

Academie Nationale de L’Air et de L’Espace (ANAE), 125

Accidental death, criminal law and, 8788

Accident investigation boards, 105

Accident-proneness, 43, 44

Accident report

formal, 105

in painting, 147150 (see also La Méduse)

Accountability, 2223, 31, 145; see also Incident

anxiety and, 132

backward-looking, 129, 135

blame-free system and, 132134

failure stories and, 135

forward-looking, 129, 134137

personal, discretionary space for, 131132

stress and, 132

Accountability-free systems, 132134

vs. blame-free systems, 132134

Accusatory law, 99

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR), 144

Anecdotal evidence, 6

Anonymity, 70

Anxiety, 63, 132

Apology, 20

Appropriate/right action, 137138

Aristotle, 139

Art of persuasion, 151152; see also La Méduse

At-risk behavior, 2

Aviation safety groups issue joint resolution, 125126

Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS), 70


Backward-looking accountability, 129, 135

Bad apple theory, 33, 4246; see also Rule breaking

Bentham, Jeremy, 39

Black books, 42

Blame-free systems, 132134

personal accountability and, 133

vs. accountability-free system, 132134

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 78

Bosk, Charles, 26, 28


Case study

criminalization of human error

disciplinary rules within profession, 124125

formal investigation beyond period of limitation, 120121

industry responses to criminalization, 117119

judge of instruction, 122123

lobbying, prosecutorial, and media self-restraint, relying on, 121122

no action taken, 119120

prosecutor, part of regulator, 123124

volatile safety database, 120

incident, 145147

retributive/restorative just cultures

errors, 26

normative errors, 2931

technical errors, 2629

rule breaking

hindsight, 5455

hindsight and culpability, 5960

hindsight bias, 5557

normal, technical professional error, 5758

normative, culpable mistake, 5859

outcome, worse, 60

safety reporting and honest disclosure

dose calculation, error in, 8385

nurse’s error-crime, 7981

recorded miscalculation, reporting by nurse, 8587

at Supreme Court, 8183

Christianity, 143

Code of Medical Ethics, 76

Competency over time in aviation and medicine, 45t, 46

Computer-based systems, 63

Confidentiality, 70

Conflict, ethical, 140

Confucius, 139, 143

Consequence ethics, 142143

Consultation, 49

Consumer movement, 107

Contract ethics, 141

Control theory, 33, 3840; see also Rule breaking

Convicted practitioner, 108

Corréard, Alexander, 148

Correctional systems, 108


real, 146, 151

white-collar, 146

Criminalization, 16

Criminalization of human error

case study

disciplinary rules within profession, 124125

formal investigation beyond period of limitation, 120121

industry responses to criminalization, 117119

judge of instruction, 122123

lobbying, prosecutorial, and media self-restraint, relying on, 121122

no action taken, 119120

prosecutor, part of regulator, 123124

volatile safety database, 120

consequences of criminalization

intention of professionals to commit crimes, 103

legal system, 107108

and safety issues, 103107

defense lawyer, 99100

employing organizations, 103

evidence, summing up, 116

first victims, 9295

judge in Napoleonic law

adequate punishment, deciding, 101102

breaking of laws, 101

establishing facts, 100101

judicial proceedings and justice, 113114

judicial proceedings and safety, 114115

lawmakers, 102103

overview, 9192


role of, 9698

safety investigations, 98

as truth-finder, 99

prosecutors and decision about crime, 109113

second victim, 9596

tort (or civil) liability, 108109

Criminal law and accidental death, 8788; see also Safety reporting and honest disclosure

Criminal probe, 105

Crisis intervention, 103

Critical incident/stress management programs, 128

Culture, 144


Debriefing programs, incident, 128

De Chaumareys, Hugues Duroy, 148, 149150, 151, 152

Defendant in trial, 95

Defense lawyer, 99100

Defensive posturing, 28

Denial, 28, 29

Disciplinary rules within profession, 124125

Disclosure, 20

defined, 71

Disclosure and reporting, difference

about, 7173, 71t

overlapping obligations, 7374

Discretionary space, for personal accountability, 131132

Disinclination to report, 64

Domain expertise, role of, 119, 122, 123, 124

Duties, information about, incident and, 128

Duty ethics, 139141; see also Fiduciary relationship


Epistemology of truthtelling, 78

Errors, 26, 44; see also Retributive/restorative just cultures

Ethics, 138

approaches, 138143

conflict, 140

consequence, 142143

contract, 141

duty, 139141

golden rule, 143

utilitarianism, 142

virtue, 139

Eurocontrol rules, 68

Eurocontrol Safety and Regulatory Requirement (ESARR 2), 64

Evidence, 116

Evidence by analogy, 6

External control of behavior, 38


Fact establishment, 100101

Failure, “true” account of, 145147; see also Incident

Failure stories, accountability and, 135

Fear, 132

Feedback, 65

Fiduciary relationship, 139140; see also Duty ethics

Fiduciary relationships, 23, 24

First victims, 13, 14, 9295

Flight Safety Foundation (FSF), The, 125

Forgiveness, 1921

Forward-looking accountability, 129, 134137

Fraud, 146

Freedom-of-information legislation, 70, 105

French Revolution (1792), 149


Géricault, Theodore, 147, 149, 150, 151

Goal conflicts, 47

Golden rule ethics, 143

versions, 143

Gross negligence, 3, 122

Guilt-phase, 9

Guilty knowledge, 74


Hidden, Anthony, 55

Hidden curriculum, 42, 77

Hindsight, 5, 5455

culpability and, 5960

Hindsight bias, 5557

Hinduism, 143

Honest disclosure, safety reporting and, see Safety reporting and honest disclosure

