
This textbook is an introduction to programming, computer application development, and the science of computing. It is meant to be used in a college-level introductory programming course. More than just an introduction to programming, the book is a broad introduction to computer science and to the concepts and tools used for modern computer application development.

The computer programming language used in the book is Python, a language that has a gentler learning curve than most. Python comes with powerful software libraries that make complex tasks—such as developing a graphics application or finding all the links in a web page—a breeze. In this textbook, we leverage the ease of learning Python and the ease of using its libraries to do more computer science and to add a focus on modern application development. The result is a textbook that is a broad introduction to the field of computing and modern application development.

The textbook's pedagogical approach is to introduce computing concepts and Python programming in a breadth-first manner. Rather than covering computing concepts and Python structures one after another, the book's approach is more akin to learning a natural language, starting from a small general-purpose vocabulary and then gradually extending it. The presentation is in general problem oriented, and computing concepts, Python structures, algorithmic techniques, and other tools are introduced when needed, using a “right tool at the right moment” model.

The book uses the imperative-first and procedural-first paradigm but does not shy away from discussing objects early. User-defined classes and object-oriented programming are covered later, when they can be motivated and students are ready. The last three chapters of the textbook use the context of web crawling and search engines to introduce a broad array of topics. These include foundational concepts such as recursion, regular expressions, depth-first search, and Google's MapReduce framework, as well as practical tools such as GUI widgets, HTML parsers, SQL, and multicore programming.

This textbook can be used in a course that introduces computer science and programming to computer science majors. Its broad coverage of foundational computer science topics as well as current technologies will give the student a broad understanding of the field and a confidence to develop “real” modern applications that interact with the web and/or a database. The textbook's broad coverage also makes it ideal for students who need to master programming and key computing concepts but will not take more than one or two computing courses, in particular math, science, and engineering majors.

The Book's Technical Features

The textbook has a number of features that engage students and encourage them to get their hands dirty. For one, the book makes heavy use of examples that use the Python interactive shell. Students can easily reproduce these one-liners on their own. After doing so, students will likely continue experimenting further using the immediate feedback of the interactive shell.

Throughout the textbook, there are inline practice problems whose purpose is to reinforce concepts just covered. The solutions to these problems appear at the end of the corresponding chapter, allowing students to check their solution or take a peek in case they are stuck.

The textbook uses Caution boxes to warn students of potential pitfalls. It also uses Detour boxes to briefly explore interesting but tangential topics. The large number of boxes, practice problems, figures, and tables create visual breaks in the text, making the volume more approachable for today's students.

Most chapters in the text include a case study that showcases the concepts and tools covered in the chapter in context. Finally, the textbook contains a large number of end-of-chapter problems, many of which are unlike problems typically found in an introductory textbook.

Online Textbook Supplements

The link to the book's online content is These supplements are available there:

  • Powerpoint slides for each chapter
  • Expanded tutorials on SQL and HTML
  • Code examples appearing in the book
  • Exercise and problem solutions (for instructors only)
  • Project ideas for Chapters 5 to 12 (for instructors only)
  • Exam problems (for instructors only)

For Students: How to Read This Book

This book is meant to help you master programming and develop computational thinking skills. Programming and computational thinking are hands-on activities that require a computer with a Python integrated development environment, a pen, and paper. Ideally, you should have those tools next to you as you read this book.

The book makes heavy use of small examples that use Python's interactive shell. Try running those examples in your shell. Feel free to experiment further. It's very unlikely the computer will burst into flames if you make a mistake!

You should also attempt to solve all the practice problems as they appear in the text. Problem solutions appear at the end of the corresponding chapter. If you get stuck, it's OK to peek at the solution; after doing so, try solving the problem without peeking.

The text uses Caution boxes to warn you of potential pitfalls. These are very important and should not be skipped. The Detour boxes, however, discuss topics that are only tangentially related to the main discussion. You may skip those if you like. Or you may go further and explore the topics in more depth if you get intrigued.

At some point while reading this text, you may get inspired to develop your own app, whether a card game or an app that keeps track of a set of stock market indexes in real time. If so, just go ahead and try it! You will learn a lot.

Overview of the Book

This textbook consist of 12 chapters that introduce computing concepts and Python programming in a breadth-first manner.

