

Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD), 134, 166

Acceptance testing

Agile process, 171

ATDD, 134, 166

Scrum, 91, 94

specifications, 165

up-front creation, 14, 36

Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design (Shalloway and Bain), 203

Agile manifesto, xxx–xxxii

Agile process, 25–26, 169–170

benefits overview, 26

business value added in, 26–31

continuous process improvement, 179

core beliefs, xxxvii

customer needs clarification in, 31–34

IT organizations, 178–179

knowledge-based product development and project management, 34–37

methods, 79

model, 237–243

new learning in, 78–79

obstacles, 170–171

principles and professionalism, 81–82

process, 79–81

product-centered development, 38, 174–177

starting, 173–174

team efficiency improvements, 38–39

transition guidelines, 172–173

“Where” question, 170

Agile/Scrum ellipse, 43

Air bubbles in cumulative flow diagrams, 99

Alexander, Christopher, 41, 82

Ambiguity in communication, 161

Anderson, David J.

Kanban list, 228

Kanban: Successful Change Management for Technology Organizations, 229

Andres, Cynthia, 91

Anti-patterns in Scrum, 95–96


in Iteration 0, 113–114

Product Coordination Team guidelines, 201

in Scrum, 85

software. See Software design and development

As-is value stream maps, 18–19

ATDD (Acceptance Test-Driven Development), 134, 166

Attitudes in Lean-Agile model, 240–241

Authority guidelines for Product Coordination Teams, 201

Automated acceptance testing

Agile process, 171

Scrum, 91

specifications, 165

Autonomation, 215



clear line of sight for, 148

Iteration 0, 113

with visual controls, 141–146

Backward-looking experiments, xxxv

Bain, Scott L.

Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design, 203

Emergent Design: The Evolutionary Nature of Professional Software Development, 38, 91, 203

Balanced management, 184–185

Batch times in Lean, 220

Batching project analysis, 57–58

BDUF (big design up front), 207

Beaver, Guy, xxx, 137

Beck, Kent, 91

Beedle, Mike, 188

Berra, Yogi, xxxv

Bias issues in Scrum-of-Scrums, 195

Big design up front (BDUF), 207

Blame, 8–9

Bockman, Steve, 233

Bohr, Niels, 203

Books on Lean, 228–229

Bridges, William, 229

Bugs, preventing vs. finding, 158–160

Build phase

components, 31–32

visual controls for, 146–148

Building in quality, 158, 240

Burn-down charts, 152

Burn-up charts, 149–150, 152

Business role in Lean, 7

Business value

Agile for, 26–31

Product Coordination Team for, 200

in release planning, 127


Capability Maturity Model (CMM), xxxii

Case studies

building components, 31–32

financial services, 49

process control, 105

Product Coordination Teams, 199

release planning, 132

Scrum vs. Kanban, 101–103

CFDs (cumulative flow diagrams), 99

Change, design for, 206–207

Charts, burn-down and burn-up, 149–150, 152

Chickens and pigs story, 87

Churchill, Winston, 161

Clear line of sight, visual controls for, 148–150

Cleland-Huang, Jane, 28, 31, 229

Clobberation, 197

CMM (Capability Maturity Model), xxxii

Co-location of teams, 171

Cockburn, Alastair, 138

Code issues

Agile process, 171

safely changeable, 206–207

in team coordination, 197–198

Cofer, C. Morgan, 25

Coin-tossing analogy, 119


in product companies, 176–177

Scrum-of-Scrums, 194

Collison, Chris, 229

Colored dots for dependencies, 150

Command-and-control management, xxx

Commitment, deferring

Lean-Agile model, 10–12, 240

with visual controls, 146


ambiguity in, 161

as goal, 9

in quality assurance, 162–163

Scrum-of-Scrums, 194

Completely unpredictable variables, 119


iterative development for, 12

minimizing, 10–14

relative, 233


building, 31–32

managing, 197

Conceptual framework, details for, 207

Connections in complexity, 233

Continuous learning and improvement

Agile process, 172

importance, 179

Toyota example, 215

Continuous release planning, 120–124

Controls, visual. See Visual controls

Coordination of teams, 193. See also Product Coordination Team (PCT)