Honest mistakes, 2

reporting of, 69

Honesty, 7778

Human errors, 2

criminalization of (see Criminalization of human error)

Human faculty, 53


Imagination, 53

Incest, 146

Incident, 127; see also Accountability

accomplishments after, 128130

accomplishments before, 127128

appropriate/right action, 137138

backward-looking accountability, 129, 135

bad relationships and, 144

case study, 145147

critical incident/stress management programs, 128

debriefing programs, 128

ethics and, 138143 (see also Ethics)

evaluation after, 128130

evaluation before, 127128

forward-looking accountability, 129, 134137

as free lesson, 128

importance of reporting, 128

individuals in systems and, 131

blame-free system, 132134

discretionary space for personal accountability, 131132

information about rights and duties, 128

learning review of, 129130

responsible circumstances for, 136137

retraining of practitioner after, 128

safety-critical information sharing, 130

staff safety department, 127128

stigmatization of practitioners, 128129

Independent judges, 8, 10

Individuals in systems, 131

blame-free system, 132134

discretionary space for personal accountability, 131132

Industry responses to criminalization, 117119

Informal teaching, 42

Information, 14

Information (reported) into wrong hands, 7071

Insensitivity, 27

Intention of professionals to commit crimes, 103

Intervention, active, 66

Investigation (formal) beyond period of limitation, 120121

Islam, 143

Israeli intelligence, 57


Judaism, 143

Judge in Napoleonic law; see also Criminalization of human error

adequate punishment, deciding, 101102

breaking of laws, 101

establishing facts, 100101

Judge of instruction, 122123

Judgment, 64, 68

Judicial authorities stopping an investigation, 105k

Judicial proceedings

justice and, 113114

safety and, 114115

Judicial proceedings after incident, 115

Judicial proceedings with regulatory work, 115

Jury selection, 101

Justice, 144, 145; see also Restorative justice; Retributive justice

lack of, 127


Killen, Ray, 137


Labeling theory, 33, 3438; see also Rule breaking

La Méduse, 147150, 151152

Lanir, Zvi, 56

Law breaking, 101

Law enforcement officials in investigations, 104

Lawmakers, 102103

Leaders, 50

Learning review, of incident, 129130

Learning theory, 33, 4042; see also Rule breaking

Legal action, 124

Legal process in Supreme Court, 90

Legal system, 87, 107108; see also Criminalization of human error

Legitimacy, 8

Le Journal des Débats, 148, 149

Libya, 57

Line-reporting mechanism, 67

Lobbying, 121122


Malicious compliance, 41, 51

Malpractice claims, 109

Media, role of, 97

Media self-restraint, 121122

Medical professionals, 77

Micro-management, 49

Mistake, 56

Morality of truth-telling, 78

Motivation, 132


National laws, 63

Near-miss reporting systems, 67

Needs of victims, 14

Negligence, 2, 4, 36

No-blame culture, 3

No-fault systems, 132134

Noncompliant patient, 65

Nondisclosure, 74

Nonpunitive reporting, 6870

Normal, technical professional error, 5758

Normative, culpable mistake, 5859

Normative errors, 2931; see also Retributive/restorative just cultures

November Oscar 747 case, 131, 141


Obligations, 1619

to disclose information, 72

disclosure vs. reporting, 7374

to report, 72

to report mistakes and problems, 6263

Offender, 23

Operational organizations, 104

Opportunity, 14

Organizational community, 14

Organizational disclosure or reporting, 73

Organizational learning, reporting and, 6465

Organizational practices, 2021

Organizations, 72

employing, 103

Overlap in rules, 49

Overreactions, 49


Painting, accident report in, 147150; see also La Méduse

Peer support, 16

Penalty-phase culpability, 9

Personal accountability

blame-free systems and, 133

discretionary space for, 131132

Persuasion, art of, 151152; see also La Méduse

Phronesis, 139

Plato, 143

Political pressure, 96

Practical consequences, 95

Practitioners, 15, 17, 72

stress and isolation of, 115

Preexisting trust, 118

Procedural justice, 810; see also Retributive just culture

Professional codes, 64


and decision about crime, 109113

part of regulator, 123124

role of, 9698

safety investigations, 98

as truth-finder, 99

Protected reporting system, 70

Protection of safety data, 120, 122

Psychological consequences, 95

Punishment, 101102


The Raft of the Medusa; see La Méduse

Rasmussen, Jens, 60

Rational choice theory, 38

Rational systems with irrational outcomes, 8889

Real crime, 146, 151

Realism, 150

Realist paintings, 150; see also La Méduse

Recklessness, 2

Reflex, 55

Rehabilitative purpose of justice, 108


bad, 144

fiduciary, 139140 (see also Duty ethics)

