
Abbe number (dispersive power), 567

Active matrix LCDs (AMLCDs), 184

‘Active pixel sensor’ (APS), 148

Adaptation and eye, 1819

Additive method of colour reproduction, 5


Lightroom, 213

Photoshop software, 1289, 178, 233

RGB (1998) files, 390

sRGB files, 390

Adobe digital negative files see DNG files

Aerial photography:

approach and organization, 3612

equipment and techniques, 3623

purposes, 361

survey (3D), 333

ultraviolet, 316

AF see autofocus

Agents and photography, 426

Agitation and film processing, 278

Aliasing and moiré, 1601

Alpha channels, 2045

AMLCDs see active matrix LCDs

Analogue-to-digital converter, 37

Anti-aliasing filters, 35, 152

‘Anti-Newton rings’, 76

APS see ‘active pixel sensor’

Architecture photography:

approach and organization, 3513

equipment and techniques, 3534

purposes, 351

skills, 412


data storage and migration, 3901

digital prints, 3867

digital storage, 387

introduction, 370

permanence and storage, 383

silver halide-based media, 3834

storage media, 38790

summary, 392

Art markets for professional photography, 4034

Audio-visual (AV) presentations, 382

Autofocus (AF), 81

Automatic processing of film:

continuous strand, 2845

dip-and-dunk, 283

minilabs, hybrid systems and dry minilabs, 2856

roller transport machines, 283

AV see audio-visual

Back-illuminated sensor technology, 15960

Barn doors (lighting control), 1012

Barrier filters, 312


colour filter array, 34, 151, 161

pattern, 150, 156, 1589

Bayer, B.E., 150

Bilinear interpolation, 34

Binary digit system, 1989

Biological decay and archiving, 384

Bit depth (colour depth):

digital images, 2012

scanners, 17980

Black body radiator, 6

Black and white:

colour prints from negatives, 3045

infrared film, 2678

negatives, 273

prints, 275

slide film, 266

Blooming and clipping (image sensors), 1612

Book-keeping and professional photography, 41617

Bridge cameras, 39

Broadband (ADSL), 25

Bubble jet technology and printers, 191

Built studio sets photography:

approach and organization, 357

equipment and techniques, 3556

purposes, 358

‘Burst mode’ and mosaic panoramas, 350

Camera, panoramic, 326

Camera and Imaging Products Association (CIPA), 154


accessories, 489

analogue and digital, 378

bridge, 39

choice, 48

design, 256

equipment, 24

failures avoidance, 502

film SLR, 42

imaging process, 301

instant picture (Polaroid) adaptors, 49

large-format view, 456

medium-format, 423

film, 434

mobile phone, 38

optical adaptors, 48

point and shoot, 3839

programming and data backs, 4950

resolution, 689

semi-professional DSLR, 41

small-format, 3941

special view backs, 50

triggers, 489

weddings, 346

wide-angle, 3267

see also digital cameras; single lens reflex cameras

Candle fame, 7

Cathode ray tube (CRT) display, 170, 1836, 2256, 374, 382

CC see colour-compensating

CCDs see charge-coupled devices

CFA see colour filter array

Charge-coupled devices (CCDs):

aerial photography, 363

back-illuminated sensor technology, 159

blooming and clipping, 161

camera history, 24

colour and image sensors, 150

contrast and exposure, 9396

converting photons to charge, 144

digital cameras, 30

film/transparency (transmission) scanners, 176

fisheye lenses, 74

Imacon Flextight scanners, 1768

image sensors, 32, 1434, 1468

infrared photography with digital cameras, 312

inputs, 173

large-format cameras, 47

lenses image sharpness, 82

purchase, 70

live MOS sensors, 160

medium-format digital cameras, 45

microlenses, 1512

night skies photography, 364

pixels, 33

scanners and resolution, 178

single-frame panoramic photography, 325

‘type’ designation, 1545

Charging for jobs: day rate calculations, 41920

description, 417

invoicing/chasing payment, 4201

Chemical solutions and film processing, 2789

Chromacity diagrams, 1415

Chromogenic (dye image) monochrome negatives, 274

CIE see Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage

CIELAB, 204, 2256

CIEXYZ colorimetry, 2268

CIPA see Camera and Imaging Products Association

CIS see contact image sensors (CIS)

