Involving project management

If you ever have been involved in the planning phase of software development, or if you've worked as a project manager, you should have well in mind that there are three basic variables that you can leverage upon in order to manage projects:

  • Time
  • Quality
  • Cost

In most of the business scenarios described theoretically and practically, the stakeholders decide to fix two of these variables, leaving the team to estimate the third. In other words:

Time, Quality and Cost... pick two.

In reality, what normally happens is that time and cost end up being set outside the project, thus leaving quality as the only variable developers can play on.

You might have already experienced that lowering quality doesn't eliminate work, it will just postpone it. Bringing back what we said earlier regarding defect rates, reducing quality might actually end up increasing the costs in the long run, leaving technical debt to spiral out of control if not causing a lot of problems in the short term.


The term technical debt has been introduced as a metaphor referring to the consequences of bad design, or architectural or development choices in a codebase. A number of books have been written specifically to counterbalance bad practices that are not naturally aimed at managing it.

One of the agile methodologies that are nowadays not particularly talked about, Extreme Programming (XP), has introduced, if not rather exposed, a new variable into the equation: scope.

By making scope explicit, it does the following:

  • Creates a safe way to adapt
  • Provides a way to negotiate
  • Gives us a tool to keep requests and demands under control

From the XP point of view, after the breakdown phase, we will have to go through a phase of estimating each single task, and based on the budget, you just keep adding or removing tasks.

This discussion brings up a problem that is currently widely discussed in the community, as estimating tasks is not as easy one might think. We'll dive into it shortly, as I've seen too many misunderstandings of this topic.

Estimating tasks

As we've seen, estimation of the tasks has always been considered one of the fundamental principles of how the delivery path of a project is scheduled. This is especially valid in agile methodologies, as they use fixed time iterations and compute the amount of features and tasks that can be fitted in the given sprint and adjusted at each iteration using tools such as the burn down chart.


If you've worked in agile environments, this should be pretty much easy to understand, and if you haven't, then there's plenty of information that can be gained by reading books or articles on SCRUM that are freely available online.

Unfortunately, with all the importance estimation has, it seems like nobody really looked deeper into it: there are plenty of articles that warn how much software development task estimations are always off by a factor of 2 or 3. So, should we just swallow the fact that we won't get better at estimating or is there something more to it?

The "estimations do not work" argument is probably not correct either, and recently the hashtag #NoEstimates has sparked a bit of discussion online, which is probably worth including here.

As a matter of fact, estimations do work. The only detail that is normally overlooked is that the estimation is nearing the actual time spent on it depending on how much knowledge the developer has and how much controllable the environment is.

In fact, the reality is twofold: from one side, we will get better at estimating the greater our experience is, and, on the other side, our estimation will be closer to reality if there are less unknowns in our path.

This is well-known in project management as the Cone of Uncertainty.

What we really need to do is admit and expose all the aspects that would increase the risk and the uncertainty of our estimations, while trying to isolate what we know is going to take a specific amount of time.

As an example, having a fixed time investigation period to create working prototypes of the features we are going to implement sets a precedent for future computations, while human factors will need to be factored in.

While estimations are particularly important from the business perspective of software development and project management, we won't be touching them again in this book. I'd rather focus on more practical aspects of the development work flow.

Testing approaches

Extreme Programming tries to stress the investment in defect reduction. In order to do so, it introduces two basic principles: double-checking and Defect Cost Increase (DCI).

Double-checking is software testing. We know how a particular feature should be working, which can be represented through a test. When implementing such a feature, we know in a quasi-deterministic way that what we've done is actually correct.


Extreme Programming makes use of values, principles, and practices to outline the core structure of the methodology: in short, you pick values that describe you as a team; you adhere to certain principles that will lead you into using specific practices.

Principles can be considered the bridge between values and practices, justifying the use of practices on something more concrete than a mere "but everybody's using it."

The other principle of DCI can be used to increase the cost-effectiveness of testing. What DCI states is the following:


"The sooner you find a defect, the cheaper it is to fix."

