1.2 Cryptographic Applications

Cryptography is not only about encrypting and decrypting messages, it is also about solving real-world problems that require information security. There are four main objectives that arise:

  1. Confidentiality: Eve should not be able to read Alice’s message to Bob. The main tools are encryption and decryption algorithms.

  2. Data integrity: Bob wants to be sure that Alice’s message has not been altered. For example, transmission errors might occur. Also, an adversary might intercept the transmission and alter it before it reaches the intended recipient. Many cryptographic primitives, such as hash functions, provide methods to detect data manipulation by malicious or accidental adversaries.

  3. Authentication: Bob wants to be sure that only Alice could have sent the message he received. Under this heading, we also include identification schemes and password protocols (in which case, Bob is the computer). There are actually two types of authentication that arise in cryptography: entity authentication and data-origin authentication. Often the term identification is used to specify entity authentication, which is concerned with proving the identity of the parties involved in a communication. Data-origin authentication focuses on tying the information about the origin of the data, such as the creator and time of creation, with the data.

  4. Non-repudiation: Alice cannot claim she did not send the message. Non-repudiation is particularly important in electronic commerce applications, where it is important that a consumer cannot deny the authorization of a purchase.

Authentication and non-repudiation are closely related concepts, but there is a difference. In a symmetric key cryptosystem, Bob can be sure that a message comes from Alice (or someone who knows Alice’s key) since no one else could have encrypted the message that Bob decrypts successfully. Therefore, authentication is automatic. However, he cannot prove to anyone else that Alice sent the message, since he could have sent the message himself. Therefore, non-repudiation is essentially impossible. In a public key cryptosystem, both authentication and non-repudiation can be achieved (see Chapters 9, 13, and 15).

Much of this book will present specific cryptographic applications, both in the text and as exercises. Here is an overview.

Digital signatures: One of the most important features of a paper and ink letter is the signature. When a document is signed, an individual’s identity is tied to the message. The assumption is that it is difficult for another person to forge the signature onto another document. Electronic messages, however, are very easy to copy exactly. How do we prevent an adversary from cutting the signature off one document and attaching it to another electronic document? We shall study cryptographic protocols that allow for electronic messages to be signed in such a way that everyone believes that the signer was the person who signed the document, and such that the signer cannot deny signing the document.

Identification: When logging into a machine or initiating a communication link, a user needs to identify herself or himself. But simply typing in a user name is not sufficient as it does not prove that the user is really who he or she claims to be. Typically a password is used. We shall touch upon various methods for identifying oneself. In the chapter on DES we discuss password files. Later, we present the Feige-Fiat-Shamir identification scheme, which is a zero-knowledge method for proving identity without revealing a password.

Key establishment: When large quantities of data need to be encrypted, it is best to use symmetric key encryption algorithms. But how does Alice give the secret key to Bob when she doesn’t have the opportunity to meet him personally? There are various ways to do this. One way uses public key cryptography. Another method is the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. A different approach to this problem is to have a trusted third party give keys to Alice and Bob. Two examples are Blom’s key generation scheme and Kerberos, which is a very popular symmetric cryptographic protocol that provides authentication and security in key exchange between users on a network.

Secret sharing: In Chapter 17, we introduce secret sharing schemes. Suppose that you have a combination to a bank safe, but you don’t want to trust any single person with the combination to the safe. Rather, you would like to divide the combination among a group of people, so that at least two of these people must be present in order to open the safe. Secret sharing solves this problem.

Security protocols: How can we carry out secure transactions over open channels such as the Internet, and how can we protect credit card information from fraudulent merchants? We discuss various protocols, such as SSL and SET.

Electronic cash: Credit cards and similar devices are convenient but do not provide anonymity. Clearly a form of electronic cash could be useful, at least to some people. However, electronic entities can be copied. We give an example of an electronic cash system that provides anonymity but catches counterfeiters, and we discuss cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin.

Games: How can you flip coins or play poker with people who are not in the same room as you? Dealing the cards, for example, presents a problem. We show how cryptographic ideas can solve these problems.

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