Appendix B Functions

If A and B are sets, then a function f from A to B, written f: AB, is a rule that associates to each element x in A a unique element denoted f(x) in B. The element f(x) is called the image of x (under f), and x is called a preimage of f(x) (under f). If f: AB, then A is called the domain of f, B is called the codomain of f, and the set {f(x): xA} is called the range of f. Note that the range of f is a subset of B. If SA, we denote by f(S) the set {f(x): xS} of all images of elements of S. Likewise, if TB, we denote by f1(T) the set {xA: f(x)T} of all preimages of elements in T. Finally, two functions f: AB and g: AB are equal, written f=g, if f(x)=g(x) for all xA.

Example 1

Suppose that A=[10, 10]. Let f: AR be the function that assigns to each element x in A the element x2+1 in R; that is, f is defined by f(x)=x2+1. Then A is the domain of f, R is the codomain of f, and [1, 101] is the range of f. Since f(2)=5, the image of 2 is 5, and 2 is a preimage of 5. Notice that 2 is another preimage of 5. Moreover, if S=[1, 2] and T=[82, 101], then f(S)=[2, 5] and f1(T)=[10, 9][9, 10].

As Example 1 shows, the preimage of an element in the range need not be unique. Functions such that each element of the range has a unique preimage are called one-to-one; that is f: AB is one-to-one if f(x)=f(y) implies x=y or, equivalently, if xy implies f(x)f(y).

If f: AB is a function with range B, that is, if f(A)=B, then f is called onto. So f is onto if and only if the range of f equals the codomain of f.

Let f: AB be a function and SA. Then a function fS: SB, called the restriction of f to S, can be formed by defining fS(x)=f(x) for each xS.

The next example illustrates these concepts.

Example 2

Let f: [1, 1][0, 1] be defined by f(x)=x2. This function is onto, but not one-to-one since f(1)=f(1)=1. Note that if S=[0, 1], then fS is both onto and one-to-one. Finally, if T=[12, 1], then fT is one-to-one, but not onto.

Let A, B, and C be sets and f: AB and g:BC be functions. By following f with g, we obtain a function gf: AC called the composite of g and f. Thus (gf)(x)=g(f(x)) for all xA. For example, let A=B=C=R, f(x)=sin x, and g(x)=x2+3. Then (gf)(x)=(g(f(x))=sin2 x+3, whereas (fg)(x)=f(g(x))=sin(x2+3). Hence, gffg. Functional composition is associative, however; that is, if h: CD is another function, then h(gf)=(hg)f.

A function f: AB is said to be invertible if there exists a function g: BA such that (fg)(y)=y for all yB and (gf)(x)=x for all xA. If such a function g exists, then it is unique and is called the inverse of f. We denote the inverse of f (when it exists) by f1. It can be shown that f is invertible if and only if f is both one-to-one and onto.

Example 3

The function f: RR defined by f(x)=3x+1 is one-to-one and onto; hence f is invertible. The inverse of f is the function f1: RR defined by f1(x)=(x1)/3.

The following facts about invertible functions are easily proved.

  1. If f: AB is invertible, then f1 is invertible, and (f1)1=f.

  2. If f: AB and g: BC are invertible, then gf is invertible, and (gf)1=f1g1.

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