About the Authors

b02.1 Navi Radjou is an independent thought leader and strategy consultant based in Silicon Valley. He is an internationally recognized voice of business innovation and leadership. Navi is also a fellow at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, and a faculty member of the World Economic Forum.

Most recently, Navi served as executive director of the Centre for India & Global Business at Judge Business School. Previously, he was a longtime VP/analyst at Forrester Research in Boston and San Francisco, advising senior executives worldwide on breakthrough growth strategies.

Navi has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, the Economist, and the Financial Times. He is a columnist on HBR.org and a sought-after speaker who has addressed the World Economic Forum, Council on Foreign Relations, the Conference Board, Harvard University, Asia Society, and more. A prolific writer, Navi has coined and popularized several business concepts, such as “global innovation networks,” “polycentric innovation,” and “indovation.” Navi is also a coauthor of Smart to Wise, a book on next-generation leadership (Jossey-Bass, 2013).

An Indian-born French national, Navi earned his master's degree in information systems from Ecole Centrale Paris and also attended the Yale School of Management. He lives in Palo Alto, California. Follow Navi on Twitter @NaviRadjou.

b02.2 Dr. Jaideep Prabhu is Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business and Enterprise and director of the Centre for India & Global Business at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. He has held positions at Imperial College London, Tilburg University (the Netherlands), and UCLA. Jaideep has a bachelor of technology degree from IIT Delhi and a Ph.D. from the University of Southern California.

Jaideep's research interests are in marketing, innovation, strategy, and international business. His current research is on the globalization of innovation and the role of emerging economies in this process. He is particularly interested in how multinationals and domestic firms are using emerging markets as a lab to do affordable and sustainable innovation for global application.

Jaideep has published in and is on the editorial board of leading academic journals such as the Journal of Marketing and the International Journal of Research in Marketing. He has taught and consulted with executives from ABN Amro, Bertelsmann, BP, BT, GE, IBM, ING Bank, KPMG, Nokia, Philips, Roche, Shell, Vodafone, and Xerox, among others. Jaideep has appeared on BBC News24 and Bloomberg Businessweek, and his work has been profiled in Bloomberg Businessweek, the Economist, the Financial Times, Le Monde, MIT Sloan Management Review, the New York Times, and the Times. He is a columnist on HBR.org.

b02.3 Dr. Simone Ahuja is the founder of Blood Orange, a marketing and strategy consultancy with special expertise in emerging markets and innovation, and content production capabilities. Headquartered in Minneapolis, with teams in Mumbai, Blood Orange uses an agile, cost-efficient content production process built on principles learned through extensive work in India, including jugaad. Simone recently developed, produced, and directed the television series Indique—Big Ideas from Emerging India, for which she explored how innovation in India drives socioeconomic development. Coupled with her own experience in leveraging the complementary skill sets of transnational teams, these meetings with CEOs of multinational corporations as well as grassroots entrepreneurs, heralding bottom-up, small-scale innovation, gave her a holistic, on-the-ground look at the unique methods and mindset of innovation employed in India.

Ahuja has served as an advisor to the Centre for India & Global Business at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, and as an associate fellow for the Asia Society in New York City. She provides advisory services and keynote presentations to trade delegations, academic institutions, and Fortune 100 companies including PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, Honeywell, General Mills, ECOLAB, Colgate-Palmolive, and Best Buy. Ahuja regularly contributes to a Harvard Business Review blog on HBR.org.

To learn more about the authors and their research and consulting capabilities, visit: JugaadInnovation.com.

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