3M Company, 105

“50 Most Powerful Women in Business” (Fortune), 114

100 Things You Need to Know: Best People Practices for Managers & HR (Eichinger, Lombardo, and Ulrich), 112

100-year-olds, 155

360° assessment/interview, 26, 41, 44, 102, 188

Coaching Mastery and, 203–4

Inside-Out 360°, 110–11

Outside-In 360°, 110–11

720° Development, 110–11, 112

A3 (Action, Acknowledgment, and Ambition), 89–90

Abilene Paradox, 103

accountability, 204

achievement, 108

The Achieving Society (McClelland), 18, 108

Adams, John, 178

Adams, John Quincy, 205

adapability, 127, 136–37, 143

agility, 15, 41–42, 113, 128, 137, 141

Change Agility, 129, 140–41

Learning Agility, 128–29, 139, 143

Alexion, 91, 92

ambiguity, 127, 129, 137

Andelman, Bob, 158

Angelou, Maya, 14–15, 46, 111, 181

appreciation, 120–22

Archimedes, 172

Arenander, Alarik, 170

Arendt, Hannah, 57

Arthur, Brian, 171

Arthur D. Little, 138–39

Aspen Institute, 85

aspirational statements, 48, 75

aspirational themes, 87

assessment instruments, 41. See also 360° assessment/interview

Association for Talent Development, 194

Assumption of Positive Intent (API), 111

A.T. Kearney, 5, 89, 138

athletes, 158, 195–96

Atlantic, 68

attention, directing, 140

authenticity, 4–5, 7, 14

beliefs and, 20–23, 24

building image vs., 31

courageous practice of, 26–28

defined, 17

influence and, 119–20

know thyself, 117–18

listening, 117–19

Personal Mastery and, 16–19, 26–28

Story Mastery and, 50–52

test of, 19

author, Greek root, 28

authoritarian leadership, 18

awareness, types of, 140. See also self-awareness

baby boomers, 137

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 204

Bacon, Terry, 28–29

Baert, Steven, 171, 198

balancing, 6, 7

Baxalta, 91–92

Baxter, 91

Bayer, 2, 76

Bayer Crop Science, 49

Being Mastery, 12, 167–84

“Being breaks, ” 183

connecting with inner self, 178–80

“Descartes” before the “source, ” 173–74

executive presence and, 180–81

going to another level, 169–71, 183

leadership benefits, 181–83

Leadership Growth Plan, 184

personal journey into Being, 167–68

principles, 183

reflection, 177

search for something more, 172–73

techniques to unfold, 174–77

beliefs: authenticity and, 20–23, 24

bringing to conscious awareness, 39–40. See also Conscious Beliefs

Shadow Beliefs

Bennis, Warren, 32, 84, 98, 118, 120, 190

Berkus, Rusty, 202

Bhagavad-Gita, 164, 201

Bierce, Ambrose, 111

The Biology of Belief (Lipton), 20

BioScience, 91

Birth of the Chaordic Age (Hock), 123

blind spots, 15

Block, Peter, 108, 122, 137

“BNP Paribas Global Entrepreneur Report 2016, ” 137

body, 25, 34, 148, 190–91

healthy lifestyle, 149–51

mind-body awareness, 161–62

Bohm, David, 206

Booz Allen Hamilton, 85

Boyatzis, Richard, 18

Bridges, William, 128

Briefings, 150

Brousseau, Kenneth, 15

Brown, Brené, 65, 67

Brown, Dale, 45–46

Brown, Les, 193

Bruce, Lenny, 120

Bryant, Kobe, 195–96

Buber, Martin, 107

Buddha, 116

Build Awareness, 43, 44, 193, 200–202

Build Commitment, 43, 188, 190–93

Build Practice, 43, 188, 193–96, 203–5

best practices for, 205–6

Built to Last (Collins), 193

Burnison, Gary, 80

Burns, Ken, 47

business, 75

Business Design Associates, 120

Businessweek, 41

Cable, Dan, 50

Cairo, Peter, 132

California Personality Inventory 260®, 41

Campbell, Joseph, 47, 49, 71, 168

Camus, Albert, 150

Cantor, Eddie, 152

capitalism, 75

sustainable, 76