Tour of Python and Computer Science

Chapter 1 introduces the basic computing concepts and terminology. Starting with a discussion of what computer science is and what developers do, the concepts of modeling, algorithm development, and programming are defined. The chapter describes the computer scientist's and application developer's toolkit, from logic to systems, with an emphasis on programming languages, the Python development environment, and computational thinking.

Chapter 2 covers core built-in Python data types: the integer, Boolean, floating-point, string, and list types. To illustrate the features of the different types, the Python interactive shell is used. Rather than being comprehensive, the presentation focuses on the purpose of each type and the differences and similarities between the types. This approach motivates a more abstract discussion of objects and classes that is ultimately needed for mastering the proper usage of data types. The case study at the end of the chapter takes advantage of this discussion to introduce Turtle graphics classes that enable students to do simple, fun graphics interactively.

Chapter 3 introduces imperative and procedural programming including basic execution control structures. This chapter presents programs as a sequence of Python statements stored in a file. To control how the statements are executed, basic conditional and iterative control structures are introduced: the one-way and two-way if statements as well as the simplest for loop patterns of iterating through an explicit sequence or a range of numbers. The chapter introduces functions as a way to neatly package a small application; it also builds on the material on objects and classes covered in Chapter 2 to describe how Python does assignments and parameter passing.

The first three chapters provide a shallow but broad introduction to Python programming and computers science. Core Python data types and basic execution control structures are introduced so students can write simple but complete programs early. Functions are introduced early as well to help students conceptualize what a program is doing, that is, what inputs it takes and what output it produces. In other words, abstraction and encapsulation of functions is used to help students better understand programs.

Focus on Algorithmic Thinking

Chapter 4 covers strings and text processing in more depth. It continues the coverage of strings from Chapter 2 with a discussion of string value representations, string operators and methods, and formatted output. File input/output (I/O) is introduced as well and, in particular, the different patterns for reading text files. Finally, the context of file I/O is used to motivate a discussion of exceptions and the different types of exceptions in Python.

Chapter 5 covers execution control structures and loop patterns in depth. Basic conditional and iteration structures were introduced in Chapter 3 and then used in Chapter 4 (e.g., in the context of reading files). Chapter 5 starts with a discussion of multiway conditional statements. The bulk of the chapter is spent on describing the different loop patterns: the various ways for loops and while loops are used. Multidimensional lists are introduced as well, in the context of the nested loop pattern. More than just covering Python loop structures, this core chapter describes the different ways that problems can be broken down. Thus, the chapter fundamentally is about problem solving and algorithms.

Chapter 6 completes the textbook's coverage of Python's built-in container data types and their usage. The dictionary, set, and tuple data types are motivated and introduced. This chapter also completes the coverage of strings with a discussion of character encodings and Unicode. Finally, the concept of randomness is introduced in the context of selecting and permuting items in containers.

Chapters 4 through 6 represent the second layer in the breadth-first approach this textbook takes. One of the main challenges students face in a introductory programming course is mastering of conditional and iteration structures and, more generally, the computational problem-solving and algorithm development skills. The critical Chapter 5, on patterns of applying execution control structures, appears after students have been using basic conditional statements and iteration patterns for several weeks and have gotten somewhat comfortable with the Python language. Having gained some comfort with the language and basic iteration, students can focus on the algorithmic issues rather than less fundamental issues, such as properly reading input or formatting output.

Managing Program Complexity

Chapter 7 shifts gears and focuses on the software development process itself and the problem of managing larger, more complex programs. It introduces namespaces as the foundation for managing program complexity. The chapter builds on the coverage of functions and parameter passing in Chapter 3 to motivate the software engineering goals of code reuse, modularity, and encapsulation. Functions, modules, and classes are tools that can be used to achieve these goals, fundamentally because they define separate namespaces. The chapter describes how namespaces are managed during normal control flow and during exceptional control flow, when exceptions are handled by exception handlers.

Chapter 8 covers the development of new classes in Python and the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. The chapter builds on Chapter 7's uncovering of how Python classes are implemented through namespaces to explain how new classes are developed. The chapter introduces the OOP concepts of operator overloading—central to Python's design philosophy—and inheritance—a powerful OOP property that will be used in Chapters 9 and 11. Through abstraction and encapsulation, classes achieve the desirable software engineering goals of modularity and code reuse. The context of abstraction and encapsulation is then used to motivate user-defined exception classes and the implementation of iterative behavior in user-defined container classes.

