• 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, The (Klemp/Dethmer/Chapman), 134
  • 80/80 Marriage, The (Klemp/Klemp), 134
  • A
  • Accelerator, mentors (joining), 273
  • Accountant, hiring, 80
  • Adsit, Dennis, 95
  • Affinity organizations, 275–276
  • After actions (retrospectives), 187
  • Alliance, The (Hoffman/Casnocha/Yeh), 148
  • Altman, Jack, 97
  • Ammons, Jeff, 62–63, 119–120
  • Annual contract value (ACV), company sale, 98
  • Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), 044, 48, 53, 98, 116, 251
  • Annual sales price (ASP), question, 41
  • Appendix slides, purpose, 262
  • Applicant tracking system (ATS), 72, 146, 246
  • Ashton, Josh, 202–203
  • Ask for More (Carter), 74
  • Attunement, 156
  • Average sales price (ASP) information, quota, 48
  • B
  • Behavior, company values (impact), 132
  • Beisel, Rachel, 10, 28–29, 254
  • Belonging, building, 143
  • Blake, Colleen, 123
  • Blame, avoidance, 241–242
  • Blanche, Aubrey, 16, 46, 135–137, 229
  • Board of directors
    • altitude, communication, 255
    • appendix/pre‐read material slides, purpose, 262
    • communication, 208–209, 255
    • expectations, 110
    • indicators perceptions, 248
    • interaction process, 205
    • interests, understanding, 210–211
    • meeting, 210, 254
    • members, connection/understanding, 208, 256–257
    • metric, focus, 209
    • overpromising, avoidance, 211
    • presentations, 257–258, 263–265
    • relationship, building, 103, 110, 257
    • reporting, 56
    • success, alignment, 89
  • Board of director slides
    • creation, 258–260
    • narrative‐driven title, 263
    • types, 261–262
  • Brown, Analiese (promotion), 53–56
  • Brown, Jennifer, 135, 185
  • Bryant, Trier, 272
  • Burnout, 229, 241–242
  • Burnout (Nagoski/Nagoski), 229
  • Business
    • accountability, 13–14
    • areas, understanding, 57
    • engineering, leveling up, 62
    • goals, responsibility, 227
    • objectives, data‐driven storytelling (mastery), 59–60
    • performance, 256
    • strategic understanding, 55–56
  • Bussgang, Jeffrey, 4, 22, 43–44, 49, 230, 232, 248–249
  • Butler, Donna, 135, 137
  • C
  • Capital gains clock, 79
  • Carter, Alexandra, 74–75
  • Carter, Mary, 268–269, 271–272
  • Cash, equity (contrast), 83–84
  • Casnocha, Ben, 148
  • Cass, Dave, 182–183
  • Chapman, Diana, 134
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
    • communication expectations, setup, 107
    • interaction process, 205
    • meeting, 70–71
    • one‐on‐one agenda, sample, 105–106
    • preferences, awareness, 207–208
    • relationship, building, 103, 104
    • responsibilities/work, 177–181
    • role, difficulty (startup executive perception), 95–96
    • success, 89, 94
    • trust, building, 106–107
    • values, alignment, 106–107
    • vision, 70–71, 94–95
    • work style, understanding, 206–207
  • Chong, Allen, 128–129
  • Churn, lagging indicator, 49, 214, 230, 246, 248–249
  • Circle of control, understanding, 231–232
  • C‐level team, partnership (building), 59
  • Coaching, support, 275–276
  • Co‐founder relationship
    • assessment, 42–43
    • building, 104
  • Collaboration skills, 116
  • Collaborative leader, improvisation (embracing), 123
  • Colonna, Jerry, 127, 128
  • Command and control leadership, avoidance, 182–183
  • Communication
    • effectiveness, learning, 21
    • plan, creation, 241
    • skills, learning, 193
  • Company
    • big company executives, interaction, 109–110
    • co‐founding, work, 43
    • culture, learning, 131
    • intellectual property (IP), respect, 239
    • internal promotions, 66
    • leader, transition, 33–35
    • problems, solutions, 41
    • values, impact, 132
  • Compassionate bosses, impact, 137–138
  • Compassion, practice, 215–216
  • Compensation
    • bonus compensation, OKRs (relationship), 99
    • breakdown, 74–75
  • Competition market, research, 42