career stallers and stoppers, 15

Cargill, 26

caring confrontation, 120

Carlson Companies, 114

Carlyle, Thomas, 29

Casals, Pablo, 195, 65, 66, 190

Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), 127, 128, 149–50

CEO of Change, 137–38

Ceridian, 105, 164

Change Agility, 129, 140–41

Change Mastery, 12, 125–46

breaking old patterns and opening up, 130–32

bridging paradox of immediate focus and broad awareness, 134–35

CEO of Change, 137–38

change initiatives rarely succeed, 138–39

change yourself … change the world, 138

complex challenges, 127–28

creation and destruction, 131–32

leadership development measured by ability to adapt, 136–37

Leadership Growth Plan, 146

Learning Agility, 128–29, 139, 143

measuring ability to deal with change, 142–43

neuroscience, 139–40

present-moment awareness to deal with, 132–34

principles, 143–45

reflection, 142

resistance as losing battle, 130

seven shifts, 141

trusting oneself, 135–36

uncovering learning and growth, 126–29

Character, 13–14, 28–36, 111

influence and, 119–20

qualities of, 30–33

reflections, 34. See also Coping

Chardin, Teilhard de, 96

“charm-school” programs, 9, 35–36

Chesterton, G. K., 108

Chief Executive Institute, 1, 89

Chief Learning Officer magazine, 7

Churchill, Winston, 114, 123

Ciba-Geigy, 197

Cities on the Move (Toynbee), 137

clarity, 1, 41, 53, 88, 92, 93, 111

Change Mastery and, 127, 129

coaching, 41, 45, 106, 121

Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others (Flaherty), 106

Coaching Mastery, 12, 43, 185–206

art of coaching others, 197–200

Build Awareness, 188, 189–90, 193, 200–202

Build Commitment, 188, 190–93

Build Practice, 188, 193–96, 203–5

Build Practice, best practices for, 205–6

commitment, 202–3

Expert Coaching, 200

Integrative Coaching, 200

mentoring, 200

merging three interelated steps, 187

Pattern Coaching, 200

reflections, 192–93, 196

teams and, 207–8

Transformative Coaching, 200

types of coaching, 199–200

co-creating, 204, 205

Coelho, Paul, 69

co-learning, 2, 145

collaboration, 5, 15, 103–4

Build Practice, 204, 205

control vs., 32–33

Interpersonal Mastery and, 102

Collins, Jim, 18, 80, 105, 193

commitment, 188

Coaching Mastery, 188, 190–93, 202–3

communication, 122

purpose-driven, 4–5

compassion, 61–63, 201

competencies, 3–4, 29, 137

multiple strengths, 102

complex challenges, 127–28

Condon, Liam, 49

Connolly, Mickey, 122

Conscious Beliefs, 20–22, 38

reflection, 24

consciousness, 175

consequences, 202

constituencies, multiple, 4–6, 107, 147

constructive conflict, 115–16

context, 15–16, 128–29

control, 32–33, 44, 141

conviction, 1, 17

Coping, 28–36, 143

building image vs. building authenticity, 31

control vs. collaboration, 32–33

defensiveness, fear, withdrawal, or a desire to win at all costs, 29

image, safety, security, comfort, or control, 29

reflections, 34

safety, security, and comfort vs. purpose, 31–32. See also Character

Core Development, 89–90, 129

core legacy, 80

Core Purpose, 80, 82

“moving upstairs” to, 90

revealing, 87–89

teams, 97. See also Purpose Mastery

Core Talents, 77, 78, 82

identifying, 83–84

reflection, 84

Core Values, 7, 9, 49, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82

recognizing, 84–87

reflection, 87

Cornell, Brian, 150–51

The Corporate Athlete: How to Achieve Maximal Performance in Business and Life (Groppel and Andelman), 158