Chapter 9 introduces graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and showcases the power of the OOP approach for developing GUIs. It uses the Tk widget toolkit, which is part of the Python Standard Library. The coverage of interactive widgets provides the opportunity to discuss the event-driven programming paradigm. In addition to introducing GUI development, the chapter also showcases the power of OOP to achieve modular and reusable programs.

The broad goal of Chapters 7 though 9 is to introduce students to the issues of program complexity and code organization. They describe how namespaces are used to achieve functional abstraction and data abstraction and, ultimately, encapsulated, modular, and reusable code. Chapter 8 provides a comprehensive discussion of user-defined classes and OOP. The full benefit of OOP, however, is best seen in context, which is what Chapter 9 is about. Additional contexts and examples of OOP are shown in later chapters and specifically in Sections 10.5, 11.2, 12.3, and 12.4. These chapters provide a foundation for the students’ future education in data structures and software engineering methodologies.

Crawling through Foundations and Applications

Chapters 10 through 12, the last three chapters of the textbook, cover a variety of advanced topics, from fundamental computer science concepts like recursion, regular expressions, and depth-first search, to practical and contemporary tools like HTML parsers, SQL, and multicore programming. The theme used to motivate and connect these topics is the development of web crawlers, search engines, and data mining apps. The theme, however, is loose, and each individual topic is presented independently to allow instructors to develop alternate contexts and themes for this material as they see fit.

Chapter 10 introduces foundational computer science topics: recursion, search, and the run-time analysis of algorithms. The chapter starts with a discussion of how to think recursively. This skill is then put to use on a wide variety of problems from drawing fractals to virus scanning. This last example is used to illustrate depth-first search. The benefits and pitfalls of recursion lead to a discussion of algorithm run-time analysis, which is then used in the context of analyzing the performance of various list search algorithms. This chapter puts the spotlight on the theoretical aspects of computing and forms a basis for future coursework in data structures and algorithms.

Chapter 11 introduces the World Wide Web as a central computing platform and as a huge source of data for innovative computer application development. HTML, the language of the web, is briefly discussed before tools to access resources on the web and parse web pages are covered. To grab the desired content from web pages and other text content, regular expressions are introduced. The different topics covered in this chapter are put to use together with depth-first traversal from the previous chapter in the context of developing a web crawler. A benefit of touching HTML parsing and regular expressions in an introductory course is that students will be familiar with their uses in context before rigorously covering them in a formal languages course.

Chapter 12 covers databases and the processing of large data sets. The database language SQL is briefly described as well as a Python's database application programming interface in the context of storing data grabbed from a web page. Given the ubiquity of databases in today's computer applications, it is important for students to get an early exposure to them and their use (if for no other reason than to be familiar with them before their first internship). The coverage of databases and SQL is introductory only and should be considered merely a basis for a later database course. This chapter also considers how to leverage the multiple cores available on computers to process big data sets more quickly. Google's MapReduce problem-solving framework is described and used as a context for introducing list comprehensions and the functional programming paradigm.

For Instructors: How to Use This Book

The material in this textbook was developed for a two quarter course sequence introducing computer science and programming to computer science majors. The book therefore has more than enough material for a typical 15-week course (and probably just the right amount of material for a class of well-prepared and highly motivated students).

The first six chapters of the textbook provide a comprehensive coverage of imperative/procedural programming in Python. They are meant to be covered in order, but it is possible to cover Chapter 5 before Chapter 4. Furthermore, the topics in Chapter 6 may be skipped and then introduced as needed.

Chapters 7 through 9 are meant to be covered in order to effectively showcase OOP. It is important to cover Chapter 7 before Chapter 8 because it demystifies Python's approach to class implementation and allows the more efficient coverage of OOP topics such as operator overloading and inheritance. It is also beneficial, though not necessary, to cover Chapter 9 after Chapter 8 because it provides a context in which OOP is shown to provide great benefits.

Chapters 9 through 12 are all optional, depend only on Chapters 1 through 6—with the few exceptions noted—and contain topics that can, in general, be skipped or reordered at the discretion of the course instructor. Exceptions are Sections 9.4 and 9.5 that illustrate the OOP approach to GUI development, as well as Sections 10.5, 11.2, 12.3, and 12.4, all of which make use of user-defined classes. All these sections should follow Chapter 8.

