

Aakash (low-cost tablet)


Adapt (Harford)

Adaptation strategies: acting with speed and agility; experimenting in order to reach goal; Haier's innovative; improvising instead of planning; survival through; thinking the unthinkable. See also Flexible thinking

Adversity: how 3 M's jugaad spirit overcame the recession; how General Electric successfully innovates in; how resilience is nurtured by; how Tulsi Tanti created success out of; learning to capitalize on; major sources facing Western companies; reframing half-empty glass as half full; research on how people react to crisis and. See also Capitalizing on adversity; Seek opportunity in adversity principle

The Affluence Collaborative survey

Age of Now

Age of Scarcity

Aging population: of Chinese consumer sector increasingly larger consumer sector in Western economies due to

Ahuja, Simone

Akerson, Dan

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (New Delhi)

Allianz Global Investors (Germany)

Aloft (Starwood Group)


Amazon's Kindle Fire

American dream

Analytical Engine

Ancona, Xavier López


Andreessen, Marc


Apple: customer-pleasing approach of following your heart principle as practiced by; iPad cost iPad created without market surveys by low-cost competition to radical innovation practiced by “user-centric design” approach used at. See also Jobs, Steve

Apple iPad

Apple iPod

Aquino, Bam

Aquino, Corazon

Aronowitz, Kate

Ashoka's AshokaHub

Asset-light business model

Assis, Helosa Helena (Zica)

Austerity factors: competition from low-cost rivals; dwindling natural resources government regulations increasingly frugal customers rivalry from agile Western startups

Auto-entrepreneur program (France)

Auto industry: doing more with less; KPIT's Revolo kits; low-cost competition from India and China; Renault's entry into low-cost brands; Tata Motors' frugal and flexible innovation in the. See also U.S. auto industry


Babbage, Charles

Baby boomers: Generations X and Z joining workforce with preference for simplicity by

Barra, Mary

Base of the pyramid (BOP) consumers

Basu, Radha

Bay Area Financial Capability Innovators Development Lab

Beach, David

Beacon Community program

Beijing Aerospace

Beleza Natural (Brazil)

Benioff, Marc

Bernoff, Josh

Bernstein, Leonard

Berwick, Donald

Best Buy

Better Under Pressure (Menkes)

Bharti Airtel (India)

Bhatt, O. P.

Big Bazaar

Bijapurkar, Rama


Binary logic

Biodesign program (Stanford-India)

Biyani, Kishore

Blink (Gladwell)

Bloomberg Businessweek

Bloomberg, Michael

Blue Cross and Blue Shield


Booz & Company

Brabeck-Letmathe, Peter

Brands: for eco-aware consumers for low-cost products

Brazil: Beleza Natural salons in generic drug makers of how scarcity is mother of invention in; large number of consumers in polycentric structure empowering markets in. See also BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations

Breakneck globalization

Bresenham, Terri

BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations: examining drivers of innovation in extreme economic conditions prevalent in; large base of consumers in new approach to innovation emerging in. See also Brazil; China; India

British government's jugaad initiatives

Bross, Matt

Brown, Tim

Bruck, Armin

Buckley, George

Burton, Denise

Business models: asset-light conversion franchising; experiment with multiple how IBM's growth mindset changed its; “innovator's dilemma” of failing to adapt “more for less,” “more for more,” reinventing to take advantage of shifting conditions's innovative; securing C-level buy-in to drive systemic changes in tapping networks as part of



C-level leaders: growth mindset of innovative; how they can drive adoption of jugaad; securing buy-in to drive changes. See also Jugaad principles

Cameron, David

Capitalizing on adversity: approach challenges with growth mindset; build psychological capital to boost resilience; how 3 M successfully approached; realize extreme conditions are fertile soil for innovation; recognizing that the glass is always half-full; tap networks to tackle market threats. See also Adversity

CARD MRI (Philippines)

Carmichael, Philip

Cascade tool (New York Times Company),

Celsol (Mexico)

Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI)

Center for Information Technology Leadership,

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Centers of Passion (frog)

Centre for India & Global Business

CEO. See C-level leaders


Change: how innovation impacted by velocity of; securing C-level buy-in to drive systemic

Charles Schwab Bank

Chen, Jane

Chengalpattu Government Medical College (India)

Chhatpar, Ravi

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

China: fast-growing economy of how scarcity is mother of invention in; large number of consumers in people with diabetes in polycentric structure empowering multinationals' subsidiaries in rapidly aging consumer sector in. See also BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations

Chipchase, Jan

Christensen, Clayton


Church & Dwight


Clay fridge innovation

Clinton, Hillary

Code for America

“Common sense retailing,”

Competition: low-cost companies from emerging markets increasing; Western start-ups


Complexity: factors driving; simplicity movement as backlash against

Complexity factors: breakneck globalization; diverse workforce; interconnectivity scarcity of resources; velocity of change

Comstock, Beth

Consumers: aging population of; base of the pyramid (BOP) creating separate brands for low-income and high-income engaging eco-aware “fat tail” (dominant) getting more value for less cost; Hispanic including the margin (marginalized); large base in BRICs Maslow's hierarchy of needs and; Nokia's ethnographic approach to filling needs of. See also Customers

The Container Store


Conversion franchising model

Cook, Tim

Cor Brasil (Brazil)

Core values: IBM's improvisation by breaking rules and shifting

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Coulson, Stuart

Cox, Christopher

“Creative capitalism,”

Credit Appraisal Toolkit (CAT) [YES BANK]


Cuervo, Soleio

Customer-centric design

Customer-minded innovation

Customer value: Haier's “value for money” strategy how simplicity adds to include the margin approach for cocreating; provided to customers for less cost; R&D that rewards cleverness instead of

Customers: clamoring for simplicity design simple products around basic needs of engaging in heart-to-heart communication; helping them get more value for less cost; how R&D is disconnected from real-world increasingly frugal looking for authentic relationships marketing executives who are emotionally disconnected from risk of letting innovation agenda be dictated by inflexible service innovation to better serve; serving the marginalized sector of. See also Consumers


Daily Duo vacuum cleaner (Philips)

Danone (France)

Das, Kanak

DataWind (UK-based)

Davis, Miles

DDX (Digital Direct X-ray)

“Defeaturing” practice

Deshpande Foundation

Deshpande, Gururaj “Desh,”

Design: Apple's “user-centric,” “defeaturing” practice embracing customer-centric embracing inclusive design principles; from the ground up; getting engineers and industrial designers working together; simple products around basic needs of customers Steve Jobs's passion for universal design philosophy. See also Products; R&D (research & development)

Design for America (DFA)

Designing Our Tomorrow (DOT) [University of Cambridge]

“Detached engagement,”

Dharma (personal obligations)

Diabetes SMS-based control (Tulane University),

Diabetes Specialties Centre (Chennai, India)

Diaz, Illac


“Direct seeding” rice planting technique

Disengaged employees

Diverse consumer base: increasingly from marginal to becoming the majority; Western firms not designed to meet needs of. See also Marginalized consumers

Diverse workforce: increasing population of; providing inclusive work culture for. See also Employees

DIY (do-it-yourself) generation

Do more with less principle: General Electric's approach of; Gustavo Grobocopatel's approach of helping customers get more value by; how Western firms are learning to; PepsiCo's approach to. See also Frugal business strategies; “More for less” business model; Resource scarcity

Drucker, Peter


Dweck, Carol


E Health Points (EHPs)

ECG (electrocardiogram) devices

Eco-aware consumers

Economies: bringing prosperity through the jugaad movement; conditions when jugaad works best; diversity of many emerging dramatic shift in U.S.; fast-growing BRIC how companies can profit from the groundswell jugaad movement; “plutonomy” unsustainability in current U.S. supporting grassroots jugaad innovators to revitalize local

