
  • A
  • “About you” deck, 79–80
  • Abundance, 31
  • Added requirements (Y), in X+Y concept, 111–112
  • Advertising, see Marketing
  • Advising, see Consulting
  • Air (band), 19
  • Alignment:
    • within compensation, 164–165, 167–169
    • and severance, 173–174
  • Altschuler, Max, 103
  • Amazon Web Services, 138
  • Ambiversion, 51
  • Anxiety, 76, 156, 176
  • Apple, 127
  • The Atlantic, 195
  • Autonomy, 107–108
  • Axial, 67, 83, 91, 149
  • B
  • B2B software, 124, 140
  • Bands, starting, 22
  • Base salary, 168
  • Beliefs, 119, 186, 205
  • Big people, 85–87
  • Bluefly, 68
  • Bluffing, 175–176
  • Break, giving yourself a, 28
  • Brooke, Arthur, 195
  • Buddhism, 33
  • Buffett, Warren, 25
  • Buscemi, Steve, 85
  • C
  • CAC, see Customer acquisition costs
  • Capitalism, regulated, 6, 66, 89
  • Career plans, 193
  • Cash compensation, equity vs., 171–172
  • CEO Pavilion, 161
  • Churn, 139–143, 152
  • Coaching, 189, 191–192
  • Comcast Ventures, 44
  • Community:
    • building, 87–92
    • member‐focused, 88–92
  • Compassion, 1, 71
  • Compensation. See also Money
    • alignment in, 164–165, 167–169
    • in cash vs. equity, 171–172
    • due diligence for, 166–167
    • Executive Compensation Bill of Rights, 163–164
    • and negotiation, 163–164
    • principles of executive, 164–170
    • and values, 177
  • Consulting, 60–61, 174–175
  • Control, over life, 54
  • Core values, 101, 106–118
  • Cost of Goods Sold, 139
  • COVID pandemic, 15, 16, 133, 151, 155, 161–162, 198
  • Cox, Brian, 176–177
  • Creation, joy of, 22
  • Crises, opportunity from, 155–181
  • CRO School, 193, 209–210
  • Culture, organizational, 125–126
  • Curran, Joanna, 51
  • Customer(s). See also Members
    • focusing on, 108–110, 127–128
    • listening to, 113–114
    • love for, 92–93
    • potential, 23
    • satisfaction of, 132–134
  • Customer acquisition costs (CAC):
    • about, 135–137
    • assessing, 142, 146–147
    • changes in, 148
    • defined, 151
    • and Lifetime Value, 143
    • LTV:CAC ratio, 152
  • Customer‐centric products, 127–128
  • Customer Success Teams, 138. See also Member Success Team
  • D
  • Daily goals, 196
  • Dave Matthews Band, 19
  • Daversa, 44
  • Demand, generating, 129
  • Depression, 188
  • Destination, resetting your, see Resetting your destination
  • Disapproval, of self, 29
  • Diversity, 114–115
  • Divorce, 14
  • Double trigger, in employment agreement, 178–180
  • Due diligence, for compensation, 166–167
  • E
  • Economics, unit, see Unit economics
  • Edison Ventures, 44
  • Ego, 18
  • Elephant Six collective, 18
  • Elephant Ventures, 4, 89, 171, 206–207, 210
  • Embarrassment, 15
  • Empathy, 128
  • Energy, 29–30, 126
  • Equity, 171–172, 178–179
  • Evaluations of unit economics, 146–147
  • Executive Compensation Bill of Rights, 163–164
  • “Exit ramps,” 48–49
  • Experience:
    • leveraging, 50
    • power of, 40–42
    • tracking your, 79–80
  • Expertise, documenting, 42–43
  • Extended exercise period, 180–181
  • Extroversion, 51
  • F
  • Failure:
    • emerging from, 29–30
    • and getting fired, 13–17
    • and insanity, 27–28
    • lessons of, 17–28
    • and market power, 23–26
    • of mindset, 26–27
    • and misclassifying what you love, 21–22
    • moving forward after, 31–34
    • of physics, 20–21
    • power of, 11–13
    • of pride, 18–20
    • and reframing your narrative, 30–31