  • Complementary skills, hiring, 121
  • Constructive feedback, usage, 108
  • Consulting, usage, 36–37
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN), 41
  • Cost per acquisition (CAC), question, 41
    • post‐COVID leadership, 197
    • safety officer, hiring, 201–202
    • struggles, 203
  • Cross‐functional department head, failure (reaction), 228
  • Cross‐functional partners
    • rapport, 107
    • roles, understanding, 60
  • Cross‐functional stakeholder buy‐in, 4
  • Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 115
  • Culture
    • creation, 134
    • health, team priority, 158
    • high‐performance team culture, building, 165
    • values, impact, 132–133
  • Culture add, creation, 133
  • Customer
    • knowledge, learning, 193
    • success, 246
  • Customer lifetime value (LTV), increase, 150
  • D
  • D'Anzica, Emilia, 37
  • Dashboards
    • checking, 12
    • usage, 248
  • Data‐driven storytelling, mastery, 59–60
  • Data, importance, 21
  • Data Visualization for Business Professionals (Knafflic), 224
  • Data visualization tools, 248
  • Deal backwards/lead forwards perspectives, 250
  • Demographics, importance, 19
  • Department OKRs snapshot slide (reporting results), R/Y/G (usage), 260
  • Department team, communication, 258
  • Dethmer, Jim, 134
  • Dilbert Principle, avoidance, 242
  • Direct reports, one‐on‐one meetings, 167
  • Dirt Road (startup life stage), 44
  • Disruption, discouragement, 24
  • Diverse and inclusive teams
    • accounting, requirement, 159
    • cultivation, 147
  • Diversity and inclusion (D&I)
    • efforts, 134–135
    • maturity, assessment, 46
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, 272
  • Double arrow, 218
  • Drucker, Peter, 14, 154
  • Duffy, Mollie West, 176
  • Dweck, Carol, 21, 58
  • E
  • Early‐stage startup
    • growth, leading indicators (usage), 250
    • investment, 1
    • joining/promotion, 52–53
    • scale‐up leadership mindset, contrast, 24–25
  • Employees
    • check‐in, 201
    • empathy/boundaries, 171–172
    • empowerment, 157–158
    • experience, competitive advantage, 55
    • poaching, 240
    • problems, care, 185
    • stress, reaction (differences), 217
  • Engineering
    • leader, effectiveness (measurement), 119–120
    • leveling up, 62
  • Entering Startupland (Bussgang), 43
  • Equity, 75–76
    • cash, contrast, 83–84
    • early‐stage equity, usage, 81
    • receiving percentage/value, 76–77
    • tax implications, 79
    • vested equity, exercise, 240
  • Execution‐focused duties, continuation, 53
  • Executive coach, usage, 194
  • Executives. See Startup executives
    • big company executives, interaction, 109–110
    • business skills, 192–193
    • communication plan, creation, 241
    • compensation, research, 75
    • executive‐level leadership, transition (questions), 54–55
    • executive‐level performance, results (connection), 54
    • failure, reaction, 228–229
    • first‐time executives, challenges, 31–32
    • internal promotions, 66
    • non‐executives, differences, 13–14
    • promotion, 52–53
    • responsibilities, 11
    • seat offer, securing, 67
    • specialization, usage, 56
    • startup role, promotion process, 53–56
  • Executives, role, 52–53
    • de‐risking, consulting (usage), 36–37
    • interviewing, 68
    • leveling up, 58–59
    • obtaining, 28–30, 68
  • Executive team, interests/hobbies/family (learning), 111
  • F
  • Failure
    • handling, 228–229
    • meaning, 221
    • permission, 223
    • reframing/learning opportunity, 224–225
  • Failure/improvement, willingness, 21
  • Fair market value (FMV), 79
  • Fame/blame cycle, 235
  • Feedback, usage, 172–173, 222
  • Feelings, embracing/boundaries, 176
  • Feld, Brad, 256
  • Fierce Self‐Compassion (Neff), 216
  • Finance leadership, partnering, 60–61
  • Financial literacy, application, 56
  • Financial metrics, 250