Clinical photography, 405

Close-up lenses, 7980

CMOS see complementary metal-oxide semiconductor

CMYK inks, 21, 193, 374


aliasing (moiré), 151

balance, 335

balance and film, 2623

CDs, 17

classification, 14

diffraction, 17

digital cameras, 24

digital image, 2245

duplicating film, 2656

flatigue, 19

forms, 1617

gamut description, 2267

displays, 1845

printers, 195

image display, 3812

image sensors, 1501

individual vision, 20

infrared film, 2678

lighting control, 967, 978

metamerism, 20

negatives, 274

printing, 2914

prints from black and white negatives, 3045

psychology, 201

reproduction, 56

seeing, 17

separation, 3734

slides, 2757

slides and transparencies, 2734

space, 16, 214

summary, 22

temperature description, 68

films, 910

light sources, 9

lighting control, 967

measurement, 1112

meters, 97

Colour filter array (CFA), 34, 1501, 156

‘Colour filter interpolation’, 151

Colour-compensating (CC) filters, 12, 98, 292

Commercial/industrial markets for professional photography, 399400

Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage (CIE), 9, 14, 15, 204

Commissioned work:

confirmation, 4223

contracts, 422

initial bookings, 422

job sheets, 4212

model release, 423, 426

sending work to client, 4237

terms and conditions, 423, 4245

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS):

aerial photography, 363

back-illuminated technology, 15960

contrast and exposure, 92, 94

digital cameras, 30

Foveon sensor, 144

image sensors, 32, 1434, 1489

infrared photography with digital cameras, 312

infrared rays, 2

inputs, 173

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) (Continued)

live MOS sensors, 160

medium-format digital cameras, 45

microlenses, 1512

Computer games (3D) photography, 332

Computer workstations, 1703

Contact image sensors (CIS), 175

Continuous strand film processors, 2845

Contrast and lighting control, 926

Control strips for film processing, 287

Converter attachments for lenses, 801

Copyright and professional photography, 4278

Correlated colour temperature, 8

Crossed-eye firee-vision fusion viewing (3D), 332

Curves (film), 25961

Cylindric panoramas, 328

Dark current non-uniformity (DCNU), 163

Dark current shot noise, 165

Dark fading, 384

Data storage and migration, 3901

DCNU see dark current non-uniformity Defective pixels, 166

Demosaicing, 335, 151, 20910

Depth of field (DOF), 83

Derived digital imagery, 363

Digital cameras:

‘burst mode’, 350

CCDs ‘type’ designation, 1545

colour capture and demosaicing, 345

colours, 23

compact, 389

still, 31, 56, 69, 144

DSLR 35mm system and lenses, 834

CMOS sensors, 149

dust, 143, 160, 166

exposure, 216

fisheye lenses, 734

flashguns, 111

focal length, 2930

full-frame arrays, 147

landscapes, 343

lenses, 72

liquid crystal display, 312

metering, 93

natural history, 359

night skies photography, 364

pixels, 33, 154

professional, 412

semi-professional, 41

sports photography, 341

weddings, 347

zoom lenses, 712

history, 256

illumination, 10

images processing, 301, 367

sensors, 323

infrared photography, 31213

large-format view, 458

medium-format, 445, 347

optical components, 356

pixels, 30, 31, 324

resolution, 323

shutter lag, 3423

silver halide, 52

anti-aliasing filters, 153

CMOS sensors, 149

converting photons to charge, 144

lenses, 567

sensor size and pixel specification, 154

summary, 534

system controllers, 31

Digital image:

