
space symbol, 29

full space, 11, 46

˜ lock space, 12

& tabular column separator, 65

! negative space, 46, 52

’ tabbing left shift, 62

+ tabbing left margin indent, 62

, thin space, 11, 46

- tabbing left outdent, 62

/ italics space correction, 11

: medium math space, 46

< tabbing outdent, 62

= tabbing set tab, 62

> tabbing next tab, 62

image inter sentence spacing, 11

\ line break, 12, 47-48, 62, 65

‘ tabbing flush right margin, 62

abovedisplayshortskip, 167

abovedisplayskip, 167


math, 43, 160

text, 1

addcontentsline, 111

addtocounter, 35, 36

adding space

in text mode, 11, 17-18,

in math mode, 46


decimals in tables, 67

table headings, 67

vertically in tables, 72

image, 10, 42

arabic page numbering, 111

array, 55-56

font size, 51-52

formatting, 169

partitioned, 152

arraycolsep, 48, 169

arrayrulewidth, 74, 169

arraystretch, 74, 169

arrow symbols, 161

arrows, 85

assignment statement, 141

backslash, 1

aselineskip, 31, 40, 164

aselinestretch, 12-13, 165

egingroup, 142

egin{document}, 105

egin{thebibliography}, 114

egin{theindex}, 117

elowdisplayshortskip, 167

elowdisplayskip, 167

bezier spline, 86

ezier, 86

f, 2

group, 142

ibitem, 115

bibliography, 114-115, 114-116

as endnotes, 155-156

at chapter ends, 155

example, 119

printing, 115

binary operators, 160

binomials, example, 43

blank pages, 35


in math mode, 53

in text mode, 2

oldmath, 2, 53-54

ottomfraction, 37, 38-39, 168

bottomnumber, 38, 168

boxes, 18-21, 57-59, 73

centering, 21

fancy, 133-134

formatting, 169

in picture, 84

large, 134

right justify, 19

saving, 88

with frame, 18-19

with footnotes, 113


horizontal, 153

over and under, 153


line, 12, 14, 16

page, 35

cal, 2

calligraphic, 2

caption, 61, 68, 115 captions

changing format, 147

Fig. label, 149

hanging indent, 122

label style, 148

width restriction, 68

width, 147

captionwidth, 123

centerpcl, 94

cents symbol, 9

chapter, 16

chemical reactions, 52-53, 57

choose, 43

circle, 85

citations, 114-115, 116

format, 115

in captions, 115

in tables, 116

line break, 155

with superscripts, 155

cite, 115

cleardoublepage, 41

clearpage, 35

clearpage, 41

cline, 65

clubpenalty, 35

column breaking, 41

columnsep, 40, 165

columnseprule, 40, 165


assignment, 141

conditionals, 141

creating, 139-140

denning, 139-140

internal, 140

looping, 141-142

computer modern font, 2, 3

continued fractions, 56-57

counters, 36

for enumerate list, 23

user defined, 36

cross references, 113-114

CTAN, 120

dashbox, 84

dblfloatpagefraction, 168

dblfloatsep, 168

dbltextfloatsep, 169

dbltopfraction, 168

dbltopnumber, 168

def, 140

defining commands, 139-140

defining counters, 36

defining environment, 26

delimiters, 161

description environment, 24

displaymath, 42

displaystyle, 50


large, 105-119

styles, 108

article, 139

bezier, 86

book, 139

letter, 139

non-standard, 120-137


two-column, 39-41

documentstyle, 107

dotfill, 18

double space, 12-13

doublerulesep, 74, 169

drawing pictures, 81-88

DVIPS, 98-99

egroup, 142

em, 2

emimage, 92

endgroup, 142

endnotes, 155

end{document}, 105

end{thebibliography}, 114

end{theindex}, 117

end of line, 12, 47-48, 62, 65, 155

enumerate environment, 23


array, 50-51, 55-56

eqnarray, 50-51

flushleft, 15

description, 24

enumerate, 23

eqnarray, 47-48

figure*, 41

figure, 37

figwindow, 127

itemize, 21-22

list, 24

minipage, 18

picture, 81, 83-88

tabbing, 61-64

table*, 41

table, 37

tabular, 64-75

tabwindow, 127

text indentation, 146

thebibliography, 114

theindex, 117

verbatim, 28-29

window, 127

wrapfigure, 126

EPIC, 81, 89

EPSF macros, 99-100

epsfbox, 100

epsffile, 100

eqalign, 124

eqalignno, 124

eqaligntwo, 125

eqnarray, (see also environment)

