2.2 The Matrix Representation of a Linear Transformation

Until now, we have studied linear transformations by examining their ranges and null spaces. In this section, we embark on one of the most useful approaches to the analysis of a linear transformation on a finite-dimensional vector space: the representation of a linear transformation by a matrix. In fact, we develop a one-to-one correspondence between matrices and linear transformations that allows us to utilize properties of one to study properties of the other.

We first need the concept of an ordered basis for a vector space.


Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space. An ordered basis for V is a basis for V endowed with a specific order; that is, an ordered basis for V is a finite sequence of linearly independent vectors in V that generates V.

Example 1

In F3,β={e1,e2,e3} can be considered an ordered basis. Also γ={e2,e1,e3} is an ordered basis, but βγ as ordered bases.

For the vector space Fn, we call {e1,e2,,en} the standard ordered basis for Fn. Similarly, for the vector space Pn(F), we call {1,x,,xn} the standard ordered basis for Pn(F).

Now that we have the concept of ordered basis, we can identify abstract vectors in an n-dimensional vector space with n-tuples. This identification is provided through the use of coordinate vectors, as introduced next.


Let β={u1,u2,,un} be an ordered basis for a finite-dimensional vector space V. For xV, let a1,a2,,an be the unique scalars such that


We define the coordinate vector of x relative to β, denoted [x]β, by


Notice that [ui]β=ei in the preceding definition. It is left as an exercise to show that the correspondence x[x]β provides us with a linear transformation from V to Fn. We study this transformation in Section 2.4 in more detail.

Example 2

Let V=P2(R), and let β={1,x,x2} be the standard ordered basis for V. If f(x)=4+6x7x2, then


Let us now proceed with the promised matrix representation of a linear transformation. Suppose that V and W are finite-dimensional vector spaces with ordered bases β={v1,v2,,vn} and γ={w1,w2,,wm}, respectively. Let T:VW be linear. Then for each j=1,2,,n there exist unique scalars aijF,i=1,2,,m such that

T(vj)=i=1maijwi   for  j=1,2,,n.


Using the notation above, we call the m×n matrix A defined by Aij=aij the matrix representation of T in the ordered bases β and γ and write A=[T]βγ. If V=W and β=γ, then we write A=[T]β.

Notice that the jth column of A is simply [T(vj)]γ. Also observe that if U:VW is a linear transformation such that [U]βγ=[T]βγ, then U=T by the corollary to Theorem 2.6 (p. 73).

We illustrate the computation of [T]βγ in the next several examples.

Example 3

Let T:R2R3 be the linear transformation defined by


Let β and γ be the standard ordered bases for R2 and R3, respectively. Now






If we let γ={e3,e2,e1}, then


Example 4

Let T:P3(R)P2(R) be the linear transformation defined by T(f(x))=f(x). Let β and γ be the standard ordered bases for P3(R) and P2(R), respectively. Then




Note that when T(xj) is written as a linear combination of the vectors of γ, its coefficients give the entries of column j+1 of [T]βγ.

Let V and W be finite-dimensional vector spaces with ordered bases β={v1,v2,,vn} and γ={w1,w2,,wm}, respectively. Then


Hence [T0]βγ=O, the m×n zero matrix. Also,


Hence the jth column of IV is ej, that is,


The preceding matrix is called the n×n identity matrix and is defined next, along with a very useful notation, the Kronecker delta.


We define the Kronecker delta δij by δij=1 if i=j and δij=0 if ij. The n×n identity matrix In is defined by (In)ij=δij. When the context is clear, we sometimes omit the subscript n from In.

For example,

I1=(1),    I2=(1001),    and   I3=(100010001).

Thus, the matrix representation of a zero transformation is a zero matrix, and the matrix representation of an identity transformation is an identity matrix.

Now that we have defined a procedure for associating matrices with linear transformations, we show in Theorem 2.8 that this association “preserves” addition and scalar multiplication. To make this more explicit, we need some preliminary discussion about the addition and scalar multiplication of linear transformations.


Let T,U:VW be arbitrary functions, where V and W are vector spaces over F, and let aF. We define T+U:VW by (T+U)(x)=T(x)+U(x) for all xV, and aT:VW by (aT)(x)=aT(x) for all xV.

Of course, these are just the usual definitions of addition and scalar multiplication of functions. We are fortunate, however, to have the result that both sums and scalar multiples of linear transformations are also linear.

Theorem 2.7

Let V and W be vector spaces over a field F, and let T,U:VW be linear.

  1. (a) For all aF,aT+U is linear.

  2. (b) Using the operations of addition and scalar multiplication in the preceding definition, the collection of all linear transformations from V to W is a vector space over F.


(a) Let x,yV and cF. Then


So aT+U is linear.

(b) Noting that T0, the zero transformation, plays the role of the zero vector, it is easy to verify that the axioms of a vector space are satisfied, and hence that the collection of all linear transformations from V into W is a vector space over F.


Let V and W be vector spaces over F. We denote the vector space of all linear transformations from V into W by L(V, M). In the case that V=W, we write L(V) instead of L(V, V).

In Section 2.4, we see a complete identification of L(V, W) with the vector space Mm×n(F), where n and m are the dimensions of V and W, respectively. This identification is easily established by the use of the next theorem.

Theorem 2.8.

Let V and W be finite-dimensional vector spaces with ordered bases β and γ, respectively, and let T,U:VW be linear transformations. Then

  1. (a) [T+U]βγ=[T]βγ+[U]βγ and

  2. (b) [aT]βγ=a[T]βγ for all scalars a.


Let β={v1,v2,,vn} and γ={w1,w2,,wm}. There exist unique scalars aij and bij(1im,1jn) such that

T(vj)=i=1maijwi     and     U(vj)=i=1mbijwi   for  1jn.





