

activation-based methods 148

AdaBoost 66

AdaBoostClassifier class 71

adaptive boosting 66

adult income prediction example 240246

exploratory data analysis 241243

prediction model 244246

AI (artificial intelligence) 3

anchors 119123

ANN (artificial neural network) 95

attribution methods, saliency mapping 161162

AUC (area under the curve) 253

autograd package 291


backpropagation methods 148

backward function 292

bagging 65

BCE (binary cross-entropy) loss function 97

BERT (bidirectional encoder representations from transformers) 215


correcting label bias through reweighting 262266

Diagnostics+ AI system 1112

fairness through unawareness 261262

mitigating 261266

binary classification 91, 128

BinaryClassifier class 294

black-box models 5253

boosting 65

BoW (bag of words) 208

Broden 173

business stakeholder 15


CamExtractor class 157

CART (classification and regression tree) algorithm 34

categorical features 59

CBOW (continuous bag of words) 208

classification 9, 58

CNNs (convolutional neural networks) 52, 95, 130140, 200, 260

data preparation 135138

interpreting 140148

layers and units 169171

LIME 141147

probability landscape 140141

training and evaluating 138140

visual attribution methods 147148

coalition vector 116

coarse-grained activation map 148

Computer Vision Annotation Tool (CVAT) 174

concept detectors, network dissection

by training task 189193

overview 183188

visualizing 195198

concept drift 12

concept naming 174

Conda environment 281282

context words 208

continuous bag of words (CBOW) 208

counterfactual fairness 255

coverage metric 119

CPU tensors 287

Cramer’s V statistic 85

criterion parameter 35

cross-validation 45

cubic spline 44

CustomDataset class 289

CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool) 174


data leakage, Diagnostics+ AI system 11

data preparation

CNNs 135138

DNNs 100101

Data randomization test 161

data scientists 15

data types, PyTorch tensors 286287

DATA_DIRECTORY setting 180

DataLoader class 137, 288, 290

DataLoader object 290

Dataset class 136, 288290

datasets, fairness and 266268

decision trees 3340

interpreting 3539

limitations of 3940

tree ensembles 6573

deep learning 95

degree 3 spline 44

degrees of freedom 44

demographic parity 248251

densely labeled dataset 173

Diagnostics+ AI system

bias 1112

breast cancer diagnosis 9091

building 910, 1214

concept drift 12

data leakage 11

diabetes progression prediction 24 – 26, 4648

IDC detection 127128

overview 4

regulatory noncompliance 12

DiCE (diverse counterfactual explanations) 277


via input features 256259

via representation 260261

distributed representations 207

DNNs (deep neural networks) 52, 95104, 130

data preparation 100101

interpreting 104105

training and evaluating 101104

Docker 282283


end users 15

engineers 15

equality of opportunity and odds 251254

experts 15


counterfactual explanations 275279

interpretability vs. 1416

overview 272275

explainable AI (XAI) 274

explaining phase 13

exploratory data analysis

adult income prediction example 241243

high school student performance predictor 5963

model-agnostic methods 9195

saliency mapping 128130

semantic similarity 203206

exponential kernel function 107


F1 score 70

FAIR (Facebook’s AI Research) 284

fairness 269

adult income prediction example 240246

exploratory data analysis 241243

prediction model 244246

counterfactual fairness 255

datasheets for datasets 266268

demographic parity 248251

equality of opportunity and odds 251254

fairness notions 246255

interpretability and 256261

discrimination via input features 256259

discrimination via representation 260261

mitigating bias 261266

correcting label bias through reweighting 262266

fairness through unawareness 261262

predictive quality parity 255

through unawareness 255

FCNNs (fully connected neural networks) 95

feature vector 116

feature_extraction function 181

FEATURE_NAMES setting 181

feature-learning layers 170

FeatureOperator class 181

FeatureOperator object 181

fine-grained activation map 148

freedom, degrees of 44

fully connected neural networks (FCNNs) 95


