
advance-fee fraud

a type of confidence fraud in which a victim is persuaded to provide a fraudster with money in advance of earning more significant funds. Common advance-fee frauds include Nigerian 419, black-money and inheritance scams.

auction Web site

a business model in which potential buyers bid on items for sale online

back door

a program that creates an opening on a computer to remotely access files without the owner's knowledge

BIOS (basic input/output system)

software that permanently resides on a computer's memory and is designed to be among the first steps taken when a computer boots up. It tells a computer how it is configured and how its various components should interact. Such software is often referred to as firmware.


a Web site, usually maintained by an individual, that is updated regularly with commentary, personal information, video or photos. Also known as a weblog.


a single computer that has been infected with malware and forms one part of a network known as a botnet


a group of bots that are infected with malware and controlled by a different and often remote computer, known as a herder, to perform specific coordinated tasks

broadband telephony

see VoIP


an individual who is an expert at using stolen credit card and other personal information to obtain fraudulent wire transfers

confidence and consumer fraud

an online fraud in which the perpetrator breaches the victim's trust to cause a financial loss. Common confidence and consumer scams include advance-fee schemes, online auction fraud and solicitations for charitable contributions.

cyberterrorism and sabotage

the deliberate disruption of computer networks through the Internet with the intention of causing harm


commerce that is conducted via the Internet


electronic mail sent via the Internet

executable (file)

a file that causes a computer to perform specific tasks as opposed to a file that contains data. Fraudsters often attach executable files containing malware to e-mails sent to their victims. Such files usually end in the extension ".exe."


computer programs that reside permanently in a hardware device


a collection of personal information that can be legitimately purchased on the Internet and used to steal an identity


illegally gaining access to a computer by reprogramming or reconfiguring it or by cracking a password


a computer that remotely controls bots in a botnet

HTML (hypertext markup language)

a programming language used to create documents on the Internet

identity theft

a type of fraud in which someone obtains another person's identifying information, such as a credit card number or Social Security number, and uses it for personal financial gain

instant messaging (IM)

a form of real-time communication using a shared network, most commonly the Internet. IM is also used by hackers to send viruses.

Internet protocol (IP) address

a series of four three-digit numbers separated by periods (such as, which identifies the Internet service provider and account identification for every computer connected to the Internet

Internet service provider (ISP)

an organization that provides Internet access and related services

Internet telephony

see VoIP

investment and securities fraud

a type of fraud designed to entice victims to purchase nonexistent, misrepresented or manipulated investments or securities online


malicious software that can infect computers and cause damage and steal information, such as spyware, worms, viruses and Trojan horses


data that provides information about data. Metadata is used to describe the properties of information, such as file name, size and date of creation.

meta tag

a coded element on a Web site that describes the content of the page. Meta tags are most commonly recognized as hidden HTML tags that describe attributes of a page's content. Such attributes include keywords and descriptions. A search engine may refer to a Web page's meta tags when indexing.

online auction fraud

the use of an online auction Web site for a fraudulent purpose. Common auction frauds include non-delivery of goods, selling stolen or illegal products, product misrepresentation and price manipulation.

online payment fraud

a type of Internet fraud in which the online purchaser pays for products with a fraudulent check, an invalid credit card number or a fraudulent escrow account, resulting in a financial loss to the seller

password sniffing

searching network information and messages for passwords


a series of actions that redirects victims to a fraudulent Web site designed to look like a legitimate organization's site for the purpose of collecting private data


a fraudulent attempt to acquire private information from an individual via SMS text messages, e-mail or instant messages from a sender purporting to be a trustworthy authority

SIM (subscriber identity module) card

a removable device in a cell phone that stores the user's identifying information


a form of phishing conducted through cell phones via SMS text messages

SMS (short message service)

communication tool that allows users to send and receive text messages, usually via cell phones


misappropriating many small sums of money to create one large sum


a form of malware that collects information about computer users and their actions without their knowledge

Trojan horse

a form of malware that is designed to appear harmless to victims and gives hackers access to their computers


a form of malware capable of copying itself and attaching to other programs


a form of phishing conducted via VoIP communications

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

technology that enables voice communications over the Internet. Also known as Internet telephony or broadband telephony.

war driving

the practice of seeking out unsecured wireless networks for anonymous Internet access to commit crimes

Web application

a software application that is accessed by a Web browser over the Internet rather than being installed on a computer


see blog

Whois search

an investigation tool used to uncover the registrant of a domain name or an owner of an IP address


similar to a virus, a worm is a form of malware that can copy itself without needing a host program

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