Instructors using this book in a course that leaves OOP to a later course can cover Chapters 1 through 7 and then choose topics from the non-OOP sections of Chapters 9 through 12. Instructors wishing to cover OOP should use Chapters 1 through 9 and then choose topics from Chapters 10 through 12.


The material for this textbook was developed over three years in the context of teaching the CSC241/242 course sequence (Introduction to Computer Science I and II) at DePaul University. In those three years, six separate cohorts of computer science freshmen moved through the course sequence. I used the different cohorts to try different pedagogical approaches, reorder and reorganize the material, and experiment with topics usually not taught in a course introducing programming. The continuous reorganization and experimentation made the course material less fluid and more challenging than necessary, especially for the early cohorts. Amazingly, students maintained their enthusiasm through the low points in the course, which in turn helped me maintain mine. I thank them all wholeheartedly for that.

I would like to acknowledge the faculty and administration of DePaul's School of Computing for creating a truly unique academic environment that encourages experimentation and innovation in education. Some of them also had a direct role in the creation and shaping of this textbook. Associate Dean Lucia Dettori scheduled my classes so I had time to write. Curt White, an experienced textbook author, encouraged me to start writing and put in a good word for me with publishing house John Wiley & Sons. Massimo DiPierro, the creator of the web2py web framework and a far greater Python authority than I will ever be, created the first outline of the content of the CSC241/242 course sequence, which was the initial seed for the book. Iyad Kanj taught the first iteration of CSC241 and selflessly allowed me to mine the material he developed. Amber Settle is the first person other than me to use this textbook in her course; thankfully, she had great success, though that is at least as much due to her excellence as a teacher. Craig Miller has thought more deeply about fundamental computer science concepts and how to explain them than anyone I know; I have gained some of his insights through many interesting discussions, and the textbook has benefited from them. Finally, Marcus Schaefer improved the textbook by doing a thorough technical review of more than half of the book.

My course lecture notes would have remained just that if Nicole Dingley, a Wiley book rep, had not suggested that I make them into a textbook. Nicole put me in contact with Wiley editor Beth Golub, who made the gutsy decision to trust a foreigner with a strange name and no experience writing textbooks to write a textbook. Wiley senior designer Madelyn Lesure, along with my friend and neighbor Mike Riordan, helped me achieve the simple and clean design of the text. Finally, Wiley senior editorial assistant Samantha Mandel worked tirelessly on getting my draft chapters reviewed and into production. Samantha has been a model of professionalism and good grace throughout the process, and she has offered endless good ideas for making the book better.

The final version of the book is similar to the original draft in surface only. The vast improvement over the initial draft is due to the dozens of anonymous reviewers. The kindness of strangers has made this a better book and has given me a new appreciation for the reviewing process. The reviewers have been kind enough not only to find problems but also offer solutions. For their careful and systematic feedback, I am grateful. Some of the reviewers, including David Mutchler, who offered his name and email for further correspondence, went beyond the call of duty and helped excavate the potential that lay buried in my early drafts. Jonathan Lundell also provided a technical review of the last chapters in the book. Because of time constraints, I was not able to incorporate all the valuable suggestions I received from them, and the responsibility for any any omissions in the textbook are entirely my own.

Finally I would like to thank my spouse, Lisa, and daughters, Marlena and Eleanor, for the patience they had with me. Writing a book takes a huge amount of time, and this time can only come from “family time” or sleep since other professional obligations have set hours. The time I spent writing this book resulted in my being unavailable for family time or my being crabby from lack of sleep, a real double whammy. Luckily, I had the foresight to adopt a dog when I started working on this project. A dog named Muffin inevitably brings more joy than any missing from me… So, thanks to Muffin.

About the Author

Ljubomir Perkovic is an associate professor at the School of Computing of DePaul University in Chicago. He received a Bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science from Hunter College of the City University of New York in 1990. He obtained his Ph.D. in algorithms, combinatorics, and optimization from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in 1998.

Prof. Perkovic has started teaching the introductory programming sequence for majors at DePaul in the mid-2000s. His goal was to share with beginning programmers the excitement that developers feel when working on a cool new app. He incorporated into the course concepts and technologies used in modern application development. The material he developed for the course forms the basis of this book.

His research interests include distributed computing, computational geometry, graph theory and algorithms, and computational thinking. He has received a Fulbright Research Scholar award for his research in computational geometry and a National Science Foundation grant for a project to expand computational thinking across the general education curriculum.

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