challenges, 195–198

Scrum-of-Scrums approach, 194–195

Core beliefs

Agile model, xxxvii

Lean model, xxxvii–xxxviii

Waterfall model, xxxvi

Core functionality, 33

Costs in release strategies, 31, 128

Covey, Stephen, 73

Creating a Lean Culture: Tools to Sustain Lean Conversions (Mann), 229

Critical Path (Fuller), 172

Critiquing processes, xxxiv–xxxv

Crosby, Philip, 117

Cross-functional teams, 222–223

Cross-training, 185

Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 140

Crystal development system, 49


in Agile transition, 173

changing, 183

Cumulative flow diagrams (CFDs), 99

Customer needs and satisfaction, 3

Agile benefits for, 27

clarifying, 31–34

discovering, 13

in release planning, 125, 127

Toyota example, 215

Customer organizations, 54–55


defined, 55

participation by, 164

Cycle times

in Lean, 67–68

in Little’s law, 217

in release planning, 122


Daily meetings in Scrum, 153, 188

Dates in release planning, 129–131, 135

Dean, Jimmy, 211

Death marches, 35

Decomposition in release planning, 122, 124

Defer commitment

Lean-Agile model, 10–12, 240

with visual controls, 146

Define phase, visual controls for, 146–148

Degree of feedback, 120

Degree of predictability, 119–120

Degree of process definition, 118–119


batching project analysis for, 57–58

focus on, 15–16

releases for, 58

removing, 13

Delegation, 184


costs, 31

dates, 135

early and often, 13, 240

incremental, 60

roles, 7

Deming, W. Edwards

on defects, 159

and Lean principles, 8, 238

on management, 181

and Toyota, 214–216

Denne, Mark, 28, 31, 229


between teams, 197

visual controls for, 150–153

Design, software. See Software design and development

Design patterns, 44

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Gamma, Helms, Johnson, and Vlissides), 81–82

Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design (Shalloway and Trott), 203, 207

Deterministic processes, 118–119

Dijkstra, E. W., 1

Discover phase, visual controls for, 146–148


for quality assurance, 165

in Scrum, 85

Drucker, Peter F., 53, 73, 181


Early delivery, 13, 240

Early learning, 37

Einstein, Albert, xxix, 237

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 117

Elaborating features, 128–129

Elevations in release planning, 124, 132–134

Embedded software in product companies, 177

Emergent Design, 11–12

Emergent Design: The Evolutionary Nature of Professional Software Development (Bain), 38, 91, 203

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 109

End of development cycle, quality assurance at, 160–161

Enterprise Agility

getting to, 42–44

real value in, 44–50

Enterprises, defined, 6, 54


in Iteration 0, 112–113

management role, 183

Errors, system, 8–9


in Agile methods, 130

in release planning, 134


processes, 118–120

visual controls, 153

Executable specifications, 165

Existing systems, incremental delivery in, 60

eXtreme Programming (XP), xxix, 11

principles, 80

vs. Scrum, Kanban, and Lean, 103–104

Extreme Programming Explained (Beck and Andres), 91


Failing fast, 37

Fast-flexible-flow goal, 14–16, 223–227

Fault, assigning, 8–9


non-Agile projects, 35

planning without, 36–37

Feathers, Michael, 91, 205

Feature-driven development, 49


burn-up charts, 149–150

complexity, 233

MMFs. See Minimum marketable features

in release planning, 122–129


in continuous planning, 122

degree of, 120

early, 37

JIT, as basis for, 17

Kanban, 96–97

late, 34–35

Lean portfolio management, 58–59, 61

levels, 43

for risk reduction, 27, 33

Scrum, 83, 89–90

Financial model for software, 27–31

Financial services case study, 49

FIT (Framework for Integrated Test), 165

FIT For Developing Software (Mugridge), 162

Five Whys technique, 19–20, 187

Flow in software development, 2–3, 14–16, 223–227


Lean, 219

product, 45

time, 15–16

Ford, Henry, 9

Foundational thinking of Lean, 238–242

Framework, Scrum as, 83–84

Framework for Integrated Test (FIT), 165

Fuller, R. Buckminster, 172

Fully determined systems, 119


Gamma, Erich, 81–82

Generalists on Scrum teams, 88

Goals in Agile process, 170

Growth, environment for, 183


Lean-Agile model, 239–240

transition, 172–173


Harmon, Kent, 228

Heintz, John, 100

Helms, Richard, 81–82

Higher-priority features in Lean portfolio management, 67

“How will I know I’ve done that?” question, 161, 163–165

Human nature issues in Scrum-of-Scrums, 194–195


Identification step

release planning, 126

value, 44–45

Impediment Lists, 153

Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash (Poppendieck and Poppendieck), 228–229