The Corporate Mystic (Hendricks and Ludeman), 31, 35, 180–81

courage, 4–5, 7, 40, 190, 191

Coaching Mastery and, 201

Interpersonal Mastery and, 103–4

Personal Mastery and, 17, 26–28

as top competency, 29

Covestro, 50

Crandell, Stu, 29, 137

creativity, 96

critical mass of leaders, 207

criticism, 121

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 83, 91

Cudney, Milton, 23

Cultural Revolution (China), 53–54

culture, 104

Dahl, Jonathan, 150

Dalai Lama, 181, 182

Dalla Costa, John, 106

Davidson, Richard, 140, 170

De Pree, Max, 203

Dee, Jonathan, 71

defensiveness, 15, 29, 78, 110

Dekkers, Marijn, 76, 101

Demian (Hesse), 39

developmental perspective, 8

Dhammapada, 173

Diageo, 108, 172

digital fast, 163

Dilts, Joe, 56–57

Dinesen, Isak, 48

Dinos, Elaine, 80

directness, 114–15, 120, 201

disaster scenarios, 23

disconnected leaders, 51

Disraeli, Benjamin, 83

diversity, 27, 113

documentaries, 47

“Doing Well by Doing Good” (Polman), 76

Dotlich, David, 132

dynamic loop, 6

Ebeling, Thomas, 121, 198

Edmund Fitzgerald (Lightfoot), 125

ego, 18

Eichinger, Bob, 79–80, 105, 113, 128

Einstein, Albert, 7, 119, 169

The Elements of Power (Bacon), 28–29

Eliot, T.S., 179

“The Emergence of the ‘Millennipreneur, ’”137

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 6, 98, 109, 118, 122, 159, 180, 183, 197

emotional detachment, 69, 86, 122

emotional intelligence, 6, 18, 108

emotional responses, 25

emotions, 66

empathy, 48

enduring value, 5, 12

energy, 122

energy leadership, 147, 151–53, 159–60

engagement, 101–2

entrepreneurship, 137–38

Etex, 88, 205

The Ethical Imperative (Dalla Costa), 106

ethics, 106–7

executive presence, 180–81

executive syndrome, 25–26

Executive to Leader Institute, 111, 129, 154

exercise, 159–60

expressiveness, 28

external results, 3

unintentional focus on, 8–9

The Extraordinary Leader (Zenger and Folkman), 102

failure, 14–15

change initiatives rarely succeed, 138–39

fear of, 22–23

freedom-to-fail environment, 136

Purpose Mastery and, 98

feedback, 25, 27, 31, 38, 85

360° assessment/interview, 26, 41, 44, 102, 110–11

caring confrontation, 120

criticism, 121

executives and, 112

listening to, 40–41

Feldman, Janet, 80, 128, 131

The Fifth Discipline (Senge), 15

Financial Times, 82, 127

Fisher, Anne, 172

five lives exercise, 87

“Five Whys, ”203

Flaherty, James, 106

“flat” world, 18

flexibility, 42, 98, 127, 143, 144, 200

Flores, Fernando, 120

flow, 83, 91

Flowers, Betty Sue, 107, 171

Folkman, Joseph, 102, 193–94

Forbes, Malcolm, 3, 17

Foreman, George, 20

Fortune, 114

Fortune 500, 139, 149

Foucauld, Charles de, 173

Franklin, Benjamin, 120, 130

freedom-to-fail environment, 136

Friedman, Thomas, 18

fugitives from ourselves, 16

Fuller, Buckminster, 136

Gaeddert, Dee, 199

Gandhi, Mahatma, 197

Gardner, Howard, 19, 70

Gardner, John, 16

General Electric, 28

George, Bill, 5–6

Gide, André, 132

The Gifts of Imperfection (Brown), 65

Gino, Francesca, 50

giving, 123

Global Business Policy Council, 5, 89

Global Personality Inventory®, 41

goals: paths vs., 97

purpose vs., 90–91

“go-beyond” coaching practice, 205

Goddard Space Flight Center, 92

Goleman, Daniel, 6, 18, 122, 128, 140, 190

Good to Great (Collins), 18, 80

Gorsky, Alex, 95

Gottmann, John, 121

Graves, Jamen, 194

grayness, 127

The Greatest Story Ever Told, 71

Green, John Mark, 42

Greenleaf Servant Leadership Conference, 123

Groppel, Jack, 158

growth process, 3, 7, 12, 41, 186, 206, 207

GSK Consumer, 93

The Guardian (Fuller), 136

Guenther, Andreas, 2

Hantson, Ludwig, 91–92

Hardy, Robert, 23

Hargrove, Robert, 198, 199–200, 201

Harvard Business Review, 15, 48, 50, 152

Harvard Study of Adult Development, 162–63

Harvey, Jerry, 103

Hawking, Stephen, 137

Hawley, Jack, 90

Hay Group, 39, 101–2, 108

Hay Inventory of Leadership Styles®, 41

Head, Heart and Guts: How the World’s Best Companies Develop Complete Leaders (Dotlich, Cairo, and Rhinesmith), 132

