The multivariate normal distributions is one of the most important multidimensional distributions and is essential to multivariate statistics. The multivariate normal distribution is an extension of the univariate normal distribution and shares many of its features. This distribution can be completely described by its means, variances and covariances given in this chapter. The brief introduction to this distribution given will be necessary for students who wish to take the next course in multivariate statistics but can be skipped otherwise.


Definition 7.1 (Multivariate Normal Distribution) An n-dimensional random vector X = (X1, …, Xn) is said to have a multivariate normal distribution if any linear combination Image has a univariate normal distribution (possibly degenerated, as happens, for example, when αj = 0 for all j).

Image  EXAMPLE 7.1

Suppose that X1, …, Xn are n independent random variables such that

Image for j = 1, …, n. Then, if Image, we have




In other words, Image

Therefore, the vector X : = (X1, …, Xn) has a multivariate normal distribution.    Image

Note 7.1 In this chapter, the vector in Image is represented by a row vector.

Theorem 7.1 Let X : = (X1,…, Xn) be a random vector. X has multivariate normal distribution if and only if its characteristic function has the form


where Image, Σ is a positive semidefinite symmetric square matrix and Image•, •Image represents the usual inner product of Image.





where α := (α1, …, αn) and Σ is the variance-covariance matrix of X.

Therefore, the characteristic function of Y equals:




Image The characteristic function of Y is then given by


where β := . That is:


Then Y has a univariate normal distribution with parameters Imageα,μImage and Imageα, αΣImage. Therefore, X is multivariate normal.        Image

Note 7.2 It can be easily verified that the vector μ and the matrix Σ from the previous theorem correspond to the expected value and the variance-covariance matrix of X, respectively.

Notation 7.1 if X has a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector μ and variance-covariance matrix Σ, then we write Image.

Our next theorem states that any multivariate normal distribution can be obtained by applying a linear transformation to a random vector whose components are independent random variables having all univariate normal distributions. In order to prove this result, the following lemma is required:

Lemma 7.1 Let X : = (X1,…,Xn) be a random vector such that Image Image(μ,Σ). The components Xj, j = 1, …, n, are independent if and only if the matrix Σ is diagonal.


Image See the result given in (5.17).

Image Suppose that the matrix Σ is diagonal. Since Image, then:


Therefore, the random variables Xj for j = 1, …, n, are independent.      Image

Theorem 7.2 Let X := (X1,…,Xn) be a random vector such that X Image Image(μ,Σ). Then there exist an orthogonal matrix A and independent random variables Y1, …, Yn such that either Yj = 0 or Image for j = 1, …, n so that X = μ + YA.

Proof: Since Σ is a positive semidefinite symmetric matrix, there exist a diagonal matrix Λ whose entries are all nonnegative and an orthogonal matrix A such that:


Let Y := (Xμ)AT. Since X is multivariate normal, so is Y. Additionally, Λ is the variance-covariance matrix of Y. Since this matrix is diagonal, it follows from the previous lemma that the components of Y are independent. Finally we have:



Suppose that X = (X1, …, Xn) is an n-dimensional random vector and that the random variables X1, …, Xn are independent and identically distributed having a standard normal distribution. The joint probability density function of X1, …, Xn is given by:


In addition, it is clear that the vector X has a multivariate normal distribution. The natural question that arises is: If X is a random vector with multivariate normal distribution, under what conditions can the existence of a density function for the vector X be guaranteed? The answer is given in the following theorem:

Theorem 7.3 Let Image. If Σ is a positive definite matrix, then X has a density function given by:


Proof:   Since Σ is a positive definite matrix, all its eigenvalues are positive. Moreover, there exists an orthogonal matrix U such that


where Λ = diagi) and λ1, …, λn are the eigenvalues of Σ. In other words, Λ is the diagonal matrix whose entries on the diagonal are precisely the eigen-values of Σ.

Let A := U diagImageUT. Clearly ATA = Σ and A is also a positive definite matrix. Let h : RnRn be defined by h(x) = xA + μ. The inverse function of h would then be given by h−1(x) = (x − μ)A−l. The transformation theorem implies that the density function of X := YA + μ, where Y = (Y1,…,Yn), is an n-dimensional random vector such that the random variables Y1, …, Yn are independent and identically distributed with a standard normal distribution and is given by:



Note 7.3 (Bivariate Normal Distribution) As a particular case of the theorem above, suppose that






with ρ representing the correlation coefficient. Therefore:






we obtain:


We also have that:


In other words, the marginal distributions of X = (X1,X2) are univariate normal.