GAMs (generalized additive models) 16, 4051, 271

for Diagnostics+ diabetes progression 4648

interpreting 4851

limitations of 51

regression splines 4246

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 12, 267

Git code repository 281

global interpretability 16, 7487

feature interactions 8087

partial dependence plots 7480

GloVe embeddings 212213

GPT (generative pretrained transformer) 215

GPU setting 180

GPU tensors 287

grad-CAM (gradient-weighted class activation mapping) 18, 157160

GradCam class 158

gradient-based methods, saliency mapping 156157

gradient-boosting algorithm 67

GradientBoostingClassifier class 71

group fairness 255

guided backpropagation 153155

guided Grad-CAM 148


high school student performance predictor

exploratory data analysis 5963

overview 5859

hyperparameters 10


ICE (individual conditional expectation) plots 18

IDC (invasive ductal carcinoma) detection 127128

individual fairness 255

integrated gradients method 148


explainability vs. 1416

fairness and 256261

discrimination via input features 256259

discrimination via representation 260261

global interpretability 7487

feature interactions 8087

partial dependence plots 7480

local interpretability 105115

techniques 1516


CNNs 140148

decision trees 3539

DNNs 104105

GAMs 4851

layers and units 178199

linear regression 3032

random forest model 7173

semantic similarity 215231

measuring similarity 217220

principal component analysis 220225

t-SNE 225230

validating visualizations 231

intrinsic interpretability techniques 15

IoU (Intersection over Union) score 177


Jupyter notebooks 282


kernel width 108, 142

knots 44


label bias, correcting through reweighting 262266

LabelEncoder class 244

layers and units 199

CNNs 169171

interpreting 178198

concept detectors 183198

limitations of network dissection 198

running network dissection 179183

network dissection 171178

concept definition 173175

network probing 175177

quantifying alignment 177178

visual understanding 168169

LimeImageExplainer class 109

LIMEs (local interpretable model-agnostic explanations) 18, 272

CNNs 141147

overview 105115

LimeTabularExplainer class 109

Linear module 294

linear regression 2733

interpreting 3032

limitations of 33

Linear units 102

local interpretability 16, 105, 147

See also model-agnostic methods


machine learning systems 49

for Diagnostics+ AI 9

reinforcement learning 89

representation of data 5

supervised learning 67

unsupervised learning 7

MAE (mean absolute error) 29, 295

manifold learning 225

MAPE (mean absolute percentage error) 29

mean squared error (MSE) 34, 296

MLPs (multilayer perceptrons) 95

model parameter 144

Model parameter randomization test 161

model-agnostic methods 16125, 147

anchors 119123

DNNs 95104

data preparation 100101

interpreting 104105

training and evaluating 101104

exploratory data analysis 9195

global interpretability 7487

feature interactions 8087

partial dependence plots 7480

high school student performance predictor

exploratory data analysis 5963

overview 5859

LIME 105115

SHapley Additive exPlanations 115119

tree ensembles 6573

model-specific interpretability techniques 15

modeling, PyTorch 290297

automatic differentiation 291293

model definition 293295

training 295297

monitoring phase 14

MSE (mean squared error) 34, 296

multicollinearity 32

multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) 95


natural language processing (NLP) 201

negative sampling 210

network dissection 171178

concept definition 173175

concept detectors

by training task 189193

overview 183188

visualizing 195198

limitations of 198

network probing 175177

quantifying alignment 177178

running 179183

network probing 175177

neural word embeddings 206214

GloVe embeddings 212213

one-hot encoding 207208

sentiment analysis 213214

Word2Vec 208212

NLP (natural language processing) 201


one-hot encoding 207208

operations, PyTorch tensors 288

overfitting 39


PCA (principal component analysis) 18, 220225, 272

PDPs (partial dependence plots) 18, 7480, 239, 272

perplexity 229

perturbation-based methods 147

perturbed dataset 106