Econova LED TV (Philips)

Einstein, Albert

Element (Starwood Group)

Eli Lilly


“Empathy development bootcamps,”

Employees: allowing them time to experiment; disengaged; encouraging them to trust their gut; 15-percent program for experimenting by Gallup survey on disengaged looking for meaning in their work outdated human resource management of; persuading them to adopt jugaad; problem of limited availability of skilled providing inclusive work culture for; unique characteristics of Gen Y and Z. See also Diverse workforce


Energizer Holdings

Engineering Design Centre (University of Cambridge)

Entertainment Weekly

Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability Program (Stanford University)

Ernst & Young

Esquire magazine

Etuk, Ntiedo

EuroRSG survey


Fabre, Fernando

Fabricant, Robert

Facebook: content created by users of cross-functional teams used at easy interface of encouraging their employees to trust their gut explosive growth of flexible thinking applied to how teams work together at how the groundswell jugaad movement is facilitated by; information networks through as low-tech revolution leader; New York Times Company (NYTC) predictions for success of simplicity approach adopted by. See also Social media

The Facebook Effect (Kirkpatrick)

Failure: practicing “detached engagement” to overcome fear of; leading into success through

Fast Company Most Influential Women in Technology

“Fat tail” (dominant) consumers

FDG (fludeoxyglucose) delivery


Financial inclusion services

Flexible thinking: barriers to Western firms; breaking down organizational silos; Dr. V. Mohan's mobile telemedicine clinic as; General Electric's success with; how the jugaad approach increases jugaad principle of; learning to improvise and have; New York Times Company (NYTC) approach to; survival through adaptation and. See also Adaptation strategies

Flexible thinking barriers: binary logic as complacency as; disengaged employees as; rigid and time-consuming R&D; risk aversion as

Florida Ice & Farm Co. (Costa Rica)

Follow your heart principle: Apple's practice of; art of acting on what feels right; “detached engagement” approach to; how industrial-era business practices neglect; how Western firms can begin to apply; as jugaad principle; Kishore Biyani's success in; rational logic versus benefits of; why jugaad innovators are motivated to use. See also Intuition; Passion

Fonseca, Vivian

Forbes magazine


Ford, Henry

Ford's “Fiesta Movement,”

Foreign Policy magazine

Forrester Research

Fortune magazine

Franklin, Benjamin

French government's jugaad initiatives

Fried, Limor “Ladyada,”

frog: Centers of Passion initiative of crowdsourcing practiced by engaging the passion of their employees specialized consultation services of working with emerging market innovators

From the ground up design: benefits of; simplify your organization by instituting

Frugal business strategies: finding abundance in scarcity through; General Electric's approach to doing more with less; leverage existing networks for distribution; PepsiCo's approach to doing more with less; remaining asset-light; Renault's; reuse and recombine. See also Do more with less principle; Resource scarcity

Frugal customers

“Frugal engineering,”

Frugal Innovation Labs (Santa Clara University)

Frugal lifestyles

Fry, Art

The Future of Management (Hamel)


Gallup surveys on disengaged employees

Gaming industry

Gambiarra,as Brazilian form of jugaad

Gandhi, Mahatma


Gates, Bill

GE Healthcare

GE Healthcare India

General Electric (GE): adoption of Embrace's low-cost incubators by do more with less principle used by; Healthymagination program of Six Sigma approach used by successful integration of Six Sigma and jugaad by

General Motors (GM)

Generation Y (Millennials): diverse workforce due to; DIY (do-it-yourself) generation using jugaad how Ford is using social media to connect with looking for meaning and passion in their work preference for simplicity by reinventing products for; reshaping entire industries; scarce resources and consumer base of unique workforce characteristics of

Generation Z: diverse workforce of the preference for simplicity by reinventing products for; scarce resources and consumer base of unique workforce characteristics of

Geng, Diane

Ghosn, Carlos

Gilbert, Ryan

Gladwell, Malcolm

Global Nutrition Group (GNG) [PepsiCo]

