Chapter 6. Templating Markup Reference

Now that you’ve had some thorough hands-on experience with making templates, you’ve probably noticed that there’s quite a bit of markup that Joomla! spits out. While you can always use your DOM Source Inspector to see what’s going on, it’s helpful to look at the DOM as well. We’ll use this chapter to go over the XHTML markup that Joomla! uses, remind you about how to gain some control over that markup, and look at the standard CSS classes and ID rules that Joomla! references in its markup.

Your Markup and Joomla!’s

You’ll remember that in Chapter 3 we started our semantic layout by placing our own markup, which was used as “containers” for Joomla!’s markup. Again, those bits of PHP code that look like: mosLoadModules('') or mosMainBody() are the ones that end up generating your Joomla! markup.

What You Can and Can’t Control

There are many parts of Joomla!’s output that you can control easily, some that you can’’t control, and some that you can control with a little bit of creativity. Let’s review the list of core Joomla! PHP code, and take a look at the kind of output produced and at the kind of control available.


Markup Output Produces

Control Options

<?php echo

plain text, no tags.

You cannot control how this is output. You can just make sure that you wrap the PHP inside span or div tags with the id or class references you customized for display.

<?php mospathway() ?>

span tag with the classs .pathway

You cannot control how this is output. See the Classes table for more information.

<?php mosMainBody();

table tags with some of the following classes:


















Tables house the content title, print, email, and pdf buttons, article content as well as author, date, and next, back, and other navigation.

You cannot control how this is output. This PHP code can produce a lot of tables and cells depending on the article and or page overview. See the Classes table for more information.

<?php include_once
path .'/includes/

div tag with a PHP generated year, your mosConfig_sitename, and the PHP generated version of Joomla! you’re using.

You can control this, by editing the include/ footer.php file. Make sure you’re comfortable enough with PHP to understand what you’re adding or removing.

<?php mosLoadModules
(''), ?>

Tables or div tags depending on selected preference, with some of the following ids (depending on the type of module):







#voteid2.. (etc. as many poll items)

Also, classes (depending on the type of module):














You can control the module output by taking advantage of the $style option in your mosLoadModule call.

See the MosLoadModule $styl e control options table and the Ids and Classes tables for more information.

Note: The Poll module and Login module will output using the selected $style option, but the core content will still be wrapped in tables.

Pretty much the only things over which you have some output control are your module loaders and your menu items. Right off the bat, you’ll want to think ahead about what kind of output will be most optimal. Next, let’s take a look at our options

mosLoadModule $style Control Options

We discussed these options in detail in Chapter 3. The $style option is a numeric value which is placed, after the module position name is called into the PHP code:

<?php mosLoadModules ( 'modName', $style); ?>

$style Variables




Modules are displayed in a table with a single row column. This is also the default setting, so you’ll never really need to use it.

<table class="moduletable"


Modules are again displayed in a table with multiple column rows, giving it the effect of being displayed horizontally, rather than vertically like the default.

<td align="top">
<table cellpadding="0"
<th valign="top">Title</th>
<!--next table cell starts-->
<td align="top">
<table cellpadding="0"
<th valign="top">Title</th>


Modules are displayed in plain text without titles.



Modules are displayed wrapped in a single div tag, with titles in h3 header tags. (This is preferred for most applications of Joomla!.)

<div class="moduletable">


Modules are displayed wrapped in several div tags with titles in h3 header tags allowing for more complex CSS styling, such as the container techniques that we discussed in detail in Chapter 4, or applying stretchable, rounded corners.

<div class="module">

Menu Options

In Chapter 3, we discussed changing our menu output to bulleted lists. You have three ways to control the details of your menu output. You can select Vertical, Horizontal, or Flat List. Vertical and Horizontal will use a table with tr and td cells to create vertical and horizontal lists. The Flat List will create an unordered (ul) bulleted list. As the goal of most of today’s CSS is to reduce the use of tables and (as discussed in Chapter 4) there are infinite ways to control the display of an unordered list with CSS, the Flat List option is probably better.

Go to Modules | Site Modules and select mainmenu. You’ll then notice that you can select the menu’s style in the Joomla! Administration Panel. You can do this for all menus created with the Module Manager. Select Flat List, Horizontal, or Vertical from the Menu Style option.

Menu Options

Figure 6.1 Selecting the menu output.

Your CSS File

While some of Joomla!’s output does include standard objects such as h1, h2, h3, a, p, ul, ol, it is pretty much up to you to decide how to style these in your CSS. Below is a list of ids and classes generated by Joomla! (v1.0.x) for which you’ll want to be sure to create rules in your CSS. This list has been put together after a bit of research and a lot of Joomla! experimentation. It is probably not complete, but if you account for these items in your CSS rules, you’ll be pretty well covered for most Joomla! projects and it will be easy to spot any ids or classes not covered here and add them to your CSS sheet.