continuous learning and improvement, 172, 179, 215

from quality assurance, 161–163

team efficiency for, 38–39

testing for, 36

Incremental delivery in existing systems, 60

Information radiators, 138–139

Inspect-and-adapt in Scrum, 88–89

Installation costs in release strategies, 31


Agile process, 171

technical, 57

testing, elevations for, 132–134


minimizing, 63

in Scrum, 86

value added by, 139

Inventories, project portfolios for, 56–57

Investment periods in development projects, 28

Isolation of management, 190

IT organizations in Agile process, 178–179

Iteration 0, 109–100

checklist, 113–114

preparing for, 110–113

Iteration backlogs

clear line of sight for, 148

Iteration 0, 114

visual controls, 142–146

Iterative development

complexity and rework, 12

Product Coordination Team in, 200–201

Scrum vs. Lean, 93

vs. Waterfall projects, 34–35


Japanese systems, 8, 214–216

Johnson, Ralph, 81–82

Jones, Daniel T.

on fast-flexible-flow goal, 15, 223

Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, 228–229

Just-In-Time (JIT) Design, 8, 207

benefits, 16–18

Lean Science, 217

release planning, 121

Toyota example, 215

with visual controls, 146


Kaizens, 184

Kanban boards, 98

Kanban Dev list, 228

Kanban software engineering, 49

advantages, 100–101

introduction, 96–97

in product companies, 174–175

vs. Scrum, 101–104

teams, 98–99

vs. XP and Lean, 103–104

Kanban: Successful Change Management for Technology Organizations (Anderson), 229

Kennedy, Michael

Product Development for the Lean Enterprise: Why Toyota’s System Is Four Times More Productive and How You Can Implement It, 228

Ready, Set, Dominate: Implement Toyota’s Set-based Learning for Developing Products and Nobody Can Catch You, 228


creating, 12–13, 33, 185–186

Lean-Agile software development model, 240–241

stewardship, 218–219

in team coordination, 198

Knowledge-based product development, 34–37


Ladas, Corey, 229

Laws in Lean-Agile model, 239

Leader’s Handbook: Making Things Happen, Getting Things Done (Scholtes), 229

Lean-Agile list, 228

Lean Development list, 228

Lean Enterprise Institute, 89

Lean portfolio management, 53

approach, 63–67

benefits, 61–63

overview, 58–61

planning cycles, 67–68

portfolio characteristics, 56–58

progress estimation and tracking, 68–69

project selection, 54–56

Lean software development

and Agile, 22

batch times, 220

benefits, xxxviii–xxxix

bodies of knowledge, 216–217

complexity and rework, 10–14

core beliefs, xxxvii–xxxviii

cross-functional teams, 222–223

defined, 5–6

fast-flexible-flow goal, 14–16, 223–227

fewer projects in, 219–220

JIT benefits, 16–18

knowledge stewardship, 218–219

learning about, 227

management, 218

methods, 79

minimum releasable features, 221

model, 237–243

new learning in, 78–79

organizational levels, 6–7

practicing, 226–227

principles and professionalism, 81–82

principles overview, 7–10

priorities and work-in-process, 221–222

process, 79–81

productivity and quality, 222

project focus, 219

root cause, 220–221

science, 217–218

vs. Scrum, Kanban, and XP, 103–104

Toyota example, 214–216

user groups, 228

value stream mapping, 18–22

visual controls in, 138–139

Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation (Womack and Jones), 228–229

Lean thinking in Scrum, 92–94

Learning methods, 77–78

approaches, 103–105

continuous learning and improvement, 172, 179, 215

defining, 79

Kanban. See Kanban software engineering

learning early, 37

new ways, 78–79

principles and practices, 81–82

processes, 79–81

Scrum. See Scrum method

Learning to Fly: Practical Lessons from one of the World’s Leading Knowledge Companies (Collison and Parcell), 229