  • Financial shareholders, interaction (willingness), 21
  • First‐time executives, challenges, 31–32
  • Fishkin, Rand, 120, 251, 276
  • Flatirons Tech (LGBTQ+ technology group), founding, 3
  • Flow, 115
  • Fosselien, Liz, 176
  • Frei, Frances, 19, 133, 135, 158, 165
  • Front Range, tech inclusion (increase), 3
  • G
  • Ghidinelli, Kate, 195
  • Gil, Elad, 116
  • Glassdoor
    • compensation research, 75
    • reviews, problems, 72
    • usage, 42
  • Great CEO Within, The (Mochary), 35
  • Grove, Andrew, 193
  • Growth mindset, 21
  • Grunwald, Katrin, 173
  • H
  • Hamilton, Arlan, 135
  • Happiness/fulfillment timeline, 125–126
  • Harada, Matt, 36, 66, 76, 118, 176, 177, 182, 217–218
  • Harts, Minda, 127, 135
  • Hasson, Gill, 135, 137
  • Heilbronner, Sue, 28, 161, 269
  • Heinz, Matt, 92, 96
  • Hendricks, Gay, 161
  • High Growth Handbook (Gil), 116
  • High Output Management (Grove), 193
  • High‐performance team culture, building, 165
  • High‐performing team, building/leading (startup executive responsibility), 15–16
  • Highway (startup life stage), 44
  • Hiring
    • accountant, hiring, 80
    • complementary skills, search, 121
    • deal, negotiation problems, 84–85
    • internal/external hiring, contrast, 64–65
    • lawyer, hiring, 81–82
    • plan, assessment, 92
    • process, 68, 72–73, 147
    • talent retention, 148
    • team hiring, 145
  • Hoffman, Reid, 148
  • Holloway Guide to Equity Compensation, The, 76
  • How to Be an Inclusive Leader (Brown), 135
  • I
  • Ideal customer profile (ICP), question, 41
  • Improvisation, embracing, 123
  • Inclusive leader, learning investment, 185
  • Inclusive teams, creation, 134–135
  • Individuality, respect, 138
  • Information technology industry, global economic impact, 2
  • Innocenzi, Sarah, 122–123
  • Internal promotions, CEO perspective, 63–64
  • Interviewing, 68–69, 73
    • LGBTQ+ status, revealing, 71
  • It's About Damn Time (Hamilton), 135
  • J
  • Jobs, time off, 241
  • Joy, Melanie, 126
  • Jungle (startup life stage), 44
  • Just Work (Scott), 20, 104, 154
  • K
  • Kaarna, Kalev, 159
  • Kennada, Anthony, 257–258
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs), 209, 247, 251
  • Khosrowshahi, Dara, 133
  • King, Dave, 125–126
  • Klemp, Kaley/Nate, 134
  • Knafflic, Cole, 121, 224, 260
  • Kupor, Scott, 78
  • L
  • Lagging indicators, 246
  • Lauck, Mindy, 30, 106–107, 208, 234
  • Lawyer, hiring, 81–82
  • Leaders
    • collaborative leader, improvisation (embracing), 123
    • details, attention, 154
    • development, mentorship support, 268–269
    • engineering leader, effectiveness (measurement), 119–120
    • inclusive leader, learning investment, 185
    • preferences, awareness, 207–208
    • scalability, 225
    • scaling startups hiring, 21–22
  • Leadership
    • command and control leadership, avoidance, 182–183
    • executive‐level leadership, transition (questions), 54–55
    • finance leadership, partnering, 60–61
    • post‐COVID leadership, 197
    • relationships, establishment, 34
    • startup leadership, advancement opportunity, 234
    • team, alignment decision/communication expectations, 45, 107
    • transition, 28
  • Leadership Development, industry value, 3–4
  • Leading indicators, 246, 250
  • Learning mindset (growth mindset), embracing, 58
  • LinkedIn, usage, 42, 45
  • M
  • MacCaw, Alex, 35
  • Making of a Manager, The (Zhuo), 193
  • Management, 205
    • experience, importance, 20
    • skills, learning, 193
    • style, gestures (impact), 169
  • Market, business performance (comparison), 256
  • Marketing executive, accountability, 14
  • Marketing OKRs, setting, 98–99
  • Marketing qualified leads (MQLs), 246
  • Market knowledge, learning, 193
  • McKenna, Samantha, 29
    • promotion, 31–32
  • McLemore, Taylor, 223
  • Meetings
    • number, control, 169