 --Kent Beck

To make this even more clearer with an example, if you find a defect after years of development, it could take a lot of time to investigate both what the code was originally meant to be doing and what was the context it was developed in the first place. If, instead, you find the defect the minute it's being implemented, the cost to fix it will be minimal. This, clearly, doesn't even take into consideration all the hidden costs and risks that a severe bug can cause to critical sections of our code base; think about security and privacy for instance.

Not only the longer we wait the more difficult the defects will be to be amended, but also their cost will increase and have the potential to leave many residual defects.

This means that by adhering to DCI, firstly, we need to have shorter feedback cycles so that we can continuously find as many defects as possible, and, secondly, we will have to adopt different practices that can help us keep the cost and the quality untouched as much as we can.

The idea of finding defects rapidly and often has been formalized as Continuous Integration (CI) and requires bringing automated testing into play to avoid the costs spiraling out of control. This practice has gained a lot of momentum outside XP and it's currently used widely in many organizations regardless of the project management methodology adopted. We will see how CI and automation can be introduced in our work flow and development in more detail in Chapter 9, Eliminating Stress with the Help of Automation.

These practices defy entirely the idea of working in a waterfall way, as shown in the following figure:

Testing approaches

The delivery path in a waterfall work flow

In waterfall, we have a combination of factors that could impact the quality of the work we're doing: in most of the situations where this was the norm, the specifications are not set at the beginning nor frozen at any time. This means that it's very likely we might not produce what the business is asking.

In other words, you would begin testing only after development, which is way too late, as you can see from the preceding figure: you will be unable to actually catch any of the defects in time for the release date. Unfortunately, as much as waterfall might feel natural, its effectiveness has been disproved multiple times and I won't invest more time on this topic.


It's worth mentioning that the definition of "waterfall", although without using this term specifically, was formalized by Winston W. Royce in 1970, when describing a flawed and non-working model for software management.

Since the advent of agile methodologies, which XP is part of, there has been a great effort to bring testing as early as possible.

Remember that testing is as important as development, so it should be quite clear that we need to treat it as a first-class citizen.

One of the common situations you might find yourself in is that even if you start testing right at the beginning while the code base is being developed, it could potentially raise more issues than those that are needed or can be addressed. The resulting situation will still generate a good amount of problems and technical debt that won't fit within the delivery path, as you can see in the following figure:

Testing approaches

The delivery path in an agile environment

The team's goal is to eliminate all post-development testing and shift testing resources to the beginning. If you have forms of testing such as stress or load testing that highlight defects at the end of the development, try to bring them into the development cycle. Try to run these tests continuously and automatically.

Transitioning into a work flow that has testing at the beginning brings to the surface two main problems: the accumulation of technical debt and the inherent problem that developers and testers are considered two separate entities. Don't forget that there will be still some testing that will happen after development and will clearly need to be performed by third parties, but, nonetheless, let's stress the fact that our efforts are to reduce it as much as we can.

As I'll constantly remind you, testing is not someone else's problem. Instead, with this book I'm aiming at giving the developers all the tools that can make him/her a tester first. There are different approaches to this problem, and we'll address them shortly at the end of this chapter, when talking about the testing mentality.

Introducing Test Driven Development

If you have ever developed with tests in mind, you might have appreciated that getting it right from the beginning is crucial. So, what do we need to test?

Throughout the years, various methodologies have been created that provide a set of rules for the developer that address how to include testing in the development cycle.

The first and most well-known is Test Driven Development.

The main objective of adopting TDD as a practice in your team is to achieve the test-first mentality, and this is done using the concept of Red-Green-Refactor. You implement the tests first, which shouldn't pass (red status), you implement the interface being tested allowing the tests to pass (green status), and then you refactor the interface to improve what the test has highlighted, if needed.

We've seen the benefits from the management point of view of using this approach, but there's a more direct impact on the developer side. TDD in fact allows you to achieve what is being taught in software development, that interfaces shouldn't be influenced by the implementations. And, as a secondary effect, it provides, as we've seen, a way to document the interface itself.

