can easily mute or pause it.

Sponsor's Advice

If you don't use video yet, plan to start soon. For online product demos, try recording a screencast using software like Jing ( It's a really simple and cost-effective. Once you get a feel for it, you can upgrade to more elaborate tools with stronger editing and post-production features. Audio is a very important aspect of video production—write a script before you record so you're not bumbling your way through, and try to use an external mic for better quality.

Step 6: Use Directional Cues to Lead the Way

Imagine an airport without the expertly placed wayfinding signs and maps—it would be chaos. If you've visited the emergency room at a hospital, you might be familiar with the colored lines they paint on the floor to take you to different departments—follow the yellow brick road. These are examples of directional cues.

Directional cues are used on landing pages to guide the visitor to your call-to-action (CTA). Here are some examples of ways to do this:

Graphical arrows: Take a look at the header area of the lead gen form on this landing page template from When you add a lead gen form to your page, the call-to-action button is often pushed below the fold. Here, the arrow lets you know that the point of interaction can be found directly below that area.


Whitespace: Don't cramp the style of your CTA. Resist the temptation to fill in every pixel of your page; instead give your buttons plenty of room to breathe.

Color: Classic colors for buttons include blue and orange. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that it stands out clearly from the rest of the page. (For example, don't make your CTA button blue if your page has a blue color palette.)

Contrast: This is essentially the same as the point about color, but thinking in terms of black and white or tonal range.

Eye direction: Studies have shown that when using photos of people (or animals), you can improve conversions by having them look at your intended CTA. It makes sense. If you see someone looking up at the sky while you're walking down the street, the chances are you'll follow their gaze in case you're missing something important.

Interruption: Surprise is an excellent way to get someone's attention. Breaking established design boundaries gives reason to pause and observe.

Encapsulation: Think of binoculars or the viewfinder on a camera and how they focus your vision. You can construct similar experiences using shapes and contrast. Think about archways, holes, and windows for inspiration.

Pathways: Roads or the earlier example from the hospital floor are examples of pathways. You can use background design elements (lines with arrows, generally) to walk someone round your page in the order you prefer.

For a more exhaustive study of the effects of directional cues, read “Designing for Conversion—8 Visual Design Techniques to Focus Attention on Your Landing Pages” (

Sponsor's Advice

Learn to point. It might be considered rude in some cultures, but in Conversion Land it's actively encouraged. Make the intended action of your page as obvious as possible—subtlety is for shy folks. Add at least one directional cue to an existing landing page. If your design is quite restrictive, you can try breaking the visual boundaries by placing an arrow outside of the page edge, pointing in towards your CTA—this disruptive visual tactic can be very effective at directing eyeballs.

Step 7: Find the Optimal Balance of Data versus Conversion Rate

Lead generation is about two things—the size of the barrier (how long, personal, or complicated the form is) and the size of the prize (what you are giving away in return for the data). If these are out of proportion, you risk losing customers.

It's a delicate balance to achieve. Make the form too long, and people walk away from the perceived effort. Make the questions off-topic, or too personal, and you wind up with false data. Conversely, if the form is too short, you can skew your leads towards those just seeking a freebie instead of real, determined, and relevant customers. It can also result in you not being able to qualify your leads accurately.

The other factor that complicates all of this is the giveaway you are offering. If your eBook, coupon, or webinar isn't good enough to warrant the information you are asking for, folks will bounce. For a webinar registration keep the info to a bare minimum—name, email, and maybe company and role if it's B2B. If you're giving away an eBook, it needs to be one of two things: significant in size or significant in its exclusive data content. Above all, quality is what counts.

You can tease people into completing your form to get your super awesome whitepaper, but if it turns out to be smoke and mirrors, you'll have a lead that's disappointed and likely to unsubscribe immediately.

Sponsor's Advice

This is where A/B testing becomes really useful. Set up multiple versions of your form and test them to find where the balance lies. Is it acceptable to remove a few questions in order to get more leads? Does your conversion rate even get affected by the addition of extra questions? Only testing with your target audience can answer these questions.

Step 8: Be Honest About Your Writing and Edit Ruthlessly

Never publish the first thing you write, unless you are in the business of reportage poetry. (I may have just made that name up.) Campaigns and their associated messaging need to be refined over time through testing, but also through editing. Steve Krug, author of the classic usability book Don't Make Me Think, made the best observation on the subject I've heard: Delete 50 percent of your page content, then throw away half of what's left.

Sponsor's Advice

Try removing two sentences from the main body of copy on your landing page. I bet it won't hurt as much as you think. If you have five bullet points, try going with the three most important ones.

Keep deleting extraneous words and redundant phrases until your copy is as tight as you can make it. Like everything you change on your pages, you should make your edits on a duplicate page and run an A/B test to verify if it produces higher conversions.