font size, 51-52

spacing in, 48, 51-52

text in, 48

eqno, 51


equations, 42-59

aligned, 124

chemical, 52-53, 57

flexible numbering, 123-125

framed, 57-59

left and right tags, 51

multi-conditional, 47

multi-line, 47

numbering, 42, 51, 151

simple, 46

subequations, 125

two aligned, 125

with struts, 49

cases, 125

evensidemargin, 30, 31, 40, 164

everymath, 53

excluding input, 112

exhyphenpenalty, 14

face, type, 2, 4


FANCYHDS.STY, 34, 129-132

fbox, 18-19

fboxrule, 19, 169

fboxsep, 19, 169

f i, 141


floating, 94-96

importing, 82-82, 92-102

incorporating, 80-104

positioning, 36-39

wrapped by text, 126-128

fill, 17

floatpagefraction, 38-39, 168

floats, 36-39

graphics, 81

number on page, 38

piling up of, 38

positioning, 37

positioning, 167-168

two-column, 41

floatsep, 37, 168

flushleft, 15

fnsymbol, 113

f ont, specifying character, 6


availability, 4-5

blackboard, 9

changing in headings, 145

computer modern, 3

faces, 4

improvised, 9-10, 54-55

load on demand, 5

math italics, 52

math mode, 7

NFSS, 10

non-standard, 6

one inch, 7

scaling, 3-4


text mode, 2

math mode, 50

smiley faces, 9-10

styles, 2

footers, 32-34

customized, 129-132

footheight, 30, 31, 40, 164

footnote, 13, 112-113

footnote, 112

in boxes, 113

in heading, 112-113

symbols, 113

footnotemark, 113

footnotesep, 165

footnotesize, 2

footnotetext, 113

f ootskip, 30, 31, 31, 40, 40, 164

format parameters, 163-169


arrays, 169

boxes, 169

floats, 165-166

footnote, 164

lists, 164

margin notes, 164

math, 165

pages, 164-165

tables, 169

two columns, 164-165

formulas (see equations)

