
In completing this volume of the book, I have benefitted from the discussions of my colleagues within and outside the EGADE Business School. I am thankful to Dr. Kip Becker and Dr. John Sullivan of Administrative Sciences Department of Boston University, and Dr. Maria de Lourdes Dieck Assad, Dean of EGADE Business School, who have always encouraged me to take up new challenges in teaching graduate courses, develop new insights, and contribute to the existing literature prolifically. I thank all my students at Boston University for sharing enriching ideas during the classroom discussions that helped in building this book on the framework of innovative ideas.

I also acknowledge the outstanding support of Stewart Mattson, Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer, and Scott Isenberg, Executive Acquisitions Editor, of Business Expert Press, who critically examined the proposal, guided the manuscript preparation, and took the publication process forward. My special thanks to Timothy J. Kloppenborg, Professor Emeritus from Williams College of Business, Xavier University for his guidance and encouragement in bringing out the two volumes of this book. I am thankful to various anonymous referees of my previous research works on innovation and technology management, who helped in looking deeper into the conceptual gaps and improving the quality of the content with their valuable feedback.

Finally, I express my deep gratitude to my beloved wife Arati Rajagopal who has been instrumental in completing this book like all other works of mine. I acknowledge her help in copyediting the first draft of the manuscript and for staying in touch until the final proofs were cross-checked and the index was developed.

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