Step 9: Make It Desirable to Share

The impulse to share content can be fleeting, so don't make people work for it. While not applicable to all landing pages, those with special offers or special content should have a simple way for people to spread the word for you.

There are two great ways to make this work:

Run a contest: Then give people an extra entry by Tweeting about it (free marketing).

Produce exceptional content: If you are giving away a great eBook, place sharing widgets such as retweet buttons on your pages. Better yet, put them on your confirmation page if you have one. (See Step 12 for more on this.)

Sponsor's Advice

Be relevant to your audience. If you're driving Twitter traffic, retweet buttons are familiar and easy to use. The beauty of many social widgets is that they utilize AJAX-style interaction and don't take you away from the page. Similarly, if you are funneling Facebook traffic, add a Like button to the page. Most Facebookers are logged in all the time, and the button will add your landing page into their timeline with a single click.

Step 10: Leverage Social Proof and Trust Devices

Testimonials work, if they're real. Avoid stock photos and scripted hyperbole as most people can spot a fake testimonial a mile away. Try a mixture of testimonials that describe how your product or service has benefited someone's business—ideally with stats such as:

“Using your product, I was able to increase conversions by 20 percent, resulting in an additional $11,000 in revenue per month.”

To modernize your landing pages, illustrate social proof by showing your standing in a relevant social network. There are many widgets available that can show how many people like or follow you. Social capital and the herd mentality of network participants can help convince prospects to become customers. A word of caution, though: sometimes adding Tweet or Like buttons can be a distraction to your landing page's intended goal—and asking some to share an ebook landing page before they've completed the form is like asking for you-know-what before the first kiss.

As you'll learn in Step 12, there are other places you can place sharing components that remove distractions while maximizing the chance of them being used.

One of my favorite techniques is for webinar registration pages. By showing how many people have signed up, you can increase the importance of the event, making it more likely for others to register.

Sponsor's Advice

Ask ten of your customers for a fresh testimonial and add the best to your landing page. Remember to state your usage intentions and ask for a photo if possible. If you have a decent social network presence, try adding a live feed widget based on a specific phrase or #hashtag search to show who is involved and how people are interacting with your brand.

Step 11: One Page, One Purpose

Imagine a web page that exhibits the same tendencies as a kid with ADD. If your content can't decide on one thing to communicate at a time, your visitors certainly won't want to take the time to figure it out.

The principal of congruence states that each element on your page should support a single focused objective. A good way of looking at this is to imagine a series of arrows all pointing to the center of a circle where there is a big button (your CTA). Each arrow represents a piece of content on your landing page, and you need to ensure that they are all in conceptual alignment.

Contrast this to those same arrows all pointing in different directions (conceptually).


To maintain focus, don't talk about other products or services—you can use a different landing page and ad source for those. An exception to this is on an ecommerce product page that provides the ability to add extra products to the cart (in addition to your main conversion goal).

Sponsor's Advice

Try this exercise: Explain the purpose of your campaign to a colleague by reading the content of your landing page out loud, and ask them to stop you if you veer away from the central purpose as previously stated. If this happens, remove the offending content and start over. You will learn a lot more about your communication style by saying it out loud.

For visual elements, try writing the goal of your campaign on a piece of paper, then print and cut out the images from your landing page and place them around the goal. Remove or replace any images that don't seem to be in total agreement with this goal.

Step 12: Post-Conversion Marketing

Post-conversion marketing is probably the most overlooked stages of the conversion funnel. The confirmation page from your lead gen form, ecommerce checkout, or registration form is the perfect place to start capitalizing on the positive mood of a newly qualified customer.

To increase your engagement potential, tell people what to do next on your confirmation page. This amplifies your reach and makes sure you are heard, not forgotten.

Here are some common examples of effective post-conversion page elements:

• Follow us on Twitter (so they see regular updates)

• Like us on Facebook (so they see updates and become part of your community)

• Give away an extra free eBook to increase your “thought leadership” score

• Visit this page (send them to other content they may find interesting)

• Share this with your friends/colleagues (leverage their network)

• Bookmark us on Delicious

Sponsor's Advice

Go beyond a simple “Thank you” on your confirmation pages. Start by adding one new link to the page and track how much extra traffic visits that target.


Now you have the tools and advice to break those bad conversion habits and rehabilitate your struggling marketing funnel. Did you do the scorecard exercise? Are you on the epic end of the scale or the “I did, like, 19 things wrong!” end of the scale?

The scorecard is there to provide you with a “to-do list” of conversion improvements. Take every question you answered “no” to and create a personal task to fix it. Then implement a new A/B test to see how well your new landing page fares.

Good luck with your rehab, and remember: Your landing page can always be better.

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