So (a) is proved, and the proof of (b) is similar.

Example 5

Let T:R2R3 and U:R2R3 be the linear transformations respectively defined by

T(a1,a2)=(a1+3a2,0,2a14a2)and U(a1,a2)=(a1a2,2a1,3a1+2a2).

Let β and γ be the standard ordered bases of R2 and R3, respectively. Then


(as computed in Example 3), and


If we compute T+U using the preceding definitions, we obtain




which is simply [T]βγ+[U]βγ, illustrating Theorem 2.8.


  1. Label the following statements as true or false. Assume that V and W are finite-dimensional vector spaces with ordered bases β and γ, respectively, and T,U:VW are linear transformations.

    1. (a) For any scalar a,aT+U is a linear transformation from V to W.

    2. (b) [T]βγ=[U]βγ implies that T=U.

    3. (c) If m=dim(V) and n=dim(W), then [T]βγ is an m×n matrix.

    4. (d) [T+U]βγ=[T]βγ+[U]βγ.

    5. (e) L(V,W) is a vector space.

    6. (f) L(V,W)=L(W,V).

  2. Let β and γ be the standard ordered bases for Rn and Rm, respectively. For each linear transformation T:RnRm, compute [T]βγ.

    1. (a) T:R2R3 defined by T(a1,a2)=(2a1a2,3a1+4a2,a1).

    2. (b) T:R3R2 defined by T(a1,a2,a3)=(2a1+3a2a3,a1+a3).

    3. (c) T:R3R defined by T(a1,a2,a3)=2a1+a23a3.

    4. (d) T:R3R3 defined by

    5. (e) T:RnRn defined by T(a1,a2,,an)=(a1,a1,,a1).

    6. (f) T:RnRn defined by T(a1,a2,,an)=(an,an1,,a1).

    7. (g) T:RnR defined by T(a1,a2,,an)=a1+an.

  3. Let T:R2R3 be defined by T(a1,a2)=(a1a2,a1,2a1+a2). Let β be the standard ordered basis for R2 and γ={(1,1,0),(0,1,1),(2,2,3)}. Compute [T]βγ. If α={(1,2),(2,3)}, compute [T]αγ.

  4. Define

    T:M2×2(R)P2(R)    by   T(abcd)=(a+b)+(2d)x+bx2.


    β={(1000),(0100),(0010),(0001)}   and   γ={1,x,x2}.

    Compute [T]βγ.

  5. Let



    1. (a) Define T:M2×2(F)M2×2(F) by T(A)=At. Compute [T]α.

    2. (b) Define

      T:P2(R)M2×2(R)     by    T(f(x))=(f(0)2f(1)0f(3)),

      where ′ denotes differentiation. Compute [T]βα.

    3. (c) Define T:M2×2(F)F by T(A)=tr(A). Compute [T]αγ.

    4. (d) Define T:P2(R)R by T(f(x))=f(2). Compute [T]βγ.

    5. (e) If


      compute [A]α.

    6. (f) If f(x)=36x+x2, compute [f(x)]β.

    7. (g) For aF, compute [a]γ.

  6. Complete the proof of part (b) of Theorem 2.7.

  7. Prove part (b) of Theorem 2.8.

  8. Let V be an n-dimensional vector space with an ordered basis β. Define T:VFn by T(x)=[x]β. Prove that T is linear.

  9. Let V be the vector space of complex numbers over the field R. Define T:VV by T(z)=z¯, where z¯ is the complex conjugate of z. Prove that T is linear, and compute [T]β, where β={1,i}. (Recall by Exercise 39 of Section 2.1 that T is not linear if V is regarded as a vector space over the field C.)

  10. Let V be a vector space with the ordered basis β={v1,v2,vn}. Define v0=0. By Theorem 2.6 (p. 73), there exists a linear transformation T:VV such that T(vj)=vj+vj1 for j=1,2,,n Compute [T]β.

  11. Let V be an n-dimensional vector space, and let T:VV be a linear transformation. Suppose that W is a T-invariant subspace of V (see the exercises of Section 2.1) having dimension k. Show that there is a basis β for V such that [T]β has the form


    where A is a k×k matrix and O is the (nk)×k zero matrix.

  12. Let β={v1,v2,,vn} be a basis for a vector space V and T:VV be a linear transformation. Prove that [T]β is upper triangular if and only if T(vj)span({v1,v2,,vj}) for j=1,2,,n. Visit goo.gl/k9ZrQb for a solution.

  13. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space and T be the projection on W along W, where W and W are subspaces of V. (See the definition in the exercises of Section 2.1 on page 76.) Find an ordered basis ft for V such that [T]β is a diagonal matrix.

  14. Let V and W be vector spaces, and let T and U be nonzero linear transformations from V into W. If R(T)R(U)={0}, prove that {T, U} is a linearly independent subset of L(V, W).

  15. Let V=P(R) and for j1 define Tj(f(x))=f(j)(x), where f(j)(x) is the jth derivative of f(x). Prove that the set {T1,T2,,Tn} is a linearly independent subset of L(V) for any positive integer n.

  16. Let V and W be vector spaces, and let S be a subset of V. Define S0={TL(V,W):T(x)=0for all xS}. Prove the following statements.

    1. (a) S0 is a subspace of L(V, W).

    2. (b) If S1 and S2 are subsets of V and S1S2, then S20S10.

    3. (c) If V1 and V2 are subspaces of V, then (V1V2)0=(V1+V2)0=V10V20.

  17. Let V and W be vector spaces such that dim(V)=dim(W), and let T:VW be linear. Show that there exist ordered bases β and γ for V and W, respectively, such that [T]βγ is a diagonal matrix.

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