Twenty years have passed since I completed the first edition. As it is with most things, “being away” for a while and then looking back can bring fresh perspective. For me, this reflective opportunity brought me face-to-face with an essential question: “What is the real purpose of this book?”

Certainly, one purpose of Leadership from the Inside Out is to provide growth resources for your personal and leadership transformation. But I hope its contribution is more than that. I hope that it goes beyond helping individuals grow. Imagine a critical mass of authentic leaders, who express their gifts and create life-enriching value through energetic, courageous, purpose-driven leadership. Imagine an organization like that, a community like that, or a nation like that. Envisioning a better world seems less like an idealized fantasy when you think of what a critical mass of authentic, transformative leaders could achieve. As you move forward, I hope that you will accept the challenge not to get lost in your own growth. The purpose of your transformation is to radiate your gifts in the service of others. Growth is much more meaningful and fulfilling when it touches and enriches the lives of others.

As powerful as one authentic leader can be for an organization, a critical mass of leaders growing from the inside out can greatly accelerate an organization’s progress. The chairman and CEO of a firm invited me to breakfast to discuss a new coaching candidate. When I arrived at the restaurant, I was surprised to be greeted by the entire executive management team, minus the coaching candidate. In our meeting, we focused on the “issues” of their fellow executive and how each member of the team perceived what he needed in order to improve.

After listening to their concerns, I was confident that we could help the individual, but that was not the real issue. Formulating what I sensed was the actual organizational need, I challenged the team. “What are each of you doing to grow as leaders in order to grow your organization?” In spite of their extremely aggressive business plans, no one could respond to my question. Clarifying my question, I said, “We can help Fred, but the real organizational issue is not to improve Fred’s performance. The real issue is: How are you preparing yourselves for success together?”

Leaving the meeting, I felt that although I had isolated their real needs, I had likely lost a potential account. Two days later, however, the chairman and CEO called me and said, “We listened to your counsel and felt you were right on target. I would like to discuss how all the members of our senior team, including me, could engage in coaching along with Fred.” Within four months, the entire team was deeply involved in growth together. A critical mass of individuals was now rapidly transforming the organization.

The chairman was now ready to let go of the CEO responsibilities and was using his inner awareness to look with a broader lens at the longer-term future of the company. No member of the senior team wanted the CEO job, so an external search was initiated. Key members of the team began to transform their roles, and new positions were created that energized the company and addressed strategic issues. A common language about leadership, purpose, and growth permeated the organization. A new culture, one that would support growth and transformation, was now on its way. Like this company, leaders and organizations that invest in purpose-driven performance will thrive for decades to come.

I hope that, inspired by these principles, stories, and practices, you will continue the journey we have started. I also hope you will share your blessings with others—share them with your organization, your customers, and your loved ones. Together we can transform our world.

There are stars whose radiance is visible on earth though they have long been extinct. There are people whose brilliance continues to light the world though they are no longer among the living. These lights are particularly bright when the night is dark. They light the way for mankind.

—Hannah Senesh

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