Chapter 11. The Container

Laravel’s service container, or dependency injection container, sits at the core of almost every other feature. The container is a simple tool you can use to bind and resolve concrete instances of classes and interfaces, and at the same time it’s a powerful and nuanced manager of a network of interrelated dependencies. In this chapter, you’ll learn more about what it is, how it works, and how you can use it.

Naming and the Container

You’ll notice in this book, in the documentation, and in other educational sources that there are quite a few names folks use for the container. These include:

  • Application container

  • IoC (inversion of control) container

  • Service container

  • DI (dependency injection) container

All are useful and valid, but just know they’re all talking about the same thing. They’re all referring to the service container.

A Quick Introduction to Dependency Injection

Dependency injection means that, rather than being instantiated (“newed up”) within a class, each class’s dependencies will be injected in from the outside. This most commonly occurs with constructor injection, which means an object’s dependencies are injected when it’s created. But there’s also setter injection, where the class exposes a method specifically for injecting a given dependency, and method injection, where one or more methods expect their dependencies to be injected when they’re called.

Take a look at Example 11-1 for a quick example of constructor injection, the most common type of dependency injection.

Example 11-1. Basic dependency injection

class UserMailer
    protected $mailer;

    public function __construct(Mailer $mailer)
        $this->mailer = $mailer;

    public function welcome($user)
        return $this->mailer->mail($user->email, 'Welcome!');

As you can see, this UserMailer class expects an object of type Mailer to be injected when it’s instantiated, and its methods then refer to that instance.

The primary benefits of dependency injection are that it gives us the freedom to change what we’re injecting, to mock dependencies for testing, and to instantiate shared dependencies just once for shared use.

Dependency Injection and Laravel

As you saw in Example 11-1, the most common pattern for dependency injection is constructor injection, or injecting the dependencies of an object when it’s instantiated (“constructed”).

Let’s take our UserMailer class from Example 11-1. Example 11-2 shows what it might look like to create and use an instance of it.

Example 11-2. Simple manual dependency injection
$mailer = new MailgunMailer($mailgunKey, $mailgunSecret, $mailgunOptions);
$userMailer = new UserMailer($mailer);


Now let’s imagine we want our UserMailer class to be able to log messages, as well as sending a notification to a Slack channel every time it sends a message. Example 11-3 shows what this would look like. As you can see, it would start to get pretty unwieldy if we had to do all this work every time we wanted to create a new instance—especially when you consider that we’ll have to get all these parameters from somewhere.

Example 11-3. More complex manual dependency injection
$mailer = new MailgunMailer($mailgunKey, $mailgunSecret, $mailgunOptions);
$logger = new Logger($logPath, $minimumLogLevel);
$slack = new Slack($slackKey, $slackSecret, $channelName, $channelIcon);
$userMailer = new UserMailer($mailer, $logger, $slack);


Imagine having to write that code every time you wanted a UserMailer. Dependency injection is great, but this is a mess.

The app() Global Helper

Before we go too far into how the container actually works, let’s take a quick look at the simplest way to get an object out of the container: the app() helper.

Pass any string to that helper, whether it’s a fully qualified class name (FQCN, like AppThingDoer) or a Laravel shortcut (we’ll talk about those more in a second), and it’ll return an instance of that class:

$logger = app(Logger::class);

This is the absolute simplest way to interact with the container. It creates an instance of this class and returns it for you, nice and easy. It’s like new Logger but, as you’ll see shortly, much better.

Creating the Logger instance as shown here seems simple enough, but you might’ve noticed that our $logger class in Example 11-3 has two parameters: $logPath and $minimumLogLevel. How does the container know what to pass here?

Short answer: it doesn’t. You can use the app() global helper to create an instance of a class that has no parameters in its constructor, but at that point you could’ve just run new Logger yourself. The container shines when there’s some complexity in the constructor, and that’s when we need to look at how exactly the container can figure out how to construct classes with constructor parameters.

How the Container Is Wired

Before we dig further into the Logger class, take a look at Example 11-4.

Example 11-4. Laravel autowiring
class Bar
    public function __construct() {}

class Baz
    public function __construct() {}

class Foo
    public function __construct(Bar $bar, Baz $baz) {}

$foo = app(Foo::class);

This looks similar to our mailer example in Example 11-3. What’s different is that these dependencies (Bar and Baz) are both so simple that the container can resolve them without any further information. The container reads the typehints in the Foo constructor, resolves an instance of both Bar and Baz, and then injects them into the new Foo instance when it’s creating it. This is called autowiring: resolving instances based on typehints without the developer needing to explicitly bind those classes in the container.

