1. Basics, import. This one is simpler than you may think. When you’re done, your file and interaction should look close to the following code; remember that Python can read a whole file into a string or lines list, and the len built-in returns the length of strings and lists:

    % cat mymod.py
    def countLines(name):
        file = open(name, 'r')
        return len(file.readlines())
    def countChars(name):
        return len(open(name, 'r').read())
    def test(name):                                  # or pass file object
        return countLines(name), countChars(name)    # or return a dictionary
    % python
    >>> import mymod
    >>> mymod.test('mymod.py')
    (10, 291)

    On Unix, you can verify your output with a wc command. Incidentally, to do the “ambitious” part (passing in a file object, so you only open the file once), you’ll probably need to use the seek method of the built-in file object. We didn’t cover it in the text, but it works just like C’s fseek call (and calls it behind the scenes); seek resets the current position in the file to an offset passed in. To rewind to the start of a file without closing and reopening, call file.seek (0 ); the file read methods all pick up at the current position in the file, so you need to rewind to reread. Here’s what this tweak would look like:

    % cat mymod2.py
    def countLines(file):
        file.seek(0)                      # rewind to start of file
        return len(file.readlines())
    def countChars(file): 
        file.seek(0)                      # ditto (rewind if needed)
        return len(file.read())
    def test(name):
        file = open(name, 'r')                       # pass file object
        return countLines(file), countChars(file)    # only open file once
    >>> import mymod2
    >>> mymod2.test("mymod2.py")
    (11, 392)
  2. from/from*. Here’s the from * bit; replace * with countChars to do the rest:

    % python
    >>> from mymod import *
    >>> countChars("mymod.py")
  3. __main__. If you code it properly, it works in either mode (program run or module import):

    % cat mymod.py
    def countLines(name):
        file = open(name, 'r')
        return len(file.readlines())
    def countChars(name):
        return len(open(name, 'r').read())
    def test(name):                                  # or pass file object
        return countLines(name), countChars(name)    # or return a dictionary
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print test('mymod.py')
    % python mymod.py
    (13, 346)
  4. Nested imports. Our solution for this appears below:

    % cat myclient.py
    from mymod import countLines
    from mymod import countChars
    print countLines('mymod.py'), countChars('mymod.py')
    % python myclient.py
    13 346

    As for the rest of this one: mymod ’s functions are accessible (that is, importable) from the top level of myclient, since from assigns just to names in the importer (it’s as if mymod ’s defs appeared in myclient). If myclient used import, you’d need to use a path to get to the functions in mymod from myclient (for instance, myclient.mymod.countLines). In fact, you can define collector modules that import all the names from other modules, so they’re available in a single convenience module. Using the following code, you wind up with three different copies of name somename: mod1.somename, collector.somename, and _ _main__.somename; all three share the same integer object initially.

    % cat mod1.py
    somename = 42
    % cat collector.py
    from mod1 import *       # collect lots of names here
    from mod2 import *       # from assigns to my names
    from mod3 import *
    >>> from collector import somename
  5. Reload. This exercise just asks you to experiment with changing the changer.py example in the book, so there’s not much for us to show here. If you had some fun with it, give yourself extra points.

  6. Circular imports. The short story is that importing recur2 first works, because the recursive import then happens at the import in recur1, not at a from in recur2. The long story goes like this: importing recur2 first works, because the recursive import from recur1 to recur2 fetches recur2 as a whole, instead of getting specific names. recur2 is incomplete when imported from recur1, but because it uses import instead of from, you’re safe: Python finds and returns the already created recur2 module object and continues to run the rest of recur1 without a glitch. When the recur2 import resumes, the second from finds name Y in recur1 (it’s been run completely), so no error is reported. Running a file as a script is not the same as importing it as a module; these cases are the same as running the first import or from in the script interactively. For instance, running recur1 as a script is the same as importing recur2 interactively, since recur2 is the first module imported in recur1. (E-I-E-I-O!)

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