Globalization: harnessing ingenuity across borders; how innovation is impacted by breakneck


Goldman Sachs

Google: “closed Swiss Army knife” metaphor for products of Code for America funding by cross-functional teams used at encouraging their employees to trust their gut failure celebrated at 15-percent program of flexible network of small teams used at flexible thinking applied at simplicity approach adopted by

Google Android

Google Health

Google Mail

Google Maps

Google PowerMeter

Government regulations: as business barrier in India; as increasing issue in Western economies

Grobocopatel, Gustavo: asset-light strategy used by examining the more with less approach of innovative subcontracting business model used by

Groundswell (Bernoff and Li)

Growth mindset

Gupta, Anil

“Gut intelligence,”


Hagel, John

Haier (China)

Hamel, Gary

Hande, Harish

Hanke, John

Hapinoy Community Stores (Philippines)

Hapinoy Program (Philippines)

Harford, Tim

Harvard Business Review jugaad blog

Health care delivery: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services approach to; Dr. Jeganathan's minimalist incubator; Dr. V. Mohan's telemedicine solution for diabetes patients; E Health Points (EHPs) medical clinics; Embrace's portable infant warmers infusion pumps made from recyclable parts Siemens's Fetal Heart Monitor SMS for diabetes-control Stanford-India Biodesign program for development of affordable telemedicine programs for; Text4baby free service for

Health Cloud

Healthpoint Services India

Healthymagination program (GE)

Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Hispanic population: increasing consumer sector of; workforce percentage of

Hocking, Clint

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

Hosking, Ian

Hospital-acquired infection (HAI)

HTC (China)


Human resource management

“Humanizing technology,”

Hurricane Katrina


iBankUP portal (Plastyc)

IBM: Airtel's IT infrastructure managed by; CEO survey (2010) by flexible thinkers of growth mindset of; Smart Planet initiative of “ValuesJam” online brainstorming at


Immelt, Jeffrey

Improvisation: as alternative to structured approach; for experimenting with multiple ways to reach goal; jugaad innovators' effective use of; learning to use; Tata Motors' successful

Improvisation skills: allow employees time and space to improvise; break rules and shift values as needed; don't let others dictate your innovation agenda experiment with multiple business models getting outside your comfort zone partner with flexible thinkers; willingness to fail

Inc. magazine

Including the margin principle: cocreating value strategies for; enabling financial inclusion; General Electric's success with how Procter & Gamble approaches; increasing profits by; as jugaad principle; as moral imperative that makes business sense; YES BANK's approach of. See also Marginalized consumers

Inclusive work culture

India: barriers to starting a business in; examining the grassroots entrepreneurship in; how scarcity is mother of invention in; jugaad (“innovative fix”) practice in; large number of consumers in Mitticool's innovation in; people with diabetes in. See also BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nations

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) [Ahmedabad, India]

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

Indique: Big Ideas from Emerging India (PBS documentary series)

Industrial Revolution: historic practitioners of jugaad during; McCormick's reaper innovation during Yankee ingenuity driving the

Infant mortality: Dr. Jeganathan's minimalist incubator to reduce; Embrace's portable infant warmers to reduce Siemens's Fetal Heart Monitor to reduce Text4baby free service helping to reduce

Infusion pumps (Bangladesh hospitals)

Innovation: customer-minded how jugaad complements structured; IBM's CEO survey (2010) on keeping it simple approach to searching for a new approach to; service; Six Sigma approach to the West's “bigger is better” approach to. See also Jugaad (“innovative fix”); Structured innovation

Innovation X (Richardson)

“Innovator's dilemma,”


Interconnectivity: complexity factor of jugaad relevance for exploding marginalized populations impacted by

International Finance Corporation (World Bank)

International Monetary Fund (IMF)


Intuition: as The Container Store's foundation principle “gut intelligence” form of Kishore Biyani's “common sense retailing” using; why firms shun. See also Follow your heart principle