    • productivity, problems/warning signs, 170
  • Mehta, Nick, 25, 63–64, 93, 208–209, 260
  • Memo, The (Harts), 127, 135
  • Mental Health and Well‐being in the Workplace (Hasson/Butler), 135, 137
  • “Mentor Madness,” 273
  • Mentors, 273–274
    • answers, availability, 269–270
    • care, 271–272
    • recruitment/enlistment, 66, 270–271
  • Mentorship, 267–269
    • equality promotion, 272
    • impact, scaling, 276–277
    • informal mentorship, usage, 276
  • Metrics, 12
  • Mindset (Dweck), 58
  • Mission, team comprehension, 150–151
  • Mistakes, handling/navigation, 162, 163–164
  • Mochary, Matt, 35
  • Morriss, Anne, 19, 135, 165
  • Motley, Chris, 94, 273–274, 276–277
  • N
  • Nagoski, Emily/Amelia, 229
  • National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT), 2, 3
  • Neff, Kristen, 216
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS), 45, 229
    • question, 41
  • Net Retention, question, 41
  • Net revenue retention (NRR), 246, 247
  • Networking, usage, 267
  • No Hard Feelings (Fosselien/Duffy), 176
  • No Meeting Day, usage, 163
  • Non‐founder startup team member, promotion, 30
  • Notice, giving (process/expectation), 238–239
  • O
  • Objectives and Key Results (OKRs), 246
    • bonus compensation, relationship, 99
    • bonuses, connection, 151
    • department OKRs snapshot slide (reporting results), R/Y/G (usage), 260
    • goal setting, relationship, 168
    • leverage, 200
    • problems, 227
    • reporting, 13
    • setting, 97–99, 151
    • tracking, 12
    • understanding, 157
  • One‐on‐ones, creation/improvement, 167
  • On target earnings (OTE), goal, 74
  • “On the Bus or Off the Bus” conversation, 232–233
  • Operating cadence, predictability (creation), 200
  • Option pool plan, sample, 77–78
  • Organization
    • chart, design, 145–146
    • startup executive value, proving, 90–91
  • Outcomes/activity contrast, measures, 247
  • Ownership, 176, 182
    • micromanagement, contrast, 157
    • proactive approach, 54
  • P
  • Parcells, 94–95
  • Peacock, Chris, 11, 233
  • Peer mentor, support, 274
  • Peers, negative feedback strategies (navigation), 219–220
  • Penner, Julie, 176
  • Peper, Erik, 174–175
  • Perel, Esther, 42–43, 139
  • Performance, measurement (CEO interaction), 251–252
  • Personal advisors, development, 270–271
  • Personal life, professional life (wall), 35
  • Personal retrospectives, usage, 123–126
  • Pivots, navigation, 230–231, 233
  • Pocrnick, Therese, 184–186
  • Post‐COVID leadership, 197
  • Power imbalance, abuse (avoidance), 17
  • Pre‐read material, purpose, 262
  • Presentation
    • skills, learning, 193
    • storytelling approach, 257–258
    • technology stack, understanding/practice, 69
  • Problems, understanding, 153
  • Project management skills, 116
  • Promotions
    • examples, 30–32
    • expectations, 221–222
  • Psychological safety, cultivation/building, 137, 162, 183–184
  • Public speaker, gravitas, 225
  • Q
  • Qualification by association, bias (removal), 20
    • samples, 41
  • Quantitative measurement tools, comfort, 247–248
  • Quant tools, comfort, 248
  • Quarterly Business Review (QBR), 69
    • presentation, 90–91, 99–101, 254
    • reporting, 13
  • Questions
    • importance, 40
  • Quitting, decision, 223–224, 232
  • R
  • Radical Candor (Scott), 20, 104, 154, 172
  • Rand, Erin, 33–35, 224, 238, 241–242
  • Rand, Ray, 242
  • Recruitment, 143
  • Red‐yellow‐green check‐ins, 176
  • Relationships, building, 103, 104, 110, 205, 257
  • Remote work, usage, 199
  • Reports
    • direct reports, one‐on‐one meetings, 167
    • owner perspective, 182
  • Respect, usage/importance, 217–218
  • Retrospectives
    • start‐stop‐continue, 187–188
    • usage, 187
  • Revenue Collective, compensation research, 75
  • Revenue, lagging indicator, 248
  • Rex, John, 11, 22–23
  • Rice, Jennifer, 37
  • Ruinous empathy, 152, 172
  • S