Levels, organizational, 6–7

Lewin, Kurt, xxxv

Line of sight

in Lean portfolio management, 62–63

visual controls for, 148–150

Little’s law, 217

Local perspective in Scrum-of-Scrums, 194–195

Look ahead stories, 151

Loopbacks in value stream mapping, 18–19

Lower risk, Agile benefits for, 27


Macroscopically predictable variables, 119

Management, 7, 181–182

balanced approach, 184–185

environment, 183

importance, 187–188

improving, 190–191

Kanban, 98–99

knowledge creation, 185–186

Lean, 218

overview, 48–49, 182–183

root cause determination, 186–187

in Scrum, 86

Scrum vs. Lean, 93

in software design, 208

for success, 189–190

Managing the Design Factory (Reinertsen), 229, 243

Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor, and Lead (Shook), 229

Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change (Bridges), 229

Mann, David, 229

Mapping, value stream, 18–22

Market position, Agile benefits for, 27

Maximizing business value, Product Coordination Team for, 200

Meetings in Scrum methods, 153, 188, 194

Members for Product Coordination Team, 199–200

Mentoring frameworks, Product Coordination Team for, 202

Methods, defining, 79

Metrics in Agile transition, 173

Micromanagement, 79, 190–191

Microscopically predictable variables, 119–120

Minimum marketable features (MMFs)

defined, 31

in IT organizations, 179

in Lean, 219

in product companies, 175

in release planning, 125–127, 130–131

Minimum releasable features, 221

Minnock, Ed, 228

Model of Lean-Agile software development, 237

foundational thinking, 238–242

future developments, 242–243

Moore, Geoffrey, 140


Scrum-of-Scrums, 194–195

teams, 37

Mugridge, Rick, 162

Multiple teams

requirements involving, 196–197

visual controls for, 146–148


New learning in Lean-Agile, 78–79

Nondeterministic processes, 118–119


Obstacles in Agile process, 170–171

Ohno, Taiichi, 215

Optimizing whole production process, 14, 239


inadequacies, 189

levels, 6–7

in Scrum vs. Lean, 93

Over-design, 204–206


Pain points in Agile transition, 173


description, xxxiii–xxxiv

evaluating, xxxvi

Parcell, Geoff, 229

Pareto rule

Lean portfolio management, 67

vs. Parkinson’s Law, 135

for value, 29

Parkinson’s Law, 135

Payback periods, 28

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, 81

Perfection, testing for, 36

Permanent members on Product Coordination Teams, 199


Lean-Agile model, 238

quality assurance, 167

Scrum-of-Scrums, 194–195

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, 81

Planning cycles

Agile process, 171

Lean portfolio management, 67–68

Planning members on Product Coordination Team, 200

Plans and planning

without fear, 36–37

release. See Releases and release planning

in Scrum, 85, 90

short horizons in, 35–36

Platforms, elevations in, 134

Poppendieck, Mary and Poppendieck, Tom

Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash, 228–229

Lean-Agile principles, 6, 239–240

Lean list, 228

on product focus, 45

Portfolio management. See Lean portfolio management

Powell, Colin, 109

Pragmatism, xxxiv–xxxvi

Predictability, degree of, 119–120

Principles and practices, xxxiii–xxxiv, 79–82, 238–242

Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development (Reinertsen), 229, 242


Agile process requirements, 171

Lean, 221–222

Lean portfolio management, 67

in release planning, 126–127

Process control case study, 105


building quality into, 14

critiquing, xxxiv–xxxv

defined, 56

defining, 79–81

definition, degree of, 118–119

improvement, testing for, 36

in release planning, 118–120

Product backlogs

clear line of sight for, 148

Iteration 0, 113

with visual controls, 141–142

Product champions

defined, 55

in release planning, 121

Scrum, 88

Product Coordination Team (PCT)

case study, 199

guidelines, 200–201

membership, 199–200

for mentoring framework, 202

overview, 198–199

Product Development for the Lean Enterprise: Why Toyota’s System Is Four Times More Productive and How You Can Implement It (Kennedy), 228