INXS Technologies (India)

Isaacson, Walter

Isang Litrong Liwanag (A Liter of Light),

Ive, Jonathan


Jackson, Phyllis

Jain, Anil

Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. (India)

Jana, Reena

Jeganathan, Sathya

Jobs, Steve: able to zero in on customer needs famous for heeding his intuition on following your heart. See also Apple

Johnson & Johnson

Jua kali,as Kenya's equivalent of jugaad

Jugaad adoption agenda: apply jugaad to formulate robust strategies avoid implementing jugaad in top-down fashion celebrate your existing jugaad innovators cross-pollinate and synergize jugaad ideas; monetize jugaad inventions; persuade skeptical employees; use Web 2.0 tools to harness customer and partner creativity

Jugaad community: campus recruiting of new members for the emergence of global; training future jugaad innovators of the; Western governments partnering with the

Jugaad (“innovative fix”): as complement to structured innovation; examining the growing movement in the West; history of Western; how CEOs can drive adoption of; how the West lost its; improvising ingenious solutions through; international applications of introducing six principles of; Mitticools as; strategies for getting started with; training future innovators in; zizhu chuangxin, as Chinese form of. See also Innovation

Jugaad integration strategies: mixing jugaad with structured innovation; understanding when jugaad works best

Jugaad movement: bringing a more prosperous world through the; how companies can profit from the; how Generation Y innovators are reshaping entire industries; ingenuity economy as part of the; rapid growth and institutional support of Western governments joining the

Jugaad principles: do more with less follow your heart include the margin keep it simple seek opportunity in adversity; strategies for getting started with using; think and act flexibly. See also C-level leaders

Jugaad training: Design for America (DFA) approach to; Santa Clara University's Frugal Innovation Labs; Stanford University's Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability course University of Cambridge's inclusive design program

Junco, Enrique Gómez: adaptability of; how adversity was reframed by innovation by reframing


Kaipa, Prasad

Kant, Ravi

Kapoor, Rana

Kauffman Foundation

Keep it simple principle: as backlash against complexity; example of the art of; General Electric's approach of; growing evidence of need for; how the Facebook approach is to; as jugaad principle Dr. Jeganathan's minimalist incubator example of; practical benefits of. See also Low-tech revolution; Simplicity strategies


Kennedy, John F.

Khan Academy

Khan, Mehmood


Kinect (Microsoft)

Kirkpatrick, David



KPIs (key performance indicators)

KPIT Cummins Infosystems (India)

Kshatriya, Tejas


Lada (low-cost car)

Lafley, A. G.

Lam, Sara

Lapenna, Lily

The Laws of Simplicity (Maeda)

Leaders: growth mindset of innovative; how CEOs can drive adoption of jugaad; securing buy-in to drive changes

Leberecht, Tim

Levy, Rob

Li, Charlene

Liang, Linus

Lifestyle downshifting

“The Limping Middle Class” (Reich)


Liu, Jiren

Logan car (Renault)

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

Lorenzo, Doreen

Los Grobo (Argentina)

Löscher, Peter

Lovelace, Lady Ada

Lovemarks (Roberts)

Low-cost brands

Low-tech revolution: factors driving the; global examples of successful; how Facebook is leading the; practical benefits of the R&D (research & development) impact by; why Western firms reject the. See also Keep it simple principle

Lucile Packard Children's Hospital (Stanford University)

Lululemon Athletica


Luthans, Fred


M-PESA service

MAC 400 (portable ECG) [GE]


MacArthur Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood

MacGyver (TV series)

Maeda, John

Malina, Yuri

ManpowerGroup survey

Marginalized consumers: base of the pyramid (BOP) enabling financial inclusion of; General Electric's inclusion of how Procter & Gamble serves; how to increase profits by including the; increasing competition facing Western firms for; transitioning into the majority; why Western firms ignore the. See also Diverse consumer base; Including the margin principle

Marino, Mario

Marketers: disconnected from their customers innovating radically instead of following traditional