Autowiring means that, if a class has not been explicitly bound to the container (like Foo, Bar, or Baz in this context) but the container can figure out how to resolve it anyway, the container will resolve it. This means any class with no constructor dependencies (like Bar and Baz) and any class with constructor dependencies that the container can resolve (like Foo) can be resolved out of the container.

That leaves us only needing to bind classes that have unresolvable constructor parameters—for example, our $logger class in Example 11-3, which has parameters related to our log path and log level.

For those, we’ll need to learn how to explicitly bind something to the container.

Binding Classes to the Container

Binding a class to Laravel’s container is essentially telling the container, “If a developer asks for an instance of Logger, here’s the code to run in order to instantiate one with the correct parameters and dependencies and then return it correctly.”

We’re teaching the container that, when someone asks for this particular string (which is usually the FQCN of a class), it should resolve it this way.

Binding to a Closure

So, let’s look at how to bind to the container. Note that the appropriate place to bind to the container is in a service provider’s register() method (see Example 11-5).

Example 11-5. Basic container binding
// In any service provider (maybe LoggerServiceProvider)
public function register()
    $this->app->bind(Logger::class, function ($app) {
        return new Logger('logpathhere', 'error');

There are a few important things to note in this example. First, we’re running $this->app->bind(). $this->app is an instance of the container that’s always available on every service provider. The container’s bind() method is what we use to bind to the container.

The first parameter of bind() is the “key” we’re binding to. Here we’ve used the FQCN of the class. The second parameter differs depending on what you’re doing, but essentially it should be something that shows the container what to do to resolve an instance of that bound key.

So, in this example, we’re passing a closure. And now, any time someone runs app(Logger::class), they’ll get the result of this closure. The closure is passed an instance of the container itself ($app), so if the class you’re resolving has a dependency you want resolved out of the container, you can use it in your definition as seen in Example 11-6.

Example 11-6. Using the passed $app instance in a container binding
// Note that this binding is not doing anything technically useful, since this
// could all be provided by the container's auto-wiring already.
$this->app->bind(UserMailer::class, function ($app) {
    return new UserMailer(

Note that every time you ask for a new instance of your class, this closure will be run again and the new output returned.

Binding to Singletons, Aliases, and Instances

If you want the output of the binding closure to be cached so that this closure isn’t re-run every time you ask for an instance, that’s the Singleton pattern, and you can run $this->app->singleton() to do that. Example 11-7 shows what this looks like.

Example 11-7. Binding a singleton to the container
public function register()
    $this->app->singleton(Logger::class, function () {
        return new Logger('logpathhere', 'error');

You can also get similar behavior if you already have an instance of the object you want the singleton to return, as seen in Example 11-8.

Example 11-8. Binding an existing class instance to the container
public function register()
    $logger = new Logger('logpathhere', 'error');
    $this->app->instance(Logger::class, $logger);

Finally, if you want to alias one class to another, bind a class to a shortcut, or bind a shortcut to a class, you can just pass two strings, as shown in Example 11-9.

Example 11-9. Aliasing classes and strings
// Asked for Logger, give FirstLogger
$this->app->bind(Logger::class, FirstLogger::class);

// Asked for log, give FirstLogger
$this->app->bind('log', FirstLogger::class);

// Asked for log, give FirstLogger
$this->app->alias(FirstLogger::class, 'log');

Note that these shortcuts are common in Laravel’s core; it provides a system of shortcuts to classes that provide core functionality, using easy-to-remember keys like log.

Binding a Concrete Instance to an Interface

Just like we can bind a class to another class, or a class to a shortcut, we can also bind to an interface. This is extremely powerful, because we can now typehint interfaces instead of class names, like in Example 11-10.

Example 11-10. Typehinting and binding to an interface
use InterfacesMailer as MailerInterface;

class UserMailer
    protected $mailer;

    public function __construct(MailerInterface $mailer)
        $this->mailer = $mailer;
// Service provider
public function register()
    $this->app->bind(InterfacesMailer::class, function () {
        return new MailgunMailer(...);

You can now typehint Mailer or Logger interfaces all across your code, and then choose once in a service provider which specific mailer or logger you want to use everywhere. That’s inversion of control.