Product direction in Scrum vs. Lean, 93

Product focus, 45

Product organizations

Agile for, 38, 174–177

defined, 54–55

Product setup in Iteration 0, 110–111

Product vision, visual controls for, 140–141

Productivity in Lean, 222

Professionalism in Lean-Agile, 81–82

Profit margins, Agile benefits for, 27


estimating and tracking, 68–69

across teams, 196

Project charters in release planning, 122


Agile, 34–37

defined, 56

Lean, 219

selecting, 54–56

Pull management, 217


Quality and quality assurance, 157

ATDD, 134, 166

building in, 14, 158, 240

documentation for, 165

at end of development cycle, 160–161

improvements from, 161–163

introduction, 158–160

Lean, 222

Lean-Agile model, 240

Lean portfolio management, 61

perspective, 167

testing in, 36, 163–165

Toyota example, 215

Quality control, 157

Quarterly planning in Lean portfolio management, 68


Agile, 170–172

quality assurance, 163–165

Scrum, 94

Queues in Lean, 223


Random variables, 119

Ready, Set, Dominate: Implement Toyota’s Set-based Learning for Developing Products and Nobody Can Catch You (Kennedy, Harmon, and Minnock), 228

Real options in Lean Science, 217

Real value in Enterprise Agility, 44–50

Redundancy, 161

Reinertsen, Donald

Managing the Design Factory, 229, 243

planning issues, 118

Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development, 229, 242

on product failures, 2

Relative complexity, 233

Releases and release planning, 117–118

case study, 132

for delays, 58

elevations in, 124, 132–134

estimates and risk in, 134

in Lean portfolio management, 60

package strategies, 29–31

Pareto vs. Parkinson, 135

plan creation, 129–132

process evaluation, 118–120

product backlog with, 141–142

Scrum, 88

session overview, 124–129

tools, 125

transparent and continuous, 120–124

Remove delays principle, 13

Request for Proposals (RFPs), 27–28

Requirements and analysis, deferring commitment to, 10–11


Agile process, 171

in Enterprise Agility, 45–48

Respect, 8

Lean principle, 8, 9–10

Lean-Agile model, 240

Responsible looks ahead, 111

Results in value stream mapping, 21–22

Return on investment, Agile benefits for, 27

Revenue, Agile benefits for, 27


iterative development for, 12

minimizing, 10–14

RFPs (Request for Proposals), 27–28


Agile benefits for, 27

delays as, 15

in release planning, 131–132, 134

speculation, 33

Toyota example, 216

Waterfall model, 16–17

Rogers, Will, 77

Root causes

Agile process, 171

collaboration issues, 198

determining, 186–187

Lean, 220–221

testing for, 36

value stream mapping for, 18–20

Rotating Product Coordination Team members, 199–200


Safely changeable code, 206–207

SBCE (Set-Based Concurrent Engineering), 216

Scholtes, Peter R., 229

Schwaber, Ken, xxix, 188

Science, Lean, 217–218

Scope, release planning by, 131

Scrum method, xxix, 44, 77–78

adoption, 80

anti-patterns, 95–96

Daily Stand-Up, 15

as framework, 83–84

incorrect beliefs, 85–89

information radiators in, 138

IT organizations, 178

vs. Kanban, 101–103

and Lean, 60, 92–94

learning, 81

limitations and problems, 89–91, 189–190

management role, 188

misunderstandings, 84–85

in product companies, 174–175

vs. XP, Kanban, and Lean, 103–104

Scrum# method, 92–94, 104

Scrum-of-Scrums method

challenges, 194–195

defined, 84

dependency issues, 197

meetings, 194

vs. Product Coordination Teams, 199

team coordination, 90–91, 194, 196–198

Scrumban: Essays on Kanban Systems for Lean Software Development (Ladas), 229

Selecting projects, 54–56

Self-organizing teams in Scrum, 89

Set-Based Concurrent Engineering (SBCE), 216

Shakespeare, William, 213

Shalloway, Alan

Agile Developer: A Guide to Better Programming and Design, 203

on backward-looking experiments, xxxv

on clobberation, 197

Design Patterns Explained: A New Perspective on Object-Oriented Design, 203, 207

on improvements, 137

Lean list, 228

management experience, 190

Shared code, 198

Shared requirements in Scrum-of-Scrums, 194

Shook, John

management roles, 89

Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor, and Lead, 229

Short cycle times

Lean portfolio management, 67–68

release planning, 122

Short planning horizons, 35–36

Short queues in Lean, 223

Single-release strategy, 29–31

Software by Numbers: Low-Risk, High-Return Development (Denne and Cleland-Huang), 28, 229

