Chapter 5. IP as the IoT Network Layer

In Chapter 4, “Connecting Smart Objects,” you learned about the important considerations in creating an IoT network and common protocols employed by smart objects to access and communicate with a network. Chapter 4 focuses on connectivity at Layer 1 (PHY) and Layer 2 (MAC). In this chapter, we move up the protocol stack and extend the conversation to network layer connectivity, which is commonly referred to as Layer 3. Referring back to the Core IoT Functional Stack introduced in Figure 2-7, this chapter covers the network transport layer sublayer that is part of the communications network layer. Alternatively, you can also align this chapter with the network layer of the oneM2M architecture shown in Figure 2-1 or the connectivity layer of the IoT World Forum architecture detailed in Figure 2-3 if these models are preferable.

This chapter is composed of the following sections:

Image The Business Case for IP: This section discusses the advantages of IP from an IoT perspective and introduces the concepts of adoption and adaptation.

Image The Need for Optimization: This section dives into the challenges of constrained nodes and devices when deploying IP. This section also looks at the migration from IPv4 to IPv6 and how it affects IoT networks.

Image Optimizing IP for IoT: This section explores the common protocols and technologies in IoT networks utilizing IP, including 6LoWPAN, 6TiSCH, and RPL.

Image Profiles and Compliances: This section provides a summary of some of the most significant organizations and standards bodies involved with IP connectivity and IoT.

This chapter builds on many of the technologies introduced in previous ones. In fact, protocols and technologies from these chapters are often paired together and developed with this pairing in mind. For example, 802.15.4 and 6LoWPAN are a combination that is paired together frequently for many applications.

This chapter has a deliberate focus on IP, which has become the de facto standard in many areas of IoT. With support from numerous standards and industry organizations, IP and its role as the network layer transport for IoT is a foundational element that you should be familiar with.

The Business Case for IP

Data flowing from or to “things” is consumed, controlled, or monitored by data center servers either in the cloud or in locations that may be distributed or centralized. Dedicated applications are then run over virtualized or traditional operating systems or on network edge platforms (for example, fog computing). These lightweight applications communicate with the data center servers. Therefore, the system solutions combining various physical and data link layers call for an architectural approach with a common layer(s) independent from the lower (connectivity) and/or upper (application) layers. This is how and why the Internet Protocol (IP) suite started playing a key architectural role in the early 1990s. IP was not only preferred in the IT markets but also for the OT environment.

The Key Advantages of Internet Protocol

One of the main differences between traditional information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) is the lifetime of the underlying technologies and products. (For more information on IT and OT, refer to Chapter 1, “What Is IoT?”) An entire industrial workflow generally mandates smooth, incremental steps that evolve, with operations itself being the most time- and mission-critical factor for an organization.

One way to guarantee multi-year lifetimes is to define a layered architecture such as the 30-year-old IP architecture. IP has largely demonstrated its ability to integrate small and large evolutions. At the same time, it is able to maintain its operations for large numbers of devices and users, such as the 3 billion Internet users.


Using the Internet Protocol suite does not mean that an IoT infrastructure running IP has to be an open or publicly accessible network. Indeed, many existing mission-critical but private and highly secure networks, such as inter-banking networks, military and defense networks, and public-safety and emergency-response networks, use the IP architecture.

Before evaluating the pros and cons of IP adoption versus adaptation, this section provides a quick review of the key advantages of the IP suite for the Internet of Things:

Image Open and standards-based: Operational technologies have often been delivered as turnkey features by vendors who may have optimized the communications through closed and proprietary networking solutions. The Internet of Things creates a new paradigm in which devices, applications, and users can leverage a large set of devices and functionalities while guaranteeing interchangeability and interoperability, security, and management. This calls for implementation, validation, and deployment of open, standards-based solutions. While many standards development organizations (SDOs) are working on Internet of Things definitions, frameworks, applications, and technologies, none are questioning the role of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as the foundation for specifying and optimizing the network and transport layers. The IETF is an open standards body that focuses on the development of the Internet Protocol suite and related Internet technologies and protocols.

Image Versatile: A large spectrum of access technologies is available to offer connectivity of “things” in the last mile. Additional protocols and technologies are also used to transport IoT data through backhaul links and in the data center. Even if physical and data link layers such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and cellular are widely adopted, the history of data communications demonstrates that no given wired or wireless technology fits all deployment criteria. Furthermore, communication technologies evolve at a pace faster than the expected 10- to 20-year lifetime of OT solutions. So, the layered IP architecture is well equipped to cope with any type of physical and data link layers. This makes IP ideal as a long-term investment because various protocols at these layers can be used in a deployment now and over time, without requiring changes to the whole solution architecture and data flow.

Image Ubiquitous: All recent operating system releases, from general-purpose computers and servers to lightweight embedded systems (TinyOS, Contiki, and so on), have an integrated dual (IPv4 and IPv6) IP stack that gets enhanced over time. In addition, IoT application protocols in many industrial OT solutions have been updated in recent years to run over IP. While these updates have mostly consisted of IPv4 to this point, recent standardization efforts in several areas are adding IPv6. In fact, IP is the most pervasive protocol when you look at what is supported across the various IoT solutions and industry verticals.

Image Scalable: As the common protocol of the Internet, IP has been massively deployed and tested for robust scalability. Millions of private and public IP infrastructure nodes have been operational for years, offering strong foundations for those not familiar with IP network management. Of course, adding huge numbers of “things” to private and public infrastructures may require optimizations and design rules specific to the new devices. However, you should realize that this is not very different from the recent evolution of voice and video endpoints integrated over IP. IP has proven before that scalability is one of its strengths.

Image Manageable and highly secure: Communications infrastructure requires appropriate management and security capabilities for proper operations. One of the benefits that comes from 30 years of operational IP networks is the well-understood network management and security protocols, mechanisms, and toolsets that are widely available. Adopting IP network management also brings an operational business application to OT. Well-known network and security management tools are easily leveraged with an IP network layer. However, you should be aware that despite the secure nature of IP, real challenges exist in this area. Specifically, the industry is challenged in securing constrained nodes, handling legacy OT protocols, and scaling operations.

Image Stable and resilient: IP has been around for 30 years, and it is clear that IP is a workable solution. IP has a large and well-established knowledge base and, more importantly, it has been used for years in critical infrastructures, such as financial and defense networks. In addition, IP has been deployed for critical services, such as voice and video, which have already transitioned from closed environments to open IP standards. Finally, its stability and resiliency benefit from the large ecosystem of IT professionals who can help design, deploy, and operate IP-based solutions.

Image Consumers’ market adoption: When developing IoT solutions and products targeting the consumer market, vendors know that consumers’ access to applications and devices will occur predominantly over broadband and mobile wireless infrastructure. The main consumer devices range from smart phones to tablets and PCs. The common protocol that links IoT in the consumer space to these devices is IP.