f rac, 43

fractions, 50

continued, 56-57

examples, 43

frame, 86-87

framebox, 18-19, 57-59, 84

frames, 57-59

fancy, 133-134

large, 134

front matter, 108-112

page numbering, 111

frown, 9

function symbols, 161

fussy, 12

global, 140

GNUPLOT, 90-91


GNUPLOT, 90-91

approaches, 80-83

beside text, 95

bit-mapped files, 92-98

conversion, 103-104

cut and paste, 80

EPIC, 81, 89

floats, 81

from other programs, 90

importing, 82-83

in paragraphs, 97

non-image, 92-104///

PCL files, 82-83

positioning, 93-98


example, 102

files, 98-104

using, 82-83

side-by-side, 96

special command, 83

image,82, 89

picture, 81

imageCAD, 82

xfig, 82

greek letters, 160

growing symbols, examples, 44


hangcaption, 96, 122-123

hanging indents, 20 headers, 32-34

customized, 129-132

for last section, 146

headheight, 30, 31, 40, 164

headings, 16

fonts for, 144

line break, 16

numbering, 16

outdenting, 145

suppressing numbering, 16

with math, 59

headsep, 30, 31, 40, 164

hfill, 17-18

HiJack, 103

hline, 65

HP2xx, 103

HPGL graphics, 82-83, 103

hrulefill, 18

hspace, 17

Huge, 2

huge, 2


hyphen.tex, 139

hyphenation, 14

hyphenation, 13-14

at line break, 14

forcing, 14

preventing at line break, 14

turning off, 14

with ragged right, 15

hyphenpenalty, 14

if, 141

ifthenelse, 141, 141

importing graphics, 92-184

PCL files, 92-98

PostScript, 98-104

include, 106

includeonly, 105

indentation, 20, 146

index, 116

index, making, 116-118

indexspace, 117

input, 82, 107

int, 45

int er column space, 40, 165

itemize environment, 21-22

Internet, 120-121, 138

intextsep, 37, 168

it, 2

italics typestyle, 2-3, 52

item, 22-17

itemindent, 166

itemize environment, 21-23

itemsep, 166

jot, 167

justification, line, 15

kill, 62

label, 46, 114

labelsep, 167

labelvidth, 167

Large, 2


large, 2

image archives, 121

left, 49

leftmargin, 166

leftmark, 34

let, 141

lfonts.tex, 139

ligatures, 5

line break, 12

at hyphen, 14

in heading, 16

line justification, 15

line spacing, 12-13, 12-13

in footnotes, 13

line, 85

lines, 85

in arrays, 152

list, format parameters, 25

listoffigures, 110

listoftables, 110

listpar indent, 166

lists, 21-27

aligned, 27-28

contents, 109-112

customized, 24-26

description, 24

enumerate, 23

figures, 110

for references, 27

formatting, 166-167

itemize, 21-22

symbols for, 22

two columns, 22

tables, 110

verbatim, 121

load, 5

load-on-demand fonts, 5

lock space, 12

lof, 110-111

logical switches, 141

longdef, 140

looping, 141-142

lot, 110-111

lowering text, 18-19

lplain.tex, 139


assignment statement, 141

basics, 139-142

bibliography per chapter, 155

conditional statement, 141

endnotes, 155

equation numbering, 151

for captions, 147-149

for heading font, 145

grouping, 142

in preamble, 107-108

looping, 142

new command, 139-141

over and under braces, 153

page numbering, 150

side-by-side displays, 142-143

spacing in eqnarray, 152

striking out, 143

text indentation, 146

underlining, 143

magstep, 3-4

makeatletter, 15, 34, 108, 140-141

makeatother, 15, 34, 108, 140-141

makebox, 18-19, 84, 86-87

makeidx, 118

makeindex, 116


margin note, 32, 41

formatting, 166

margins, document, 30-31

marginpar, 32, 41

marginparpush, 32, 166

marginparsep, 32, 166

marginparwidth, 32, 166

markboth, 32-33

markright, 32-33

math modes, 42


accents, 54, 160

examples, 43

boldface, 53

compound operators, 55

continued fractions, 56-57

delimiters, 161, 161

examples, 43-45

font sizes, 50

formatting, 167

functions, 161

in section titles, 59

italics, 2, 52

multi-letter variables, 52

roman font, 52-53

same size delimiters, 49

spacing, 46

struts in, 49

symbols, 160-161

mathindent, 167

matrices, 55-56

examples, 44

partitioned, 152

mbox, 7, 14, 47

metafont, 9

micro spacing, 11

minipage, 18

for tables, 69-73

minipage, for graphics, 95-96

multi-column text, 135-137


multicolumn, 65

multiput, 87

newcommand, 52, 107, 139

newcounter, 26, 28

newenvironment, 26-28, 107

newfont, 3, 6

newline, 12

newpage, 41

newsavebox, 88

NFSS, 10

noalign, 48

nolinebreak, 12

nonumber, 47, 124

nopagebreak, 35

normalmarginpar, 32

normalsize, 2

ot, 45


equations, 42, 123-125, 151

pages, 150, 151

numberline, 111

oddsidemargin, 30, 31, 40, 164

oint, 45


dot product, 54

examples, 45

math, 160

orphans, 35


in headings, 145

page number, 151

oval, 86

overbrace, 44

overline, 44


blank, 35

breaking, 38

formatting, 164-165

footers 32-34, 129-132

headers 32-34, 129-132

layout, 30

single-column, 32

two-column, 40

numbering, 111, 150

outdented number, 151

single-column, 31

style, 32-33

text width, 30-31, 40, 164

widows and orphans, 35

pagebreak, 35, 41

pagenumbering, 111

pageref, 114

pagestyle, 33

paragraph, 16


hanging indent, 20

indentation, 20, 146

parbox, 18, 68

parindent, 31, 40, 164

parsep, 166

parskip, 31, 40, 111, 165

part, 16

partopsep, 166

PBMPIus, 104

PCL files, 82-83

PCL graphics, 92-98

phantom, 43


image, 82, 89

picture environment, 83-88

bezier curves, 86

boxes, 84

circles, 85

example, 87

extending, 81-82, 89

general considerations, 81

lines and arrows, 85

ovals and corners, 86

repeating objects, 87

reusing pictures, 88

text, 86

pmatrix, 56

poptabs, 62


files, 98

graphics, 82-83

tricks, 104

preamble, 105

macros in, 107-108

preface, 109


printindex, 118

protect, 59, 116

PSFIG macros, 101

psfig, 101-102

options, 102

PSTricks, 104



pushtabs, 62

put, 86

quarter oval, 86-87

qquad, 46

quad, 46

ragged right, 15

with hyphenation, 15

without hyphenation, 15

raggedright, 15

raisebox, 18-19

raising text, 18-19

ref, 46, 114

references, 113-114

(see also citations)