healthy lifestyle, 149–51

The Heart Aroused (Whyte), 17

Heider, John, 164

Hemingway, Ernest, 156

Hendricks, Gay, 31, 35, 180–81, 186

Heraclitus, 13, 126

The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Campbell), 47

“Hero’s Journey, ” 47, 49

Hesse, Hermann, 39

Hesselbein, Frances, 39

Hewitt, Brad, 116

hierarchial, 5

Hinckley, Bryant, 123

His Dark Materials (Pullman), 47

Hit Makers (Thompson), 68

Hock, Dee, 123

Hogan Development Survey®, 41

Hogan Personality Inventory®, 41

holistic approach, 11, 81, 116, 158, 171, 194. See also whole person

honesty, 27

Hoover Institute, 139

Hourihan, Gary, 15

Hours with Our Leaders (Hinckley), 123

Hubble Space Telescope, 92

Huffington, Arianna, 150, 151

human growth, 94

humility, 27, 105

humor and lightheartedness, 161

Hurst, Aaron, 79, 93

Huxley, Aldous, 135

“I” and “We” of leadership, 6

“I” leader, 102–4, 109

I3 (Insight, Intelligence, and Influence), 89–90

identity, 8

image, 31, 44

image persona, 31

Immelt, Jeffrey, 27–28

incentive plans, 81

Inclusion Paradox, 113

The Inclusion Paradox (Tapia), 113

Indian School of Business (Mumbai), 127

influence, 4–5

authenticity and, 119–20

Interpersonal Mastery, 112

Ingersol, Robert G., 95

inner discipline, 189

inner mastery, 7

inner self, 178–80

inner-outer/outer-inner dynamic, 6–7, 70, 71, 107–8, 111–12, 139, 140, 200

360° assessment/interview, 26, 41, 44, 102, 188

inspiration: short stories for, 53–64

stories as language of, 46. See also Story Mastery inspirational leaders, 51

integrative ability, 127

integrity, 4–5, 119–20

intellectualizing, 204

Intentional Living (Maxwell), 71

intention-perception gap, 109

internal conversations, 111

Interpersonal Connection, 102

Interpersonal Mastery, 12, 101–24

720° Development, 110–11, 112

beyond 360° feedback to 720° development, 110–11

building relationship bridges, 104–6

courage and, 103–4

Inclusion Paradox, 113

intention-perception gap, 109

Leadership Growth Plan, 124

moving from leader to opener, 114–15

opening up possibilities, 113–14

personal, synergy, and contribution power, 106–8

Personal Mastery connected with, 111–12

principles, 117–23

reflection, 117

trust and constructive conflict, 115–16

two principal streams of leadership development, 102–4

introspection, 164

intuition, 169

James, William, 21, 174

Jami, Chris, 67

Jaworski, Joseph, 89, 107, 171

Jimenez, Joe, 198

Johnson & Johnson, 95, 132

journey, 207–9

Jung, Carl, 15, 18, 22, 120

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 140, 167, 176

Kafka, Franz, 175

KARE II News, 56

Kataria, Madan, 161

Keith, Sir Arthur, 94

Kennedy, John F., 40

KF4D®, 41

Kidd, Sue Monk, 62

KIND Snacks, 81

kindness, 81

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 14

“know thyself, ” 117–18

knowledge, 28

Korn Ferry, 15, 91, 148, 150

Korn Ferry Assessment of Leadership Potential (KFALP), 41, 129

Korn Ferry Institute, 29, 137

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 182

Lacey, Roger, 105–6

Lakewood Publications, 181

Landis, Dana, 15

language of leadership, 46

Lao Tzu, 17, 193

Lash, Rick, 80, 108–9

Laudicina, Paul, 5, 89–90

laughter clubs, 161

Law, Anne-Marie, 92

Le Guin, Ursula K., 46

leadership, 2

core questions, 5

critical mass, 207

definition, 4–5

effectiveness, 102

energy leadership, 147, 151–53, 159–60

generative leader, 206

“I” and “We” of, 6

principle motive categories, 108

Purpose-Driven Leadership, 4–5, 7, 27, 49, 91

as sacred calling, 197

transformative leaders vs. transactive managers, 7, 15, 19, 29, 52, 90, 98, 121, 137, 141