bit depth, 2012

capture colour space, 214

exposure, 21617

file format, 215

formatting the card, 213

ISO speed, 215

resolution, 213

tethered shooting, 213

white balance, 21415

colour colour spaces, 2256

concepts, 228

description, 2245

gamuts, 2267

ICC, 2278

management systems, 227

Photoshop, 230, 2313

profiles, 2289, 2301

compression artefacts, 219

description, 21617

lossless, 21718

description, 1989

eight-bit v. 16-bit workflow, 2034

file format, 2202

file size, 2023

layers and alpha channel, 2045

management/manipulation, 198

modes, 204

processing description, 2334

image adjustment, 2345

layers, 234

restoration, 235

processing workflow brightness/contrast, 2378

cropping, rotation and distortion, 236

curves, 23940

description, 2356

filters, 2403

image resizing, 236

interpolation, 2367

levels, 2389

tone/colour corrections, 237, 2401

quantization, 199200

sampling, 199

software, 2067

summary, 2445

workflow capture for output, 2078, 209

description, 204

RAW capture, 20912

standards, 213

Digital imaging systems:

colour inks, 1912

computer workstations, 1703

displays artefacts, 188

calibration, 1889

colour gamut, 1878

colour temperature, 186

screen resolution, 187

tone reproduction, 1889

viewing conditions, 188

image processing, 1723

inputs, 1734

organic light-emitting diode, 186

outputting (displays) CRTs, 1834

LCDs, 1845

OLEDs, 186

plasma screens, 186

printers colour inks, 1912

dye sublimation, 193

inkjet, 1901

inkjet paper, 192

light-jet and pictrography, 1923

scanners, 1748

summary, 196

tone control bit depth, 122

exposure, 1212

image manipulation, 122

printing stage, 123

quadrant diagram, 123

Digital negative see DNG

Digital prints and archiving, 3867

Digital rights and professional photography, 428

Digital sensor sizes v. film formats comparison, 28

Digital signal processor (DSP), 31

Digital single lens reflex (DSLR) see digital cameras, DSLR

Digital still cameras see digital cameras, still

Digital storage and archiving, 387

Dip-and-dunk processors for film, 2834

‘Direct noon sunlight’ colour, 8

Dispersive power (Abbe number), 567

Dithering and printers, 194

DNG Files, 211, 222, 224, 390

Dodging and burning-in (film), 299

DOF see depth of field


processors for film, 2812

scanners, 1745

DSCs see digital cameras, still

DSP see digital signal processor (DSP)

Ducos du Hauron, Luis, 4

Duotone reproduction, 375

Duplicate slides/transparencies, 3056

Dust and DSLR cameras, 143, 160, 166

Dye-based inks, 192


fading and archiving, 384

sublimation printers, 190

Edge sharpness, 2569

Editorial illustration, 4023

Editorial/advertising markets for professional photography, 4023

Eight-bit v. 16-bit workflow (digital image), 2034

Electromagnetic spectrum, 12

Electromagnetic waves, 1

Electronic analysers for film, 303

Emulsion lift, 334

Encapsulated postscript see EPS

EPS files, 223

Exmoor-R sensors, 160


digital image, 21516

digital imaging systems, 1212

lighting control, 926

Eye adaptation, 1819

Fashion markets for professional photography, 400

FF see full-frame

File format properties, 223

File transfer protocol (FTP), 381


black and white infrared, 2678

black and white slide, 266

colour balance, 2623

duplicating, 2656

infrared, 2678

temperature, 910

colour printing batches, 301

description, 2912

exposure time, 301

negative/positive, 2967, 299

positive/positive, 2978

reciprocity failure, 3012

subtractive filter (‘white light’) enlarger heads, 2924

colour/exposure analysis electronic analysers, 303

self-correcting systems, 3034

video aids, 304

viewing filters, 3023

curves, 25961

design, 2479

edge sharpness, 2569

exposure latitude, 2501

grain, 2536

history, 247

image dye stability, 2523

quality, 249

instant pictures, 265

lith/orthochromatic, 2667

modulation transfer function, 2578

Polaroid, 265

print materials, 2946

prints, 252

processing agitation, 278

automatic, 2823

black and white, 273, 275

chemical solutions, 2789

Film (Continued)

