
Alexa product (Amazon), 5, 1213

Alpha testing, 88

Amazon, 5, 1213, 44, 45

Apple, 5

Art, 21

AS-IS process, 8890

Attitude, innovation, 34

Automation, 34

Autonomous vehicle innovation, 9

Balance sheet benefits, 73

Bank, business model, 9


business case, 73

Infectious Innovation Process, 96

Beta testing, pilot, 88

Bezos, Jeff, 44

Brainstorming sessions, 3738, 4243

Business case

benefits, 73

business need, 69

costs, 7173

executive summary, 68

options, 6970

recommendations, 73

strategic context, 68

Business innovation, 4

Business need, 69

Business strategy, 6163

Cash flow benefits, 73

Classical music, 21

Client base segment, pilot, 81

Closed offices, 19, 20

Competition, 55

Compounding innovations, 1213

Computers, 27

Conflicting innovations, 12

Costs, 5456

business case, 7173

innovation, 45

Creativity, 21

Customer demand, 5354

Customer feedback, 2324

Dashboard, Infectious Innovation Process, 100102

Departments affected, 5556

Disney, 4344

Draugiem Group, The, 18

Duplicate ideas, 51

Duration, pilot, 8384

Dvorak keyboard, 6, 7, 79

Electronic collection system, 35, 4142

Emotion, 4345

Employees, innovation, 1011

Escalating ideas, 65

business case (see Business case)

financial considerations, 7677

sales and marketing, 7576

senior management, 66

successful innovation leadership, 6668

team selection, 7374

technical considerations, 77

Executive summary, business case, 68

Explosive innovation, 4, 9, 22

Facebook, 5

Feedback, customer, 2324

Fiction, 2122

Filtering ideas

business strategy, 6163

competition, 55

costs, 5456

customer demand, 5354

departments affected, 5556

grouping, 5051

organization-specific criteria, 56

prefiltering upon submission, 56

profit, effect on, 5253

rating, 5661

relevance to current offerings, 52

size of change, 53

speed of launch, 53


considerations, 7677

incentives, 3839

Fingerprint scanners, 3334

Focus groups, pilot, 87

Free the mind, 2021

Free versions, pilot, 88

Frequency of measurement, 101

Funnel-type dashboard, 102

Google, 5, 22

Google/Alphabet, 52

Grouping ideas, 5051

Hackathons, 3637, 42, 104

“Health Tech Hack Days,” 46

Home Box Office (HBO), 44, 45

Home offices, 20

Hope, 13, 4041

Idea collection

brainstorming sessions, 3738, 4243

electronic collection, 35, 4142

emotion, 4345

hackathon, 3637, 42

hack days, 46

hope, 4041

human beings, 33

incentives, 3840

Idea generation

art, 21

computers, 27

creativity, 21

customer feedback, 2324

form vs. function, 2425

free the mind, 2021

incentives, 2930

incremental/explosive innovation, 2223

movies/videos, 22

music, 21

need for innovation, 28

personal interests, 24

poetry/fiction, 2122

productivity, 1718

retail industry, 26

software development, 28

thoughts, 21

time, 1719

wide-scale music sharing, 26

work calendar, 1819

workplaces, 1920

writing tool, 27

Incentives, 2930, 38

financial, 3839

nonfinancial, 3940

Incremental innovation, 4, 2223

Index. See Infectious Innovation Index

Infectious Innovation Dashboard, 100102

Infectious Innovation Index, 9699

Infectious Innovation Process, 1315, 40, 84, 104105

benefits, 96

dashboard, 100102

definition, 93

funnel, 17, 18, 34

Infectious Innovation Index, 9799

intent of, 12

length of process, 102104

visual form, 9496


changes, 23

conflicting and compounding, 1213

cost, 45

definition, 34

employees and organizations, creative, 1011

hope, 13

importance, 79

infectious innovation process, 1315

intent of, 12

organizational structure, 23

risks of, 67

Innovation contests, 3536

brainstorming sessions, 3738, 4243

hackathon, 3637, 42

Innovation leadership, 6668

Innovation management, 66, 93

Intangible benefits, 73, 96

Internal resources, pilot, 84

Internet, 44

Internet of Things (IoT), 6


Dvorak, 6, 7, 79


“Legal Tech Hack Days,” 46

Length, Infectious Innovation Process, 102104

Marketing considerations, 76

Marketing costs, 72

McDonald’s, pilot, 7981

Movies, 22

Music, 21

“Music Hack Day,” 46

Napster, 26

Netflix, 8, 45

Newbridge Networks, 11

New processes, 8890

New products, 7, 37, 67, 72, 7477, 8184, 96, 97, 99

New services, 88, 95, 96

Nonfinancial incentives, 3940

Oak Brook-based burger chain, 80

O’Dea, Frank, 40

One-day workshop, 103

One-week workshop, 103

Online retailers, pilot, 82

Options, business case, 6970

Organization-specific criteria, 56

Personal computers, 8

Personal interests, 24

Physical location, pilot, 82


AS-IS process, 8890

beta testing, 88

client base segment, 81

duration, 8384

focus groups, 87

free versions, 88

internal resources, 84

physical location, 82

quality level, 8182

recommended investment, 84

size, 8283

success, measuring, 85

TO-BE process, 8990

vs. rapid prototyping, 8587

Poetry, 2122

Predictable innovation, 34, 95

Prefiltering upon submission, 56

Product development costs, 71

Productivity, 1718

Profit, effect on, 5253

Quality level, pilot, 8182

Quiet rooms, 19, 20

QWERTY keyboard, 6

Rapid prototyping, pilot vs., 8587

Rating, 5661

Recommendations, business case, 73

Recommended investment, pilot, 84

Relevance to current offerings, 52

Retailers, 26

Revenue growth, 1, 93

Sales considerations, 76

“Science Hack Days,” 46

Seinfeld television series, pilot, 83

Senior management, 66, 93

Silicon Valley, 7

Size of change, 53

Size, pilot, 8283

Software as a Service (SaaS), 9

Software development, 28

Software support industry, 8

Space, 1920

Speed of launch, 53

Strategic context, business case, 68

Successful innovation leadership, 5, 6668

Success, pilot, 85

Tangible benefits, 96

Team selection, 7374

Technical considerations, 77

Technology push vs. market pull, 7071

benefits, 73

costs, 7173

recommendations, 73

Telecommunication, 9

Television, pilot, 87

Thoughts, 21

Time, 1719

Time Warner, 27

TO-BE process, 8990

Tool, writing, 27

Uber, 26, 79

Videos, 22

Work calendar, 18

Workplaces, 1920

Workshop, 103

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