    • turning, into opportunity, 39–40
  • Faith:
    • leap of, 33–34, 57, 72, 197–198
    • in long‐term thinking, 47
  • Fallon, Peter, 206–207
  • Fargo (film), 85
  • Fear, 74–76, 190–191
  • Feedback, 113–114, 124
  • FinOps function, at Pavilion, 210
  • Fired, getting, 11–12
  • First Round Capital, 91
  • The Flying Change, 22
  • Ford, Henry, 30, 40
  • Ford Motor Company, 16
  • Foundational values, 69
  • Framing:
    • positive, 195
    • of success and failure, 40
    • of your future, 191–194
    • your narrative, 30–31
  • Free community business model, 88–92
  • Free will, 54
  • G
  • Gainsight, 138
  • Gardner, Rich, 138
  • Generosity, 81–98
    • and being big, 85–87
    • and building community, 87–92
    • as competitive advantage, 94–95
    • and love for customers, 92–93
    • origins of, 83–84
    • in practice, 95–97
    • as a value, 110–111
  • Gerson Lehrman Group (GLG), 3, 13, 24, 66, 83, 170–171, 197
  • “Give to get” philosophy, 88, 94, 110–111
  • Glason, Tom, 104, 138
  • GLG, see Gerson Lehrman Group
  • Glick, Jonathan, 73
  • Goals:
    • daily, 196
    • and delivering results, 115–117
    • outcome‐focused, 57
    • and revenue, 130–131
    • setting, 57
  • Goldberg, Jeremy, 46
  • Gong, 15–16
  • Grant, Adam, 5
  • Gratification, instant, 73, 94, 101, 112
  • Gratitude, 17
  • Grey Dog Cafe, 14
  • Gross Margin, 137–139, 143
  • Growth, phases of, 131–134
  • GTM Fund, 208
  • Guerra, Laura, 200
  • H
  • Happiness, 205–213
  • Harvard Business Review, 58
  • Helping people, 212
    • benefits of, 158–159
    • tactics for, 97–98
  • Hill, Napoleon, 189
  • I
  • “I love you,” writing, to yourself, 201
  • Inner voice, 186–190, 199–200
  • Innovation, 115–117
  • Insanity, 27–28
  • Insecurities, attempting to cover up, 12
  • Instant gratification, 73, 94, 101, 112
  • Introversion, 51
  • Intuition, 58, 74
  • Investments, during growth, 142
  • Investors, for Pavilion, 206–209
  • J
  • Jacobs, Camille, 11, 42, 67, 75, 78–79, 104, 169, 185, 188–189, 200, 205
  • Job changes, 15–16
  • Jobs, Steve, 127
  • Job security, 60
  • Joy:
    • basing entrepreneurship on, 56–57
    • of creation, 22
    • reflecting on your, 49–53
  • Juceam, Anne, 80, 102–103
  • K
  • Kennada, Anthony, 138
  • Kindness, 1, 117–118
  • Kindred (firm), 44
  • L
  • Labor market, during COVID pandemic, 162
  • Lawyers, 166–167
  • Leads, selling, 24
  • Leading with love, 183–201
  • LeagueApps, 46, 61, 78, 119
  • Leap of faith, 34, 57, 72, 197–198
  • Leverage, 107–108
  • Lifetime Value (LTV), 143–144, 148, 151–152
    • LTV:CAC ratio, 152
  • Lipstik, 22
  • Liquidity, 169–170, 173
  • Listen Closely, Act Quickly strategy, 123–152
    • about, 113–114
    • common mistakes with, 148–151
    • during crises, 156–158
    • during growth, 131–134
    • importance of, 124–125
    • rules for, 147
    • and unit economics, 134–147
    • when scaling, 125–131
  • Listening:
    • to customers, 113–114
    • and empathy, 128
  • Litvack, Brian, 46, 119
  • Livestream, 150
  • “Long big game,” 32–33, 207
  • Long‐term thinking, 32–33, 47–48
    • and career planning, 194
    • challenges with, 101
    • decisions‐making based on, 103
    • and generosity, 95
    • success as, 42
    • and X+Y concept, 112
  • Love:
    • leading with, 183–201
    • as leap of faith, 197–198
    • misclassifying what you, 21–22
  • LTV, see Lifetime Value