Image The innovation factor: The past two decades have largely established the adoption of IP as a factor for increased innovation. IP is the underlying protocol for applications ranging from file transfer and e-mail to the World Wide Web, e-commerce, social networking, mobility, and more. Even the recent computing evolution from PC to mobile and mainframes to cloud services are perfect demonstrations of the innovative ground enabled by IP. Innovations in IoT can also leverage an IP underpinning.

In summary, the adoption of IP provides a solid foundation for the Internet of Things by allowing secured and manageable bidirectional data communication capabilities between all devices in a network. IP is a standards-based protocol that is ubiquitous, scalable, versatile, and stable. Network services such as naming, time distribution, traffic prioritization, isolation, and so on are well-known and developed techniques that can be leveraged with IP. From cloud, centralized, or distributed architectures, IP data flow can be developed and implemented according to business requirements. However, you may wonder if IP is an end-to-end requirement; this is covered in the next section.

Adoption or Adaptation of the Internet Protocol

How to implement IP in data center, cloud services, and operation centers hosting IoT applications may seem obvious, but the adoption of IP in the last mile is more complicated and often makes running IP end-to-end more difficult.

If we look at the historical trend of IP adoption by IT in general, we can glean some insight into how IP adoption in the last mile should unfold. Before IPv4 was widely accepted and deployed in IT networks, many different protocol stacks overlapped with IP. For example, X.25/X.75 was standardized and promoted by service providers, while computer manufacturers implemented their own proprietary protocols, such as SNA, DECnet, IPX, and AppleTalk. Multiprotocol routers were needed to handle this proliferation of network layer protocols.

The use of numerous network layer protocols in addition to IP is often a point of contention between computer networking experts. Typically, one of two models, adaptation or adoption, is proposed:

Image Adaptation means application layered gateways (ALGs) must be implemented to ensure the translation between non-IP and IP layers.

Image Adoption involves replacing all non-IP layers with their IP layer counterparts, simplifying the deployment model and operations.

A similar transition is now occurring with IoT and its use of IP connectivity in the last mile. While IP is slowly becoming more prevalent, alternative protocol stacks are still often used. Let’s look at a few examples in various industries to see how IP adaptation and adoption are currently applied to IoT last-mile connectivity.

In the industrial and manufacturing sector, there has been a move toward IP adoption. Solutions and product lifecycles in this space are spread over 10+ years, and many protocols have been developed for serial communications. While IP and Ethernet support were not specified in the initial versions, more recent specifications for these serial communications protocols integrate Ethernet and IPv4.

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) applications are typical examples of vertical market deployments that operate both the IP adaptation model and the adoption model. Found at the core of many modern industries, SCADA is an automation control system for remote monitoring and control of equipment. Implementations that make use of IP adaptation have SCADA devices attached through serial interfaces to a gateway tunneling or translating the traffic. With the IP adoption model, SCADA devices are attached via Ethernet to switches and routers forwarding their IPv4 traffic. (For more information on SCADA, see Chapter 6, “Application Protocols for IoT.”)

Another example is a ZigBee solution that runs a non-IP stack between devices and a ZigBee gateway that forwards traffic to an application server. (For more information on ZigBee, see Chapter 4.) A ZigBee gateway often acts as a translator between the ZigBee and IP protocol stacks.

As highlighted by these examples, the IP adaptation versus adoption model still requires investigation for particular last-mile technologies used by IoT. You should consider the following factors when trying to determine which model is best suited for last-mile connectivity:

Image Bidirectional versus unidirectional data flow: While bidirectional communications are generally expected, some last-mile technologies offer optimization for unidirectional communication. For example, as introduced in Chapter 4, different classes of IoT devices, as defined in RFC 7228, may only infrequently need to report a few bytes of data to an application. These sorts of devices, particularly ones that communicate through LPWA technologies, include fire alarms sending alerts or daily test reports, electrical switches being pushed on or off, and water or gas meters sending weekly indexes. LPWA is further discussed in Chapter 4. For these cases, it is not necessarily worth implementing a full IP stack. However, it requires the overall end-to-end architecture to solve potential drawbacks; for example, if there is only one-way communication to upload data to an application, then it is not possible to download new software or firmware to the devices. This makes integrating new features and bug and security fixes more difficult.

Image Overhead for last-mile communications paths: IP adoption implies a layered architecture with a per-packet overhead that varies depending on the IP version. IPv4 has 20 bytes of header at a minimum, and IPv6 has 40 bytes at the IP network layer. For the IP transport layer, UDP has 8 bytes of header overhead, while TCP has a minimum of 20 bytes. If the data to be forwarded by a device is infrequent and only a few bytes, you can potentially have more header overhead than device data—again, particularly in the case of LPWA technologies. Consequently, you need to decide whether the IP adoption model is necessary and, if it is, how it can be optimized. This same consideration applies to control plane traffic that is run over IP for low-bandwidth, last-mile links. Routing protocol and other verbose network services may either not be required or call for optimization.

Image Data flow model: One benefit of the IP adoption model is the end-to-end nature of communications. Any node can easily exchange data with any other node in a network, although security, privacy, and other factors may put controls and limits on the “end-to-end” concept. However, in many IoT solutions, a device’s data flow is limited to one or two applications. In this case, the adaptation model can work because translation of traffic needs to occur only between the end device and one or two application servers. Depending on the network topology and the data flow needed, both IP adaptation and adoption models have roles to play in last-mile connectivity.

Image Network diversity: One of the drawbacks of the adaptation model is a general dependency on single PHY and MAC layers. For example, ZigBee devices must only be deployed in ZigBee network islands. This same restriction holds for ITU G.9903 G3-PLC nodes. Therefore, a deployment must consider which applications have to run on the gateway connecting these islands and the rest of the world. Integration and coexistence of new physical and MAC layers or new applications impact how deployment and operations have to be planned. This is not a relevant consideration for the adoption model.

The Need for Optimization

As discussed in the previous section, the Internet of Things will largely be built on the Internet Protocol suite. However, challenges still exist for IP in IoT solutions. In addition to coping with the integration of non-IP devices, you may need to deal with the limits at the device and network levels that IoT often imposes. Therefore, optimizations are needed at various layers of the IP stack to handle the restrictions that are present in IoT networks.

The following sections take a detailed look at why optimization is necessary for IP. Both the nodes and the network itself can often be constrained in IoT solutions. Also, IP is transitioning from version 4 to version 6, which can add further confinements in the IoT space.

Constrained Nodes

As documented in Table 4-1 in Chapter 4, in IoT solutions, different classes of devices coexist. Depending on its functions in a network, a “thing” architecture may or may not offer similar characteristics compared to a generic PC or server in an IT environment.

Another limit is that this network protocol stack on an IoT node may be required to communicate through an unreliable path. Even if a full IP stack is available on the node, this causes problems such as limited or unpredictable throughput and low convergence when a topology change occurs.