  • Safety protocols, 201–202
  • Salary haircut, 47
  • Scale‐up leadership mindset, early‐stage startup (contrast), 24–25
  • Scaling, difficulty, 23
  • Scaling startups, leaders (entry), 21–22
  • Scorecards, usage, 248
  • Scott, Kim, 20, 104, 152, 154, 172
  • Secrets of Sand Hill Road (Kupor), 78
  • Self‐compassion, practice, 216
  • Senesi, Chris, 21
  • Serviceable addressable market (SAM), question, 41
  • Setbacks, 223, 226–227
  • Shah, Hiten, 206–207, 230, 232, 235
  • Shareholders, reporting, 56
  • Short‐terms wins/long‐term priorities, balancing, 96
  • Skip levels, problems, 173
  • Smith, Nicole Wojno, 58–59, 210–211, 274
  • Software, presentation, 69
  • Sponsorship, support, 275
  • Spreadsheets, usage, 248
  • Stakeholders, work style (understanding), 108
  • Start‐stop‐continue, 187–188
  • Startup
    • adversity, 230
    • diversity and inclusion, maturity (assessment), 46
    • ecosystem
      • mentorship, impact, 268
      • transparency, increase, 10
    • founder, average age, 19
    • hiring process, 68, 72–73
    • leadership, importance, 1
    • leveling up, 191
    • life, stages, 44
    • pivot, conversion, 234
    • selection, 40
    • stage, 43–44, 48–49
    • startup‐stage risk tolerance, 47
    • values, understanding, 132
  • Startup Boards (Feld), 256
  • Startup career
    • challenges, 32
    • growth, 267
    • transition, 2
  • Startup executives
    • accomplishments, early focus, 93
    • accountability, 13–14
    • accountant, hiring, 80
    • behavior, leading, 153
    • boundaries, creation, 128–129
    • burnout, 229
    • cash/equity, contrast, 83–84
    • CEO role perception, 95–96
    • circle of control, understanding, 231–232
    • commitment, 16
    • communication/processes, feedback (usage), 172–173
    • company leader, transition, 33–35
    • compensation breakdown, 74–75
    • context level, elevation, 18
    • decisions, agreement, 233
    • departmental understanding, 15
    • development, 49
    • differences, 9
    • disagreements, 108
    • early‐stage equity, 81
    • empowerment, 5
    • equity, 75–77, 79
    • external/internal hiring, contrast, 64–65
    • feedback, providing, 12
    • functions, 11, 54
    • goals, defining, 89
    • growth, acceleration problem, 226
    • high‐performing team, building/leading, 15–16
    • hiring deal, negotiation problems, 84–85
    • impact, 91–92, 218–220
    • improvement areas, inventory list, 192–193
    • involvement level, comfort, 47–48
    • motivation, 55–56, 122
    • non‐executive startup employees, companionship/camaraderie (reduction), 16–17
    • notice, giving (process/expectation), 238–239
    • offer, 73–75
    • offer letter/contract (review), lawyer (hiring), 81–82
    • operating cadence, predictability (creation), 200
    • option pool plan, sample, 77–78
    • outsourcing, 128
    • performance measurement, CEO interaction, 251–252
    • power imbalance, abuse (avoidance), 17
    • priorities, change, 198–199
    • privilege, understanding/impact, 126–127
    • promotion, 53–56
    • qualifications, 18–20
    • quitting, decision, 223–224, 232, 236
    • results, communication, 54, 252
    • risk/reward, contrast, 75–76
    • schedule, 12–13
    • self‐knowledge, personal retrospectives (usage), 123–126
    • selves/shadow sides, embracing, 127
    • shortcomings, 120–121
    • strengths, identification, 115–117
    • tactical/strategic approach, balancing, 57
    • talent delegation, learning, 24
    • title, negotiation, 82
    • underrepresented group, impact, 163–164
    • value, proving, 90–91
    • vesting schedule, understanding, 78
  • Startup executives, role
    • alignment, 54
    • departure, 236
    • exit, questions, 236–237
    • obtaining, 64–66
    • onboarding, 90–91
    • scaling, 54
  • Startup fit
    • examples, 45–46
    • questions, importance, 40
  • Startup leaders
    • equity/cap tables, information, 84