The following table gives a list of different ids along with their description:




This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. Use it to style and control the currently selected mainmenu item.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re using the wrapper. It is the iFrame’s id.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re in the contact form page view. This is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re in the contact form page view. It is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re in the contact form page view. It is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. Use it to style and control the main menu div holding each main menu item.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. It is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. It is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. It is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code in the Poll module. You can control the placement of the entire id with it.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re in the search form page view. It is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re in the search form page view. It is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re in the search form page view. It is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re in the search form page view. It is a field name id.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re in the search form page view. It is a field name id.

#voteid1,#voteid2, #voteid3,...

This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. These are generated by the Poll module and are field name ids for the radio buttons.


The following table gives a list of classes along with their description:




This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Its used to style the space/separations between articles in the blog or news flash views.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. It’s used to style the main back button which is similar to hitting the back button in your browser.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code if you’re in blog view.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code if you’re in blog view. It indicates there are more blog stories in the links below.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code if you’re in blog view. It formats additional blog links.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. Use it to consistently style and control buttons generated by any of the modules.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code if you’re in blog view. Use it to control the layout and style of the PDF, email, and print controls.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code if you’re in blog view. Use it to control the layout and style of links to categories like “Latest News”, or “Popular”, and “Most Read”.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code if you’re in latest news or blog view.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code when you’re in the contact form page view. Use it to control the overall placement and style of all the contact form elements.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); and mosLoadModule(); Code. Use it to style the ratings output of content that has been voted on.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); and mosLoadModule(); Use it to style the link or button, which allows the user to vote on the content.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); and mosLoadModule(); Use it to style the descriptions of content that can be voted on.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Use it to style the titles of articles and headings.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); and mosLoadModule(); options. It indicates the start of content.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Use it to style the toc listings some content may generate.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); and mosLoadModule(); options. It controls the style of the displayed creation date of the article or blog entry.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. It’s part of a great type of dynamic formatting class offered and lets you style the news RSS feeds that you can set up through Joomla!.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. If you’re using the home page module, style the front page headers with this class.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); as well as the mosLoadModule(); options. Use this to consistently style and control all form fields generated by mosMainBody or a module.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. The class is wrapped around a list of latest news links, which you can control with additional rule calls: .latestnews td, or .latestnews li depending on the output options you’ve chosen.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. It lets you style and control main menu items displayed in the #maillevel id.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. It accompanies date information if an article has been modified.


This class is generated by the mosLoadModules(); PHP command when using the -3 $style option.


This class is generated by the mosLoadModules(); PHP command when using the 0, 1, -1 or -2 $style options.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Use it to control and style images placed with articles.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Use it to control and style image captions placed with articles.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); code. It is similar to .latestnews. The class is wrapped around a list of latest news links, which you can control with additional rule calls: .latestnews td, or .latestnews li depending on the output options you’ve chosen.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code in the News Feeds view. Use it to control and style the overall news feed display.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code in the News Feeds view. Use it to control and style the news feed displayed dates.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code in the News Feeds view. Use it to control and style the news feed headers.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Use it to control and style the overall placement of next and previous page navigation.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Use it to control and style the next page button.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Use it to control and style the previous page button.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Use it to control and style the overall placement of next and previous page navigation.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); code. Use it to control and style the overall placement of the page counter under the navigation.


This class is generated by the mospathway(); PHP command.


This is generated by the mosLoadModule(); PHP option in the Poll module, and you can use it to set alternating backgrounds for your poll select items.


This is generated by the mosLoadModule(); PHP option in the Poll module, and you can use it to style the outside border of the module. Not to be confused with the .pollstableborder class.


This is generated by the mosLoadModule(); PHP option in the Poll module, and you can use it to style the border of the table generated by the module.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); as well as the mosLoadModule(); code. Use this to consistently style and control all the “Read More” links for truncated News, News Flashes, and blog items.


This is generated by the mosLoadModule(); PHP option in the Search module, and you can use it to control and style the main search field.


This is generated by the mosLoadModule(); PHP option in the Poll module, and you can use it to set alternating backgrounds for your poll select items.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); PHP option in the Poll module, and you can use it to set alternating backgrounds for your poll select items.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); and mosLoadModules(); PHP options. You can use it to control section header titles displayed by modules and content.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); and mosLoadModules(); PHP options. It’s used to denote author names and other data related to an article or blog post.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); and mosLoadModules(); PHP options.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); and mosLoadModules(); PHP options. It is used to also denote sub items of navigation.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); PHP option. Use it to style the syndicate button layout or boarders of your syndicate module.


This is generated by the mosLoadModules(); PHP option. Use it to style the syndicate layout if you’re using text instead of buttons.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); option. Use it to control and style the text areas of forms much such as the .inputbox class.


This is generated by the mosMainBody(); option. If you’ve invoked the wrapper, use it to control and style the iFrame container that the wrapper generates.


We’ve now looked at the standard XHTML Markup and CSS classes for Joomla! are and reviewed the standard ways to control what markup is produced via PHP and the Joomla! Administration Panel. Dog-ear this chapter and let’s get ready to start cooking. First up: Dynamic menus and interactive elements.

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