



  • charges, 81–84, 87, 102
  • chiral, 311–316, 321, 323, 324, 326, 328, 329, 339–342
  • cholesteric
    • finger (CF), 20, 138, 165–175
    • localized defect structures, 17
  • circulation, 98–100, 103, 106
  • Cladis–Brand
    • 1 stationary state, 275
    • 2 stationary state, 274
    • stationary states CB1 and CB2, 278
  • coefficient
    • Akopyan and Zel’dovich thermohydrodynamical coefficients, 128
    • thermomechanical coefficients, 128, 164
    • chemical diffusion, 118
    • effective Leslie
    • Leslie
      • thermohydrodynamical coefficient μ, 127
      • thermomechanical coefficient ν, 127, 133, 140, 148
      • viscosity coefficients αi, 126
  • collapse of a disclination loop, 193, 194, 199, 200, 208, 209
  • collective, 81, 96, 98–100, 103, 106
  • collision of dowsons, 196, 204, 205, 225, 270, 279, 280, 282–284
    • rheotropic control of, 283
  • colloids, 31, 33, 81, 82, 84–86, 89–91, 104
  • compensation temperature, 122, 137
  • conductivity
    • electric conductivity, 118
    • thermal conductivity, 118, 119, 130
  • cross-section for annihilation of dowsons pairs, 282
  • Curie principle, 120
  • curvature elasticty, 326, 332



  • effect
    • backflow, 120
    • crossed, 118
    • direct, 118
    • Dufour, 118
    • flexoelectric, 136, 165
    • fountain (superfluid He), 118
    • Lehmann, 127, 136, 184
    • Marangoni, 184
    • Peltier (thermoelectric), 118
    • Seebeck, 118
    • Soret (thermodiffusion), 118
    • thermohydrodynamical (TH), 118, 174
    • thermomechanical (TM), 118, 135
  • electric double layer (EDL), 82, 83, 105
  • electro-osmosis, 246
    • experiment, 246
    • experimental evidence, 246
  • electro-osmotic flow stagnation point, 250
  • electrolyte, 82, 83
  • electrophoresis, 82, 83, 85, 89, 90, 96, 104
  • electrotropism, 239
  • energy
  • entropy
    • density of, 125
    • flux, 125
    • irreversible entropy production, 125, 135
  • equation
    • angular momentum conservation (torque equation), 122
    • conservation, 121
    • constitutive, 125
    • Ericksen–Leslie, 121
    • heat, 122
    • linear momentum conservation (Cauchy’s equation), 121
    • mass conservation, 121
  • equilibrium twist, 122
  • Ericksen number, 216
  • escaped radial, 329–332
  • experiment
    • Akopyan, 183
    • continuous rotation of TICs (translationally invariant configurations), 142
    • drift of cholesteric fingers, 165
    • Éber and Jánossy, 136
    • Lavrentovich and Nastishin, 183
  • extraordinary wave, 8


  • flexo-electric polarization
    • definition, 241
    • experimental evidence, 242
    • measurement, 243
  • force
    • Akopyan and Zel’dovich
    • Leslie thermomechanical, 126
    • viscous force, 126
  • Frank elastic constants, 122



I, J

  • induced-charge
    • electro-osmosis (ICEO), 84
    • electrokinetics (ICEK), 83
    • electrophoresis (ICEP), 84, 89, 96
  • Jones formalism, 6


  • Laguerre–Gauss beams, 38, 43
  • lasing, 28, 30
  • law
    • Fick, 118
    • Fourier, 118
    • Newton law of viscosity, 118
    • Newton’s second, 121
    • Ohm, 118
  • lensing, 19, 25
  • Leslie thermomechanical power (LTP), 149
  • liquid crystal-enabled
    • electrokinetics (LCEK), 81, 82, 84, 91, 93–96
    • electrophoresis (LCEP), 84
  • living liquid crystal (LLC), 98
  • Lorentz force, 263, 265, 266, 268
  • lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal (LCLC), 81, 97, 98, 326, 328


  • Mauguin, 10
  • mesophase, 3
  • molecular
    • dynamics simulations, 130
    • field, 122, 123
      • electric contribution to, 124
      • magnetic contribution to, 124
      • standard contribution to, 124
      • surface molecular, 123
      • thermomechanical contribution to, 124
  • monopole, 193, 195–205, 208, 223, 225, 226, 253–257, 259, 277
  • motion of dowsons, 262
    • gyrophilic behavior of dowsons d-, 272, 277
    • gyrophobic behavior of dowsons d+, 273
    • in homogenous fields, 285
    • race of, 266
    • trajectories, 270, 272
    • velocity, 266



Q, R

  • quadrupolar, 83–88, 90, 91, 102
  • racemic, 313, 322
  • rheotropism
    • definition, 217
    • theory of, 217
  • rotation matrix, 6


  • singular optics, 34
  • spiral of CF (cholesteric fingers), 173
  • splay, 92, 94, 95, 99, 101–104, 106
  • SSY (sunset yellow), 327
  • stability of the dowser texture, 199
  • stagnation point
    • electric field, 289–291
    • electro-osmotic flow, 250
    • in four-arm junction, 300
    • in six-arm junction, 294
  • steering, 19, 22
  • swarming, 90, 103
  • symmetry group
    • cholesteric phase, 120
      • compensated, 137
    • nematic phase, 120
  • systems of dowsons
    • septet of dowsons, 290
    • stabilized by inhomogeneous fields, 287
    • triplet of dowsons, 289, 290


U, V

  • umbilics, 47, 52, 56
  • viscosity
    • dynamical, 118
    • Leslie viscosity coefficients αi, 125, 126
    • Miesowicz viscosities ηa, ηb and ηc, 177
    • “ordinary” viscosity α4, 126
    • rotational viscosity γ1, 119, 126, 133
    • rotational viscosity γ2, 126
    • surface, 123, 147
  • vortex, 100–102, 106


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