Finally, power consumption is a key characteristic of constrained nodes. Many IoT devices are battery powered, with lifetime battery requirements varying from a few months to 10+ years. This drives the selection of networking technologies since high-speed ones, such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and cellular, are not (yet) capable of multi-year battery life. Current capabilities practically allow less than a year for these technologies on battery-powered nodes. Of course, power consumption is much less of a concern on nodes that do not require batteries as an energy source.

You should also be aware that power consumption requirements on battery-powered nodes impact communication intervals. To help extend battery life, you could enable a “low-power” mode instead of one that is “always on.” Another option is “always off,” which means communications are enabled only when needed to send data.

While it has been largely demonstrated that production IP stacks perform well in constrained nodes, classification of these nodes helps when evaluating the IP adoption versus adaptation model selection. IoT constrained nodes can be classified as follows:

Image Devices that are very constrained in resources, may communicate infrequently to transmit a few bytes, and may have limited security and management capabilities: This drives the need for the IP adaptation model, where nodes communicate through gateways and proxies.

Image Devices with enough power and capacities to implement a stripped-down IP stack or non-IP stack: In this case, you may implement either an optimized IP stack and directly communicate with application servers (adoption model) or go for an IP or non-IP stack and communicate through gateways and proxies (adaptation model).

Image Devices that are similar to generic PCs in terms of computing and power resources but have constrained networking capacities, such as bandwidth: These nodes usually implement a full IP stack (adoption model), but network design and application behaviors must cope with the bandwidth constraints.

You probably already realize that the definition of constrained nodes is evolving. The costs of computing power, memory, storage resources, and power consumption are generally decreasing. At the same time, networking technologies continue to improve and offer more bandwidth and reliability. In the future, the push to optimize IP for constrained nodes will lessen as technology improvements and cost decreases address many of these challenges.

Constrained Networks

In the early years of the Internet, network bandwidth capacity was restrained due to technical limitations. Connections often depended on low-speed modems for transferring data. However, these low-speed connections demonstrated that IP could run over low-bandwidth networks.

Fast forward to today, and the evolution of networking has seen the emergence of high-speed infrastructures. However, high-speed connections are not usable by some IoT devices in the last mile. The reasons include the implementation of technologies with low bandwidth, limited distance and bandwidth due to regulated transmit power, and lack of or limited network services. When link layer characteristics that we take for granted are not present, the network is constrained. A constrained network can have high latency and a high potential for packet loss.


Constrained networks are often referred to as low-power and lossy networks (LLNs). Lossy in this context refers to network unreliability that is caused by disruptions in the data flow or packet loss. LLNs were defined by the IETF’s Routing over Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RoLL) working group when developing the IPv6 RPL protocol. An IETF working group is an open discussion group of individuals in a particular technology area. They have a charter that defines their focus and what they are expected to produce. If you are interested in the work of the RoLL working group, see (RPL is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.)

Constrained networks have unique characteristics and requirements. In contrast with typical IP networks, where highly stable and fast links are available, constrained networks are limited by low-power, low-bandwidth links (wireless and wired). They operate between a few kbps and a few hundred kbps and may utilize a star, mesh, or combined network topologies, ensuring proper operations.

With a constrained network, in addition to limited bandwidth, it is not unusual for the packet delivery rate (PDR) to oscillate between low and high percentages. Large bursts of unpredictable errors and even loss of connectivity at times may occur. These behaviors can be observed on both wireless and narrowband power-line communication links, where packet delivery variation may fluctuate greatly during the course of a day.

Unstable link layer environments create other challenges in terms of latency and control plane reactivity. One of the golden rules in a constrained network is to “underreact to failure.” Due to the low bandwidth, a constrained network that overreacts can lead to a network collapse—which makes the existing problem worse.

Control plane traffic must also be kept at a minimum; otherwise, it consumes the bandwidth that is needed by the data traffic. Finally, you have to consider the power consumption in battery-powered nodes. Any failure or verbose control plane protocol may reduce the lifetime of the batteries.

In summary, constrained nodes and networks pose major challenges for IoT connectivity in the last mile. This in turn has led various standards organizations to work on optimizing protocols for IoT. This optimization for IP is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.


In addition to optimizing protocols for IoT, the IETF is publishing guidelines for IoT implementation. Much of this work is occurring in the IETF Light-Weight Implementation Guidance (LWIG) working group. For more information on the work of this working group, see

IP Versions

For 20+ years, the IETF has been working on transitioning the Internet from IP version 4 to IP version 6. The main driving force has been the lack of address space in IPv4 as the Internet has grown. IPv6 has a much larger range of addresses that should not be exhausted for the foreseeable future. Today, both versions of IP run over the Internet, but most traffic is still IPv4 based.


A full discussion of the benefits and characteristics of IPv6 is beyond the scope of this book. For a more detailed look at IPv6, please refer to the Cisco Press book IPv6 Fundamentals: A Straightforward Approach to Understanding IPv6.

While it may seem natural to base all IoT deployments on IPv6, you must take into account current infrastructures and their associated lifecycle of solutions, protocols, and products. IPv4 is entrenched in these current infrastructures, and so support for it is required in most cases. Therefore, the Internet of Things has to follow a similar path as the Internet itself and support both IPv4 and IPv6 versions concurrently. Techniques such as tunneling and translation need to be employed in IoT solutions to ensure interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6.

A variety of factors dictate whether IPv4, IPv6, or both can be used in an IoT solution. Most often these factors include a legacy protocol or technology that supports only IPv4. Newer technologies and protocols almost always support both IP versions. The following are some of the main factors applicable to IPv4 and IPv6 support in an IoT solution:

Image Application Protocol: IoT devices implementing Ethernet or Wi-Fi interfaces can communicate over both IPv4 and IPv6, but the application protocol may dictate the choice of the IP version. For example, SCADA protocols such as DNP3/IP (IEEE 1815), Modbus TCP, or the IEC 60870-5-104 standards are specified only for IPv4, as discussed in Chapter 6. So, there are no known production implementations by vendors of these protocols over IPv6 today. For IoT devices with application protocols defined by the IETF, such as HTTP/HTTPS, CoAP, MQTT, and XMPP, both IP versions are supported. (For more information on these IoT application layer protocols, see Chapter 6.) The selection of the IP version is only dependent on the implementation.

Image Cellular Provider and Technology: IoT devices with cellular modems are dependent on the generation of the cellular technology as well as the data services offered by the provider. For the first three generations of data services—GPRS, Edge, and 3G—IPv4 is the base protocol version. Consequently, if IPv6 is used with these generations, it must be tunneled over IPv4. On 4G/LTE networks, data services can use IPv4 or IPv6 as a base protocol, depending on the provider.