One of the key benefits you get from using this pattern is that later, if you choose to use a different mail provider than Mailgun, as long as you have a mailer class for that new provider that implements the Mailer interface, you can swap it once in your service provider and everything in the rest of your code will just work.

Contextual Binding

Sometimes you need to change how to resolve an interface depending on the context. You might want to log events from one place to a local syslog and from others out to an external service. So, let’s tell the container to differentiate—check out Example 11-11.

Example 11-11. Contextual binding
// In a service provider
public function register()


Constructor Injection in Laravel Framework Files

We’ve covered the concept of constructor injection, and we’ve looked at how the container makes it easy to resolve instances of a class or interface out of the container. You saw how easy it is to use the app() helper to make instances, and also how the container will resolve the constructor dependencies of a class when it’s creating it.

What we haven’t covered yet is how the container is also responsible for resolving many of the core operating classes of your application. For example, every controller is instantiated by the container. That means if you want an instance of a logger in your controller, you can simply typehint the logger class in your controller’s constructor, and when Laravel creates the controller, it will resolve it out of the container and that logger instance will be available to your controller. Take a look at Example 11-12.

Example 11-12. Injecting dependencies into a controller
class MyController extends Controller
    protected $logger;

    public function __construct(Logger $logger)
        $this->logger = $logger;

    public function index()
        // Do something
        $this->logger->error('Something happened');

The container is responsible for resolving controllers, middleware, queue jobs, event listeners, and any other classes that are automatically generated by Laravel in the process of your application’s lifecycle—so any of those classes can typehint dependencies in their constructors and expect them to be automatically injected.

Method Injection

There are a few places in your application where Laravel doesn’t just read the constructor signature: it also reads the method signature and will inject dependencies for you there as well.

The most common place to use method injection is in controller methods. If you have a dependency you only want to use for a single controller method, you can inject it into just that method like in Example 11-13.

Example 11-13. Injecting dependencies into a controller method
class MyController extends Controller
    // Method dependencies can come after or before route parameters.
    public function show(Logger $logger, $id)
        // Do something
        $logger->error('Something happened');

Passing Unresolvable Constructor Parameters Using makeWith()

All of the primary tools for resolving a concrete instance of a class—app(), $container->make(), etc.—assume that all of the class’s dependencies can be resolved without passing anything in. But what if your class accepts a value in its constructor, instead of a dependency the container can resolve for you? Use the makeWith() method:

class Foo
    public function __construct($bar)
        // ...

$foo = $this->app->makeWith(
    ['bar' => 'value']

This is a bit of an edge case. Most classes that you’ll be resolving out of the container should only have dependencies injected into their constructors.

You can do the same in the boot() method of service providers, and you can also arbitrarily call a method on any class using the container, which will allow for method injection there (see Example 11-14).

Example 11-14. Manually calling a class method using the container’s call() method
class Foo
    public function bar($parameter1) {}

// Calls the 'bar' method on 'Foo' with a first parameter of 'value'
app()->call('Foo@bar', ['parameter1' => 'value']);

Facades and the Container

We’ve covered facades quite a bit so far in the book, but we haven’t actually talked about how they work.

Laravel’s facades are classes that provide simple access to core pieces of Laravel’s functionality. There are two trademark features of facades: first, they’re all available in the global namespace (Log is an alias to IlluminateSupportFacadesLog); and second, they use static methods to access nonstatic resources.

Let’s take a look at the Log facade, since we’ve been looking at logging already in this chapter. In your controller or views, you could use this call:

Log::alert('Something has gone wrong!');

Here’s what it would look like to make that same call without the facade:

$logger = app('log');
$logger->alert('Something has gone wrong!');

As you can see, facades translate static calls (any method call that you make on a class itself, using ::, instead of on an instance) to normal method calls on instances.

Importing Facade Namespaces

If you’re in a namespaced class, you’ll want to be sure to import the facade at the top:

use IlluminateSupportFacadesLog;

class Controller extends Controller
    public function index()
        // ...
        Log::error('Something went wrong!');

How Facades Work

Let’s take a look at the Cache facade and see how it actually works.

First, open up the class IlluminateSupportFacadesCache. You’ll see something like Example 11-15.

