

Academic freedom See Intellectual freedom
Accepted manuscript See also Postprint, version of article
posting to institutional repository of, 27–9
aggregators and, 178–80
to journal content, 176–81
to repository content, 126–9
ADA requirements See Americans with Disabilities Act
of institutional repository content, 158–60
of journal content, 180, 243
Aggregators, journal, 81, 164, 165, 178–80, 210
Americans with Disabilities Act, 154, 158–60, 180
ArXiv, 8, 16–17, 103
Association of College and Research Libraries, 4
Association of Research Libraries, 4
Office of Scholarly Communication, 6
Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources
Coalition, 4, 7
education about, 264–5
elements of, 233–7
license to publisher in, 178–9, 208–10
Authorship, 186–7, 237–8


Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Work, 21
BioOne, 7, 9
Board of Governors of the National Enquiry, 3
Report of the National Enquiry, 3, 4, 5, 7
Browsewrap agreement, 149
Nguyen v. Barnes & Noble, Inc., 149


California Institute of Technology, 8
Citation metrics, 169–70
impact factor, 169
Clickthrough agreement See Clickwrap agreement
Clickwrap agreement, 45, 149–50
Nguyen v. Barnes & Noble, Inc., 149
Code of Federal Regulations (U.S.A.)
21 CFR 56 (Food and Drug Administration: Institutional Review Boards), 60, 63, 64
34 CFR 99 (Department of Education: FERPA), 94–5, 97, 99
45 CFR 46 (Health and Human Services: Human subject research), 60, 62, 63, 64, 67–8, 87
CogPrints, 8
Collection management policies for institutional repositories See Institutional repository, collection management policy for
Committee on Publication Ethics, 80, 171, 186, 194, 197, 200, 204, 219
Communications Decency Act, 104–6, 113, 155
Conflict of interest (COI)
authors and, 191–2
journal editors and, 169
journal policy regarding, 240, 243
peer reviewers and, 171
Contracts See also Memorandum of understanding
definition of, 37
for journal editors, 223–6
publishing, for authors, 233–7
vs. licenses, 37–8
Consent, 90, 93, 94, 95–6, 97, 99, 101, 190–1 See also Human subject research
in collective works, 51, 215
institutional policies, 31–2, 253–4
journal publishing and, 203–4, 230–2
permissions vs. fair use, 207–8
of website content, 213–15, 230
student work, 32–3
unpublished work, 31–3
work for hire, 32
Copyright law, international, 21–2
Copyright law, United States of America, 20–6, 32, 52, 145, 204, 211, 214, 215
data, 50–1
eligibility, 26
government employees, 40–2, 57n7, 232
limitations to exclusive rights, 24
registration, 23
rights of copyright holders, 23
transfer of copyright, 25
work for hire, 32
Copyright transfer agreement, 175, 208, 265 See also Author agreement
Corrections, journal article
institutional repositories and, 79–83
publisher policies for, 196–7, 261–2
Corrigendum, 196
Council of Science Editors, 186, 197
Creative Commons licenses, 46–7, 165, 177, 178
and data, 54–5
for journal articles, 212–3
in institutional repositories, 47
Public Domain Dedication, 54–5


access restrictions for, 56, 77–8, 118–9
CDN Inc. v. Kapes, 51
confidentiality of, 75–7
Data Protection Act (U.K.), 73, 78
data protection plans for, 78–9
database, definition of, 50
dataset, definition of, 50
definition of, 49
de-identified data, 75–7
distribution through repository of, 53–4, 118–9, 122
European database right, 52–3, 55
European General Data Protection Regulation, 73
Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co, 51
human subject research and, 72–8
licensing of, 53–6, 77–8
ownership of, 53–4
privacy and publishing of, 190–1
reuse of, 52, 54–5
terms of use for, 55, 77–8
U.S. copyright law and, 50–1
use restrictions for, 56
Data Curation Profiles, 50
DataONE, 48
Communications Decency Act, 104–6, 109n3
definition of, 102–3
employer responsibility for employee, 105–6
Delfino v. Agilent Technologies, 105
Gertz v. Welch, 104
institutional repositories and, 104–7, 120–2
liability for, 103–8
Osmond v. EWAP, Inc, 104
publisher policy regarding, 241
respondeat superior, doctrine of, 105
Digital Commons, 9, 158
Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 34, 154, 155–7
takedown notices, 156–7, 259
Disciplinary repositories, 8, 16–17, 175, 176
Dissertations See Theses and dissertations
DMPTool, 48
Dryad, 48
DSpace, 8, 158
Duplicate publication, 192–3