Image Serial Communications: Many legacy devices in certain industries, such as manufacturing and utilities, communicate through serial lines. Data is transferred using either proprietary or standards-based protocols, such as DNP3, Modbus, or IEC 60870-5-101. In the past, communicating this serial data over any sort of distance could be handled by an analog modem connection. However, as service provider support for analog line services has declined, the solution for communicating with these legacy devices has been to use local connections. To make this work, you connect the serial port of the legacy device to a nearby serial port on a piece of communications equipment, typically a router. This local router then forwards the serial traffic over IP to the central server for processing. Encapsulation of serial protocols over IP leverages mechanisms such as raw socket TCP or UDP. While raw socket sessions can run over both IPv4 and IPv6, current implementations are mostly available for IPv4 only.

Image IPv6 Adaptation Layer: IPv6-only adaptation layers for some physical and data link layers for recently standardized IoT protocols support only IPv6. While the most common physical and data link layers (Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and so on) stipulate adaptation layers for both versions, newer technologies, such as IEEE 802.15.4 (Wireless Personal Area Network), IEEE 1901.2, and ITU G.9903 (Narrowband Power Line Communications) only have an IPv6 adaptation layer specified. (For more information on these physical and data link layers, see Chapter 4.) This means that any device implementing a technology that requires an IPv6 adaptation layer must communicate over an IPv6-only subnetwork. This is reinforced by the IETF routing protocol for LLNs, RPL, which is IPv6 only. The RPL routing protocol is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.


Transition mechanisms such as Mapping of Address and Port using Translation (MAP-T) allow IPv4 traffic to be forwarded over an IPv6 network. Such techniques enable older, industrial end devices and applications to continue running IPv4 even though the network providing connectivity is IPv6. Often these legacy devices and applications do not even have the ability to be upgraded to support IPv6. Please see Chapter 6 to learn more about MAP-T. For even more detailed information on MAP-T, see IETF RFC 7599, at

Optimizing IP for IoT

While the Internet Protocol is key for a successful Internet of Things, constrained nodes and constrained networks mandate optimization at various layers and on multiple protocols of the IP architecture. The following sections introduce some of these optimizations already available from the market or under development by the IETF. Figure 5-1 highlights the TCP/IP layers where optimization is applied.


Figure 5-1 Optimizing IP for IoT Using an Adaptation Layer

From 6LoWPAN to 6Lo

In the IP architecture, the transport of IP packets over any given Layer 1 (PHY) and Layer 2 (MAC) protocol must be defined and documented. The model for packaging IP into lower-layer protocols is often referred to as an adaptation layer.

Unless the technology is proprietary, IP adaptation layers are typically defined by an IETF working group and released as a Request for Comments (RFC). An RFC is a publication from the IETF that officially documents Internet standards, specifications, protocols, procedures, and events. For example, RFC 864 describes how an IPv4 packet gets encapsulated over an Ethernet frame, and RFC 2464 describes how the same function is performed for an IPv6 packet.

IoT-related protocols follow a similar process. The main difference is that an adaptation layer designed for IoT may include some optimizations to deal with constrained nodes and networks. (See the sections “Constrained Nodes” and “Constrained Networks,” earlier in this chapter.)

The main examples of adaptation layers optimized for constrained nodes or “things” are the ones under the 6LoWPAN working group and its successor, the 6Lo working group. The initial focus of the 6LoWPAN working group was to optimize the transmission of IPv6 packets over constrained networks such as IEEE 802.15.4. (For more information on IEEE 802.15.4, see Chapter 4.) Figure 5-2 shows an example of an IoT protocol stack using the 6LoWPAN adaptation layer beside the well-known IP protocol stack for reference.


Figure 5-2 Comparison of an IoT Protocol Stack Utilizing 6LoWPAN and an IP Protocol Stack

The 6LoWPAN working group published several RFCs, but RFC 4994 is foundational because it defines frame headers for the capabilities of header compression, fragmentation, and mesh addressing. These headers can be stacked in the adaptation layer to keep these concepts separate while enforcing a structured method for expressing each capability. Depending on the implementation, all, none, or any combination of these capabilities and their corresponding headers can be enabled. Figure 5-3 shows some examples of typical 6LoWPAN header stacks.


Figure 5-3 6LoWPAN Header Stacks

Figure 5-3 shows the subheaders related to compression, fragmentation, and mesh addressing. You’ll learn more about these capabilities in the following subsections.


The 6LoWPAN working group also published RFC 6775. This document defines neighbor discovery and autoconfiguration, and you are encouraged to refer directly to RFC 6775 for more information on this part of 6LoWPAN. For a full listing of all the documents produced by the 6LoWPAN working group, see

Header Compression

IPv6 header compression for 6LoWPAN was defined initially in RFC 4944 and subsequently updated by RFC 6282. This capability shrinks the size of IPv6’s 40-byte headers and User Datagram Protocol’s (UDP’s) 8-byte headers down as low as 6 bytes combined in some cases.

Note that header compression for 6LoWPAN is only defined for an IPv6 header and not IPv4. The 6LoWPAN protocol does not support IPv4, and, in fact, there is no standardized IPv4 adaptation layer for IEEE 802.15.4.

6LoWPAN header compression is stateless, and conceptually it is not too complicated. However, a number of factors affect the amount of compression, such as implementation of RFC 4944 versus RFC 6922, whether UDP is included, and various IPv6 addressing scenarios. It is beyond the scope of this book to cover every use case and how the header fields change for each. However, this chapter provides an example that shows the impact of 6LoWPAN header compression.

At a high level, 6LoWPAN works by taking advantage of shared information known by all nodes from their participation in the local network. In addition, it omits some standard header fields by assuming commonly used values. Figure 5-4 highlights an example that shows the amount of reduction that is possible with 6LoWPAN header compression.


Figure 5-4 6LoWPAN Header Compression

At the top of Figure 5-4, you see a 6LoWPAN frame without any header compression enabled: The full 40-byte IPv6 header and 8-byte UDP header are visible. The 6LoWPAN header is only a single byte in this case. Notice that uncompressed IPv6 and UDP headers leave only 53 bytes of data payload out of the 127-byte maximum frame size in the case of IEEE 802.15.4.

The bottom half of Figure 5-4 shows a frame where header compression has been enabled for a best-case scenario. The 6LoWPAN header increases to 2 bytes to accommodate the compressed IPv6 header, and UDP has been reduced in half, to 4 bytes from 8. Most importantly, the header compression has allowed the payload to more than double, from 53 bytes to 108 bytes, which is obviously much more efficient. Note that the 2-byte header compression applies to intra-cell communications, while communications external to the cell may require some field of the header to not be compressed.


While nothing precludes running TCP over IPv6/6LoWPAN, no TCP header compression is defined. The main reason is because TCP’s congestion-avoidance algorithms could overreact to LLN’s packet drops and/or round-trip delay variance.