Leadership and the New Science (Wheatley), 201

leadership assessments, 4, 189, 228

leadership development, 7

measured by ability to adapt, 136–37

two principal streams, 102–4

Leadership Growth Plan, 43

Being Mastery, 184

Change Mastery, 146

Interpersonal Mastery, 124

Personal Mastery, 43–44

Purpose Mastery, 99

Resilience Mastery, 147–66, 165

Story Mastery, 73

LeaderSource, 148

Leading from the Maze (Patnaude), 22

Leading Minds (Gardner), 19

learned optimism, 83

Learning Agility, 128–29, 139, 143

Lee, Julia, 50

Leider, Richard, 85

Lessons on Leadership (Stahl), 52

Letterman, Elmer, 26

“Level 5 leaders, ” 18

levers, 75–76

Lewis, James, 29, 137

lies, 69

life-damaging habits, 160–61, 190–91

LifePlan Institute, 89

life’s work, 83

Lightfoot, Gordon, 125

Lincoln, Abraham, 31, 143

Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 115

Lipton, Bruce, 20

listening, 40–41, 117–19, 129, 141

Loehr, James, 158

Lombardo, Michael, 79–80, 113, 128

Lominger International, 15, 79–80, 105

London Business School, 50

love, 120–21, 180

Lubetzky, David, 81

Ludeman, Kate, 31, 35, 180–81, 186

MacLennan, David, 26–27

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 168, 170

“Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time” (Schwartz and McCarthy), 152

Mandela, Nelson, 35, 181

manipulative leaders, 51

Marie, Elaina, 52

Marti, Mollie, 162

Maslow, Abraham, 175

Master Competency, 6

Masterful Coaching (Hargrove), 198, 199–200

masterful moments, 11

mastery, 3

Maxwell, John, 71, 140

McCarthy, Bill, 136

McCarthy, Catherine, 152

McCarthy, Mary, 49

McClelland, David, 18, 108

McKee, Annie, 18

McNamara, Brian, 93

mechanistic approach, 107

meditation, 94–95, 170, 175–77, 178, 183, 204

“Meditation and the Dynamic Life” (Cashman), 178

Medtronic, 6

Meir, Golda, 60

Melrose, Ken, 106–7, 136

Mental Agility, 129

mentoring, 200

Merton, Thomas, 78, 174

Michener, James, 8

Millennipreneur, 137

The Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force (Schwartz), 139, 170