chromogenic (dye image) monochrome negatives, 274

colour, 274, 3045

control, 287, 289

control strips, 287

cost, 286

cross-processing, 2745

drum, 2812

duplicate slides/transparencies, 305

installation, 286

pattern of workload, 286

physical handling, 278

prints/display negatives from colour slides/ films, 2756

processes, 272

reading results, 28891

replenishment, 27980

summary, 3078

tank/tank lines, 2801

temperature, 277

timing, 2778

trays, 280

troubleshooting, 2867

product coding, 2645

reciprocity failure, 2634

ring-around, 299301

shading and printing-in, 299

silver recovery, 291

slides/display transparencies, 2512

SLR cameras, 42

spectral sensitivity, 2612

speed, 31, 367, 40, 50, 93, 130, 248, 24950, 264

summary, 2701

temperature tolerance, 2501

Film/transparency (transmission) scanners, 176

Filters: anti-aliasing, 35, 153

architecture photography, 354

barrier, 312

colour-compensating, 12, 98, 292

digital image, 2412, 243

infrared, 2, 35, 31112

mired ratings, 1213

neutral-density, 354

noise removal, 243

RGB, 374

sharpening, 243

ultraviolet (UV) photography, 31718

UV-transmitting, 318

Fisheye lenses, 28, 734

Fixed pattern noise (FPN), 1634, 166

Flag (lighting control), 103


lighting control, 11113

wedding photography, 347

Flatbed scanners:

CCD sensor technology, 1756

CIS sensor technology, 176

Flextight scanners see Imacon Flextight scanners

Fluorescence and UV photography, 31920

Fluorescent brighteners, 3878

Focal length:

image format, 278

wild life, 360

Focusing spot (lighting control), 102


sensor, 144, 1556

X3 sensor, 1567

FPN see fixed pattern noise

Frame transfer (FT) array, 146

Free-vision fusion viewing (3D), 332

Freelance photographers, 41213

Front-side illumination (FSI), 159

FSI see front-side illumination

FT see frame transfer

FTP see file transfer protocol

Full-frame (FF) arrays, 147, 151

Gamma rays, 2

GIF files, 224, 381

Grain in films, 2536

Graphics interchange format see GIF

Gravure (intaglio), 37071

Ground sample distance (GSD), 363

GSD see ground sample distance

Halftone printing, 3712

‘Halftones’, 3723

‘Hand-made’ image processes:

emulsion lift, 334

image transfer, 33435

liquid emulsion, 333334

summary, 33637

High dynamic range imaging:

Adobe Photoshop CS5, 1289

tone control, 127

Highlights, 88, 89, 90

HLI see hydrargyrum (mercury) medium-pressure iodide

Honeycombs (lighting control), 102

Human visual system, 4

Hydrargyrum (mercury) medium-pressure iodide (HMI) arc lights, 97

ICC see International Colour Consortium

llumination and digital cameras, 10

Imacon Flextight scanners, 173, 1767

Image format:

circle of acceptable definition, 27

circle of illumination, 27

field angle of view, 27

focal length, 28

point spread function, 27

vignetting, 27

Image Permanence Institute (IPI), 384

Image sensors:

aliasing and moiré, 1601

alternative technologies, 1556

anti-aliasing filters, 1525

array architectures, 146

back-illuminated sensor technology, 15960

blooming and clipping, 1612

CCD sensors, 1467

colour, 1501

converting photons to charge, 1446

Foveon X3 sensor, 1567

infrared cut off filters, 1525

introduction, 1434

Kodak Truesense high sensitivity sensor, 158

live MOS, 160

microlenses, 1512

noise, 1625

optically black pixels, 149

size and pixels, 1545

summary, 1678

super CCD sensor, 1578


display and colour, 3812

internet, 37880

sharpness and lenses, 82

Infrared (IR):