    • expectations, 25
    • onboarding, 96
    • pivots, navigation, 230–231
    • qualifications/skills, importance, 20–21
    • scaling, 22–23
    • self‐relationship, 114–115
    • trust, building, 133–134
  • Startup leadership, advancement opportunity, 234
  • Storytelling With Data (Knafflic), 121
  • Straight talk, 71
  • Strengths, identification, 115–117
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT), 95
  • Stress, reaction (differences), 217
  • Stretch projects, 58
  • Success, 94, 176, 182
    • CEO/board alignment, 89
    • culture, building, 166
    • measurement, 245
    • measures, 249–250
    • proof, 35–36
    • track record, importance, 20
  • Support circle, usage, 159
  • T
  • Tactical skills, assessment, 192
  • Talent
    • delegation, learning, 24
    • retention, 148
  • Target market quota, 48
  • Teams
    • balance, creation, 135–136
    • bench dream team, recruitment, 61
    • bonuses/OKRs, connection, 151
    • “Can We Talk” messages, avoidance, 170–171
    • C‐level team, partnership (building), 59
    • comfort, 160–161
    • communication expectations, setup, 107
    • company culture, defining, 131
    • conflicts, 154, 173
    • culture, 158, 165
    • delivery, empowerment, 161
    • department team, communication, 258
    • diverse and inclusive teams, cultivation, 147
    • empowerment, 63, 158–159
    • executive team, interests/hobbies/family (learning), 111
    • fun, 186
    • health/wellness, understanding, 138
    • hiring, 145
    • inclusive teams, creation, 134–135
    • inclusivity (support), work expectations (creation), 136
    • inheriting, approach, 144–145
    • interaction, agreements, 164
    • members
      • knowledge/recruitment, 139, 143–144
      • underperformance, actions, 152, 226–227
    • mission comprehension, 150–151
    • mistakes, handling/safety, 162, 183–184
    • OKRs, setting, 151
    • “On the Bus or Off the Bus” conversation, 232–233
    • pandemic leadership, 202–203
    • performance cadence, creation, 166–167
    • problem‐solving, teaching, 184
    • problems, understanding, 153
    • psychological safety, cultivation, 137, 183–184
    • relationship, building, 103
    • relaxation, usage, 174–175
    • reporting, accountability (usage), 252
    • research, 42
    • resources, availability, 159–160
    • rhythm, repair (practice/usage), 186
    • roadmap, creation, 164
    • schedules/time zones, handling, 200
    • scorecard, creation, 146
    • startup executive outsourcing, 128
    • startup leader trust, building, 133–134
    • structure, assessment, 92
    • support, 138, 183
    • supportive culture, creation, 133
    • time off, ensuring, 174
    • voices/wisdom, retrospectives (usage), 187
  • Technology inclusion, increase, 3
  • Tech Stress (Peper), 174–175
  • Tedrick, Susanne, 2, 127, 135
  • Therapy, usage, 171–172, 195
  • Total addressable market (TAM), questions, 40, 41, 70
  • Triangulation, 220, 235
  • Trust, building, 106–107, 133–134, 158–159
  • Twitter, usage, 45
  • Tyson, Mike, 230
  • U
  • Unleashed (Frei/Morriss), 133, 135
  • V
  • Valentine, Gerry, 24–25, 210–211, 232–233
  • Value, adding (focus), 122–123
  • Vegan Matrix, The (Joy), 126
  • Venture capitalist (VC) portfolio, business performance (comparison), 256
  • Vested equity, exercising, 240
  • Visibility, absence (problem), 2
  • W
  • Weaknesses, addressing/handling, 117–119
  • Wensel, April, 123–125
  • Women of Color in Tech (Tedrick), 2, 127, 135
  • Work
    • environment, flexibility/cultivation, 175
    • expectations, creation, 136
    • in‐person gathering, safety protocols, 201–202
    • owning, 14
    • privilege, impact/understanding, 126–127
    • style, understanding, 206–207
  • Workplace injustices, 154
  • Y
  • Yeh, Chris, 148
  • Z
  • Zhuo, Julie, 193
  • Zone of Excellence, 161
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