
We would like to acknowledge the following people, who helped us complete this project.

Michael Boland: Michael, your suggestions and industry expertise in mining were an incredible asset in the development of this book. We truly appreciate your time, thoughtfulness, and clear suggestions!

Maik Seewald: Maik, you are a true Internet engineer! Your assistance and suggestions helped clarify the utilities industry’s direction on standards and protocols, helping make our book as up-to-date as possible.

Rick Geiger: Rick, you are one of the top utility experts in the world. Thanks for your help and suggestions on the utilities chapter.

Ken Batke: Thanks for your contribution and guidance of the utilities section. Your feedback was much appreciated.

Mahyar Khosravi: Mahyar, thanks for lending us your expertise in the oil and gas industry and all the feedback and suggestions to the oil and gas chapter.

Dave Cronberger: Huge thanks go out to Dave for his excellent guidance and feedback on the book. Dave, you’re never shy to tell someone the straightforward advice they need and bring them back on track. Your reviews and feedback on the manufacturing section were invaluable!

Kyle Connor and Barb Rigel: Thanks, Kyle and Barb, for your very thorough reviews and feedback on the transportation section. Your guidance and insights on the state of this quickly transforming industry were an incredible help to our team.

Eleanor Bru: Ellie was our development editor on this project, and it was an absolute pleasure working with her. Thanks for your dedication and patience and for making the review process go so well.

Mary Beth Ray: We’d also like to send out a big thanks to Mary Beth for keeping us on track and supporting us all the way through this challenging project and ensuring that we had everything we needed to bring the book to completion.

Mandie Frank: As our project editor, Mandie tied up all the loose ends and helped us put the finishing touches on this book. Thanks, Mandie, for all your help in guiding us to the finish line!

Kitty Wilson: As our copyeditor, we thank you for the long hours you contributed in making the final edits to our text. Your meticulous attention to detail is greatly appreciated.

We would also like to acknowledge our management teams for their unwavering support and understanding as we worked long hours to meet the many deadlines associated with a publication such as this.

David would like to give a special thanks to Marty Martinez, Rob Taylor, Jitendra Lal, and Shane Kirby, for their guidance and support.

Gonzalo would like to thank the TS leadership team, especially Marc Holloman, Marty Martinez, and Tom Berghoff. This book wouldn’t have been possible without their unwavering encouragement, belief, and support.

Patrick thanks the product management and engineering team from the IoT Connected Business Unit for their support and tireless efforts in making IoT products real.

Jerome would like to give a special thanks to Matt MacPherson, for sharing his wisdom and vision on the convergence of enterprise, 5G, and IoT.

Rob would also like to express his thanks to his leadership team, including Dr. Rick Huijbregts and Bernadette Wightman, for their strong support and backing during this project. Your focus on innovation is at the heart of the digital transformation revolution and has inspired much of the wisdom woven throughout the pages of this book.

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