good, 144

importance of, 144


defined, 71

incident, importance of, 128

to managers/safety staff, 6667

means for, 6365

organizational learning and, 6465

Reporting rate, keeping up, 6566

Reportworthiness, 64

Resilience theory, 33, 5053; see also Rule breaking


dominant view, 135

prospective sense of, 135 (see also Forward-looking accountability)


defined, 1

forgiveness and, 1921

Restorative just culture

about, 1213, 127

forgiveness, restoration and, 1921

restorative justice steps

obligations to meet need, 1619

victims, 1316

Restorative justice, defined, 12

Restorative theory, and injustice elimination, 2425

Retraining, of practitioner after incident, 128


defined, 1

difficulties and fairness in, 67

shades of, 2

Retributive just culture

about, 12, 127

breaking of rules for recruitment, 78

difficulties with retributive justice, managing, 1012

procedural justice, 810

retribution, difficulties and fairness in, 67

shades of retribution, 26

substantive justice, 7

Retributive justice, criticism for, 25

Retributive/restorative just cultures

case study

errors, 26

normative errors, 2931

technical errors, 2629

comparing and contrasting

accountability, 2223

overview, 2122

trust, 2324, 24t

restorative just culture

about, 1213

forgiveness, restoration and, 1921

restorative justice steps, 1319

restorative theory

and injustice elimination, 2425

retributive just culture

about, 12

breaking of rules for recruitment, 78

difficulties with retributive justice, managing, 1012

procedural justice, 810

retribution, difficulties and fairness in, 67

shades of retribution, 26

substantive justice, 7

retributive justice

criticism for, 25

Right/appropriate action, 137138

Right of appeal, 9

Rights, information about, incident and, 128

Risks of reporting and disclosure

ethical obligation to report or disclose, 76

protection of disclosure, 77

risk with disclosure, 7677

Royal Aeronautical Society in England (RAeS), 125

Rule breaking, 78

bad apple theory, 4246

case study

hindsight, 5455

hindsight and culpability, 5960

hindsight bias, 5557

normal, technical professional error, 5758

normative, culpable mistake, 5859

outcome, worse, 60

control theory, 3840

labeling theory, 3438

learning theory, 4042

overview, 34

resilience theory, 5053

subculture theory, stupid rules and, 4650

Rule creep, 49

Rule enforcement, 49


Safety, 30

Safety-critical industry, 11

Safety-critical information sharing, 130

Safety-critical work, 130, 131

Safety data, protection of, 120

Safety inspection, 105

Safety investigations, 98

Safety-related data, 105

Safety reporting and honest disclosure

case study

dose calculation, error in, 8385

nurse’s error-crime, 7981

recorded miscalculation, reporting by nurse, 8587

at Supreme Court, 8183

criminal law and accidental death, 8788

disclosure and reporting, difference

about, 7173, 71t

overlapping obligations, 7374

honesty, 7778

legal process in Supreme Court, 90

means for reporting, 6364

nonpunitive reporting, 6870

obligation to report mistakes and problems, 6263

overview, 6162

protected reporting system, 70

rational systems with irrational outcomes, 8889

reported information into wrong hands, 7071

reporting and organizational learning, 6465

reporting rate, keeping up, 6566

reporting to managers/safety staff, 6667

risks of reporting and disclosure

ethical obligation to report or disclose, 76

protection of disclosure, 77

risk with disclosure, 7677

voluntary reporting, 68

Savigny, Henri, 148

Schmaltz, Julien, 147, 149

Second victims, 1416, 9596, 142

Self-criticism, 28

Seniority, reward for, 51

Sharpe, Virginia, 135

Silence, 74

Skills, 45, 46

Social support, 16

Societal or professional trade-offs, 112

Staff-based reporting mechanisms, 67

Staff safety department, 127128

Stakeholders, 121

Statistical analysis, 43

Stigmatization, of practitioners involved in incident, 128129

Stupid rules and subculture theory, 4650

Subculture theory, 33

stupid rules and, 4650 (see also Rule breaking)

Subordinate, 29

Substantive justice, 7; see also Retributive just culture

Superordinate, 28, 29

Systematic evidence, 6

Systems, individuals in, 131

blame-free system, 132134

discretionary space for personal accountability, 131132


Technical errors, 2629; see also Retributive/restorative just cultures

Technical professional error, 5758

Tort law, 109

Tort (or civil) liability, 108109

Training, 45

Trust, 2324, 24t, 63, 145

between professional and client, 139140 (see also Fiduciary relationship)

Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 12

Truth-finder, prosecutor as, 99

Truth-telling in professions, 78


Utilitarianism, 142


Verbal guidance, 28

Victims, 1316; see also Restorative just culture

error on trial and, 9395

for monetary compensation, 95

Virtue ethics, 139

Virtues, 139

Volatile safety database, 120

Voluntary reporting, 68


Weber, Max, 89

White-collar crimes, 146

Willful violations, 3

Willingness to report, 69

Witness testimony, 92, 93

Work-to-rule strike, 51

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