  • LTV:CAC ratio, 152
  • M
  • McKinsey, 162
  • Manne, Michael, 87
  • Market(s):
    • benefits of large, 23–24
    • expanding your, 103–104
    • power of, 23–26
    • as proxy for universe, 126–127
    • speed to, 114
  • Marketing:
    • costs of, 135–136, 146
    • and Gross Margin, 139
    • importance of, 129–130
  • Matador, 18
  • Matchmaking, 84
  • Mather, Fred, 163
  • Matrix Partners, 143
  • Medina, Manny, 103
  • Mehta, Nick, 138
  • Members. See also Customer(s)
  • Members First mentality, 108–110
  • Member Success Team, 109–110, 139, 210
  • Merge Records, 18
  • Mindset:
    • assessing your, 185
    • failure of, 26–27
    • importance of, 46
    • scarcity, 94
  • Minimum requirements (X), in X+Y concept, 111–112
  • Mission statements, personal, 70
  • Money. See also Compensation
    • earning revenue, 130–131
    • and personal values, 72
    • struggle for, 66–69
    • ways to get rich, 170–171
  •, 21
  • Murakami, Haruki, 200
  • The Muse, 15, 31, 69, 150
  • Musso, Marco, 75
  • Mutual interests, 96
  • Myths, foundational, 74–77
  • N
  • Napster, 21, 25
  • Need, letting go of, 33, 58
  • Negative energy, releasing, 29–30
  • Negotiations:
    • rules of, 163–164, 175
    • taking the yes in, 176–178
  • Netflix, 140
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS), 131–134, 139–140, 152
  • Net Revenue Retention (NRR), 141
  • Network:
    • lack of, 19
    • maintaining, 44–47
    • and self‐perception, 39–40
  • Networking, traditional, 83
  • Neutral Milk Hotel, 18
  • New Testament, 30
  • New York Revenue Collective, 54, 71, 87
  • Nirvana, 18
  • Norcross, John, 195
  • North Star, 110, 128
  • Norwegian Wood (Murakami), 200
  • NPS, see Net Promoter Score
  • NRR (Net Revenue Retention), 141
  • Number‐beaters, 112
  • Number‐missers, 112
  • O
  • Objectives and Key Results (OKR), 116, 194–195
  • Ocrolus, 87
  • On the Bench (OTB), 157
  • Optimove, 78
  • Organizational culture, 125–126
  • Oswald (dog), 206
  • OTB (On the Bench), 157
  • Outcome‐focused goals, 57
  • Outreach, 103
  • Ownership, in companies, 171–172, 178–179
  • P
  • Pallis, Carly, 200
  • Pavement, 18
  • Pavilion, 34, 44, 74, 205
    • during COVID pandemic, 155–158
    • creation of, 2, 51–52, 160
    • future of, 211–212
    • member‐portal at, 125
    • Member success stories at, 93
    • NPS at, 132–133
    • Payback Period at, 145
    • start of, 4
    • values at, 108–118
  • Pavilion University programs, 124, 193, 209–210
  • Payback period, 144–146, 152
  • Personal data, 90
  • Personal vision, 105
  • Physics:
    • fundamental principles of, 20–21
    • of markets, 24–26
  • Pink, Dan, 5, 106
  • Positive framing, 195
  • Positivity, embracing, 195–196
  • Potential, living up to your, 17
  • Potential customers, 23
  • Power, and generosity, 95
  • Pre‐negotiations, 34–35
  • Pressure, releasing, 56–60
  • Price Is Right (TV show), 141
  • Pride, 18–20
  • Princeton University, 17, 197
  • Principles, see Values
  • Private equity, 172
  • Private spaces, 115
  • Product‐market fit, 24, 127, 131–132
  • Promotions, 149–150
  • “Pulling the thread,” 105–106
  • R
  • Real Housewives of Atlanta (TV show), 58
  • Reciprocity, 44–45
  • Record label, 18–21, 25
  • Red Light Management, 19
  • Reframing your narrative, 30–31
  • Regulated capitalism, 6, 66, 89
  • REM, 18
  • Resetting your destination, 65–80
