How to do it...

You need to perform the following steps to complete this recipe:

  1. Once you've logged in, you will see the main page for AWS, as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. Click on the Services menu (top left) and then ComputeECS :
  1. On the page that opens, click on Get started:
  1. From the Container definition section, select custom and then Configure:
  1. Fill in the fields that appear. Pay special attention to the Image field, since this is where you will use our prebuilt image. Click on Update:
  1. Scroll down the page until you get to Port mappings. Click on Next:
  1. In the Define your service section, click on Edit. The following screenshot shows the service and its network configuration:
  1. Select Application Load Balancer and then change Load balancer listener port to 8080. Click on Save:
  1. After that, click on Next:
  1. Configure the cluster, as follows:
  1. Scroll down until you get to the launch instance and click on Create:
  1. You can follow the status of the process on the following page. When it's complete, click on the View service button:
  1. You'll see the details of your service on the following page. Click on default > label:
  1. On the page that opens, you can view more details about the cluster: 
  1. Click on the Tasks tab to see information about the tasks and the containers that were created. Click on the task label (the first column):
  1. From here, you can see details about the task that has been created. Copy the Public IP address (under the Network section):
  1. Port 8080 has been mapped, so you will need to use http://[public-ip]:8080/app to try it out:

If you can see this page, then congratulations! You are now orchestrating your container in AWS.

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