mind-body awareness, 161–62

mindfulness, 140

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), 140, 176

misrepresentation, 69

mistakes, acknowledging, 26

modesty, 18, 119

Mother Teresa, 194

motives, 108

Mourkogiannis, Nikos, 85

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 172

music, 179

myth, power of, 47

NASA, 92

nature, reverence for, 179

Neill, Terry, 138

Nelson, Marilyn Carlson, 114

neuroeconomy, 49

neuroscience, 139–40, 151

“The Neuroscience of Leadership” (Rock and Schwartz), 139–40

Nietzsche, Friederick, 76

Nin, Anais, 189

No Man Is an Island (Merton), 174

non-work, 172

nosce te ipsum (know thyself), 117–18

Novartis, 163, 171, 197–98

Novartis Consumer, 92–93

obsession, 91

Okri, Ben, 50

On Becoming a Leader (Bennis), 98

O’Neal, Shaquille, 45–46

on-purpose, 158–59

openers, 114–15

openings, 202–3

openness, 4–5, 17

Interpersonal Mastery and, 114–15

to learning from others, 40–41

listening and, 118–19

shadow beliefs and, 25

Ortega y Gasset, José, 187

outer discipline, 189

Outside-In 360°, 110–11

overspecialization, 136

Ovid, 154

oxytocin, 48–49, 50, 69

Parker, Stuart, 97

Parry, Danaan, 131

Pascal, Blaise, 170

passion, 91, 158–59

Pasternak, Boris, 128

patience, 203

Patnaude, Jeff, 22

The Pause Principle: Step Back to Lead Forward (Cashman), 171

Penn, William, 121, 177

People, Product, Profit, 3

People Agility, 129

PepsiCo, 19

perfection myths, 4

performance, purpose vs., 77–78

Perlman, Larry, 105, 164

Personal Mastery, 2, 12, 13–44, 118

Character, 28–36

coping, 28–36

courageous practice of authenticity, 17, 26–28

deepening authenticity, 16–19

dual awareness, 18

exploring beliefs, 20–23, 24

integrating all life experiences into meaningful context, 15–16

Interpersonal Mastery connected with, 111–12

Leadership Growth Plan, 43–44

personal power sources, 28

practicing with others, 40

principles, 39–42

Shadow Beliefs, 20–26, 25

understanding our owner’s manual, 36–37

personal power, 7

Personalized Power, 108–9

personas, 31

Pethick-Lawrence, Emmeline, 138

Pierce, Diana, 56–57

Pike, John, 194

pilot energy management group, 152

Pink, Daniel, 161

play, 161, 180

Pluralistic Networks, 120

Polman, Paul, 76

Pontefract, Dab, 97

Poon, Leonard, 155

Porras, Jerry, 193

Posner, Barry, 149

Pour Your Heart into It (Schultz), 26

power, 108, 143

five personal sources, 28

practice, 188

of authenticity, 26–28

personal mastery, 26–28, 40

Story Mastery, 66–67

Presence: An Exploration of Profound Change in People, Organizations, and Society (Senge, Scharmer, Jaworski, and Flowers), 107, 171

present-moment awareness, 132–34, 179–80, 181

Primal Leadership: Learning to Lead with Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, Boyatzis, and McKee), 18