PIL (Python Imaging Library) 143

polynomial regression 40

post-hoc interpretability techniques 15, 147

precision metric 70, 119

precision threshold 119

predicates 119

prediction model

adult income prediction example 244246

diabetes progression prediction 2426, 4648

high school student performance predictor 5963

predictive quality parity 255

pretrained parameter 138, 170

principal component analysis (PCA) 18, 220225, 272

probability landscape, CNNs 140141

Python 281

PyTorch 284297

DataLoader class 288290

Dataset class 288290

defined 284

installing 284285

modeling 290297

automatic differentiation 291293

model definition 293295

training 295297

tensors 285288

CPU 287

data types 286287

GPU 287

operations 288


quantifying alignment, network dissection 177178


random forest algorithm 65

random forest model

interpreting 7173

training 6771

RandomForestClassifier class 244

recall metric 70

regression splines, GAMs 4246

regularization 45

regulators 15

regulatory noncompliance, Diagnostics+ AI system 12

reinforcement learning 89

ReLU (rectified linear unit) 98, 153, 293

ReLU activation function 294

representation of data 5

ResNet (residual network) 134

reweighting, correcting label bias through 262266

RMSE (root mean squared error) 29

RNNs (recurrent neural networks) 52, 95, 213

ROC (receiver operator characteristic) 253


saliency mapping 164

attribution methods 161162

CNNs 130140

data preparation 135138

interpreting 140148

LIME 141147

probability landscape 140141

training and evaluating 138140

visual attribution methods 147148

exploratory data analysis 128130

Grad-CAM technique 157160

gradient-based methods 156157

guided backpropagation 153155

guided Grad-CAM technique 157160

IDC detection 127128

vanilla backpropagation 148 – 153

saliency maps 148

score parameter 112

segmentation quality 174

segmentation quantity 174

semantic similarity 233

exploratory data analysis 203206

interpreting 215231

measuring similarity 217220

principal component analysis 220225

t-SNE 225230

validating visualizations 231

neural word embeddings 206214

GloVe embeddings 212213

one-hot encoding 207208

sentiment analysis 213214

Word2Vec 208212

sentiment analysis 201203

sentiment analysis 201203, 213214

Sequential class 102

Sequential container 294

setting up

Conda environment 281282

Docker 282283

Git code repository 281

Jupyter notebooks 282

Python 281

SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) 18, 115119, 272

SHAP kernel 116

shap_values variable 258

Shapley value 115

Sigmoid activation function 294

SMEs (subject matter experts) 46

SmoothGrad (smooth gradients) 18, 148

SoTA (state-of-the-art) machine learning techniques 134

spaCy library 203

superpixels 142

supervised learning 67

surrounding words 208

synsets 168


t-SNE (t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding) 225230, 261, 272

tensors, PyTorch 285288

CPU 287

data types 286287

GPU 287

operations 288

TF-IDF (term frequency inverse document frequency) 208

torch.nn.Module base class 293

torch.nn.Sequential container 293

torch.tensor function 290

torchtext package 203

torchvision package 137, 170, 284

trace_to_input parameter 259

training and evaluating

CNNs 138140

DNNs 101104

random forest model 6771

treatment equality 255

tree ensembles 6571

overview 6567

random forest model

interpreting 7173

training 6771


UAT (user acceptance testing) 10

underfitting 33

understanding phase 12

unsupervised learning 7


vanilla backpropagation 148153

visual attribution methods, CNNs 147148

visual understanding, layers and units 168169

VoTT (Visual Object Tagging Tool) 174


weakly model-dependent techniques 148

white-box models 15

decision trees 3340

interpreting 3539

limitations of 3940

diabetes progression prediction 2426

GAMs 4051

diabetes progression prediction 4648

interpreting 4851

limitations of 51

regression splines 4246

linear regression 2733

interpreting 3032

limitations of 33

overview 24

word embeddings 207

word vectors 207

Word2Vec (Word to Vector) 208212


XAI (explainable AI) 274

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