The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for an IPv6 network must be at least 1280 bytes. The term MTU defines the size of the largest protocol data unit that can be passed. For IEEE 802.15.4, 127 bytes is the MTU. You can see that this is a problem because IPv6, with a much larger MTU, is carried inside the 802.15.4 frame with a much smaller one. To remedy this situation, large IPv6 packets must be fragmented across multiple 802.15.4 frames at Layer 2.


You may recall from Chapter 4 that the IEEE 802.15.4g standard specifically is not bounded by the short 127-byte MTU limitation while using the 6LoWPAN adaptation layer. Our discussion on fragmentation and its necessity in this section obviously excludes this variant of 802.15.4.

The fragment header utilized by 6LoWPAN is composed of three primary fields: Datagram Size, Datagram Tag, and Datagram Offset. The 1-byte Datagram Size field specifies the total size of the unfragmented payload. Datagram Tag identifies the set of fragments for a payload. Finally, the Datagram Offset field delineates how far into a payload a particular fragment occurs. Figure 5-5 provides an overview of a 6LoWPAN fragmentation header.


Figure 5-5 6LoWPAN Fragmentation Header

In Figure 5-5, the 6LoWPAN fragmentation header field itself uses a unique bit value to identify that the subsequent fields behind it are fragment fields as opposed to another capability, such as header compression. Also, in the first fragment, the Datagram Offset field is not present because it would simply be set to 0. This results in the first fragmentation header for an IPv6 payload being only 4 bytes long. The remainder of the fragments have a 5-byte header field so that the appropriate offset can be specified.

Mesh Addressing

The purpose of the 6LoWPAN mesh addressing function is to forward packets over multiple hops. Three fields are defined for this header: Hop Limit, Source Address, and Destination Address. Analogous to the IPv6 hop limit field, the hop limit for mesh addressing also provides an upper limit on how many times the frame can be forwarded. Each hop decrements this value by 1 as it is forwarded. Once the value hits 0, it is dropped and no longer forwarded.

The Source Address and Destination Address fields for mesh addressing are IEEE 802.15.4 addresses indicating the endpoints of an IP hop. Figure 5-6 details the 6LoWPAN mesh addressing header fields.


Figure 5-6 6LoWPAN Mesh Addressing Header

Note that the mesh addressing header is used in a single IP subnet and is a Layer 2 type of routing known as mesh-under. The concept of mesh-under is discussed in the next section. Keep in mind that RFC 4944 only provisions the function in this case as the definition of Layer 2 mesh routing specifications was outside the scope of the 6LoWPAN working group, and the IETF doesn’t define “Layer 2 routing.” An implementation performing Layer 3 IP routing does not need to implement a mesh addressing header unless required by a given technology profile.

Mesh-Under Versus Mesh-Over Routing

For network technologies such as IEEE 802.15.4, IEEE 802.15.4g, and IEEE 1901.2a that support mesh topologies and operate at the physical and data link layers, two main options exist for establishing reachability and forwarding packets. With the first option, mesh-under, the routing of packets is handled at the 6LoWPAN adaptation layer. The other option, known as “mesh-over” or “route-over,” utilizes IP routing for getting packets to their destination.

With mesh-under routing, the routing of IP packets leverages the 6LoWPAN mesh addressing header discussed in the previous section to route and forward packets at the link layer. The term mesh-under is used because multiple link layer hops can be used to complete a single IP hop. Nodes have a Layer 2 forwarding table that they consult to route the packets to their final destination within the mesh. An edge gateway terminates the mesh-under domain. The edge gateway must also implement a mechanism to translate between the configured Layer 2 protocol and any IP routing mechanism implemented on other Layer 3 IP interfaces.

In mesh-over or route-over scenarios, IP Layer 33 routing is utilized for computing reachability and then getting packets forwarded to their destination, either inside or outside the mesh domain. Each full-functioning node acts as an IP router, so each link layer hop is an IP hop. When a LoWPAN has been implemented using different link layer technologies, a mesh-over routing setup is useful. While traditional IP routing protocols can be used, a specialized routing protocol for smart objects, such as RPL, is recommended. RPL is discussed in more detail later in this chapter.

6Lo Working Group

With the work of the 6LoWPAN working group completed, the 6Lo working group seeks to expand on this completed work with a focus on IPv6 connectivity over constrained-node networks. While the 6LoWPAN working group initially focused its optimizations on IEEE 802.15.4 LLNs, standardizing IPv6 over other link layer technologies is still needed.

Therefore, the charter of the 6Lo working group, now called the IPv6 over Networks of Resource-Constrained Nodes, is to facilitate the IPv6 connectivity over constrained-node networks. In particular, this working group is focused on the following:

Image IPv6-over-foo adaptation layer specifications using 6LoWPAN technologies (RFC4944, RFC6282, RFC6775) for link layer technologies: For example, this includes:

Image IPv6 over Bluetooth Low Energy

Image Transmission of IPv6 packets over near-field communication

Image IPv6 over 802.11ah

Image Transmission of IPv6 packets over DECT Ultra Low Energy

Image Transmission of IPv6 packets on WIA-PA (Wireless Networks for Industrial Automation–Process Automation)

Image Transmission of IPv6 over Master Slave/Token Passing (MS/TP)

Image Information and data models such as MIB modules: One example is RFC 7388, “Definition of Managed Objects for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs).”

Image Optimizations that are applicable to more than one adaptation layer specification: For example, this includes RFC 7400, “6LoWPAN-GHC: Generic Header Compression for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs).”

Image Informational and maintenance publications needed for the IETF specifications in this area

In summary, the 6Lo working group is standardizing the 6LoWPAN adaptation layer that initially focused on the IEEE 802.15.4 Layer 2 protocol to others that are commonly found with constrained nodes. In fact, based on the work of the 6LoWPAN working group and now the 6Lo working group, the 6LoWPAN adaptation layer is becoming the de factor standard for connecting constrained nodes in IoT networks.


Many proprietary wireless technologies have been developed and deployed in various industry verticals over the years. However, the publication of the IEEE 802.15.4 physical and data link layer specifications, followed by IEEE 802.15.4e amendments, has opened the path to standardized, deterministic communications over wireless networks.

IEEE 802.15.4e, Time-Slotted Channel Hopping (TSCH), is an add-on to the Media Access Control (MAC) portion of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, with direct inheritance from other standards, such as WirelessHART and ISA100.11a.

Devices implementing IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH communicate by following a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) schedule. An allocation of a unit of bandwidth or time slot is scheduled between neighbor nodes. This allows the programming of predictable transmissions and enables deterministic, industrial-type applications. In comparison, other 802.15.4 implementations do not allocate slices of bandwidth, so communication, especially during times of contention, may be delayed or lost because it is always best effort.