principles of mastery, 6, 12

Being Mastery, 183

Change Mastery, 143–45

Coaching Mastery, best practices, 205–6

Interpersonal Mastery, 117–23

Personal Mastery, 39–42

Purpose Mastery, 96–98

Resilience Mastery, 158–64

Story Mastery, 71–72

“The Promise of Phase 3” (Zenger, Folkman, and Sherwin), 193–94

promises, 120

ProSeiben Media, 121, 198

Prosser, David, 96, 138

psychological reciprocity, 118

Pullman, Philip, 47

purpose: shared, 7, 92

Purpose (Big Why Question), 79, 203

The Purpose Economy (Hurst), 79

Purpose Effect, 97

Purpose Mastery, 12, 71, 75–99

act “on-purpose, ” 96

in all domains of life, 98

Core Purpose, “moving upstairs” to, 90

Core Purpose, revealing, 87–89

Core Purpose and Core Development, 89–90

Core Talents, identifying, 83–84

Core Values, recognizing, 84–87

discovering Core, 82, 82

failure, learning from, 98

getting in touch with what is important to you, 96

individual and organization purpose, 91–92, 97

infusing life with purpose, 92–93

Leadership Growth Plan, 99

path vs. goal, 97

performance vs., 77–78

principles, 96–98

purpose bigger and deeper than goals, 90–91

service, focus on, 98

six thousand days, 94–95

splitting talents from values, 78

three big realities, 79

Unilever, 75–76

Purpose-Driven Leadership, 4–5, 7, 27, 49, 91

quality initiatives, 139

Quiet Leadership (Rock), 139, 170

Rauker, Dina, 158

reading, inspirational, 180

Reawakening the Spirit in Work (Hawley), 90

recovery, 158

Red Thing, 52–53

reflections, 164, 170–71, 183

Being Mastery, 177

Change Mastery, 142

Character and Coping, 34

clarifying strengths and growth areas, 38

Coaching Mastery, 190, 192–93, 196

Conscious Beliefs, 24

Core Talents, 84

Core Values, 87

Interpersonal Mastery, 117

Resilience Mastery, 165

Story Mastery, 56, 58, 64

time management vs. energy leadership, 153

wake-up call, 10

The Reformer’s Apprentice (Rochlin), 161

Reinemund, Steve, 19

Reisberg, Sidney, 45–46

rejection, fear of, 21

relational power, 7

relational self-affirmation, 50

relationships: building bridges, 104–6

nurturing, 162–63

reflection, 117. See also Interpersonal Mastery

relevance, 51–52, 67, 71

Remick, Tierney, 150

requests and promises, 120

Resilience Mastery, 12, 137, 142–43, 147–66

100-year-olds, 155

constant challenge, 148–49

dynamic process, 155–56

four domains, 152, 156, 158

healthy lifestyle, 149–51

Leadership Growth Plan, 147–66

life-damaging habits, 160–61

nature, rest and activity in, 157–58

principles, 158–64

reflection, 165

Ten Signs of Lack of, 156

Ten Signs of Resilience Mastery, 156

time management and energy leadership, 147, 151–53, 159–60

trends at top, 149–51

responsibility, 6, 17, 39

Results Agility, 129

Results Drive, 102

results power, 7

retreats, 163

Revlon, 52

Rhinesmith, Stephen, 132

Rochlin, Harriet, 161

Rock, David, 139–40, 170, 171, 176

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 143

Rose, Charlie, 26

RTW, 96, 138

Rumi, 110

Russell, Bertrand, 201

safety, security, and comfort, 31–32

Salzburg, Sharon, 62

Sandoz, 197

Santa Clara University Leavey School of Business, 149

Santayana, George, 36

Saratoga Institute, 105

Scharmer, C. Otto, 107

Schultz, Howard, 26, 80

Schwartz, Jeffrey, 139–40, 170, 171, 176, 195

Schwartz, Tony, 152

Schweitzer, Albert, 102

Science, 172

Scorpio Partners, 137

Secord, Jim, 181

self-absorbed leaders, 51

self-awareness, 8–10, 24, 39, 118, 129, 143

Coaching Mastery and, 18, 41

dual awareness, 18

fugitives from ourselves, 16

Interpersonal Mastery and, 110–11, 113

performance tied to, 15–16

present-moment awareness, 132–34

selfdelusion and, 41

Story Mastery and, 70, 71

StoryLine, 65. See also Learning Agility self-compassion, 17

self-confidence, 127, 132, 181

self-delusion, 41

“self-made leaders, ”106

Self-Renewal: The Individual and the Innovative Society (Gardner), 16

Seligman, Martin, 83

Senesh, Hannah, 209

Senge, Peter, 15, 104, 107, 126, 171

service, 27, 29, 98, 109, 122–23, 194, 207

shift to, 141

Shadow Beliefs, 20–23, 38, 78

Core Development and, 89–90

disaster scenarios, 23

fear of failure, 22

fear of rejection, 21

not good enough, 115

seven clues to bring to light, 24–26

Story Mastery and, 68–69

Shakespeare, William, 16

shared purpose, 7, 92

Sheehan, George, 159

Sherwin, Robert, 193–94

signature strengths, 83

silence, 167–68, 169, 170–71, 177

Silsbee, Doug, 181

Simmons, Annette, 47

Sinek, Simon, 92

sleep, 150–51

The Sleep Revolution (Huffington), 150