cut off filters, 1523

filters, 2, 35

photography digital cameras, 31213

filters, 31112

focusing and exposure, 314

properties, 30910

sources, 31112

summary, 337

traditional techniques, 314

rays, 2

Inkjet printers, 1901

Instant pictures:

film, 265

Polaroid adaptors, 49

Insurance and professional photography, 41617

International Colour Consortium (ICC), 213, 2289

Interpolated resolution, 32, 178

Inverse square law, 92

IPI see Image Permanence Institute

IR see infrared rays

Ishihara, S., 20


9660 (recording on CD media), 389

12233 (resolution test), 69, 161

13346 (Universal Disk Format), 389

environmental recommendations for storage, 390

film speed, contrast, 93

data backs, 50

film design, 248

image capture, 215

image sensors, 31

image processing, 367

noise, 365

product coding, 264

small-format cameras, 40

sport and action photography, 341

wedding photography, 347

storage of photographic media, 385

IT arrays, 1467

Japan Camera Industries Association (JCIA), 154

JCIA see Japan Camera Industries Association

Joint Photographic Experts Group see JPEG

JPEG 2000 files, 209, 217, 21920, 222, 224

JPEG files, 39, 181, 205, 20812, 21516, 21920, 2234, 381

Kelvin, 67, 1113

Land, Edwin, 247

Landscape photography:

approach and organization, 348

equipment and techniques, 34951

purposes, 348

Langford’s Basic Photography:

Adobe Photoshop software, 233

black and white negatives, 273

camera movements, 46

enlargers, 293

exposure measurement, 124

refraction of light in water, 321

storage of photographic materials, 3834

Large-format view cameras, 47

Layers, 2045, 235

LB see light-balancing


anti-reflective coatings, 60

close-up, 7980

converter attachments, 801

design/manufacture, 5760

DSLR cameras, 72, 73, 834

fisheye, 28, 745

glass, 567

image quality DIY tests, 613

sharpness, 821

image sharpness, 82

macro, 779

mirror, 734

modulation transfer function, 638

purchase, 701

SLR cameras, 72

soft-focus, 757

summary, 845

telephoto, 28

zoom, 713

Les Couleurs en Photographie, 4

Letterpress (typographic), 3712


fading, 385

primary colours, 4

refraction, 34


colour temperature, 9

relative power, 5

Light pollution reduction (LPR), 364

Light-balancing (LB) filters, 12

Lightbank (lighting control), 102

Lighting control:

angle, 91

colour, 978, 989

colour temperature, 978

contrast, 934

direction, 91

distribution, 912

equipment, 1012

exposure, 923

flashguns, 11113

guidelines, 99100

introduction, 87

light sources

Lighting control (Continued)

highlights, 88, 89, 90

lit area, 89

shadows, 878

size, 91

location interior lighting, 11011

mixed lighting, 99

still-life photography, 110

studio portraits, 104110

summary, 11415

Line widths per picture height (LW/PH), 69

Liquid crystal display (LCD):

active matrix, 184 colour separation, 373

computer monitor, 172

DSLR cameras, 312

image display, 3812

image outputting, 183186

landscape photography, 350

multimedia, 382

non-single-lens reflex digital cameras, 312

product coding, 264

technology, 170

UV reflectance, 319

Liquid emulsion, 333

Lit area, 88, 89, 90

Lith/orthochromatic film, 2667

Lithography, 371

Lithography (planographic), 3712

Live MOS image sensors, 160

Location interior lighting:

