Index of Definitions for Chapter 2

  • Auxiliary polynomial 132

  • Change of coordinate matrix 112

  • Clique 95

  • Coefficients of a differential equation 129

  • Coordinate function 120

  • Coordinate vector relative to a basis 80

  • Differential equation 129

  • Differential operator 131

  • Dimension theorem 70

  • Dominance relation 96

  • Double dual 120

  • Dual basis 121

  • Dual space 120

  • Euler’s formula 133

  • Exponential function 133

  • Fourier coefficient 119

  • Homogeneous linear differential equation 129

  • Identity matrix 82

  • Identity transformation 67

  • Incidence matrix 94

  • Inverse of a linear transformation 100

  • Inverse of a matrix 101

  • Invertible linear transformation 100

  • Invertible matrix 101

  • Isomorphic vector spaces 103

  • Isomorphism 103

  • Kronecker delta 82

  • Left-multiplication transformation 93

  • Linear functional 119

  • Linear operator 113

  • Linear transformation 65

  • Matrix representing a linear transformation 80

  • Nonhomogeneous differential equation 142

  • Nullity of a linear transformation 70

  • Null space 67

  • Ordered basis 79

  • Order of a differential equation 129

  • Order of a differential operator 131

  • Product of matrices 88

  • Projection on a subspace 76

  • Projection on the x-axis 66

  • Range 67

  • Rank of a linear transformation 70

  • Reflection about the x-axis 66

  • Rotation 66

  • Similar matrices 116

  • Solution to a differential equation 129

  • Solution space of a homogeneous differential equation 132

  • Standard ordered basis for Fn 79

  • Standard ordered basis for Pn(F) 79

  • Standard representation of a vector space with respect to a basis 105

  • Transpose of a linear transformation 122

  • Zero transformation 67

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