By implementing tests first, you focus on how the method, class, and interface should be used by anyone inside or outside your team. This is called black box testing, which means that our tests should be completely unaware of the implementation details. This brings the implicit benefit of allowing the implementation to change over time.


If you're interested in this topic, you might find worth exploring the Design by Contract (DbC) specification that allows you to describe interfaces in a more formal way in specific object-oriented programming languages. A good starting point might be found at

Unfortunately, TDD tries to focus on the atomic part of the features being developed, and it fails to give a broader vision of everything, of what has been tested and how much, or, even better, if what has been tested is of any relevance for the business and the product itself.

Once again, XP, in order to gain the full benefits of double-checking, introduces the following two sets of tests:

  • One set written from the perspective of the programmers
  • Another set written from the perspective of the users

In the first case, it allows the programmers to test all the system's components exhaustively, and in the latter case, the operation of the system as a whole.

The latter can in a way be seen as what Behavior Driven Development (BDD) describes in a more formal way. We're going to cover BDD in more detail in Chapter 2, Tooling up for Testing.

BDD tries to cover TDD's lack of overall scope and shifts the attention to the behavioral aspect of the project. BDD is effectively an evolution of TDD but requires some changes in the organization of the work and the way it's shipped, which can be quite difficult to introduce in some environments without re-assessing the whole workflow.

With BDD, you define what to test and how to test it on multiple levels, detailing the scope of testing using a well-defined, business-oriented language called ubiquitous language, borrowed by Domain-driven Design (DDD) that is shared among all members of the team, both technical and non-technical. For the scope of this chapter, it should suffice to say that BDD introduces the concept of stories and scenarios giving the developer the ability to formally describe the user perspective and functionality of your application. Tests should be written using the standard agile framework of a user story: "As a [role] I want [feature] so that [benefit]." Acceptance criteria should be written in terms of scenarios and implemented as classes: "Given [initial context], when [event occurs], then [ensure some outcomes]."

Planning tests

Planning is, hence, critical when stepping into testing from a software development point of view, and in not-so-recent years, there have been several solutions to improve testing from a planning perspective that give a more detailed and compact way to define the so-called test plan.

In a testing-oriented environment, test plans should give you the direction and the indications of what and how much to test at any level. Moreover, the test plan is something that should be exposed to the various stakeholders and its visibility shouldn't live within the walls of development. Due to this, it's our responsibility to maintain and let this document live throughout the life of the project.

In practice, I've seen this rarely happening because test plans are never formalized or, if they are, they are too long and hard to maintain, suffering from a very short lifespan since their initial conception.

As an example, Attributes-Components-Capabilities (ACC) has been created by Google in order to solve some of the main problems that test plans have always suffered, especially their maintainability. You can find more information about ACC and Google Test Analytics software at

ACC test plans are short and compact, and the whole project tries to aim to test plans that could be created in minutes and that are self-describing and valuable to anyone close to the project.

For each component, you have a series of capabilities, which can be described with one or more attributes; think, for instance, "secure", "fast", or "user-friendly". On top of this, each capability and component has a relative risk level associated with it. These two things together allow you to understand what is most important to test and how thorough your testing should be.

Generating tests

Clearly, planning tests is just the beginning. Once you get into the implementation side, you can pick up this book, which provides the knowledge of how to use the tools available to create tests.

There isn't much more I can tell you about this aspect. You probably just need to read it all, but it should be stressed that there are some basic principles you must keep in mind when writing tests.

Good tests exhibit the following three important characteristics:

  • Repeatability: Tests must be deterministic. This ensures tests aren't dependent on external factors issues.
  • Simplicity: Test only one thing. The smaller the test the more controllable it is.
  • Independence: Tests should execute in isolation. There should be no dependency between tests. This also improves debugging of both the tests and your code.

Once you've got a grip of how to approach a project, viewing it from the architectural point of view, and once you've understood how test plans work and what you really need to test, you can start implementing tests, discuss them, and improve the tools and the way you're using them with the help of your colleagues.

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