absolute location term

A term that completely identifies the location of a resource via XPointer. A unique ID attribute assigned to an element can be used as an absolute location term. See also relative location term, XPath, XPointer.


The work being done to produce a standard in some area of interest. See also standards body.


How a link in a document is triggered. For example, a link to an imported graphic automatically includes a graphic in the document, and a link to a URL resource requires a signal from a human.


This word has different meanings in different contexts (unfortunately a frequent occurrence in computer jargon). In the context of XML, an application is usually a specific markup language based on XML rules. DocBook is one example of an XML application.

In the more general context of computer software, an application is a high-level program for users, such as a web browser, word processor, or spreadsheet manipulator. In other words, it's an application of the computer system.


An abstract term for the relationship between a link in a document and its target. See also resource, simple link.

ASCII (American standard code for information interchange)

Pronounced "ASK-ee", this venerable standard describes a set of 128 characters used to display text. Back when most computer development was taking place in the United States, this was sufficient for all textual needs. However, it is now being superseded by larger character sets, such as Unicode, that contain letters, symbols and ideographs for virtually all of the world's languages. Despite this, ASCII will be around for a long time. UTF-8 is a new character set based on ASCII that includes methods for referencing any Unicode character. See also character encoding, character set.


A variable or term that defines a specific setting or provides additional information to an element. Attributes appear as name-value pairs contained in an element's start tag. See also element, markup.

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