Sneltjes, Craig, 201

Socialized Power, 109

Socrates, 2

S&P 500 consumer sector, 80

specialization, 136

spiritual transformation, 20

Staats, Brad, 50

Starbucks, 26, 80

Steinbeck, John, 180

Sternberg, Robert, 128

Stevenson, Jane, 205

Stewardship (Block), 108, 122, 137

stories, 86, 122

emotionally detached, 69

exclusionary, 68

misrepresentation, 69

narcissistic use of, 68

“the only answer, ”68

Story Mastery, 12, 45–73

authenticity and, 51–52

dig deep, 66

four-box model, 51–52

“Hero’s Journey, ” 47, 49

from information to inspiration, 47–48

not all stories created equal, 51–52

practices, 66–67

principles, 71–72

Red Thing, 52–53

relevance for others, 51–52, 67

Shadow Beliefs and, 68–69

short stories that inspire, 53–64

stories from the inside out (five-step process), 70, 71

story collection, 66

StoryLine, 64–66, 87

“tale of two CEOs, ” 49–50

teams, story of, 50–51

StoryLine, 64–66, 87

StoryLine Reflection Exercise, 66

Strategic Mastery, 116

strategic skills, 15

Strategy (Big How Question), 79

strengths, 24–26, 25

clarifying, 38

stress, 34, 150, 158, 162

“Stress & Recovery: Important Keys to Engagement” (Loehr and Groppel), 158

stuck, blocked feeling, 25

success: anxiety about, 23

self-understanding, 8–9

“survival of the fittest” mentality, 143

sustainability, 105, 108

sustained energy and resilience, 147

Swetchine, Anne Sophie, 201–2

Synchronicity—The Inner Path of Leadership (Jaworski), 89

synergy, 101, 105, 106–9

listening and, 119

Tagore, Rabindranath, 90

talent management programs, 148

Talmud, 206

Tao Te Ching, 193

Tapia, Andrés, 113

Target, 150

team climate, 39

teams, 207

Core Purpose, 97

Interpersonal Mastery and, 115–16

stories of, 50–51

“Teams Who Share Personal Stories Are More Effective” (Gino), 50

“Ten, Bob” moments, 103–4

Tessien, Anne, 148

themes of leadership, 6–7

thinking, 173–74, 180

Thomas, Patrick, 50

Thompson, Derek, 68

Thompson, Joseph, 170

Thoreau, Henry David, 11, 131, 158, 187

Thrive (Huffington), 150, 150

Thrivent Financial, 116

Tichy, Noel, 32, 190

Time, 127

time management, 147, 151–53, 159–60

Toro, 106–7, 136

Toward a Psychology of Being (Maslow), 175

Toynbee, Arnold, 137

trade and immigration policies, 27

Training, 181

Training & Development, 193–94

transactive managers, 15, 19, 29, 52, 90, 98

transcendent purpose, 49

Transcendental Meditation (TM), 170, 176

transformative leaders, 7, 15, 19, 29, 52, 90, 98, 121, 137, 141

transition, 131

transparency, 17, 26–27, 81

trauma, 180, 190

trust, 27, 29, 48–49, 110–11, 141, 154

constructive conflict, 115–16

Core Values and, 85

in oneself, 135–36

Twain, Mark, 3, 160

uncertainty, 127

unconscious competence, 180–81

Unilever, 75–76, 101

University of Michigan, 50

University of North Carolina, 50

Upgrading the Executive Brain: Breakthrough Science and Technology of Leadership (Arenander), 170

USAA, 97

vacations, 163

value: appreciation and, 120–22

enduring, 5

Interpersonal Mastery and, 104

value creation, 4–5

Van Oyen, Paul, 88, 205–6

Vantage Partners, 138

Vasella, Daniel, 127, 163, 198

venture capital start-ups, 139

Visa, 123

Viscott, David, 89

vision, 79, 81, 170–71, 193

Vision (Big What Question), 79

voice, 103

Voltaire, 121

vulnerability, 4, 5, 26–27

Story Mastery and, 65, 67

wake-up calls, 9, 10, 31, 148

Waldinger, Robert, 162–63

“walk the talk, ” 116

“walking the talk, ”17

Wallenda, Karl, 41–42

Walsh, Paul, 108, 172

Warriors of the Heart (Parry), 131

“We” leader, 102–4, 109

weaknesses, 24–26, 25

Webb telescope, 92

Weldon, Bill, 132

Wharton, Edith, 40

Wheatley, Margaret, 201, 202

White, E. B., 149

Whitman, Walt, 39

A Whole New Mind (Pink), 161

whole person, 2

growing, 6

integrating life experiences into meaningful context, 15–16

Story Mastery and, 62–63. See also holistic approach

why, power of, 79, 203

Why Marriages Succeed or Fail (Gottman), 121

“Why Your Brain Loves Good Storytelling” (Zak), 48

Whyte, David, 17, 96, 103–4, 179

Wilber, Ken, 17

Wilde, Kevin, 7

Williams, Terry Tempest, 55

“Winning the Right Way”, 19

work self, 27

Working with Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 189

work/life balance, 147–49. See also Resilience Mastery

Yale University, 128

Young, Jimmy, 20

Youth Frontiers, 13–14

Zak, Paul, 48–49

Zenger, John, 102

Zenger, John H. (Jack), 102, 193–94

Zenger/Folkman 360-Degree Assessment®, 41

Zes, David, 15

Zukav, Gary, 22

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