About the Reviewers

Ricardo Peres is a Portuguese developer who has been working with .NET since 2001. He's a technology enthusiast and has worked in many areas, from games to enterprise applications. His main interests nowadays are enterprise application integration and web technologies. He is a contributor to the NHibernate community, writes a blog on technical subjects at http://weblogs.asp.net/ricardoperes, and can be followed on Twitter at @rjperes75. Ricardo has been declared a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in ASP.NET/IIS.

He is currently working as technical evangelist for a London-based company called Simplifydigital.

Ricardo Peres has authored Entity Framework Code First Succinctly, NHibernate Succinctly, Microsoft Unity Succinctly, and ASP.NET Multitenant Applications Succinctly, for the Succinctly series of books by Syncfusion.

Alexander Zaytsev discovered his passion for IT when he was a small kid, and since then, he has dedicated his life to becoming an excellent software developer. He has over 10 years of experience in the IT field, analyzing, designing, and developing .NET-based enterprise applications, using cutting-edge technologies. He works as an independent consultant in the .NET space, providing technical expertise to all kinds of software development companies. He is an active member of open source and local development communities. He writes a blog at http://alexzaytsev.me. He is also one of the main contributors to the NHibernate project and one of the few people who really know NHibernate's internals.

He considers himself a highly qualified expert in the C# language and the Microsoft .NET platform. He is an expert in technologies such as ASP.NET, web services, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, NServiceBus, NHibernate, Entity Framework, LINQ, Windows Forms (including related technologies such as HTML), JavaScript, and CSS/Less.

In his work, Alexander uses the principles of Agile, extreme programming, and scrum. In day-to-day tasks, he uses test-driven development (TDD) and pair programming.

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