In general, we have:

Theorem 7.4 All the marginal distributions of Image are multivariate normal

Proof: Suppose that X = (X1, …, Xn) and let


where {k1, …, kl} is a subset of {1, …, n). The characteristic function of Image is given by:


Therefore Image has a multivariate normal distribution.



Let Xi, i = 1,2, …, n be independent normal random variables with Image, i = 1,2,…,n. It is known that:


Suppose now an n-dimensional random vector X = (X1, X2, …, Xn) having multivariate normal distribution with mean vector μ and variance and covariance matrix Σ. Suppose that Σ is a positive definite matrix. From Theorem 7.3, it is known that X has the density function given by


with Image. Now we are interested in finding the distribution of W = Image. In order to do so, we need to find the moment generating function of W. We have:


This last integral exists for all values of t < Image.

Now the matrix (1 − 2t−1, t < Image, is positive definite given that Σ is also a positive definite matrix.

On the other hand,


and consequently the function


is the density function of the multivariate normal random variable. When multiplying and dividing the denominator by (1 − 2t)n/2 in the expression given for m(t) we obtain


which corresponds to the mgf of a random variables with Image distribution.

We also have that Image.

Suppose that X1, X2, …, Xn are independent with normal distribution Image(0,σ2). Let X = (X1, X2, …, Xn) and suppose that A is a real symmetric matrix of order n. We want to find the distribution of XAXT. In order to find this distribution, the mgf of the variable Image must be considered. It is clear that:


Given that the random variables X1, X2, … Xn are independent with normal distribution Image(0,σ2), we have in this case that


where In is the identity matrix of order n.



Given that I − 2tA is a positive definite matrix and if |t| is sufficiently small, let’s say |t| < h, we have that the function


is the density function of the multivariate normal distribution. Thus:


Suppose now that λ12,…, λn are eigenvalues of A and let L be an orthogonal matrix of order n such that LTAL = diag1, λ2, …, λn). Then


and therefore:


Given that


and because L is an orthogonal matrix, we have


from which we obtain that:


Suppose that r is the rank of matrix A with 0 < rn. Then we have that exactly r of the numbers λ1, λ2, …, λn, let’s say λ1, …, λr, are different from zero and the remaining n − r of them are zero. Therefore:


Under which conditions does the previous mgf correspond to the mgf of a random variable with chi-squared distribution of k degrees of freedom? If this is to be so, then we must have:


This implies (1 − 2tλ1) · · · (1 − 2tλr) = (1 − 2t)k and in consequence k = r and λ1 = λ2 = · · · = λr = 1. That is, matrix A has r eigenvalues equal to 1 and the other nr equal to zero, and the rank of the matrix A is r. This implies that matrix A must be idempotent,that is, A2 = A.

Conversely, if matrix A has rank r and is idempotent, then A has r eigenvalues equal to 1 and n − r real eigenvalues equal to zero and in consequence the mgf of Image is given by:


In summary:

Theorem 7.5 Let X1,X2,… Xn be i.i.d. random variables with Image (0,σ2). Let X = (X1, X2, …, Xn) and A be a symmetric matrix of order n with rank r. Suppose that Y := XAXT. Then:


Image  EXAMPLE 7.2

Let Y = X1X2X3X4 where X1, X2, X3, X4 are i.i.d. random variables with Image(0,σ2). Is the distribution of the random variable Image a chi-square distribution? Explain.

Solution: It is clear that Y = XAXT with:


The random variable Image does not have Image distribution because A2A.

Suppose that X1,X2, …, Xn are i.i.d. random variables with Image(0,σ2). Let A and B be two symmetric matrices of order n and consider the quadratic forms XAXT and XBXT. Under what conditions are these quadratic forms independent? To answer this question we must consider the joint mgf of Image and Image We have then:


In this case, we have that det Σ = σ2n and Image. So that:


The matrix I − 2t1A − 2t2B is a positive definite matrix if |t1| and |t2| are sufficiently small, for example, |t1| < h1 and |t2| < h2 with h1, h2 > 0. Hence:


If XAXT and XBXT are stochastically independent, then AB = 0. Indeed, if XAXT and XBXT are independent, then m(t1,t2) = m(t1,0) · (0,t2) for all t1,t2 with |t1| < h1 and |t2| < h2. That is,


where t1,t2 satisfy |t1| < h1 and |t2| < h2.