monolights, 111

room lights matching exposure, 111

matching flash, 111

Lossless compression, 21819

Lossy compression, 219220

LPR see light pollution reduction

LW/PH see line widths per picture height

Macro lenses, 779

underwater photography, 3234

Marketing and professional photography, 428–32

Mechanical decay, 384

Medium-format cameras:

digital, 445

film, 434

properties, 423

Medium-format digital cameras, 347

Metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS), 144

Metamerism and colour, 20

Minerals and UV photography, 31920

Minilabs, hybrid systems and dry minilabs for film processing, 2856

Mired ratings, 1213

Mirror lenses, 734

Mixed lighting and lighting control, 989

Mobile phone cameras, 38

Model release, 423, 426

Modulation transfer function (MTF), 33, 638, 69

film, 2579

Moiré patterns, 374

Monolights, 101, 111

MOS see metal-oxide semiconductor

Motion 3-D (wiggle stereoscopy) viewing, 332

MTF see modulation transfer function

Multimedia, 3823

Multiple-frame panoramic photography, 32729

Munsell, A.M., 14

Munsell Book of Colour, 14, 16

Natural history photography:

approach and organization, 3589

equipment and techniques, 35961

purposes, 358

Negative/positive colour printing, 2967, 299

Neutral-density filters, 354

Newton, Isaac, 2

Night skies photography:

approach and organization, 364

equipment and techniques, 3646

purposes, 364

Nikonos waterproof camera, 323

Noise and image sensors:

description, 1623

fixed pattern, 163

reduction, 165

size, 165

temporal, 1645

Noise removal filters, 243

Non-single-lens reflex digital cameras, 312

‘Observations of nature’, 4

OLED see organic light-emitting diode

Open-loop systems, 209

Opponent colour theory, 1, 4

Optical adaptors, 48

Optical disk storage, 389

Optically black pixels, 149

Organic light-emitting diode (OLED), 186

Panoramic photography:

cameras, 326

cylindric, 328

description, 324

equipment, 325

multiple-frame, 32729

single-frame, 32527

summary, 337

Paper and archiving, 387

Parallel-eye firee-vision fusion viewing (3D), 332

Partnerships, 41516

PDF files, 224

Personal digital assistants (PDAs), 149


approach and organization, 343

equipment and techniques, 3434

purposes, 343

Photo-journalists, 41213

Photographs and visual sense, 3956

Photography courses:

United Kingdom, 389

United States, 38990

Photogravure, 371

Photolithography (offset lithography), 371

Photoshop, software, 178

Photoshop and colour, 230, 2313

Photosites, 143, 157

Physical handling and film processing, 278

PIACCD see pixel interleaved array CCD

Picture libraries, 378

Piezoelectric technology and printers, 191

Pigment-based inks, 192

Pixel interleaved array CCD (PIACCD), 157


bit depth, 201

defective, 166

digital cameras, 31

eight-bit v. 16-bit workflow, 204

encoding, 199

file size, 202

halftone printing, 372

interpolation, 178

panoramic cameras, 326

quantization, 200

resolution and frequency response, 68

sensor size, 154

Planckian radiator, 67

PNG files, 217, 222, 223, 381

Point and shoot cameras, 38

Point spread function (PSF), 27, 33

Point-and-shoot cameras, 39

Polaroid film, 265

Portable Network Graphics see PNG Portrait photography:

approach and organization, 3445

equipment and techniques, 3456

purposes, 344

professional, 401

Positive/positive colour printing, 2978

Power pack (lighting control), 101

Precision measurement of exposure and tone control, 1246

Press Association Awards, 431

Primary colours of light, 3


properties colour gamut, 1945

dithering, 194

drivers, 195

resolution, 193

viewing conditions, 195

Product coding of film, 2645

Professional DSLR cameras, 412

Professional photography:

