WEP encryption

The WEP protocol was known to be flawed as early as 2000 but, surprisingly, it is still continuing to be used and access points still ship with WEP enabled capabilities.

There are many cryptographic weaknesses in WEP and they were discovered by Walker, Arbaugh, Fluhrer, Martin, Shamir, KoreK, and many others. Evaluation of WEP from a cryptographic standpoint is beyond the scope of this book, as it involves understanding complex math. In this section, we will take a look at how to break WEP encryption using readily available tools on the BackTrack platform. This includes the entire aircrack-ng suite of tools—airmon-ng, aireplay-ng, airodump-ng, aircrack-ng, and others.

The fundamental weakness in WEP is its use of RC4 and a short IV value that is recycled every 224 frames. While this is a large number in itself, there is a 50 percent chance of four reuses every 5,000 packets. To use this to our advantage, we generate a large amount of traffic so that we can increase the likelihood of IVs that have been reused and thus compare two cipher texts encrypted with the same IV and key.

Let's now first set up WEP in our test lab and see how we can break it.

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