Markets: adopting best practices from emerging approaching marginal groups as whole new; creating separate brands to increase coverage of diversity of global grassroots networks used for cover distribution to; multinational firms' polycentric structure empowering units in BRIC resource scarcity as barrier to emerging start-ups entering the marginal Western firms facing increased competition in core

MarketSimplified platform (INXS Technologies)

Marzano, Stefano

Maslow, Abraham

Maslow's hierarchy of needs


Mathematics low-cost education

Mayer, Marissa

Mayo Clinic

McCartney, Liz

McCormick, Cyrus

McCormick's reaper

McDonald, Robert

McNerney, Jim

Medical care. See Health care delivery

Mendiola Sánchez, Ramón

Menkes, Justin

Merrimack Valley (Massachusetts)

Merrimack Valley Sandbox

Microloans of microfinance institutions (MFIs)


MicroVentures (Philippines)

Millennials. See Generation Y (Millennials)



Mittal, Sunil

Mitticool fridge innovation

Mobile SMS (text messaging)

Mohan, V.

Monty, Scott

“More for less” business model. See also Do more with less principle

“More for more” business model


Müller, Thomas

Murphy's Law

Murty, Naganand

Muslim population

MyBnk (UK)


Naha, Abhi

Nano (low-cost auto) [Tata Motors]

Narayana Hrudayalaya (India)

National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT) system [YES BANK]

National Innovation Foundation



Networks: benefits of Hapinoy Program Colgate Palmolive use of Design for America (DFA); forming “passion,” harnessing ingenuity across borders with global innovation; market distribution through; MicroVentures use of partnering for low-cost products. See also Partnering strategy

Neusoft (China)

New Economy Initiative for Southeast Michigan (NEI)

New York Times Company (NYTC)

Next Idea competition (New York City)


Nokia: Chinese companies successfully competing against 1100 cellphone sold by ethnographers employed by

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs): corporate social responsibility (CSR) of corporations partnering with Deshpande Foundation's Merrimack Valley Sandbox; mobile SMS (text messaging) used during relief efforts by; New Economy Initiative for Southeast Michigan (NEI); Operation Hope relevance of jugaad practices for Rural China Education Foundation (RCEF) Sightsavers Venture for America (VFA); Venture Philanthropy Partners (VPP). See also Organizations

Nooyi, Indra


Nueclear Healthcare (India)

Nuovo, Frank

NYC Next Idea competition


Obama administration: push for stringent federal fuel economic standards by several initiatives to stimulate community-led innovation by. See also United States

Obama, Barack

100 Global Leaders for Tomorrow

Open source hardware (OSHW) movement

Operation Hope

Optima Energa (Mexico)


Organizational silos: description of flexible thinking to break down

Organization: CEO agenda driving jugaad adoption by; creating “centers of passion” across your; integrating jugaad into your; start-up strategies for simplifying your. See also Non-government organizations (NGOs); Western firms

Out of Poverty (Polak)

Outliers (Gladwell)



Palensky, Fred J.

Palmisano, Sam

Pandit, Ravi

Panicker, Rahul

Parivarthan training program (SBI)

Partnering strategy: corporations with non-profit organizations for creating low-cost products; General Electric's public-private partnerships (PPPs) partnering with flexible thinkers; Social Innovation Fund for promoting community programs. See also Networks

Passage (game)

Passion: engaging employee forming network Generation Y (Millennials) search for meaning and of Steve Jobs. See also Follow your heart principle

Patel, Kal

Patell, James

Pattanaik, Devdutt


PCM pouch (Embrace)

PepsiCo: doing more with less approach of; Global Value Innovation Center (India) set up by reinventing its business model

PepsiCo Frito-Lay

PepsiCo India

Peyret, Patrice


Pharmaceutical industry: low-cost competition to R&D expenditures of the scrambling to serve the base of the pyramid (BOP) consumers