    • foundational myths when, 74–77
    • as a process, 77–78
    • and sense of becoming, 78–79
    • steps to, 71–74
    • using personal values to, 69–71
  • Respect, 71
  • Results, delivering, 115–117
  • Revenue, as team goal, 130–131
  • Revenue Collective:
    • in 2020, 158
    • changes in, 159–160
    • during COVID pandemic, 155–158
    • creation of, 2
    • fee for, 96
    • first hire at, 102–105
    • growth of, 103–105, 123
    • investors for, 209
    • original goal for, 101
    • scaling, 151
  • Rising Executives School, 193, 209–210
  • Robbins, Tony, 5, 189
  • Rolling Stones, 15
  • Roosevelt, Theodore, 128
  • Rosen, Jim, 69, 73, 78, 87, 106
  • Rue La La, 68
  • Running, 206
  • S
  • SaaS metrics, 151–152
  • Saint‐Amand, Alexander, 13
  • Salary, base, 168
  • Sales, 21–22
  • Sales Hacker podcast, 103
  • Salesloft, 87, 89
  • Salespeople, role of, 129, 131
  • Sales Talent Agency, 162
  • Scaling, 125–131, 149
  • Scarcity mindset, 94
  • SDRDefenders, 210
  • Self‐beliefs, 186, 205
  • Self‐compassion, 191, 196, 205
  • Self‐doubt, 186
  • Self‐loathing, 188–191
  • Self‐perception, 39
  • Self‐pity, 27
  • Self‐reflection, 69–71, 188–193
  • Self‐talk, 190
  • Severance, 34–35, 173–174
  • Shame, 15, 16
  • Shaw, John Mark, 189, 191, 193, 199
  • Short‐term thinking, 95
  • Silver Lake Partners, 66
  • Singer, Michael Alan, 205
  • 60/40 relationships, 195
  • Skala, Emmanuelle, 65
  • Skok, David, 143
  • Slack, 123–124, 157
  • Smalley, Stuart, 190
  • Small people, 85
  • “Small short game,” 33
  • Snowflake Computing, 141
  • Spirituality, 47, 206
  • Splitting the difference, 48, 94
  • Sponsorships, 88
  • SPORTSDOG, 119
  • Stability, lack of, 16
  • Stern Stewart, 111
  • Strategy:
    • and customer feedback, 124–125
    • values and, 107–108
  • Sub Pop, 18
  • Subscription businesses, churn in, 139–140
  • Succession (TV show), 176–177
  • Super Founders (Tamaseb), 58
  • U
  • Unit economics, 92–93, 134–149
    • churn, 139–143
    • common mistakes with, 148–149
    • core metrics in, 151–152
    • core pieces of, 141–142
    • customer acquisition costs, 135–137
    • evaluating, 146–147
    • Gross Margin, 137–139
    • importance of, 134–135
    • Lifetime Value, 143–144
    • Payback Period, 144–146
    • rules with, 147
  • University of Florida, 11
  • University of Virginia, 18, 32, 197
  • The Untethered Soul (Singer), 205
  • User experience, 109
  • V
  • Validation:
    • in Members First mindset, 108–110
    • of Pavilion, 206–207
  • Valuation, of Pavilion, 207–208
  • Values, 106–118
    • Come from Kindness, 117–118
    • and compensation, 177
    • core, 101, 106–118
    • and crises, 155, 156–158
    • decision‐making based on, 104
    • Diversity Makes Us Better, 114–115
    • finding your personal, 69–71
    • foundational, 69
    • importance of, 106–107
    • Listen Closely, Act Quickly, 113–114
    • Members First, 108–110
    • at Pavilion, 108–118
    • and strategy, 107–108
    • We Deliver Results, 115–117
    • We Get by Giving, 110–111
    • X+Y, 111–112
  • Vested options, 179
  • Victim:
    • seeing yourself as, 66
    • viewing yourself as, 54–55
  • Virtual events, 157
  • Vision, personal, 105
  • W
  • WayUp, 78
  • Wealth:
    • chasing, 67
    • and freedom, 78
  • Weezer, 105
  • Winfrey, Oprah, 5, 189
  • X
  • X+Y, delivering, 111–112
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