To standardize IPv6 over the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15.4e (known as 6TiSCH), the IETF formed the 6TiSCH working group. This working group works on the architecture, information model, and minimal 6TiSCH configuration, leveraging and enhancing work done by the 6LoWPAN working group, RoLL working group, and CoRE working group. The RoLL working group focuses on Layer 3 routing for constrained networks. The work of the RoLL working group is discussed in more detail in the upcoming section “RPL.” The CoRE working group is covered in Chapter 6.

An important element specified by the 6TiSCH working group is 6top, a sublayer that glues together the MAC layer and 6LoWPAN adaptation layer. This sublayer provides commands to the upper network layers, such as RPL. In return, these commands enable functionalities including network layer routing decisions, configuration, and control procedures for 6TiSCH schedule management.

The IEEE 802.15.4e standard defines a time slot structure, but it does not mandate a scheduling algorithm for how the time slots are utilized. This is left to higher-level protocols like 6TiSCH. Scheduling is critical because it can affect throughput, latency, and power consumption. Figure 5-7 shows where 6top resides in relation to IEEE 802.15.4e, 6LoWPAN HC, and IPv6. 6LoWPAN HC is covered earlier in this chapter, in the section “Header Compression.”


Figure 5-7 Location of 6TiSCH’s 6top Sublayer

Schedules in 6TiSCH are broken down into cells. A cell is simply a single element in the TSCH schedule that can be allocated for unidirectional or bidirectional communications between specific nodes. Nodes only transmit when the schedule dictates that their cell is open for communication. The 6TiSCH architecture defines four schedule management mechanisms:

Image Static scheduling: All nodes in the constrained network share a fixed schedule. Cells are shared, and nodes contend for slot access in a slotted aloha manner. Slotted aloha is a basic protocol for sending data using time slot boundaries when communicating over a shared medium. Static scheduling is a simple scheduling mechanism that can be used upon initial implementation or as a fallback in the case of network malfunction. The drawback with static scheduling is that nodes may expect a packet at any cell in the schedule. Therefore, energy is wasted idly listening across all cells.

Image Neighbor-to-neighbor scheduling: A schedule is established that correlates with the observed number of transmissions between nodes. Cells in this schedule can be added or deleted as traffic requirements and bandwidth needs change.

Image Remote monitoring and scheduling management: Time slots and other resource allocation are handled by a management entity that can be multiple hops away. The scheduling mechanism leverages 6top and even CoAP in some scenarios. For more information on the application layer protocol CoAP, see Chapter 6. This scheduling mechanism provides quite a bit of flexibility and control in allocating cells for communication between nodes.

Image Hop-by-hop scheduling: A node reserves a path to a destination node multiple hops away by requesting the allocation of cells in a schedule at each intermediate node hop in the path. The protocol that is used by a node to trigger this scheduling mechanism is not defined at this point.

In addition to schedule management functions, the 6TiSCH architecture also defines three different forwarding models. Forwarding is the operation performed on each packet by a node that allows it to be delivered to a next hop or an upper-layer protocol. The forwarding decision is based on a preexisting state that was learned from a routing computation. There are three 6TiSCH forwarding models:

Image Track Forwarding (TF): This is the simplest and fastest forwarding model. A “track” in this model is a unidirectional path between a source and a destination. This track is constructed by pairing bundles of receive cells in a schedule with a bundle of receive cells set to transmit. So, a frame received within a particular cell or cell bundle is switched to another cell or cell bundle. This forwarding occurs regardless of the network layer protocol.

Image Fragment forwarding (FF): This model takes advantage of 6LoWPAN fragmentation to build a Layer 2 forwarding table. Fragmentation within the 6LoWPAN protocol is covered earlier in this chapter, in the section “Fragmentation.” As you may recall, IPv6 packets can get fragmented at the 6LoWPAN sublayer to handle the differences between IEEE 802.15.4 payload size and IPv6 MTU. Additional headers for RPL source route information can further contribute to the need for fragmentation. However, with FF, a mechanism is defined where the first fragment is routed based on the IPv6 header present. The 6LoWPAN sublayer learns the next-hop selection of this first fragment, which is then applied to all subsequent fragments of that packet. Otherwise, IPv6 packets undergo hop-by-hop reassembly. This increases latency and can be power- and CPU-intensive for a constrained node.

Image IPv6 Forwarding (6F): This model forwards traffic based on its IPv6 routing table. Flows of packets should be prioritized by traditional QoS (quality of service) and RED (random early detection) operations. QoS is a classification scheme for flows based on their priority, and RED is a common congestion avoidance mechanism.

For many IoT wireless networks, it is not necessary to be able to control the latency and throughput for sensor data. However, when some sort of determinism is needed, 6TiSCH provides an open, IPv6-based standard solution for ensuring predictable communications over wireless sensor networks. However, its adoption by the industry is still an ongoing effort.


The IETF chartered the RoLL (Routing over Low-Power and Lossy Networks) working group to evaluate all Layer 3 IP routing protocols and determine the needs and requirements for developing a routing solution for IP smart objects. After study of various use cases and a survey of existing protocols, the consensus was that a new routing protocol should be developed for use by IP smart objects, given the characteristics and requirements of constrained networks. This new distance-vector routing protocol was named the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL). The RPL specification was published as RFC 6550 by the RoLL working group.


In addition to the main RPL standard (RFC 6550), RPL is also addressed across a number of other RFCs published by the RoLL working group. These RFCs include RPL use cases, RPL-specific terms with definitions, and other enhancements or clarifications to the protocol. This section provides a high-level overview of RPL and how it works, but you should refer to the RFCs listed here for a more in-depth study of RPL:

In an RPL network, each node acts as a router and becomes part of a mesh network. Routing is performed at the IP layer. Each node examines every received IPv6 packet and determines the next-hop destination based on the information contained in the IPv6 header. No information from the MAC-layer header is needed to perform next-hop determination. Remember from earlier in this chapter that this is referred to as mesh-over routing.

To cope with the constraints of computing and memory that are common characteristics of constrained nodes, the protocol defines two modes:

Image Storing mode: All nodes contain the full routing table of the RPL domain. Every node knows how to directly reach every other node.

Image Non-storing mode: Only the border router(s) of the RPL domain contain(s) the full routing table. All other nodes in the domain only maintain their list of parents and use this as a list of default routes toward the border router. This abbreviated routing table saves memory space and CPU. When communicating in non-storing mode, a node always forwards its packets to the border router, which knows how to ultimately reach the final destination.

RPL is based on the concept of a directed acyclic graph (DAG). A DAG is a directed graph where no cycles exist. This means that from any vertex or point in the graph, you cannot follow an edge or a line back to this same point. All of the edges are arranged in paths oriented toward and terminating at one or more root nodes. Figure 5-8 shows a basic DAG.


Figure 5-8 Example of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

A basic RPL process involves building a destination-oriented directed acyclic graph (DODAG). A DODAG is a DAG rooted to one destination. In RPL, this destination occurs at a border router known as the DODAG root. Figure 5-9 compares a DAG and a DODAG. You can see that that a DAG has multiple roots, whereas the DODAG has just one.