with superscripts, 155

relation symbols, 160

renewcommand, 12, 107, 140, 163

resversemarginpar, 32

reusing pictures, 88

right, 49

rightline, 19

rightmargin, 166

rightmark, 34, 146

rm, 2

roman numerals, 36, 111

root file, 105

example, 106

rule, 49, 65, 84

in arrays, 152

samepage, 35

sans serif, 2, 144

savebox, 88

scriptscriptstyle, 50

scriptsize, 2

scriptstyle, 50

secnumdepth, 16, 165

section levels, 164

section titles, with math, 59

section, 16

setcounter, 35, 36, 163

setlength, 30, 163

setpcl, 94

sf, 2

shortstack, 86-87

side-by-side displays, 142-143

sl, 2

slanted typestyle, 2

sloppy, 12, 14

small capitals, 2

small, 2

smash, 67

smiley faces, 9-10


for punctuation, 11

horizontal, 17, 46

in eqnarray, 152

in tables, 73-74

italics correction, 11

lock space, 12

vertical, 17

special characters, 1

special symbols

math mode, 160-161

text mode, 1

special, 83, 92

splines, 86

striking out, 143

strut, 17

struts, 17, 49, 51-52, 65

style files

adding to document, 34

bezier, 86

EQUATION, 123-125

FANCYBOX, 133-134

FANCYHDS, 129-132

finding, 120


loading, 108

MULTICOLS, 135-137




style, document

empty, 32

first page, 33

headings, 32

myheadings, 32

plain, 32

two-column, 39-41

fonts, 2

makeidx, 118

subequations, 125

subparagraph, 16

subscripts, examples, 43

subsection, 16

subsubsection, 16


examples, 43

for references, 155

symbol, 6


math mode, 160-161

stretching, examples, 44

text mode, 1

tabbing, 61-64

commands, 62

example, 63

versus tabular, 63

tabcolsep, 74, 169

image, data commands, 78-79

example, 75

format codes, 76-77

macros, 74-79, 58

prologue commands, 76

table of contents, 17

adding entry, 110

box for page number, 111-112

controlling entries, 110

creating, 109-110

dots in, 111

optional entry, 110

tableofcontents, 109-110


caption, 61

changing width, 74

decimal alignment, 67

fixed, 60

floating, 37, 60

example, 68

footnotes in, 69-70

heading alignment, 67

in minipage, 69-73

side-by-side, 71-73

spacing in, 73-74

to box text, 73

vertical alignment

image macros, 74-79

tabular, 64-75

commands, 65

example, 66

formatting, 64-65

versus tabbing, 63

formatting, 169

teststyle, 50

image archives, 121

image, 82


beside graphic, 95

boxed, 73

height, 30

in boxes, 18-21

in formulas, 45

in picture, 86

indentation, 146

keeping together, 35

margins, 30

multicolumn, 135

vertical alignment, 74

wrapped around figure, 126-128

textfloatsep, 37, 168

textfraction, 37, 38, 168

textheight, 30, 31, 40, 164

textstyle, 43

textwidth, 30, 31, 40, 164

thefootnote, 113 thepage, 34

thispagestyle, 33

tiny, 2

title page, 109

toc, 110-111

tocdepth, 110, 165

today, 34

topfraction, 37, 38-39, 168

topmargin, 30, 31, 40, 164

topnumber, 38, 167

topsep, 166

topskip, 165

totalnumber, 38, 168

tt, 2

TUG, 121

two-column, 39-41

formatting, 165-166

twocolumn, 39

typewriter font, 2

unavailable font, 4-5

underbrace, 44

underline, 17, 44

underlining, 16-17, 143

unitlength, 84

usebox, 88

usecounter, 26

vector, 85

verb, 29

verbatim from a file, 121

verbatimfile, 121

verbatimlisting, 121


vfill, 17

vline, 65

vphantom, 56

vspace, 17

whiledo, 142

widowpenalty, 35

widows, 35


xfig, 82

yesnumber, 48, 124

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