EdiKit, 10, 245
Editors, journal
contracts for, 223–6
role of, 168–70
Editorial board, for journal, 168, 169, 170, 221, 224, 227, 242, 243
Editorial workflow, for journals, 227, 243, 245, 259–62
author rights, 264–5
fair use, 36
for library staff, 251, 266–7
scholarly communication, for students/faculty, 254, 262–6
Embargo, publisher, 28–9, 176
EPrints, 8, 158
Erratum, 196
European Union (E.U.), 52, 122, 160


Fair dealing, 22, 24, 131
Fair use, 22, 24–5
education about, 36
institutional repository policies regarding, 33–5
publishers and, 188–9, 204–8
publisher policy regarding, 231
Fedora, 158
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) description of, 94
directory information, 97
education record, definition of, 94–5
institutional repository submission agreement and, 96
photographs and videorecordings and, 98–100
theses and dissertations and, 95


GNU General Public License, 47
“Gold” open access, 176
“Green” open access, 176


HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 73, 89
covered entities, 89, 93–4
de-identified data and, 91–2
hybrid entities, 93–4
limited datasets, 90
Privacy Rule, 89
protected health information (PHI), 89–4
research and, 90–2
Human subject research
Belmont Report, 60–1
beneficence, 61
Common Rule, 60, 62
Declaration of Helsinki, 72, 83n1
definition of, 62
education for researchers, 69–70
informed consent, 70–1, 73–5
institutional repository policies and, 117, 258
justice, 61
misconduct in, 189–90
respect for persons, 61
Hybrid open access, 176


Impact factor See Citation metrics
indemnification clause, 135–6, 225–6, 228–9, 234–5
Industrial property, 20
Informed consent See Human subject research
Insurance, for publishers, 183, 225, 226
Intellectual freedom
institutional repositories and, 82–3, 120–1
journal publishing and, 169, 205, 223
Intellectual property See also Copyright Copyright law, United States of America
author agreements and, 175
data and, 50
definition of, 19–20
institutional policies regarding, 31, 253–4
journal policies regarding, 229
patents, 56
publishing and, 203
trademarks, 56, 216–17
International Council of Medical Journal Editors, 186
Internet protocol (IP)
range restrictions, 88
address, as HIPAA identifier, 92
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, 65
Institutional Biosafety Committee, 65
Institutional repositories
Americans with Disabilities Act and, 158–60
Digital Millennium Copyright Act and, 154, 155–7
disclaimers for content in, 152–4
history of, 8
platforms/software for, 8–9
purpose of, 15–16
privacy policy for, 150–2
submission agreement for, 44–6, 129–37, 257
submission checklist for, 129, 266
terms of use for, 142, 143–50
Institutional repository, collection management policy for, 112–13
access restrictions, 126–9
collaborative work, 122–3
data, 118–19
defamation, 120–2
editorial function, 113–14
human subject research, 117
intellectual property, 114–16
privacy, 119–20
withdrawals and corrections, 123–6
Institutional Review Boards dissemination of research and, 67–9
exempt review, 63
expedited review, 63, 64
full board review, 63, 64
institutional repositories and, 65–72, 117, 258
jurisdiction, 62
minimal risk standard, 63
oral histories and, 100
Instructions for authors, 173–4


Journal editors See Editors, journal
access models, 176–7, 212–13
aggregators, agreements with, 178–80
author agreements, 174–5, 208–12
authorship, 186–7, 237–8
citation metrics, 169–70
copyright transfer agreement, 175, 208, 265 See also Author agreements Contracts
corrections, 196–7, 261–2
editors see Editor, journal
editorial board, 168, 169, 170, 221, 224, 227, 242, 243
editorial workflow, 227, 243, 245, 259–62
embargoes, 28–9, 176
instructions for authors, 173–4
insurance for, 183, 225, 226
liability, 181–2, 183, 198, 225
partnerships for, 226–9
peer review, 165, 170–2
plagiarism, 187–8
policy development for, 220–1, 229–32, 237–45
preservation, 180–1
prior publication, 238–9
publication checklist, 244, 261
retractions, 59, 197–8, 261–2
scientific misconduct, 189–90, 198–200, 240–1, 261
simultaneous submissions, 192–4, 239
submission checklist, 244
submissions, solicitation of, 242–3