Figure 5-9 DAG and DODAG Comparison

In a DODAG, each node maintains up to three parents that provide a path to the root. Typically, one of these parents is the preferred parent, which means it is the preferred next hop for upward routes toward the root.

The routing graph created by the set of DODAG parents across all nodes defines the full set of upward routes. RPL protocol implementation should ensure that routes are loop free by disallowing nodes from selected DODAG parents that are positioned further away from the border router.

Upward routes in RPL are discovered and configured using DAG Information Object (DIO) messages. Nodes listen to DIOs to handle changes in the topology that can affect routing. The information in DIO messages determines parents and the best path to the DODAG root.

Nodes establish downward routes by advertising their parent set toward the DODAG root using a Destination Advertisement Object (DAO) message. DAO messages allow nodes to inform their parents of their presence and reachability to descendants.

In the case of the non-storing mode of RPL, nodes sending DAO messages report their parent sets directly to the DODAG root (border router), and only the root stores the routing information. The root uses the information to then determine source routes needed for delivering IPv6 datagrams to individual nodes downstream in the mesh.

For storing mode, each node keeps track of the routing information that is advertised in the DAO messages. While this is more power- and CPU-intensive for each node, the benefit is that packets can take shorter paths between destinations in the mesh. The nodes can make their own routing decisions; in non-storing mode, on the other hand, all packets must go up to the root to get a route for moving downstream.

RPL messages, such as DIO and DAO, run on top of IPv6. These messages exchange and advertise downstream and upstream routing information between a border router and the nodes under it. As illustrated in Figure 5-10, DAO and DIO messages move both up and down the DODAG, depending on the exact message type.


Figure 5-10 RPL Overview

Objective Function (OF)

An objective function (OF) defines how metrics are used to select routes and establish a node’s rank. Standards such as RFC 6552 and 6719 have been published to document OFs specific to certain use cases and node types.

For example, nodes implementing an OF based on RFC 6719’s Minimum Expected Number of Transmissions (METX) advertise the METX among their parents in DIO messages. Whenever a node establishes its rank, it simply sets the rank to the current minimum METX among its parents.


The rank is a rough approximation of how “close” a node is to the root and helps avoid routing loops and the count-to-infinity problem. Nodes can only increase their rank when receiving a DIO message with a larger version number. However, nodes may decrease their rank whenever they have established lower-cost routes. While the rank and routing metrics are closely related, the rank differs from routing metrics in that it is used as a constraint to prevent routing loops.

RPL Headers

Specific network layer headers are defined for datagrams being forwarded within an RPL domain. One of the headers is standardized in RFC 6553, “The Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) Option for Carrying RPL Information in Data-Plane Datagrams,” and the other is discussed in RFC 6554, “An IPv6 Routing Header for Source Routes with the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL).”

RFC 6553 defines a new IPv6 option, known as the RPL option. The RPL option is carried in the IPv6 Hop-by-Hop header. The purpose of this header is to leverage data-plane packets for loop detection in a RPL instance. As discussed earlier, DODAGs only have single paths and should be loop free.

RFC 6554 specifies the Source Routing Header (SRH) for use between RPL routers. A border router or DODAG root inserts the SRH when specifying a source route to deliver datagrams to nodes downstream in the mesh network.


RPL defines a large and flexible set of new metrics and constraints for routing in RFC 6551. Developed to support powered and battery-powered nodes, RPL offers a far more complete set than any other routing protocol. Some of the RPL routing metrics and constraints defined in RFC 6551 include the following:

Image Expected Transmission Count (ETX): Assigns a discrete value to the number of transmissions a node expects to make to deliver a packet.

Image Hop Count: Tracks the number of nodes traversed in a path. Typically, a path with a lower hop count is chosen over a path with a higher hop count.

Image Latency: Varies depending on power conservation. Paths with a lower latency are preferred.

Image Link Quality Level: Measures the reliability of a link by taking into account packet error rates caused by factors such as signal attenuation and interference.

Image Link Color: Allows manual influence of routing by administratively setting values to make a link more or less desirable. These values can be either statically or dynamically adjusted for specific traffic types.

Image Node State and Attribute: Identifies nodes that function as traffic aggregators and nodes that are being impacted by high workloads. High workloads could be indicative of nodes that have incurred high CPU or low memory states. Naturally, nodes that are aggregators are preferred over nodes experiencing high workloads.

Image Node Energy: Avoids nodes with low power, so a battery-powered node that is running out of energy can be avoided and the life of that node and the network can be prolonged.

Image Throughput: Provides the amount of throughput for a node link. Often, nodes conserving power use lower throughput. This metric allows the prioritization of paths with higher throughput.

In addition to the metrics and constraints listed in RFC 6551, others can also be implemented. For example, let’s look at a scenario in which two constraints are used as a filter for pruning links that do not satisfy the specified conditions.

One of the constraints is ETX. ETX, which is described in RFC 6551, is defined earlier in this chapter. The other constraint, Relative Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), specifies the power present in a received radio signal. Signals with low strength are generally less reliable and more susceptible to interference, resulting in packet loss.

In this scenario, a DODAG root and nodes form an IEEE 802.15.4 mesh. When a node finds a potential parent, it enters the neighbor into its routing table. However, it does not yet use the new neighbor for routing. Instead, the node must first establish that the link quality to its neighbor is sufficient for forwarding datagrams.

The node determines whether the link quality to a potential parent is sufficient by looking at its programmed constraints. In this example, the configured constraints are ETX and RSSI. If the RSSI in both directions exceeds a threshold and the ETX falls below a threshold, then the node confirms that the link quality to the potential parent is sufficient.

Once a node has determined that the link quality to a potential parent is sufficient, it adds the appropriate default route entry to its forwarding table. Maintaining RSSI and ETX for neighboring nodes is done at the link layer and stored in the link layer neighbor table.

The results from all link layer unicast traffic are fed into the RSSI and ETX computation for neighboring devices. If the link quality is not sufficient, then the link is not added to the forwarding table and is therefore not used for routing packets.

To illustrate, Example 5-1 displays a simple RPL routing tree on a Cisco CGR-1000 router connecting an IEEE 802.15.4g mesh 6LoWPAN-based subnetwork. The first IPv6 address in this example, which ends in 1CC5, identifies the DODAG root for the RPL tree. This DODAG root has branches to two nodes, indicated by the two IPv6 addresses ending in 924D and 6C35.

