
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Abernethy, John

AFR Midnight Rambler (boat)

construction of

crew of (see Ramblers)

culture of

naming of

in 1998 Hobart race

replacement boats for

sails on

size of

speed of

successful record of

America's Cup

Andrews, James (“Crash Kimo”)

The Annapolis Book of Seamanship (Rousmaniere)

Arick, Brigadier General (Ret.) John

Australian Broadcasting Channel (ABC)

Australian Financial Review (The Fin)

Australian Maritime Safety Administration (AMSA)

Australian Search and Rescue (AusSAR)

Badham, Roger (“Clouds”)

Bannister, Michael

Barker, Tom

Bascombe, Greg (“Mega”)

Bass Strait

Batt, Kenn

Beaufort Scale

Bencsik, Annabel (“Tink”)

Bencsik, Michael (“Mix”)

award for

comments on teamwork

on Midnight Rambler crew

on Nuzulu crew skills of

during storm in 1998 Hobart race

Betts, Colin

Bird Island

Blewitt, Michelle

Blink (Gladwell)

Blue Water Point Score (BWPS)

Brindabella (boat)

Brown, Adam

Bureau of Meteorology

Business Post Naiad (boat)

Butterworth, Brad

Byron, Samantha (“Sammy”)

Cahalan, Adrienne

Carlson, Evans

Carter, Lew

Carter, Peter

Charles, Glyn


The Checklist Manifesto (Gawande)

Chutzpah (boat)

Clark, Simon

Constitution Dock

Cookson, Mike

Cropley, Geoff

Cruising Yacht Club of Australia (CYCA)

Commodore of

and Hobart race

origins of

series competitions of

socializing at

Tattersall's Cup at

Youth Academy

Culley, John

Davidson, Peter

Dean, John

decision making in ocean racing

by Ramblers


shared participation in

on Sword of Orion

and team hierarchies

Delf, Mark

Derwent River

Dickson, Chris

distributed leadership

Dunda, Peter

East Australian Current

East Coast Bomb (weather pattern)

The Edge. See also Teamwork at The Edge definition of

exceptional teamwork at

intuitive vs. rational thinking at

maximizing performance at

self-organizing systems and

shared responsibility at

team resilience at

Ellison, Larry race preparation by

sailing background of

as Sayonara skipper

vow to quit Hobart

wealth of

Endurance Expedition

EPIRB device

Erkelens, Bill

Evans, Tim

Everest, Mount

Explorers Club

Farr, Bruce

Fastnet Challenge Cup

Flinders Island

Fooled by Randomness (Taleb)

forward hand (bowman)

Gabo Island

gale warning

Gibson, John

Gilbert, Scott

Goldsworthy, Peter (“Goldy”)

Gould, Bruce

gung-ho thinking

Guy, Bruce

Hallion, James

The Halo Effect (Rosenzweig)

handicap system

Hardy, James


Hickman, Roger (“Hicko”)

Hobart, Tasmania

Huey, the weather god


Impeccable (boat)

In Extremis Leadership (Kolditz)


Into Thin Air (Krakauer)

jewel positions

Jones, Darryl

Kamler, Ken

Kiely, Phil

Kingurra (boat)

Koch, Bill

Kolditz, Colonel Thomas

Kothe, Rob

Kulmar, Steve

Lass O'Luss (boat)

Lawler, Jim


challenges faced by

characteristics of

checklists used by

role of

skipper as

The Leader's Checklist (Useem)

leadership, distributed

Leading at the Edge (Perkins) line honors

Livingstone, Gordon (“Gordo”) background of

humor of

in 1998 Hobart race

skills of

luck, role of

Margaret Rintoul II (boat)

Mariette, Andy

Marshman, Mike



Matthews, Robert

McAlister, Kristy

Midnight Special (boat)

Mooney, John

Moray, Iain

Murdoch, Lachlan

Murdoch, Rupert

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Natonski, General Richard

New South Wales coroner's inquest

New Zealand ocean racing team

Nokia (boat)

Nuzulu (boat)

ocean currents

ocean racing awards in

classifications in

participants in

teamwork in

organizational performance

addressing shortfalls in

cause-and-effect in

and distributed leadership

and effective communication

and hierarchies

learning cycle in

luck in

and risk

and team skills

Overall Handicap Winner. See also Tattersall's Cup


The Perfect Storm (Junger)

Perkins, Dennis

as author

sailing background of

training for ocean racing

in Vietnam

Plattner, Hasso

Psaltis, Arthur

comments on teamwork

as Midnight Rambler relief skipper

in 1998 Hobart race

on Nuzulu crew

relationship with Ed Psaltis

skills of

as winner

Psaltis, Bill

Psaltis, Charles

Psaltis, Ed

award for

character of

and Chutzpah overhaul

comments on teamwork

leadership of

as Midnight Rambler skipper

as Nuzulu skipper

philosophy of

race preparation by

relationship with Arthur Psaltis

relationship with Bob Thomas

skills of

as winner

Psaltis, Margaret

Psaltis, Sue

Purcell, Richard

Raben, Chuck

Race Management Team (RMT)