for copyright infringement, 154, 155, 235–6
indemnification and, 135–6, 225–6, 228–9
institutional repository content and, 85, 103–8, 109n3, 113, 120
insurance for, 183
limitations of liability, in terms of use, 146–8
publishers and, 181–2, 183, 198, 225
Libel See Defamation
Librarianship, ethics of, 11–12
definition of, 38
exclusive, 208–10, 211
for distribution of journal articles, 177–8, 212–3
nonexclusive, 131, 175, 208–10
vs. contracts, 37–8
Ligue des bibliothèques européennes de recherche/Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER), 7


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 8
Memorandum of understanding
definition of, 137
elements of, 138–42
Moral rights, 22, 40, 211–12


National Science Foundation, 48


Open access, 176–7
“gold”, 176
“green”, 176
“hybrid”, 176
Open access policies, 29–30
Open Data Commons
Attribution License, 54
Open Database License, 47, 54
Public Domain Dedication and License, 54
Open Journal Systems, 10


Patents, 56
Peer review, 165, 170–2
standards for, 171–2
Plagiarism, 187–8
for institutional repositories See Institutional repositories
for journals See Journal publishing
Policy development for libraries, 251, 255–6
Postprint, version of article, 16
posting to institutional repository, 27–8, 43
repository metadata for, 30
Preprint, version of article
posting to institutional repository, 27–8, 43
repository metadata for, 30
Preservation, 55, 112, 124, 132, 138, 140–1, 164, 180–1
Prior publication, policy regarding, 238–9
commercial appropriation, 87
education records and See FERPA
end users and, 245
false light, 87, 101–2
Griswold v. Connecticut, 87
institutional privacy policies, 96–7
institutional repository policies and, 119–20
intrusion upon seclusion, 87
medical records and See HIPAA
oral histories, 100–2
photographs and videorecordings, 98–100
private information, definition of, 86–7
public disclosure of private facts, 87, 88–9
publishing and, 190–1, 241
state law and, 87, 96, 99, 150
Publication checklist, for journals, 244, 261
Publishing agreement See Author agreement
Publishing partnerships, 226–9
Publishing workflow See Editorial workflow, for journals
Purdue University, 10


Representations and warranties, 130, 133–4, 225, 234–6
Research ethics committees
Human subject research see Institutional Review Boards
Recombinant DNA research See Institutional Biosafety Committee
Research misconduct See Scientific misconduct
Retractions, journal article, 59
institutional repository and, 79–83
publisher policies for, 197–8, 261–2


Scholarly communication system, 4–5
Scientific misconduct, 59, 189–90, 240–1, 261
editorial response to, 198–200
publisher policies, 31, 39–44
Service marks See Trademarks
SHERPA/RoMEO, 31, 258
Simultaneous submissions, 192–4, 239
Slander See Defamation
Society of College, National and University Libraries (SCONUL), 7
Submission agreements, for institutional repositories, 44–6, 129–37, 257
Submission checklists for institutional repositories, 129, 266
for journals, 244
editor solicitation of, 242–3


Takedown requests see Digital
Millennium Copyright Act
Terms of use
disclaimer of warranties in, 146–8
for data, 53–5, 77–8
for institutional repositories, 142, 143–50
limitations of liability in, 146–8
Theses and dissertations, 33, 45, 66, 95, 95–8
as prior publication, 194, 239
Trademarks, 56, 216–17


United States Code
Title 17 (Copyright), 21, 23, 24, 25, 32, 36, 51, 57n2, 145, 155–6, 215
Title 20 (FERPA), 96
Title 29 (Rehabilitation Act), 158
Title 42 (Americans with Disabilities Act), 154, 158
Title 47 (Communications Decency Act), 104
Universal Copyright Convention, 21
University of California, 8
California Digital Library, 9
eScholarship, 9
University of Michigan Library, 9
Scholarly Publishing Office, 9
University press, 9–10, 163
Library – press partnerships, 10, 164


Web Accessibility Initiative, 158
Withdrawal, from repository, 123–6, 259
for institutional repositories, 17, 45, 129, 256–9
for journals, 227, 243, 245, 259–62
World Association of Medical Editors, 186
World Intellectual Property Organization, 19–20
World Wide Web Consortium, 158, 160
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