Let r = rank(A) and suppose that λ1, λ2,…, λr are r eigenvalues of A different than zero. Then there exists an orthogonal matrix L such that:


Suppose that Image Then, the equation


may be rewritten as


or equivalently:


That is:


Given that the coefficient of (−2t1)r on the right side of the previous equation is λ1λ2 … λrdet(I − 2t2D) and the coefficient of (−2t1)r on the left side of the equation is


where In−1 is the (nr)-order identity matrix, then, for all t2 with |t2| < h2, det(I − 2t2D) = det(Inr − 2t2D22) must be satisfied and consequently the nonzero eigenvalues of the matrices D and D22 are equal.

On the other hand, if A = (aij)n×n is a symmetric matrix, then Image is equal to the sum of the squares of the eigenvalues of A. Indeed, let L be such that LTAL = diag1, λ2, …, λn). Then:


Therefore, the sum of the squares of the elements of matrix D is equal to the sum of the squares of the elements of matrix D22. Thus:


Now 0 = CD = LTAL · LTBL = LT ABL and in consequence AB = 0.

Suppose now that AB = 0. Let us verify that Image and Image are stochastically independent. We have that:


That is:




In summary, we have the following result:

Theorem 7.6 Let X1,X2,…, Xn - i.i.d. random variables with Image(0,σ2). Let A and B be symmetric matrices and X = (X1, X2, … Xn). Then, the quadratic forms XAXT and XBXT are independent if and only if AB = 0.


7.1   Let X = (X, Y) be a random vector having a bivariate normal distribution with parameters μX = 2, μY = 3.1, σX = 0.001, σY = 0.02 and ρ = 0. Find:


7.2   Suppose that X1 and X2 are independent Image(0,1) random variables. Let Y1 = X1 + 3X2 − 2 and Y2 = X1 − 2X2 + 1. Determine the distribution of Y = (Y1,Y2).

7.3   Let X = (X1, X2) be a multivariate normal with μ = (5,10) and Σ = Image. If Y1 = 2X1 + 2X2 + 1 and Y2 = 3X1 − 2X2 − 2 are independent, determine the value of α.

7.4   Let X = (X1, …, Xn) be an n-dimensional random vector such that Image, where Σ is a nonsingular matrix. Prove that


is a random vector with a Image(0,1) distribution, where I is the identity matrix of order n and W is a matrix satisfying W2 = Σ. In this case, we say that the vector Y has a standard multivariate normal distribution.

7.5   Let X = (X, Y) be a random vector with bivariate normal distribution. Prove that the conditional distribution of Y, given that X = x, is normal with parameters μ given by


and σ2 given by


7.6   Let X = (X1,X2) be multivariate normal with μ = (1,−1) and Σ = Image. Let Yl = X1X2 − 2 and Y2 = X1+ X2.

a) Find the distribution of Y = (Y1,Y2).

b) Find the density function fY (y1,y2).

7.7   Suppose that X is multivariate normal Image(μ,Σ) where μ = 1 and:


Find the conditional distribution of X1 + X2 given X1X2 =0.

7.8   Let X = (X1, X2, X3) be a random vector with normal multivariate distribution of parameters μ = 0 and Σ given by:


Find P (X1 > 0, X2 > 0, X3 > 0).

7.9   Let X = (X1,X2,X3) be a random vector with normal multivariate distribution of parameters μ = 0 and Σ given by:


Find the density function f (x1, x2, x3) of X.

7.10   The random vector X has three-dimensional normal distribution with mean vector 0 and covariance matrix Σ given by:


Find the distribution of X2 given that X1X3 = 1 and X2 + X3 = 0.

7.11   The random vector X has three-dimensional normal distribution with expectation 0 and covariance matrix Σ given by:


Find the distribution of X3 given that X1 = 1.

7.12   The random vector X has three-dimensional normal distribution with expectation 0 and covariance matrix Σ given by:


Find the distribution of X2 given that X1 + X3 = 1.

7.13   Let Image, where:


Determine the conditional distribution of X1X3 given that X2 = −1.

7.14   The random vector X has three-dimensional normal distribution with mean vector μ and covariance matrix Σ given by:


Find the conditional distribution of X1 given that X1 = −X2.

7.15   The random vector X has three-dimensional normal distribution with expectation 0 and covariance matrix Σ given by:


Find the distribution of X2 given that X1 = X2 = X3.

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