book-keeping, 41617


ancillary roles, 407

design image specialists, 407

manager/organizer, 406

photographer, 4067

technicians, 407

business practice charging for jobs, 41821

commissioned work, 4212

digital rights, 428

fireelance photographer, 41213

insurance, 41718

management skills, 41516

marketing, 42832

staff photographer, 41415

starting out, 40910

summary, 432

working as an assistant, 41012

copyright, 4278

description, 3978

markets art, 4034

commercial/industrial, 399400

editorial/advertising, 4023

flashion, 400

portraits/weddings, 401

press photography/documentary, 4012

technical and scientific, 4056

summary, 408, 432

turning professional, 3989


archiving, 393

camera equipment, 55

colour in photography, 23

digital image, 246

digital imaging systems, 197

film, 271

film processing, 308

image sensors, 169

lenses, 85

lighting control, 115

liquid emulsion, 338

panoramas, 338

reproduction, 394

stereo (3D) photography, 338

subjects, 369

tone control, 140

underwater photography, 337

PSD files, 223

PSF see point spread function Psychology and colour, 201

Publishing on websites, 3801

Quantization of digital images, 199200

Quick Time VR software, 328

RAW files:

colour capture and demosaicing, 35

colour and colour temperature, 97

compression, 218

data storage and migration, 390

image, adjustments, 234

capture, 20912

workflow, 205

multiple-frame panoramas, 327

night skies photography, 364

point-and-shoot cameras, 38

properties, 222

underwater photography, 320

white balance, 215

Read noise, 1645

Reciprocity failure:

colour printing, 3012

film, 2634

Refectance UV photography, 31617

Refective UV photography, 316

Reflectors (lighting control), 101

Refraction of light, 2

Refractive index (RI), 567, 60

Relative humidity (RH) and archiving, 3845

Remote surgery (3D) photography, 332


introduction, 370

printed page colour separation, 3735

duotone, 375

halftone, 3713

methods, 3701

summary, 392

supplying photographs, 3768

Reset noise, 164

Resolution: cameras, 689

digital image, 213

pixels, 68

printers, 193

scanners, 1789

Resolving power, 33

RGB filters, 374

RH see relative humidity

RI see refractive index

Ring-around for film, 299301

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), 384

Roller transport machines for film processing, 283

Royal Photographic Society, UK, 398

Sampling of digital image, 199


copyright, 183

drum, 1745

film/transparency (transmission), 176

films and prints, 1823

finished reflectance, 175

flatbed CCD sensor technology, 1756

CIS sensor technology, 176

Imacon Flextight, 173, 1767

properties bit depth, 17980

dynamic range, 178

resolution, 1789

speed, 180

set up driver features for automatic corrections, 1812

drivers, 181

image transfer, 1801

Scrim (lighting control), 102

Seeing and colour, 17

Self-correcting systems for film, 3034

Semi-professional DSLR cameras, 41

Shading and printing-in (film), 299

Shadows, 878, 889, 90

Sharpening, filters, 243

Shot noise, 164

Shutter lag and digital cameras, 3423

Shutter speed and nature photography, 360

Signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio, 164

Silver halide systems:

media and archiving, 3834

tone control, 11921

Silver recovery and film processing, 291

Single lens reflex (SLR) cameras:

aerial photography, 363

failure avoidance, 52

flashguns, 111

landscapes, 348

medium-format, 44

metering, 93

optical adaptors, 48

small-format, 3940

weddings, 346

Single-frame panoramic photography, 3258

Six-colour reproduction printing, 374

Slides:colour, 2757

films, 2512

SLR see Single lens reflex

Small-format cameras, 3941

Snoot (lighting control), 102

SNR see signal-to-noise

Soap bubbles and colour, 17

Soft box (lighting control), 102

Soft-focus lenses, 757

Software for digital images, 2067

Sole proprietorships, 415

Sole traders, 415

Spatial frequency response (SPR), 69

Special view camera backs, 50

Spectral power distribution curves, 5, 78

Speed, film, 24950

Sport and action photography:

