
Active listening, 111–116

Agile organizational culture, 138

Appreciative recognition, 87

Aristotle, 104

Authority, persuasion principle, 106–107

Autonomy, high-performance motivation, 58

Behavior, Dilt’s logical levels of leadership, 20


limbic system, 80–83

long-term measures, 87–88

prefrontal cortex, 83–85

short-term measures, 86–87

Bureaucratic culture, 137

Change management, 148–150

Cialdini, Robert, 105

Cocoon leadership, 27

Combat breathing, 86

Commitment, persuasion principle, 107

Communication, 16–17

Communication inhibition, 122

Conscious intervention, 86

Consensus culture, 137

Consensus, persuasion principle, 107

Culture, 16

organizational, 137–139

paradigm, 139–140

Dahl, Roald, 140

Delegation, 17, 27–29

Dilt’s logical levels of leadership, 19–20

Discipline, 16

Environment, Dilt’s logical levels of leadership, 20

Extrinsic motivation, 50–54, 56

Extrinsic motivators, 57

False assumptions, 40–43

Feedback, 108–111

Fishbowl, 130–131

Forming phase, team development, 98, 100

Functional fixedness, 53

Golden circle, 13–16

Heath brothers, 122

Hierarchical culture, 138

High-performance motivation

autonomy, 58

mastery, 59

overview of, 57–58

purpose, 59–60

Idealized influence, 94

Identity, 18–22

IDV. See Individualism versus collectivism

If-then framework position, 52

I-Message, 111

IND. See Indulgence versus restraint

Individualism versus collectivism (IDV), 136

Individualized consideration, 94–95

Indulgence versus restraint (IND), 136–137

Influence, the Power of Persuasion (Cialdini), 105

Inhibition, 86

Inspirational motivation, 94

Instrumental stress competence, 67–70

Intellectual stimulation, 95

Intrinsic motivation, 51–57

Intrinsic motivators, 57

Jaggedness principle, 33–35

Knowledge and skills, Dilt’s logical levels of leadership, 20

Labeling, 86


case studies, 3–8

cocoon, 27

compass, 145–148

definitions of, 89–90

golden circle, 13–16

identity, 18–22

logical levels of, 19–20

Peter Principle, 25–27

player-coach, 29–31

situational, 95–97

styles, 89–91

taking responsibility, 2–3

transformational vs. transactional, 92–95

underestimate of leaders, 1–3

in workplace, 25

you are here-case study, 8–10

Leadership by kitchen table (Lorenzen), 16

Leadership value mindmap, 11

Liking, persuasion principle, 107

Limbic system, 80–83

Logical levels of leadership, 19–20

Long-term measures, brain, 87–88

Long-term orientation (LTO), 136

Lorenzen, Christiaan, 16

LTO. See Long-term orientation

Make it Stick (Heath brothers), 122

MAS. See Masculine and feminine attitudes

Masculine and feminine attitudes (MAS), 136

Mastery, high-performance motivation, 59

Mental stress competence, 70–72

Metacognition, 87

Mindfulness, 87

Mindset of bee, 35–36


extrinsic, 50–54, 56

high-performance, 57–60

intrinsic, 51–57

Norming phase, team development, 99, 100

Organizational cultures, 137–139

Patriarchal culture, 137

PDI. See Power distance index

PDP. See Personal development project

Peer consultation, 128–129

Performing phase, team development, 99–100

Personal development project (PDP), 146

Persuasion principles

authority, 106–107

commitment, 107

consensus, 107

liking, 107

reciprocity, 105

scarcity, 105–106

Peter Principle, 25–27

PFC. See Prefrontal cortex

Player-coach, 29–31

Poker chips, 127–128

Power culture, 137

Power distance index (PDI), 136

Prefrontal cortex (PFC), 83–85

Principle of rhetoric, 104–105

Reappraisal, 86

Reciprocity, persuasion principle, 105

Regenerative stress competence, 72–74

Reinterpretation, 86

Rhetoric principles, 104–105

Role model, transformational leader, 141–143

Sawyer effect, 55

Scarcity, persuasion principle, 105–106

Self-management, 16

Short-term measures, brain, 86–87

Simulations, 130

Situational leadership, 95–97

6 hats, 129–130

Status quo, 49–51

Storming phase, team development, 98–99, 100

Strength orientation, 17

Strengths-based leadership, 44–45

Strengths orientation, 36

Strengths-oriented mindset, 42–43

Strengths research, 43–46


prototypical attitudes, 67

warning signs, 67

Stress competence

instrumental, 67–70

mental, 70–72

regenerative, 72–74

Stressor–attitude–reaction, 66

Talent-oriented training effects, 43–44

Talking stick, 127

Team culture, 137

Team development

forming phase, 98, 100

norming phase, 99, 100

performing phase, 99–100

storming phase, 98–99, 100

Time management toolbox, 74–77

Transactional leadership, 92–95

Transformational communication

fishbowl, 130–131

peer consultation, 128–129

poker chips, 127–128

simulations, 130

6 hats, 129–130

talking stick, 127

Transformational leader role model, 141–143

Transformational leadership, 92–95

Translation, 123–125

Transparency, 17

The Twits (Dahl), 140

UAI. See Uncertainty avoidance index

Uncertainty avoidance index (UAI), 136

Values, belief, and attitudes, Dilt’s logical levels of leadership, 20

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