Ramblers. See also individual crew members

communication among

creativity of

decision making by

humor used by

mateship of

in 1998 Hobart race

preparation by

recruiting of

resilience of

shared responsibility among

teamwork by

tenacity of

as winners

rescue helicopters

for Business Post Naiad

for general Mayday call

for Midnight Special

for Stand Aside

for Sword of Orion

rhumb line

Richards, Mark


Rockell, Chris

injury of

in 1998 Hobart race

skills of

and teamwork

rock stars

drawbacks of

sailors as

teams as

rogue waves

Rosebud (boat)

Rudiger, Mark


Russell, Nigel

Ryan, Michael


design of

excess weight on


navigation of

righting angle of

right-of-way of



characteristics of

rock star

skills of


adjusting position of


cost of



reefing of


storm trysail

Sayonara (boat)

crew on

as Hobart race winner

in 1998 Hobart race

speed of

teamwork on

weather data from

Searching for a Corporate Savior (Khurana)

Senogles, Darren “Dags,” 36

Shackleton, Ernest

Shipwright's Arms pub

Short Ocean Point Score (SOPS)

Siena (boat)

situational awareness

Skeggs, Philip

Skinner, B.F.

skipper. See also helmsman

Smith, Edgar (“Eddo”)

Snow, George

Softwar (Symonds)

southerly buster

Stanley, John (“Steamer”)

Stone, Ray

Storm Bay

storm classifications

storm warning

stress, managing

Sturgeon, Roger

Sullenberger, Captain Chesley B.III (“Sully”)

Surviving and Thriving in Uncertainty (Funston

and Wagner)

Surviving the Extremes (Kamler)

Sword of Orion (boat)

in 1998 Hobart race

rollover and rescue of

weather report from

Sword of Orion protocol

Sydney Gold Coast Race

Sydney Harbour

Sydney Heads

Sydney to Hobart Race (“the Hobart”)

in 1991

in 1993

in 1994(50th)

in 1995

in 1996

in 1997

in 1998(see Sydney to Hobart Race [1998])

in 2006

in 2007

crew conflicts in

culture clash in

deaths in

gear for

history of

path of

reputation of

role of luck in

safety issues in

teamwork in

training for

and weather

winners of (see also Tattersall's Cup)

Sydney to Hobart Race (1998)

boats registered for

coroner's inquest for

deaths in

decision making in

maps of

Mayday calls during

media reports on

rescue of Stand Aside

rescue of Sword of Orion

sea state in

start of

storm during

teamwork during (see also Ramblers)

weather predictions for

winners of



Tasman Sea

Tattersall's Cup. See also Overall Handicap Winner

competition for

conditions for winning

criteria for winning

for 1994 Hobart race

for 1995 Hobart race

for 1998 Hobart race

for 2007 Hobart race

Taylor, Bruce


challenges faced by

characteristics of

checklists for

commitment of

communication on

conflict on

creativity on

decision making by

diversity on

flexibility on

focus on winning

goal setting by

learning process of

mateship on

maximizing performance of

preparation by

resilience of

as rock star

rock stars on

selection of

shared responsibilities on

situational awareness of

status differences on

tapping skill potential of

tenacity of

teamwork. See also Ramblers

adversity and


humor used by

luck vs. causality in

in ocean racing

organizational imperative for


Teamwork at The Edge

anticipating setbacks in

excelling in

practices embodying

Ramblers as metaphor for

strategy 1: team unity

Teamwork at The Edge (continued)

strategy 2: preparation

strategy 3: balanced optimism

strategy 4: constant learning

strategy 5: calculated risk

strategy 6: effective communication

strategy 7: shared leadership

strategy 8: managed conflict

strategy 9: resilience

strategy 10: tenacious creativity

Thomas, Bob

award for

and Chutzpah overhaul

as navigator

in 1998 Hobart race

on Nuzulu crew

race preparation by

relationship with Ed Psaltis

as winner


TurnerMark (“Tugboat”)

Van KretschmarHugo

VC Offshore Stand Aside (boat)

Vietnam War

Volvo Ocean Race

Walker, John

Walker, Stephen

Wasabi (boat)

Watson, Carl


in Bass Strait

in 1994 Hobart race

in 1998 Hobart race


wave spotter


in 1994 Hobart race

in 1997 Fastnet race

in 1998 Hobart race

WhitfeldJohn (“Jonno”) commitment of

in 1998 Hobart race

on Nuzulu crew

skills of

Who: The A Method for Hiring (Smart and Street)

Wilson, Steve

winch handle


along Hobart race course

in 1998 Hobart race

and safety measures

and sail adjustments

speed/direction of

Winning, Richard

Winston Churchill (boat)


X-Teams (Ancona and Bresman)

Young Endeavor (radio relay vessel)

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