getDayOfMonth() and getDayOfWeek()

One often has the need to figure out the day of the month or week; for example, certain events should only occur on weekends, or on the first day of the month. These methods both have UTC and LocalTime versions (getDayOfMonthUTC() or getDayOfWeekLocalTime(), for example).

These methods can be called on a GlideDateTime object that's already been initialized with a value. They take no arguments, but return a number value representing the day of the week (1-7) or the day of the month.

Note that while getDayOfWeekUTC() and getDayOfWeekLocalTime() return a number, the returned value doesn't adhere to the standard Sunday-through-Saturday week. Monday is the first day of the week to a GlideDateTime object, and it returns the value 1. Sunday will return 7.
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