approach and organization, 340

equipment and techniques, 3403

purposes, 340

SPR see spatial frequency response Staff photographers, 41415

Stereo (3D) photography:

applications, 332

description, 253

equipment and techniques, 3301

summary, 338

viewing, 3312

Stieglitz, Alfired, 371

Still-life photography and lighting, 110

Storage media and archiving, 38790

Studio portraiture and lighting:

darkening backgrounds with flash, 1079

foreground/background balance, 1057

front fill light, 106

introduction, 116

setting up camera and lights, 106

slow-duration flash heads, 1079

Studio still lifes (inanimate objects) photography:

approach and organization, 3578

equipment and techniques, 358

purposes, 3567


aerial photography, 3613

architecture photography, 3515

built studio sets photography, 3556

introduction, 33940

landscape photography, 34851

natural history photography, 35861

night skies photography, 3645

photo-journalism/documentary, 3434

portrait photography, 345

sport and action photography, 3403

summary, 3678

wedding photography, 3468

Subtractive filter (‘white light’) enlarger heads, 2924

Subtractive method of colour reproduction, 56

Super CCD:

high resolution sensors, 158

sensors, 1578

super dynamic range sensors, 158

Supplying photographs for reproduction:

analogue form, 3778

digital form, 376

Tagged image File Format see TIFF

Technical and scientific markets for professional photography, 4056

Telephoto lenses, 28


archiving, 384

film processing, 277

see also colour temperature

Temporal noise:

dark current shot, 165

read, 1645

reset, 164

shot, 164

Terms and conditions, 423, 4245

Tests for Colour Blindness, 20

TFTs see thin film transistors

Thermal imaging, 405

Thin film transistors (TFTs), 184

Through-the-lens (TTL) exposure metering, 30, 40, 72, 79, 125, 365

TIFF Files, 20910, 216, 217, 223, 390

Timing and film processing, 2778

TLR see twin-lens reflex

Tone and bit depth, 201

Tone control:

after film processing black and white negatives, 137, 138

colour slides and transparencies, 137

methods, 1367

slides and transparencies, 1389

digital imaging systems, 1214, 136

during enlargement, 139

high dynamic range imaging, 1278

introduction, 116

practical influences, 11619

precision measurement of exposure, 1246

silver halide systems, 11921

summary, 1401

zone system of exposure and development, 12933

Trichromatic matching, 224

Triggers for cameras, 489

Tripods and wedding photography, 347

TTL see through the lens

TWAIN driver, 181

Twin-lens reflex (TLR) cameras, 44, 46

Typography, 370

Ultraviolet (UV):

brighteners, 3878 rays, 2

transmitting filters, 318

Ultraviolet (UV) photography:

aerial, 316

applications, 31516

filters, 31718

fluorescence, 31920

minerals, 31920

properties, 31516

reflectance, 31819

reflective, 316

sources, 31718

summary, 336

types, 31415

Umbrellas (lighting control), 102

Underwater photography:

description, 3201

equipment, 32124

summary, 336

techniques, 321

United Kingdom (UK):

companies, 416

photography courses, 389

Royal Photographic Society, 398

United States (US):

corporation, 416

photography courses, 389

sole proprietorships, 415

Universal Disk Format (UDF), 389

UV see ultraviolet

Viewing filters for film, 3023

Visual sense and photographs, 3957

Websites and publishing, 3801

Wedding photography:

approach and organization, 346

equipment and techniques, 347

purposes, 346

Weddings and professional photography, 401

White balance, 31, 215

White point and colour temperature, 186

Wide-angle cameras, 3267

‘Writing of light’ (photo-graphy), 247

X-rays, 2

Young, Thomas, 4

Young–Helmholtz trichromatic theory, 1

Zone system of exposure and development:

digital photography, 136

limitations, 1356

metering, 134

personalized development time, 131

personalized film speed, 131

printing conditions, 1323

uses, 1334

zones, 12930

Zoom lenses, 713

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