Philips Design


Pink, Daniel


Polak, Paul

Polycentric organization

Porcini, Mauro

Portable infant warmers

Post-it Notes

The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion (Hagel, Brown, and Davison)

Prabhu, Jaideep

Prajapati, Mansukh

Prasad, Venkatash

Procter & Gamble (P&G): Beacon Community program partnership of CEO on innovation approach of Connect & Develop mechanism at; marginalized consumers served by; R&D partnering by; shifting to serve the marginalized customers social media tools embraced by Tremor software service of Vocalpoint tool used by; launched by partners of

Products: creating separate low-cost brands for designed from the ground up; designing affordable solution; eco-aware how simplicity increases universal appeal of incentive systems for selling affordable; make it simple and not simplistic; partnering to create low-cost; reinventing for Generation Y and Z users; Siemens's SMART strategy used for creating simple simplify architectures and reuse platforms; universal design philosophy to boost usability of Western firm's “defeaturing” practice of designing. See also Design models; R&D (research & development)

Public Policy

Public-private partnerships (PPPs)


R&D (research & development): Apple's relatively low expenditures on challenged to do more with less; designing affordable solutions through; as disconnected from real-world customers expense of pharmaceutical expense of the auto sector; falling budgets of flexible thinking derailed by rigid and time-consuming; low-tech revolution of; partnering for; rewarding cleverness instead of customer value scaling back on; Siemens's SMART strategy used for; structured innovation approach to; Western companies reducing investment in. See also Design models; Products; Technology

Radjou, Navi

Ramakrishna Nagar (India)

Ramon Magsaysay Award

Rangan, Venkat

Read, Ian

“Realistic optimism,”

Reframing adversity

Reich, Robert


Resilience: building psychological capital to boost; how adversity nurtures

Resilience Advocacy Project (New York City)

Resource scarcity: accelerating problem of austerity factors shaping Western firms' responses to; as contributor to complexity of emerging markets as barrier to innovation; dwindling natural resources and how it inspires invention; how jugaad works with how simplicity helps solve problem of PepsiCo's approach to managing; strategies dealing with environment of; strategies for getting more value out of. See also Do more with less principle; Frugal business strategies

Reuters Market Light (RML)

Revolo kits (KPIT)

Rhode Island School of Design

Riboud, Franck

Richardson, Adam

Richie, Brooke

Risk: Western firms' aversion to willingness to fail and take

Roberts, Kevin

Rohrer, Jason

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rosenburg, Zach

Ross, Alec

Rottenberg, Linda

Rural China Education Foundation (RCEF)


Saatchi & Saatchi

Safaricom (Kenya)

Salar, Jean-Philippe

Samant, Shashank

The Sandbox (Merrimack Valley Sandbox)

Santa Clara University


Schmidt, Eric

Schultz, Howard

Schweitzer, Louis

Scripps Health


Seek opportunity in adversity principle. See also Adversity

Self-directed compassion


Service innovation

Shah, Sonal

Shetty, Devi

Sibal, Kapil

SICP (White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation)


Siemens AG: description and expansion of Fetal Heart Monitor developed by SMART product strategy of


Silva, Rohan

Simplicity strategies: design simple offerings from the ground up; designing simple products around basic customer needs embrace universal design philosophy to boost usability get engineers and industrial designers to work together; make it simple and not simplistic; redesign entire organization around simplicity; simplify product architectures and reuse platforms. See also Keep it simple principle

Singham, Roy

Sivakumar, Mr.