Example 11-15. The Cache facade class

namespace IlluminateSupportFacades;

class Cache extends Facade
    protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
        return 'cache';

Every facade has a single method: getFacadeAccessor(). This defines the key that Laravel should use to look up this facade’s backing instance from the container.

In this instance, we can see that every call to the Cache facade is proxied to be a call to an instance of the cache shortcut from the container. Of course, that’s not a real class or interface name, so we know it’s one of those shortcuts I mentioned earlier.

So, here’s what’s really happening:


// Is the same as...


There are a few ways to look up exactly what class each facade accessor points to, but checking the documentation is the easiest. There’s a table on the facades documentation page that shows you, for each facade, which container binding (shortcut, like cache) it’s connected to, and which class that returns. It looks like this:

Facade Class Service container binding







Now that you have this reference, you can do three things.

First, you can figure out what methods are available on a facade. Just find its backing class and look at the definition of that class, and you’ll know that any of its public methods are callable on the facade.

Second, you can figure out how to inject a facade’s backing class using dependency injection. If you ever want the functionality of a facade but prefer to use dependency injection, just typehint the facade’s backing class or get an instance of it with app() and call the same methods you would’ve called on the facade.

Third, you can see how to create your own facades. Create a class for the facade that extends IlluminateSupportFacadesFacade, and give it a getFacadeAccessor() method, which returns a string. Make that string something that can be used to resolve your backing class out of the container—maybe just the FQCN of the class. Finally, you have to register the facade by adding it to the aliases array in config/app.php. Done! You just made your own facade.

Real-Time Facades

Laravel 5.4 introduced a new concept called real-time facades. Rather than creating a new class to make your class’s instance methods available as static methods, you can simply prefix your class’s FQCN with Facades and use it as if it were a facade. Example 11-16 illustrates how this works.

Example 11-16. Using real-time facades
namespace App;

class Charts
    public function burndown()
        // ...
<h2>Burndown Chart</h2>
{{ FacadesAppCharts::burndown() }}

As you can see here, the nonstatic method burndown() becomes accessible as a static method on the real-time facade, which we create by prepending the class’s full name with Facades.

Service Providers

We covered the basics of service providers in the previous chapter (see “Service Providers”). What’s most important with regard to the container is that you remember to register your bindings in the register() method of some service provider somewhere.

You can just dump loose bindings into AppProvidersAppServiceProvider, which is a bit of a catchall, but it’s generally better practice to create a unique service provider for each group of functionality you’re developing and bind its classes in its unique register() method.


The ability to use inversion of control and dependency injection makes testing in Laravel extremely versatile. You can bind a different logger, for instance, depending on whether the app is live or under testing. Or you can change the transactional email service from Mailgun to a local email logger for easy inspection. Both of these swaps are actually so common that it’s even easier to make them using Laravel’s .env configuration files, but you can make similar swaps with any interfaces or classes you’d like.

The easiest way to do this is to explicitly rebind classes and interfaces when you need them rebound, directly in the test. Example 11-17 shows how.

Example 11-17. Overriding a binding in tests
public function test_it_does_something()
    app()->bind(InterfacesLogger, function () {
        return new DevNullLogger;

    // Do stuff

If you need certain classes or interfaces rebound globally for your tests (which is not a particularly common occurrence), you can do this either in the test class’s setUp() method or in Laravel’s TestCase base test’s setUp() method, as shown in Example 11-18.

Example 11-18. Overriding a binding for all tests
class TestCase extends IlluminateFoundationTestingTestCase
    public function setUp()

        app()->bind('whatever', 'whatever else');

When using something like Mockery, it’s common to create a mock or spy or stub of a class and then to rebind that to the container in place of its referent.


Laravel’s service container has many names, but regardless of what you call it, in the end its goal is to make it easy to define how to resolve certain string names as concrete instances. These string names are going to be the fully qualified class names of classes or interfaces, or shortcuts like log.

Each binding teaches the application, given a string key (e.g., app('log')), how to resolve a concrete instance.

The container is smart enough to do recursive dependency resolution, so if you try to resolve an instance of something that has constructor dependencies, the container will try to resolve those dependencies based on their typehints, then pass them into your class, and finally return an instance.

There are a few ways to bind to the container, but in the end they all define what to return, given a particular string.

Facades are simple shortcuts that make it easy to use static calls on a root namespace–aliased class to call nonstatic methods on classes resolved out of the container. Real-time facades allow you to treat any class like a facade by prepending its fully qualified class name with Facades.

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