Example 5-1 show wpan <interface> rpl tree Command from a Cisco CGR-1000

pat1# show wpan 3/1 rpl tree

----------------------------- WPAN RPL TREE FIGURE [3] ---------------------------
[2013:DB8:9999:8888:207:8108:B8:1CC5] (2)
--- 2013:DB8:9999:8888:89C6:F7C9:D551:924D
--- 2013:DB8:9999:8888:95DF:2AD4:C1B1:6C35
RPL TREE: Num.DataEntries 2, Num.GraphNodes 3

RPL integration in a routing domain follows the same rules as more traditional IP routing protocols. Route redistribution, filtering, load balancing, and dynamic rerouting can be implemented the same way as other well-known protocols. For example, in IoT routers, you could see routes learned via RPL being redistributed into more well-known routing protocols, such as BGP and EIGRP.

In summary, RPL is a new routing protocol that enables an IPv6 standards-based solution to be deployed on a large scale while being operated in a similar way to today’s IP infrastructures. RPL was designed to meet the requirements of constrained nodes and networks, and this has led to it becoming one of the main network layer IPv6-based routing protocols in IoT sensor networks.

Authentication and Encryption on Constrained Nodes

IoT security is a complex topic that often spawns discussions and debates across the industry. While IoT security is the focus of Chapter 8, “Securing IoT,” we have discussed constrained nodes and networks extensively in this chapter. So it is worth mentioning here the IETF working groups that are focused on their security: ACE and DICE.


Much like the RoLL working group, the Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) working group is tasked with evaluating the applicability of existing authentication and authorization protocols and documenting their suitability for certain constrained-environment use cases. Once the candidate solutions are validated, the ACE working group will focus its work on CoAP with the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocol. (The CoAP protocol is covered in Chapter 6, and RFC 6437 defines the DTLS security protocol.) The ACE working group may investigate other security protocols later, with a particular focus on adapting whatever solution is chosen to HTTP and TLS.

The ACE working group expects to produce a standardized solution for authentication and authorization that enables authorized access (Get, Put, Post, Delete) to resources identified by a URI and hosted on a resource server in constrained environments. An unconstrained authorization server performs mediation of the access. Aligned with the initial focus, access to resources at a resource server by a client device occurs using CoAP and is protected by DTLS.


New generations of constrained nodes implementing an IP stack over constrained access networks are expected to run an optimized IP protocol stack. For example, when implementing UDP at the transport layer, the IETF Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) should be used at the application layer. (See Chapter 6 for more details on CoAP.)

In constrained environments secured by DTLS, CoAP can be used to control resources on a device. (Constrained environments are network situations where constrained nodes and/or constrained networks are present. Constrained networks and constrained nodes are discussed earlier in this chapter, in the sections “Constrained Nodes” and “Constrained Networks.”)

The DTLS in Constrained Environments (DICE) working group focuses on implementing the DTLS transport layer security protocol in these environments. The first task of the DICE working group is to define an optimized DTLS profile for constrained nodes. In addition, the DICE working group is considering the applicability of the DTLS record layer to secure multicast messages and investigating how the DTLS handshake in constrained environments can get optimized.

Profiles and Compliances

As discussed throughout this chapter, leveraging the Internet Protocol suite for smart objects involves a collection of protocols and options that must work in coordination with lower and upper layers. Therefore, profile definitions, certifications, and promotion by alliances can help implementers develop solutions that guarantee interoperability and/or interchangeability of devices.

This section introduces some of the main industry organizations working on profile definitions and certifications for IoT constrained nodes and networks. You can find various documents and promotions from these organizations in the IoT space, so it is worth being familiar with them and their goals.

Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance

Established in 2008, the Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance has had its objective evolve over years. The alliance initially focused on promoting IP as the premier solution for smart objects communications. Today, it is more focused on how to use IP, with the IPSO Alliance organizing interoperability tests between alliance members to validate that IP for smart objects can work together and properly implement industry standards. The IPSO Alliance does not define technologies, as that is the role of the IETF and other standard organizations, but it documents the use of IP-based technologies for various IoT use cases and participates in educating the industry. As the IPSO Alliance declares in its value and mission statement, it wants to ensure that “engineers and product builders will have access to the necessary tools for ‘how to build the IoT RIGHT.’” For more information on the IPSO Alliance, visit

Wi-SUN Alliance

The Wi-SUN Alliance is an example of efforts from the industry to define a communication profile that applies to specific physical and data link layer protocols. Currently, Wi-SUN’s main focus is on the IEEE 802.15.4g protocol and its support for multiservice and secure IPv6 communications with applications running over the UDP transport layer.

The utilities industry is the main area of focus for the Wi-SUN Alliance. The Wi-SUN field area network (FAN) profile enables smart utility networks to provide resilient, secure, and cost-effective connectivity with extremely good coverage in a range of topographic environments, from dense urban neighborhoods to rural areas. (FANs are described in more detail in Chapter 11, “Utilities.”). You can read more about the Wi-SUN Alliance and its certification programs at the Wi-SUN Alliance website,


A group of companies involved with smart object solutions for consumers created the Thread Group. This group has defined an IPv6-based wireless profile that provides the best way to connect more than 250 devices into a low-power, wireless mesh network. The wireless technology used by Thread is IEEE 802.15.4, which is different from Wi-SUN’s IEEE 802.15.4g. Please see Chapter 4 for more information on 802.15.4 and 802.15.4g and their differences. For additional information on Thread and its specifications, visit

IPv6 Ready Logo

Initially, the IPv6 Forum ensured the promotion of IPv6 around the world. Once IPv6 implementations became widely available, the need for interoperability and certification led to the creation of the IPv6 Ready Logo program.

The IPv6 Ready Logo program has established conformance and interoperability testing programs with the intent of increasing user confidence when implementing IPv6. The IPv6 Core and specific IPv6 components, such as DHCP, IPsec, and customer edge router certifications, are in place. These certifications have industry-wide recognition, and many products are already certified. An IPv6 certification effort specific to IoT is currently under definition for the program.


The IP protocol suite has been deployed in private and public networks over the past three decades, interconnecting billions of IP devices and users. The architecture has proven to be highly flexible, and it has protected investments in many ways. For example, new link types have been adapted, new routing and transport protocols have been specified and deployed, and the number of supported applications has exceeded all expectations by an order of magnitude.

The vast majority of the IP protocols and technologies, including addressing, address provisioning, QoS, transport, reliability, and so on, can be reused as is by IoT solutions. Where IP may fall short is in scenarios where IoT devices are constrained nodes and/or connect to constrained networks. This is especially the case for some highly constrained devices that use LPWA technologies for last-mile communications.

To remedy these scenarios, the IETF, the main standards organization in charge of the TCP/IP architecture, is now engaged through several working groups to optimize IP for IoT and smart objects communications. These working groups have often had to develop new protocols, such as RPL, or adaptation layers, such as 6LoWPAN, to handle the constrained environments where IoT sensor networks are often deployed.

As highlighted in this chapter, the foundation for the network layer in IoT implementations is firmly in place. The IETF and other standards bodies continue to work on defining the networks, protocols, and use cases that are necessary for advancing the Internet of Things.

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