Six Sigma: General Electric's successful integration of jugaad and; organizational culture of as structured innovation process used and rolled back by 3 M

Skoll Foundation's Social Edge

Sling Media's Slingbox technology

Smith, Adam

SMS (text messaging): diabetes control using mobile technology used during relief efforts; Reuters Market Light (RML); Text4baby (Johnson & Johnson) VidaNET free service for

Social computing revolution

Social Innovation Fund partnership

Social media: how the jugaad movement is facilitated by; innovation through realistic optimism about; worry over growth of. See also Facebook; Twitter

“Soft” capital

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Solar bottle bulb (SLB)

Solar Electric Light Company (SELCO) [India]

Spencer Stuart


St. Bernard Project (New Orleans)

Stanford University: Biodesign program in partnership with Indian institutions by Entrepreneurial Design for Extreme Affordability program Lucile Packard Children's Hospital of


Start-ups: competition from Western enabling funding of grassroots serving marginal consumers

Starwood Group

State Bank of India (SBI)

Structured innovation: elitist and insular nature of; expensive and resource consuming process of; jugaad as complement to; lack of flexibility of; mixing jugaad with; three major benefits of. See also Innovation

Sun Products

Suzlon Energy (India)

Système D, as the French equivalent of jugaad


Tanti, Tulsi: how he turned adversity into success; Suzlon Energy created by

Tata Group, flexible innovation practiced at

Tata Motors: improvisation by Nano (low-cost) auto by new strategies to cope with adversity used by

Tata, Ratan

Technology: “humanizing technology,” used to lower the cost of inclusion; scaling up personalized solutions with. See also R&D (research & development)

Telemedicine programs

Teresa, Mother

Texas Instruments

Text4baby (Johnson & Johnson)

The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith)

Think and act flexibly principle. See Flexible thinking

Thomson Reuters (India)


3 M: examining the innovation process at; 15-percent program of; Post-it Notes innovation of Six Sigma used and then rolled back by turning adversity into opportunity

Tindell, Kip

Topol, Eric J.

Tremor software service (Procter & Gamble)

Tulane University

Twitter. See also Social media



UK government's jugaad initiatives

United States: dramatic economic shift in the; government support of jugaad approaches in the; increasing age of population in the; increasing Hispanic population in the. See also Obama administration

UnitedHealth Group


Universal design philosophy

University of Cambridge

University of Massachusetts at Lowell

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

UPside prepaid Visa cards

U.S. auto industry: failures of the simplifying General Motor's R&D approach. See also Auto industry

U.S. public debt

U.S. State Department

Ushahidi (Kenya)

Ushahidi Platform


Vadafone (UK)

Value. See Core values; Customer value

Van Leeuwen

Vats, Tanmaya

Velocity of change

Venture for America (VFA)

Venture Philanthropy Partners (VPP)

VidaNET (Mexico)


Visa (prepaid cards)

Vocalpoint (Procter & Gamble)

Voluntary simplicity movement

Vscan ultrasound device (GE)


Walmart Express Centers

Wal-mart, Inc.

Wall Street Journal

Walmart Money Centers

Wang, Vera

Warby Parker

Washington Post

Welch, Jack

The West: examining the groundswell jugaad movement in; historic practitioners of jugaad in; how complex factors impact innovation in; how jugaad principles can benefit; jugaad as a solution for economic realities facing the; how jugaad was lost in; restoring prosperity through jugaad to the

Western firms: barriers to flexible thinking by; “defeaturing” practice of how they can learn to follow their hearts;

*9.5pthow they can profit from the groundswell jugaad movement; increased competition in core markets facing; major adversity facing contemporary; rejection of low-tech revolution by; responses to austerity factors by; why they don't follow their heart; why they view marginal groups as unprofitable. See also Organizations

Wharton Infosys Business Transformation


White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation (SICP)

White Mountain Apache Tribe project (Eastern Arizona)

A Whole New Mind (Pink)


Wilson, Woodrow

Winning in the Indian Market (Bijapurkar)

Wired magazine

World Bank's International Finance Corporation,

World Economic Forum

World Economic Forum's Social Entrepreneur Award

World Health Organization

Wright brothers


Yankee ingenuity


YES MONEY service

youthCONNECT initiative


Zhang, Ruimin

Zhongxing Medical (China)

Zica (Helo sa Helena Assis)

Zimbalist, Michael

Zizhu chuangxin (innovation)

Zone V

Zuckerberg, Mark




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