Software design and development, 203–204

for change, 206–207

commitment deferral, 11–12

Enterprise Agility, 49–50

Kanban, 97

over-design and under-design, 204–206

overview, 1–2

roles, 207–208

teams and flow, 2–3

Specialization in Lean, 224–226

Specifications, executable, 165

Speculation, risk in, 33

Speed in Lean portfolio management, 61

Spikes, 147

Splitting features in release planning, 126–127

Sprints in Scrum, 89–90

Staged-release strategy, 29–31

Starting methods in Scrum vs. Lean, 93

Stochastic processes, 118–119


complexity, 233

for estimation, 69

in Iteration 0, 113

look ahead, 151

in release planning, 122–123, 126–129

Scrum, 88

Scrum vs. Lean, 93

Team Estimation Game, 233–235

Sub-optimization, 185

Sutherland, Jeff, xxix, 164

Swarming in Scrum, 94

System errors, 8–9


Target dates in release planning, 121

Tasks in release planning, 123

Taylor, Frederick, 184

Taylorism, 184

TDD (test-driven development), 44

overview, 166

principles, 81

Team Estimation Game, 126, 128, 233–235


Agile process, 171

coordinating. See Coordination of teams

cross-functional, 222–223

efficiency, 38–39

Iteration 0, 111–112, 114

Kanban, 98–99

motivation, 37

in product companies, 174–176

Scrum, 86–92

software development, 2–3

visual controls for, 142–146

Technical debt, 112, 222

Technical dependencies, 197

Technical integration, 57

Test-driven development (TDD), 44

overview, 166

principles, 81


Agile process, 171

ATDD, 134, 166

executable specifications for, 165

Iteration 0, 114

for process and quality improvement, 36

questions for, 163–165

Scrum, 91, 94

up-front creation, 14, 36

Theophrastus, 5

Throughput in Little’s law, 217

Time, focus on, 15–16

Time-boxing, 96–97

Timeless Way of Building, The (Alexander), 82

Top-down requirements in release planning, 123

Toyoda, Sakichi, 19

Toyota, 5–6

Just-In-Time, 8

Lean example, 214–216

root cause analysis, 19

Toyota Production System (TPS), 215–216

Training, 185

Transition approach in Iteration 0, 112

Transition guidelines for Agile process, 172–173

Transition paths in product companies, 177

Transparent release planning, 120–124

Trim tabs, 172–173

Trott, James R., 203, 207

Tyranny of management, 187


Uncertainty, 33

Under-design, 204–206

Unpredictable random variables, 119

Up-front testing, 24, 36, 91

User groups for Lean, 228

Utilization theory in Lean, 217, 224


Value and value streams

Agile for, 26–31

considerations, 2

Enterprise Agility, 42, 44–50

Product Coordination Team for, 200

in release planning, 125–127

in Scrum, 89–90

Value stream mapping

in product companies, 177

purpose, 18

results, 21–22

root cause analysis, 18–21

van de Snepscheut, Jan L. A., xxxv

Variables, random, 119

Visible velocity in release planning, 122


in Iteration 0, 113

in release planning, 121

Visual controls, 137

clear line of sight for, 148–150

complaints about, 154

for dependency management, 150–153

evaluating, 153

and information radiators, 138–139

iteration backlogs, 142–146

Kanban boards, 98

Lean-Agile, 139

limitations, 145–146

for multiple teams, 146–148

overview, 139

product backlog with release plans, 141–142

product vision, 140–141

Vlissides, John, 81–82



delays as, 15

eliminating, 10, 158

Lean, 223

Lean-Agile model, 240

managing, 184

from quality assurance at end of development cycle, 160–161

Waterfall projects

core beliefs, xxxvi

emergence of, xxxii

hidden impediments in, 60

vs. iterative development, 34–35

steps and risks, 16–17

Weinberg, Gerald, 203

“What” question in Agile process, 170–171

“Where” question in Agile process, 170

Whys technique, 19–20, 187

Womack, James P.

on fast-flexible-flow goal, 15, 223

Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, 228–229

management roles, 89

Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor, and Lead, 229

Work-in-process (WIP)

Lean, 221–222

Lean portfolio management, 62–63

in Little’s law, 217

minimizing, 16, 59

project ideas as, 57

Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Feathers), 91, 205

Wring-able necks in Scrum, 87


XP (eXtreme Programming), xxix, 11

principles, 80

vs. Scrum, Kanban, and Lean, 103–104

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