18.3 Exercises

  1. Let α be a primitive root for the prime p. This means that the numbers 1, α, α2, α3, , αp2(modp) yield all of the nonzero congruence classes mod p.

    1. Let i be fixed and suppose x2αi(modp) has a solution x. Show that i must be even. (Hint: Write xαj for some j. Now use the fact that αkαl(modp) if and only if kl(modp1).) This shows that the nonzero squares mod p are exactly 1, α2, α4, α6,  (modp), and therefore α, α3, α5,  are the quadratic nonresidues mod p.

    2. Using the definition of primitive root, show that α(p1)/2  1(modp).

    3. Use Exercise 15 in Chapter 3 to show that α(p1)/21(modp).

    4. Let x  0(modp). Show that x(p1)/21(modp) if x is a quadratic residue and x(p1)/21(modp) if x is a quadratic nonresidue mod p.

  2. In the coin flipping protocol with n=pq, suppose Bob sends a number y such that neither y nor y has a square root mod n.

    1. Show that y cannot be a square both mod p and mod q. Similarly, y cannot be a square mod both primes.

    2. Suppose y is not a square mod q. Show that y is a square mod q.

    3. Show that y is a square mod one of the primes and y is a square mod the other.

    4. Benevolent Alice decides to correct Bob’s “mistake.” Suppose y is a square mod p and y is a square mod q. Alice calculates a number b such that b2y(modp) and b2y(modq) and sends b to Bob (there are two pairs of choices for b). Show how Bob can use this information to factor n and hence claim victory.

    1. Let p be an odd prime. Show that if xx(modp), then x0(modp).

    2. Let p be an odd prime. Suppose x, y0(modp) and x2y2(modp2). Show that x±y(modp2) (Hint: Look at the proof of the Basic Principle in Section 9.3.)

    3. Suppose Alice cheats when flipping coins by choosing p=q. Show that Bob always loses in the sense that Alice always returns ±x. Therefore, it is wise for Bob to ask for the two primes at the end of the game.

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